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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Sustainability strategy and implementation The Group Sustainability Committee met five times in 2022. Topics that were discussed among others were sustainability strategy, financed emissions and carbon disclosure. The second forum is the new Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee. It is chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer, Vice- Chair is the Chief Financial Officer Investment Bank, Corporate Bank & ESG. The Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee meets on a monthly basis and consists of divisional and regional ESG specialists of the business divisions and certain infrastructure functions. Created in September 2022, the Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee met three times in 2022. It has been delegated by the CEO and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the sustainability strategy as one of the bank’s “Key Deliverables” (“change the bank”-responsibility). The members of the committee collaborate across organizational boundaries. The "Key Deliverable Sustainability Strategy" is implemented in working groups that work on these goals: – Business Coordination, Enablement & Investment: aligns Deutsche Bank Group’s sustainability strategy with business strategies and incubates cross-divisional business opportunities – ESG Financing: conceptualizes and implements the Asset and Liability Management in the ESG space – Empowerment & Training: ensures the alignment and training of staff worldwide – Data & Technology: builds the data foundation to support reporting such as disclosures in accordance with Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation or Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risks as well as climate risk related disclosures and business needs for ESG data – ESG Regulations: develops a comprehensive overview of current and upcoming regulations linked to sustainability and oversees implementation by affected business divisions and infrastructure functions – Risk, Governance & Controls: designs the sustainability control framework and oversees its implementation – Net-Zero Alignment Strategy: develops net-zero targets and client transition dialogue approaches in close collaboration of Risk, business divisions and Chief Sustainability Officer – German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act: ensures compliance with German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act by establishing risk management and due diligence processes to prevent and remediate human rights adverse impacts in Deutsche Bank’s operations and upstream supply chain All of these work streams have charters, measurable targets and detailed implementation plans, which are centrally tracked and supervised by the Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee. Escalations are reported into the Group Operating Committee, which is responsible to most effectively support the delivery of the bank’s strategy. Besides this, the program progress is as well reported to the Group Sustainability Committee on a regular basis. Deutsche Bank achieved all key deliverable milestones set by year end 2022. The third forum is the Sustainability Council, which Deutsche Bank formed in 2018. The Sustainability Council’s mandate is to foster knowledge exchange in the bank, in order to stimulate bank-wide change and to identify new topics. The council is co-chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer and the Chief Financial Officer Investment Bank, Corporate Bank & ESG. The council met four times in 2022, discussing new internal developments, business highlights, and market trends. The Supervisory Board as well as the Management Board have been explicitly informed about the implementation of the sustainability strategy. In 2022, the Supervisory Board has been informed and involved twice, the Management Board three times. Other committees, such as the Group Reputational Risk Committee and the Enterprise Risk Committee, are informed about current sustainability issues and developments on a regular basis. To ensure that climate and environmental risks are considered in strategic sustainability decisions and respective goals and action plans are achieved, the Chief Sustainability Office and the Chief Risk Office follow an integrated governance approach. For more details, see the “Climate Risk/Governance” chapter of this report. The degree to which ESG targets are met is among the assessment criteria used to calculate the bank’s top executives’ performance-based compensation. For additional details refer to “Compensation of the Management Board” in the Annual Report 2022 and the Compensation Report 2022. Sustainability principles and policies GRI FS1 Deutsche Bank’s sustainability principles are anchored in the bank’s Code of Conduct, which it expects all employees to adhere to. In 2022, the bank developed a dedicated Sustainable Finance Policy aimed at strengthening the bank’s internal processes around Sustainable Finance which supplements the Sustainable Finance Framework. Where appropriate, the policies of the business divisions and infrastructure functions address additional sustainability aspects, which are specific to their function. Deutsche Bank’s sustainability related targets and measures as well as the progress made in implementing the bank’s sustainability strategy in the 2022 are summarized in the table “ESG-related goals” in the Appendix. 16

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