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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 Principles for Responsible Banking Response Links and references Align the operational and attributable emissions from its portfolios with pathways to net- Non-Financial Report 2022: zero by 2050 or sooner: Climate risk/Risk metrics and targets”; table “Alignment to net- Deutsche Bank’s targets cover sectors accounting for a significant proportion of financed zero targets” emissions of its corporate loan book as well as key sources of global Scope 3 emissions of clients. Targets for each sector are as follows: – Oil & Gas (Upstream): 23% reduction in Scope 3 upstream financed emissions by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2050, in millions tones of CO 2 – Power generation: 69% reduction in Scope 1 physical emission intensity by 2030 and 100% reduction by 2050, in kilograms of CO2 equivalent per megawatt hour – Automotive (light duty vehicles): 59% reduction in tailpipe emission intensity by 2030 and 100% reduction by 2050, in grammes of CO per vehicle kilometer 2 – Steel: 33% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 physical emission intensity by 2030 and 90% reduction by 2050, in kilograms of CO equivalent per tone 2 Throughout 2023, the bank aims to further expand net zero target-setting to other carbon- intensive sectors. d) Action plan: which actions including milestones have you defined to meet the set targets? Please describe. Please also show that your bank has analyzed and acknowledged significant (potential) indirect impacts of the set targets within the impact area or on other impact areas and that it has set out relevant actions to avoid, mitigate, or compensate potential negative impacts. Response Links and references In line with its Net-Zero Banking Alliance commitment, Deutsche Bank set up interim Non-Financial Report 2022: targets for 2030 and targets for 2050, which will enable the bank and its stakeholders to Climate risk/Risk metrics and meaningfully monitor progress from the early years of implementation. targets”; table “Alignment to net- Targets and metrics are fully integrated into the Group-wide risk management framework zero targets” and appetite, through which Deutsche Bank will monitor and steer its in-scope portfolios towards alignment. Furthermore, Deutsche Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy Non-Financial Report 2022: Framework, including outlines specific restrictions and escalation requirements for sectors Environmental and social due with an inherent elevated potential for environmental and social impacts. Moreover, the diligence/Environmental and bank established a Net Zero Forum, responsible for the oversight and assessment of new Social Policy Framework transactions with a significant impact on the bank’s financed emissions and / or net zero targets. Members of the forum are senior representatives from business divisions, Risk Non-Financial Report 2022: and the Chief Sustainability Office. The Net Zero Forum will also enable the organization Climate risk/Governance to monitor and oversee potential indirect impacts of the set targets. Furthermore, in line with the Bank’s Net-Zero Banking Alliance commitments, Deutsche Bank will publish a comprehensive transition plan by October 2023. Self-assessment summary Which of the following components of target setting in line with the PRB requirements has your bank completed or is currently in a process of assessing for your… … first area of most … second area of most (If you are setting targets in significant impact: … (please significant impact: … (please more impact areas) …your name it) name it) third (and subsequent) area(s) of impact: … (please name it) 161

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