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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 ESG-related goals ESG-related goals Deutsche Bank is committed to setting goals for managing ESG topics and monitoring progress toward them. The following table summarizes the bank’s progress toward its ESG-related goals. Chapter Aspects Goal Target Date Progress 2022 Sustainable finance Financing € 200+ bn 2022 Exceeding the € 200 billion target in sustainable financing and (accelerated from and investments between 2020 and year end 2022 with a investments 2025) cumulative total of € 215 billion. Environmental and Fossil fuels Review portfolio in oil, gas, and 2022 Completed for oil and gas globally and coal power in social due diligence coal power sector Europe and the US in 2021. Preparation for the portfolio review of coal clients in the Asia-Pacific region started in 2022. Exit financing and capital market 2025 Exposure to thermal coal mining declined to € 231 mn at transactions in thermal coal year end 2022. mining in scope of the coal policy Climate risk Reporting Broaden on disclosure following Ongoing Added to the climate risk chapter of the Non-Financial TCFD recommendations Report: - a "climate risks and opportunities section" with a description of the risks idenified by the organization; - a section on the materiality assessment of climate and environmental risk drivers - a section on decarbonization targets Portfolio Disclose carbon intensity and 2022 Complete in 2021, and included as a recurring item in the alignment financed emissions of lending climate risk chapter of the 2022 Non-Financial Report portfolios Disclose targets and pathways for 2023 Deutsche Bank announced in October 2022 net zero the alignment of Deutsche Bank's aligned decarbonization (2030 and 2050) targets for four portfolios to the objectives of the priority carbon intensive sectors: Oil and Gas (upstream), Paris Agreement and Net Zero Power Generation, Automotive (light duty vehicles) and commitments Steel. Pathways to achieve these targets are disclosed in the Climate Risk chapter of this report, together with year end alignment / deviation of the relevant portfolios. Employment and Gender 20 % female Management Board June 2022 20.0 % employability diversity members 30 % women at first management 2025 17.1 % level below the Management Board 30 % women at second 2025 29.6 % management level below the Management Board 35 % female Managing Directors, 2025 30.7 % Directors, Vice Presidents In-house ecology Energy Compensate for emissions of own Ongoing Maintained consumption operations (Scope 1 and 2) and and business travel efficiency 85 % renewable electricity 2022 95.7 % 20 % reduction of total energy 2025 28 % consumption compared to 2019 Corporate Social CSR Annual corporate volunteering Ongoing 22 % Responsibility programs rate at around 20% Annual giving totals in matching Ongoing € 8.4 million and payroll giving programs at around € 10 million Born to be youth engagement 2025 5.7 million program: Support 7 million young people (since 2014) In the community: Reach 6 million 2025 5.4 million people (since 2015) Made for Good enterprise 2025 26,908 enterprises program: Support 45,000 enterprises (since 2016) 131

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