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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 GRI Content Index and UN Global Compact GRI Content Index and UN Global Compact GRI 1 Foundation in 2021 Deutsche Bank’s Non-Financial Report provides a comprehensive disclosure of the material topics for its non-financial performance. Information on financial data are available in Deutsche Bank’s Annual Report 2022. Disclosures included in the report were selected based on a materiality analysis conducted in 2022. In order to give a better overview for the Non-Financial Report 2022, Deutsche Bank has reported in accordance with the GRI standards for the period January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, including the specific Sector Disclosures for the financial service sector. Information can either be found in the Non-Financial Report, via links to other Reports (e.g., Annual Report [AR] or Human Capital Report [HCR], or directly in this table. The information outside the Non-Financial Report, for instance information in the 2022 Human Capital Report, is not part of the external limited assurance. Furthermore, the Non-Financial Report also serves as the bank’s Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact (UNGC), references are made in the index as well. By participating in the UNGC, the bank is committed to preserving internationally recognized human rights, creating socially acceptable working conditions, protecting the environment, and fighting corruption. SDG and GRI Standards and Disclosures Non-Financial Report and/or Link to Source Remarks/Omissions UNGC Reference GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 The organization and its reporting practices 2-1 Organizational details AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Additional Notes – Note 43 “Country by country Frankfurt/Main, Germany reporting" About Deutsche Bank 2-2 Entities included in the organization’s AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – sustainability reporting Additional Notes – Note 37 “Information on Subsidiaries” AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – Additional Notes – Note 38 “Structured Entities” AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – Additional Notes – Note 44 “Shareholdings” – Subsidiaries AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – Additional Notes – Note 44 “Shareholdings” – Consolidated Structured Entities 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point About this report Publication date: March 17, 2023 Imprint/Publications 2-4 Restatements of information In-house ecology – Targets and measures – Offsetting residual CO emissions 2 In-house ecology – Key topics 2022 – Energy and renewable electricity In-house ecology – Greenhouse gas emissions 2-5 External assurance Reports of the independent auditor The information contained in this report is subject to additional external assurance. Information presented in the PRB Index as well as the additional Human Capital Report are not part of the external assurance. Activities and workers 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business AR – Deutsche Bank Group – Strategy relationships AR – Combined Management Report – Operating and Financial Review – Deutsche Bank Group AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – Notes to the consolidated financial statements – Note 3 “Acquisitions and dispositions” AR – Consolidated Financial Statements – Additional Notes – Note 43 “Country by country reporting” Human rights – Key topics in 2022 – Supply chain Employment and employability - Workforce management - Workforce development 2-7 Employees AR – Combined Management Report – Information incomplete/unavailable. The SDG 8 Employees break-down by gender and by region for UNGC 6 part-time employees and non-guaranteed 132

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