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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 In-house ecology Twelve months ended as of Dec 31,2020 Africa Americas Asia Share Wind energy 0 36,000 27,000 35 % Biomass/biogas 0 0 0 − Efficient cookstoves 0 0 0 − Geothermal energy 0 0 27,000 15 % Hydropower 0 0 0 − 1 Sustainable forest management/REDD 27,000 27,000 36,000 50 % Solar energy/photovoltaics 0 0 0 − Total 27,000 63,000 90,000 180,000 Proportion 15 % 35 % 50 % 100 % 1 REDD stands for “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” GHG emissions from own operations and business travel Twelve months ended as of Variance from in t of CO e previous period 2 (unless stated differently) (in %) Sep 30, 2022¹ Dec 31, 2021² Dec 31, 2020² Scope 1, direct GHG emissions (19.3) 25,110 31,122 39,875 Natural gas consumption (18.9) 18,586 22,925 26,609 Liquid fossil fuels3 (12.9) 322 369 432 4 HFCs (34.2) 2,211 3,360 4,042 Owned/leased vehicles (10.7) 3,991 4,469 8,792 Scope 2, indirect GHG emissions (15.4) 30,751 36,331 78,846 5 Market-based emissions from electricity consumption (31.5) 7,118 10,396 48,491 District heating, steam and cooling (8.9) 23,633 25,935 30,354 6 Scope 3, business travel GHG emissions 238.7 18,438 5,444 14,206 Total Scope 1&2 (market-based) and business travel GHG emissions7 1.92 74,300 72,897 132,927 GHG emissions (market-based, excluding carbon credits) per sqm8 1.32 0.02611 0.02577 0.04689 GHG emissions (market-based, excluding carbon credits) per FTE8 2.91 0.89031 0.86517 1.53380 1 Data reported for 2022 is from the period October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022. The previous year is always adjusted to January to December. In 2021 total scope 1, 2 (market-based) and business travel GHG emissions were 12% less than reported last year (83,098 tCO2e) mostly due to the use of Q4 2020 data not reflecting the decreased energy use that occurred in Q4 2021. Average uncertainty is +/- 10% for all KPIs. 2 There are several reasons for changes to prior-year figures: updated power grid factors, updates to historical data (such as billing updates), and methodology changes 3 Emissions from liquid fossil fuels decreased in 2022, owing largely to fewer power outages in India and lower office occupancy 4 HFC emissions decreased in 2022. However, the decrease is in the expected range factoring in maintenance work conducted 5 Market based electricity uses a zero emission factor for sites where renewable electricity contracts are in place, or Energy Attribute Certificates (RECs. GOs) are purchased to enable the claim that the attributes of renewable electricity apply to the consumption 6 Business travel includes travel by air, rail, rented vehicles, and taxis. The increase in emissions from business travel reflects global travel restrictions being removed 7 Total emissions are based on actual, estimated, or extrapolated data, including all market-based scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as scope 3, category 6-business travel emissions. The emission factors have been used for each activity data type, from internationally recognized sources, e.g., DEFRA/BEIS (2022), GHG Protocol, eGRID (2022), and IEA (2022), RE-DISS (2020), or, if more relevant, from country or contract specific sources. The factors include all GHGs and the gases’ Global Warming Potential as per the IPCC AR5 assessments. 8 2 All floor area metrics use an annual average from data for the period October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022 (2.846 million m ). All FTE metrics use an annual average for the period October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022 (83,454). 63

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