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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 Principles for Responsible Banking Response Links and references Deutsche Bank attaches importance to a fair and open exchange with all its stakeholder Non-Financial Report 2022: groups. The bank wants to understand their expectations and concerns regarding our Stakeholder engagement and business activities and social responsibility to maximize its positive and minimize potential thought leadership negative impacts. Deutsche Bank’s core stakeholders belong to the following groups: clients, employees, investors, regulators, and society at large, including e. g. media and non-governmental organizations. The bank has clearly defined responsibilities toward each stakeholder group. Mandates for interaction are delegated to the respective business division or infrastructure function. They use a variety of formats to engage with stakeholders. In addition, a materiality assessment helps identify its stakeholders’ sentiment on the topics they regard as most relevant to the bank. – Deutsche Bank engages with its clients in many ways, including for example, personal or virtual meetings, calls, regular surveys, and the analysis of feedback it receives e. g. via its branches or hotlines. Deutsche Bank representatives are involved in discussions at various conferences and events. The bank also communicates via digital communication channels and publishes papers on sustainability topics. Climate change and the transition of the global economy towards sustainability remained an important topic for clients in the Corporate Bank and Investment Bank as well as investors, keeping the interest in sustainable finance products and services at a high level. Private clients requested best-in-class transparency and ESG advisory and shifted their behavior strongly towards digital channels. – The bank's annual employee survey, exit- and pulse-surveys, and ongoing dialogue with employees help to understand employee motivation and their perceived productivity. Various communication channels such as team meetings, staff networks, e-mails, newsletters, townhall events and the opportunity to comment on intranet sites encourage the Bank's employees to express their opinions and provide feedback. – Deutsche Bank discusses sustainability-related risks and opportunities with its private and institutional investors in one-on-one meetings and calls. The bank hosts investor and sustainability deep dives and invites shareholders to its annual general meeting. Furthermore, the bank uses digital communication channels and publishes quarterly and annual reports on the bank’s financial and non-financial performance. In 2022, the following topics were relevant for investors: progress in the implementation of the bank's sustainability strategy, in particular the management of climate risks, the bank's environmental policies and reporting; sustainable finance, decarbonization pathways and the promotion of gender diversity, equality and participation. – Deutsche Bank engages with regulators and governments via in-person and virtual meetings, participation in government-led forums, or responding to consultations through ndividually. The bank convened and participated in seminars and trade associations or i public panels, held conversations with policymakers on each of the issues mentioned above. Key regulatory issues in 2022 included the digitization of banking and society and the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Agenda. – Deutsche Bank wants to maintain constructive relationships with journalists and media representatives worldwide. Timely, effective, and open communication with the media is essential for reputation and Deutsche Bank’s brand. Dialogue with media representatives focuses on key issues driven by business, investors, regulators and society in general. One important topic is sustainability. – Deutsche Bank engages with stakeholders from broader society to understand their views on global environmental and social trends and challenges. For example, the bank continually engages with non-governmental organizations and participates in numerous sustainability-related initiatives. In 2022, Deutsche Bank responded to written requests, surveys, or questionnaires, and met non-governmental organizations in person to discuss the themes of their engagement. 166

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