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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 Principles for Responsible Banking 4.1 Stakeholder identification and consultation Does your bank have a process to identify and regularly consult, engage, collaborate and partner with stakeholders (or stakeholder groups12) you have identified as relevant in relation to the impact analysis and target setting process? ☐ Yes ☒ In progress ☐ No Please describe which stakeholders (or groups/types of stakeholders) you have identified, consulted, engaged, collaborated or partnered with for the purpose of implementing the Principles and improving your bank’s impacts. This should include a high-level overview of how your bank has identified relevant stakeholders, what issues were addressed/results achieved and how they fed into the action planning process. 12 Such as regulators, investors, governments, suppliers, customers and clients, academia, civil society institutions, communities, representatives of indigenous population and non-profit organizations 165

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