The shape of daily Q1 revenue is much flatter when Looking over Quarter 1 by day of the week helps to compared to the holiday season, where extreme explain the trend in revenue over the three months. revenue spikes are the norm, as a result of the year’s As expected, Mondays are high in general with biggest online shopping days: Black Friday and Cy- an average revenue of $1.36B. This is partially due ber Monday. to the two holidays, MLK Jr. Day and Presidents Day, falling on Mondays. Despite their importance, While other holidays like MLK Jr. Day and President’s removing these two holidays from the average still Day are increasing their importance, they’re still in keeps Mondays the highest average revenue day of their infant stage in terms of online shopping reve- the week. nue. Comparatively, Saturdays drove on average 19% less Average Revenue by Day of Week (Q1 2018) revenue than Mondays. Over the course of the year, Monday $1.36B Saturdays are the worst day of the week for online shopping by a significant margin: nearly $100 million Tuesday $1.27B dollars. Wednesday $1.29B Thursday $1.26B Every retailer should be aware of their own con- Friday $1.19B sumer buying cycle, and of the shape of their own Saturday $1.10B season. Focusing around the first week of January Sunday $1.22B and the two major holidays for Q1 is a good starting point. DIGITAL DOLLAR: RETAIL AND ECONOMICS UPDATE 2018Q1
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