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EA Sport Brandbook example

A Comprehensive model on how EA sports utilize their brand and imaging.

FRANCHISE RULES EA SPORTS EA SPORTS never takes its opponents for granted. Our biggest rivals—both big and small—are working harder than ever before to take us down. Being a dominant player in the business requires constant dedication, work, belief, desire, and most of all, direction. Winning doesn’t come overnight. And it takes a team of winners to carry the brand to the top. THE COACHES, PLAYERS, THE PLAYBOOK AND TEAMMATES > Know the boundaries of the brand’s tone. The tone can > The brand’s world-renowned tagline, “EA SPORTS. It’s In be used in an irreverent or sarcastic manner at times, The Game,” is part of the brand’s DNA and heritage. but remember that EA SPORTS is an authentic sports brand to the core. Always. > The voice of EA SPORTS, Andrew Anthony, is iconic, > Be a leader by delivering consumers the next “big flexible, and global. thing,” whether it’s a trend, innovative technology, or “experience.” > Showcase up-and-coming athletes; don’t be a follower by exclusively leveraging an overexposed athlete, the safe and expected choice. > Be timely while using the most relevant players, coaches, teams, and plays/highlights. > EA SPORTS should always strive to be involved with promoting sport, competition, and well being. TAGLINE IT’S IN THE GAME PENALTIES, TECHNICAL FOULS, AND RED CARDS • EA SPORTS should always be written out in ALL CAPS. Never “EA Sports” or “ea sports.” • The EA SPORTS brand should never be used with overly sexual content and/or environments. FRANCHISE RULES / EA SPORTS 21 9

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