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BRAND IDENTITY WRITING EA SPORTS™ The purpose of this wise and inviolate edict is to protect the rich and proud history of one of the most recognizable brands in the sports entertainment industry. It’s more important than ever to abide by this simple guideline. EA SPORTS MUST BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS, EA SPORTS VIOLATION FINES ALL THE TIME. NO EXCEPTIONS! WITH THE UNVEILING OF THE EA SPORTS BRANd PLAyBOOK I’d EA Sports = 4 laps around campus LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITy TO REVEAL THE FIRST EdICT OF THE NEW ANd GLORIOUS EA SPORTS ORdER, ALL PRAISE ITS NAME. EFFECTIVE IMMEdIATELy ANy MEMBER OF THE EA SPORTS FAMILy Ea Sports = 15 minutes of up/downs WHO FAILS TO WRITE THE NAME OF OUR ALL-IMPORTANT BRANd IN ALL CAPS WILL BE FINEd HEAVILy By THy MASTER. ON SCREEN. IN PRINT. ONLINE. EA SPORTS MUST BE WRITTEN OUT IN ALL CAPS. ALL THE TIME. NO EXCEPTIONS. NOT ONE. ea sports = 25 sets of stadium stairs EAS = Clean out your locker THE COMMISSIONER BRAND IDENTITY / WRITING EA SPORTS 7 9

EA Sports Brand Book - Page 6 EA Sports Brand Book Page 5 Page 7