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Ad formats Promoted moments Promoted Moments are a collection of Tweets you can place together in a storytelling canvas that's immersive and engaging. The format allows brands to tell a story beyond 280 characters. Image Website Cards leverage Twitter’s unique data signals and cross-device identity to reach key audiences and deliver cost-efficient clicks to your website and onsite conversions, across platforms. Promoted text Reach a wider group of people or spark engagement from existing followers. Promoted Tweets are Tweets that are paid for by our advertisers to reach a wider group of users or to spark engagement from their existing followers.. These appear in your Home timeline, at the top of search results on Twitter and elsewhere on the platform, and are clearly marked as "Promoted”, but act just like regular Tweets and can be Retweeted, replied to, liked, and more. 10

Engagement Objective Playbook - Page 10 Engagement Objective Playbook Page 9 Page 11