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GRI 205: ANTI-CORRUPTION, continued Disclosure No. Disclosure Title 2021 Response 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Every organization is judged by the actions of its people . When individuals consistently act with honesty and integrity, their company builds trust and a reputation for ethical behavior . At Equinix, we believe that acting ethically is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense . Equinix is committed to the highest standards of business and professional conduct . We designed our Code of Business Conduct to reflect and document our ethical values and standards including our stance on corruption . We assign mandatory trainings on the Code of Business Conduct and anti-bribery and corruption to ensure that all Equinix employees are provided guidance on applying our ethical standards in their day-to-day decision-making and actions on behalf of our company . We also periodically survey our employees and conduct risk assessments to assess the effectiveness of our programs . Equinix continually reviews its business operations and market environment to assess the various risks that have the potential to adversely affect our business . These risks, including those related to corruption, are reported annually in the risk factors section of our SEC reporting . Please refer to our 2021 Form 10-K . 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures All new hires at Equinix must complete both Code of Business Conduct and anti- bribery and corruption training courses within six months of being hired . After that, employees are expected to take online or in-person compliance training on an annual basis depending on the training schedule each year . Trainings are available in multiple languages through a software program that enables us to reach 100% of Equinix employees . New Board members receive training on anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) risk and Equinix’s ABC policy and training program as part of their onboarding orientation session . Equinix’s management team also participates in all employee mandatory trainings described above . Equinix’s Whistleblower Policy protects corporate “whistleblowers,” ensuring that concerns around ethics and corruption can be taken seriously and acted upon by the Company . 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Please review our SEC filings for reporting on Corruption, Ethics and Compliance issues . In 2021, Equinix had no verified violations of applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws . GRI 302: ENERGY Disclosure No. Disclosure Title 2021 Response 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary Materiality Assessment 103-2 103-3 The management approach and its components Evaluation of the management approach Equinix’s Environment efforts 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Energy Consumption: Total energy consumption in 2021 was 7,306 GWh across Scope 1 and 2 (up from 6,589 GWh in 2020 or 10%) . Scope 2 was 7,200 GWh (+11% YOY) . The regional breakdown for Scope 2 was: § Americas: 3,030 GWh (42%, +14% YOY) § Asia-Pacific: 1,490 GWh (21%, +8% YOY) § EMEA: 2,680 GWh (37%, +10% YOY) Note: Scope 2 includes consumption from electric power, fuel cells operated under power purchase agreements and chilled water . These values were assured to Limited Assurance ISO 14064-3 Requirements . Renewable Energy Consumption: Total renewable energy consumption in 2021 was 6,770 GWh (+16% YOY) § Americas: 2,980 GWh (+22% YOY) § Asia-Pacific: 1,120 GWh (+10% YOY) § EMEA: 2,670 GWh (+12% YOY) 16

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