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Hispanic US Hispanic representation increased to 6.8%, and 10.2% among new hires in 2021. Attrition remained flat overall; however, in our management, technical, and executive roles, our attrition declined. Our focus is to continue to close the gap across all representation categories and focus on acceleration and retention programs. See more detail on our three-year trends on page 27 . In June 2021, IBM reinforced its commitment to the American Dream and Promise Act and maintains its position that the US Congress should pass a permanent, bipartisan legislative solution that will provide a path to citizenship for work-authorized employees under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. We focused on hiring through programs such as P-TECH, apprenticeships, and IBM Accelerate to attract talent across all careers, including in STEM fields. We focused on career accelerator programs for Hispanic women leaders, STAR technical development pipeline program, executive sponsorship, mentoring matters, and partner leadership development programs. In 2022, our focus is hiring, retention programs and developing talent representation at all levels. Black US Black representation rose to 7.7% in 2021 and 15% among new hires. Our goal is to continue to close the gap across all representation categories to better reflect the communities in which IBMers live and work, with a focus on retention programs. See more detail on our three-year trends on page 27 . IBM’s Emb(race) initiative, launched in 2020, continued through 2021 and is focused on four pillars: representation/transparency, economic opportunity, technology, and policy advocacy. Internally, we launched several career development programs in support of Black IBMers, which offer avenues to build leadership skills, secure high-level mentors, and participate in external training and development opportunities. Throughout 2021, we hosted programming that addressed cultural awareness, education, mental wellness, and professional development. Externally, we exceeded our previously announced $100 million in-kind giving to HBCUs with additional equipment, software, and other resources amounting to $6 million. Also in 2021, the IBM Institute for Business Value published several reports: Black leaders in business , Nurturing Black women leaders , and Investing in Black technical talent . In 2022, our focus is hiring, retention programs, and developing talent representation at all levels. 26 IBM 2021 ESG Report

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