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People OPPORTUNITY Global Farmer Fund Farmer Support Centers Childcare Centers FY21 Results: Starbucks doubled the FY21 Results: Opened our 10th FY21 Results: Five new centers $ Global Farmer Fund to 100 million. Farmer Support Center globally. opened in Guatemala to support $ More than 30,000 people farming families during harvest. Since FY18, 54.8 million in loans has been deployed. trained with advanced agronomy Through co-investments with The Starbucks Global Farmer Fund techniques.5 Starbucks suppliers, we opened an was created to improve supply chain Starbucks operates Farmer Support additional five childcare centers resiliency and ensure a long-term Centers in coffee-producing in Guatemala for the 2021-2022 supply of coffee by addressing the countries around the world and harvest season bringing the total unmet business financing needs of in FY21 opened our tenth Farmer operating in this harvest to ten. The farmers. Too often, farmers cannot Support Center. These centers centers provide safe spaces for local turn to traditional banks for business provided free direct-to-farmer and migrant workers’ children to lending because of high interest training along with training to continue their education during the rates. The loans provided through technical experts in a train- coffee harvest season. the fund allow farmers to plant new the-trainer model to more than trees, improve their infrastructure 30,000 people globally. In 2020, and build financial resiliency in the we achieved our goal of training face of shifts in climate and markets. 200,000 people with the latest In FY21, Starbucks committed findings of Starbucks agronomists $ an additional 50 million dollars including advances like new varietals to double the fund. Since FY18, of disease-resistant coffee trees Carlos Mario Rodriguez, director and global head of coffee research $ and advanced soil management Starbucks has deployed 54.8 million and development, was part of the very first Farmer Support Center to coffee businesses and farmers techniques. agronomy team. He drove his pickup truck over countless miles through loans. of narrow roads to visit farmers and help them with a range of sustainability issues and ensure a long-term supply of quality coffee. Carlos helped farmers set up their own test plots, showed them how to space trees correctly and offered suggestions to manage erosion and reduce the use of pesticides. “I think it’s very important for customers to know how difficult it is to produce high-quality coffee,” he said. “It’s critical that we support the farmers.” For Carlos, Starbucks progress in supporting farming communities is best measured one farm, one farmer at a time. “To me, as a professional, as a partner, it’s the best part really when you start working with a particular farmer and see that they are improving their living conditions and being able to keep producing coffee as a 5 good business,” he said. “That’s the best. It’s really something that The geographic scope of this data point includes all company- owned and operated markets globally. motivates us.”

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