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People OPPORTUNITY Responsible Sourcing for Tea Responsible Sourcing for Traceability FY21 Results: 99.9% of tea sourced Cocoa FY21 Results: More than 33,000 by Global Coffee, Tea & Cocoa, the FY21 Results: Global Coffee, Tea bags of coffee were traced using company’s global coffee sourcing and Cocoa, the company’s global our online tool. team, verified as responsibly coffee sourcing team, purchased In 2020, the Starbucks Digital sourced. 10 million kilograms of Traceability tool was launched in Sourcing certified tea is a key aspect segregated cocoa beans. North American retail stores to of our ethical sourcing approach. In Like coffee and tea, we are dedicated transform each bag of coffee beans FY21, Global Coffee, Tea & Cocoa, the to sourcing cocoa responsibly, for into a digital passport, launching company’s global coffee sourcing the betterment of people and planet. coffee lovers on a virtual expedition team, sourced 99.9% of tea from In FY21, Global Coffee, Tea and to meet farmers, roasters and Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. Cocoa, the company’s global coffee baristas and to explore coffee- Farms, forest communities, and sourcing team, purchased 10 million growing regions around the world. businesses that participate in kilograms of segregated cocoa beans In FY21, more than 33,000 bags Rainforest Alliance’s certification from the Ivory Coast through our Tier of coffee were traced using the program are audited against 1 supplier, Cargill.4 traceability tool online, and the tool We continue to rigorous sustainability standards source Rainforest Alliance Certified was accessed by nearly 170,000 based on the triple bottom line: cocoa and to work in partnership unique visitors, raising awareness environmental, economic and social with the Rainforest Alliance to for farmers, C.A.F.E. Practices and well-being. leverage their expertise and increase Starbucks ongoing commitment to In addition to our global coffee our due diligence and transparency transparency. sourcing team, Starbucks regional in our cocoa supply chains. We teams also purchase tea. Moving are a member of the World Cocoa forward, we are working with Foundation and continue to work regional markets to verify their with others across the industry to purchases using a consistent set evolve and strengthen our approach of ethical sourcing guidelines and to responsibly sourced cocoa. expect to provide reporting on those In addition to our global sourcing efforts in coming years. team, Starbucks regional teams also purchase cocoa. Moving forward, we are working to provide additional transparency across all cocoa- based products sourced across the company globally. 4More on Cargill’s approach to Cocoa procurement can be found here.

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