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Governance Ethics & Compliance FY21 Results: Starbucks was recognized by Ethisphere as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 14th year. Our Ethics & Compliance program supports our Mission and Values and helps protect our culture by fostering an environment that is committed to ethical leadership and conducting business with integrity. The Ethics and Compliance program makes regular reports to the Board of Director’s Audit Committee including formal sessions several times per year. We provide all Starbucks partners with our Standards of Business Conduct, a framework to guide them in ethical decisions at work. The Standards of Business Conduct is supported by other robust global company policies and training for our partners. Our internal policies cover ethics and human rights issues including Anti-Harassment, Anti-Discrimination, Conflicts of Interest, Gifts & Entertainment, Anti-Bribery and Equal Employment Opportunity. Annually, we conduct training on our SoBC for our partners to recommit to our company values. Partners are empowered to ask for guidance and voice concerns when they experience or see conduct that is inconsistent with our Standards of Business Conduct. Our Ethics & Compliance Helpline and Webline allow partners to ask questions and voice concerns. The Helpline and Webline are available 24 hours a day, seven days week, with interpreters and translations available. We are committed to providing safe, confidential and accessible channels to all individuals connected to Starbucks, while maintaining a strict Anti- Retaliatory Policy in compliance with our Global Human Rights Statement.

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