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N O TI C U D COLLABORATING TO ADDRESS FORCED LABOR WORKER SAFETY O NTR SYSTEMIC RISKS TO WORKER Walmart has prioritized working with stakeholders to combat Building on our experiences as a founding member of the I WELL‑BEING forced labor and other exploitative practices in global supply Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, Walmart is a founding Y Systemic issues such as forced labor, unsafe working conditions chains, including helping to make responsible recruitment the member of the Life and Building Safety initiative (LABS), an T I standard business practice for employers throughout global initiative of European and American brands to set international N and gender inequity require collective action to bring about TU supply chains. best practices for factory safety in the apparel and footwear R significant, positive and lasting protection of worker well-being. O industries. LABS works with engineering companies to develop P Walmart and the Walmart Foundation collaborate with suppliers, P To advance responsible recruitment across our supply chain, O NGOs, experts and others to address root causes of these we launched a Supplier Responsible Recruitment initiative country-specific factory safety standards and commissions issues, foster solutions and accelerate adoption at scale. We have at the March 2022 Walmart Supplier Growth Forum. The fire, electrical and structural audits of factories. Factories Y develop supervised corrective action plans to remediate T committed to working with others to address risks to the dignity I initiative invites suppliers (starting with seafood and produce) IL problems and are assessed on their implementation of those B of workers in a minimum of 10 retail supply chains by 2025, to adopt and report on practices related to recruiting, worker A plans. LABS has been active in India and Vietnam since 2019, IN focusing on the following supply chains to date: empowerment and transparency that are believed by experts to A covering over 572,000 workers. The program expanded to ST facilitate responsible recruitment. U • Apparel in Bangladesh Cambodia in May 2022 and is expected to cover approximately S • Produce in Mexico and the U.S. We also promote the adoption of best practices in certain 206,000 additional workers. Y category supply chains. For example, as of the end of FY2022, Read more: People in supply chains IT • Shrimp in Thailand 69% of Walmart U.S. fresh produce and floral net sales came { N U from suppliers who have endorsed the Ethical Charter on M • Tuna in Thailand Read more: Human rights OM Responsible Labor Practices (we aim for 100% by the end of { C • Electronics sourced for the U.S. retail market calendar 2022). In FY2022, 87% of Walmart U.S. information, Read more: Supplier opportunity { Y communication and technology net sales were from suppliers T I who implemented the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) R G Code of Conduct. E NT I To accelerate system-wide change, the Walmart Foundation & S C has awarded over $45 million in grants since FY2016 to help I TH strengthen worker dignity by promoting the responsible E recruitment of workers and fair and responsible labor practices in global supply chains. 35

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