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N O TI C U D O NTR I Y CONTRIBUTING TO STRENGTHENING T I N ECONOMIC VITALITY COMMUNITY RESILIENCE TU R O Our business supports the economic strength of We invest in communities through local giving, encouraging P P communities by: volunteerism and supporting programs to strengthen O • Providing quality jobs: Walmart jobs provide competitive community cohesion. For example, in FY2022: Y T pay, benefits, training and skill-building and mobility to • Walmart and Sam’s Club facilities in the U.S. gave I IL B approximately 2.3 million associates around the world. more than $44 million to nonprofit organizations in A IN their local communities.51 A • Investing in local suppliers: According to data from ST U our suppliers, in FY2022, nearly two-thirds of Walmart • More than 18,000 U.S. associates volunteered more S U.S.’s total product spend was on items made, grown or than 356,000 hours at local organizations, which Y assembled in the United States, and 92% of merchandise Walmart further supported with cash donations of IT sold in Mexico was sourced there. more than $3.1 million. N U M • Contributing to tax revenue: In FY2022, Walmart paid • The Walmart Foundation contributed funds towards OM C more than $5.9 billion in corporate income-based taxes community cohesion projects, including $1 million worldwide. These tax dollars provide revenue to fund to Welcoming America to train community leaders Y services, projects and programs such as fire, police, on strategies to increase belonging and to help T I R schools, libraries and community health services. communities develop inclusive policies and practices G E that enable all residents to thrive and contribute fully. NT I & S Read more: Serving communities C { I TH E Read more: Safer, healthier food & other products { Read more: Disaster preparedness & response { 38

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