51 SOCIAL IMPACT SOCIAL INVESTMENTS ENVIRONMENT We strive to reduce our environmental impacts and address the risks presented by climate change. Our social investments and brand engagement efforts in this area amplify our work to help protect the planet and raise awareness about important environmental issues. PLASTICS FOR CHANGE Through an ELCCF grant to Plastics for Change, we seek to enhance livelihoods for waste collectors in India, the majority of whom are women, while diverting plastics from the ocean. Plastics for Change has developed an innovative ethical sourcing platform to create dignified, sustainable livelihoods for the urban poor and break the cycle of poverty, while increasing the upcycling capability of plastic and moving the industry toward a circular economy. Its program also provides education, nutrition, and healthcare support to the waste-collector community. LA MER La Mer is commit ted to supporting ocean conservation efforts around the w orld. To date, La Mer has helped support t he p rotection of more than 16 million square mile s of marine habitats. Through t he L a M er B lue H eart O ceans F und, t he brand suppor ts organiz ations that ar e dedicated to marin e habita t restoration and youth education and empowerment around ocean conservation, inspiring young people to be ch ange agents in their local communities. I n fiscal 2021, the La Mer Blue Heart Oceans Fu nd provided s upp ort to GreenWave, an innovative nonprofit focused on the use of regenerative ocean farming, specifically sea kelp, to restore ocean ec osystems, mitigate climate change, and c reat e jobs. In addition, the Fun d wi ll support youth environmental le aders in historic ally excluded coast al communitie s in North and South America throu gh its support of EarthEcho Internationa l, an organization focu sed on building a gl obal youth movement to prote ct and restore our ocean planet. ORIGINS O rigins is dedica ted to helping to saf eguard the hea lth o f forests for future generations. The brand has joined forces with environmental nonpro fit organizations to sup port tree-planti ng efforts, help restore ecosystems, benefit local communities, and fight climate change. Through these charitable programs, the brand has funde d the p lanting of and caring for more than 1 ,855,000 trees since 2009. In fiscal 2021, Origins created its Green the Planet Fund to sim ulta neously address global warming and to support the work of environmental justice organizat ions to tr igger real, meaningful change i n the lives of people impacted by c limate change. The Gree n the Planet Fund has teamed wit h One T ree Planted to support the planting of and caring for 250,000 trees over the year in projects s panning Asia, Europe, and North America. A VEDA Aveda is committed to raising awareness and funds to help provide clean water globally and help pro tect clean water locally through their signature ann ual giving campaign, Aveda Earth Month. Si nce 1999, Aveda has raised more than $67 million for h undreds of local and global environmental organizations providing clean water to more than 1.4 million people and protecting approximately 2,000 watersheds. In fisc al 20 21, Aveda and its passionate network of salons , spas, edu cational institutes, employees, a nd consumers raised more than $ 2 million. These funds will provi de an ad ditional 35,000 pe ople with clean water in Aveda’s sourcing commun ities in India, Nepal, Madagas car, and Ethiopia through the brand’s partnership with nonpr ofit charity: water an d continue to p rotect local watersheds where these communities live and work. RAINFORE ST ALLIANCE / SUPPORTING EQUITABLE SOLUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE As a Beauty Inspired, Values Driven company, we put our values into action every day across our entire business to better people and the planet. Thr oughout Earth Month, we asked our employees to help us raise funds for the Rainforest Alliance by sharing how they are BEAUTY INSPIRED, VALUES DRIVEN . Thanks to the efforts of our global ELC family and in honor of our 75th anniversary, we donated $75,000 to the Rainforest Alliance’s global gender equality work, which engages women in sustainable climate solutions.
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