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Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest & Health By Daniel Lieberman

PLEASE APPROVE FRONT FOR B3 ‘Does exercise help you lose weight? Does jogging ‘Endlessly fascinating and full of surprises’ wreck your knees? ... An PENGUIN PRESS BILL BRYSON EXERCISED evolutionary biologist provides Date: 13 April 2021 entertainment and helpful tips ... Designer: idc Suspicion of exercise is entirely Prod. Controller: natural, as Daniel Lieberman Pub. Date: June 2021 D ISBN: 9780141986364 points out in this entertaining Cover photograph© A DANIEL and informative book’ Getty Images N I SPINE WIDTH: 26.5 MM STEVEN POOLE, GUARDIAN EL LIEBERMAN L • Estimated I • Confi rmed EB ‘Myth-busting, illuminating, brilliant – ERM of FORMAT Lieberman will completely change the B-format paperbck A way you think about your body’ N EXERCISED PROFESSOR ALICE ROBERTS PRINT E ‘Whether you struggle to exercise or X ••••CMYK you’re a committed fi tness fan, you’ll fi nd ER  e Science of Physical his new perspectives on physical activity C Activity, Rest FINISHES I absolutely fascinating’ S DR RANGAN CHATTERJEE ED and Health Regular Coated ‘Part user manual for the human body and Matte varnish to seal part detective story exploring our evolution, PROOFING METHOD ExExExeeerrrcicicissseeeddd w wiillll c chhaannggee t thhee w waayy y yoouu t thhiinnkk a abboouutt • Wet proofs exercise, diet and your own wellbeing’ • Digital only NEIL SHUBIN, AUTHOR OF YOUR INNER FISH •No further proof required ISBN 978-0-141-98636-4 90000 AN 9 780141986364 U.K. £00.00 ALLEN PENGUIN LANE BOOK SScicieennccee 9780141986364_Exercised_Cov.indd 1,39780141986364_Exercised_Cov.indd 1,3 13/04/2021 20:3213/04/2021 20:32 Copyrighted Material

penguin books EXERCISED Daniel Lieberman is Edwin M. Lerner II Professor of Biological Sciences and a professor of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He is a leading figure in the field of human evolution and its relevance to health. He is renowned for his research on the evolution of running, which he also enjoys himself – sometimes barefoot, earning him the nickname ‘the Barefoot Professor’. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles, many of them in Nature and Science. His previous books include The Story of the Human Body. He lives in Massachusetts. Copyrighted Material

also by daniel lieberman The Story of the Human Body: Exercised Evolution, Health, and Disease The Evolution of the Human Head Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding DANIEL E. LIEBERMAN PAntheon books new york Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 2 7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 3 7/14/20 12:42 PM

daniel lieberman Exercised The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health Exercised Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding DANIEL E. LIEBERMAN PAntheon books new york PENGUIN BOOKS Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 27/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 37/14/20 12:42 PM

PENGUIN BOOKS UK | USA | Canada | Ireland | Australia India | New Zealand | South Africa Penguin Books is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at To Eleanor First published in the United States of America by Pantheon Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York 2020 First published by Allen Lane 2020 Published in Penguin Books 2021 001 Text copyright © Daniel E. Lieberman Extract from Lord of the Flies copyright © William Golding, courtesy of Faber and Faber Ltd The moral right of the author has been asserted Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, Elcograf S.p.A. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library The authorized representative in the EEA is Penguin Random House Ireland, Morrison Chambers, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin d02 yh68 isbn: 978–0–141–98636–4 Penguin Random House is committed to a sustainable future for our business, our readers and our planet. is book is made from Forest Stewardship Council® certified paper. Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 5 7/14/20 12:42 PM

To Eleanor Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 5 7/14/20 12:42 PM

ThreTe Uhrese Ueful Dsefuel Dfinietifionnsitions PhysiPchaylsi accatl ivaictytiv (intyo u(nn)o: uann): y abnoy dibly odmily ovmemovenemt enprt odpurcoedd ucbey d by skelesktael mletaul msclues tsclhes tat ehxapt eenxdps enends energyergy ExerExciseer ci(nseo u(nn)o: uvno)l: uvnotlaurny taprhy yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivtihty at this at pis lanpnleadn, ned, strustctruurcetdu, rreedp, erteitpiveeti, tiavne, d aunnd duerntdakeren takten o suto stsuain staoir n imor pirmovpe rove healhth aealnth ad fintd finestsness ExerExciseerdci (saeddj (eacdtijveec)t: tivo be): te vo bexe vede, axendx, aionuxsi, wouos, wrrieodrr, hieadr, hasaseradssed Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 6Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 6 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

ThreTe Uhrese Ueful Dsefuel Dfinietifionnsitions PhysiPchaylsi accatl ivaictytiv (intyo u(nn)o: uann): y abnoy dibly odmily ovmemovenemt enprt odpurcoedd ucbey d by skelesktael mletaul msclues tsclhes tat ehxapt eenxdps enends energyergy ExerExciseer ci(nseo u(nn)o: uvno)l: uvnotlaurny taprhy yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivtihty at this at pis lanpnleadn, ned, strustctruurcetdu, rreedp, erteitpiveeti, tiavne, d aunnd duerntdakeren takten o suto stsuain staoir n imor pirmovpe rove healhth aealnth ad fintd finestsness ExerExciseerdci (saeddj (eacdtijveec)t: tivo be): te vo bexe vede, axendx, aionuxsi, wouos, wrrieodrr, hieadr, hasaseradssed Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 6Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 67/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

CoCntoentntesnts ProloPgruoelo gue xi xi one oneAr e WAre Be Woe Brn too Rrn test oo Rest or Rur Rn? un? 3 3 Part IPart I Inac InactIvIttyIvIty twot woIn acItnivaictyti: Tvithy: Te Imhe Ipomrtpaonrcte oanf Bce oeif Bng Leinag Lzy azy 27 27 t hretehr eeit tinigtt: Iins Ig: It ts Ihe t thee  em ominog?i ng? 49 49 fourf our­e ep­: Weeph: Wy htry ess Ttreshs Tahrts Rarestts R est 72 72 Part IPaIrt II Spe eSdp, Seedtr, Sentrgetnhg, athn, ad pnowd peowr er fIve fIvep ee€p: ee€ei: ther Teithoer Trtooisre ntoisoe nr ‚oar ‚re are 97 97 sIx sIxt rentgrtenh: ƒgtrho: ƒm Brom Branray to ny tco racnray ny 120 120 s evense venƒi ghƒtiignhg atinng a€ np€ ortps: ƒortrso: ƒm ƒroam ƒngs tano ƒgs too ƒot†aoo­­t †a­­ 140140 PartP aIIIrt III end eundraunrcaence e IghetI ghWt a­Wina­g: Aing­­ i: An a ‡­­ in a ‡ay’s Way’as W­ a­ 171 171 nInen IneRu nRnuinng aninng a€ ‡na€ ‡ncianngc: ‰inugm: ‰puimng fpinrog fm Šrom Šne Lnee Lg eg to thte Šo thte Šhert her 197 197 Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 8Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 8 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

CoCntoentntesnts ProloPgruoelo gue xi xi one oneAr e WAre Be Woe Brn too Rrn test oo Rest or Rur Rn? un? 3 3 Part IPart I Inac InactIvIttyIvIty twot woIn acItnivaictyti: Tvithy: Te Imhe Ipomrtpaonrcte oanf Bce oeif Bng Leinag Lzy azy 27 27 t hretehr eeit tinigtt: Iins Ig: It ts Ihe t thee  em ominog?i ng? 49 49 fourf our­e ep­: Weeph: Wy htry ess Ttreshs Tahrts Rarestts R est 72 72 Part IPaIrt II Spe eSdp, Seedtr, Sentrgetnhg, athn, ad pnowd peowr er fIve fIvep ee€p: ee€ei: ther Teithoer Trtooisre ntoisoe nr ‚oar ‚re are 97 97 sIx sIxt rentgrtenh: ƒgtrho: ƒm Brom Branray to ny tco racnray ny 120 120 s evense venƒi ghƒtiignhg atinng a€ np€ ortps: ƒortrso: ƒm ƒroam ƒngs tano ƒgs too ƒot†aoo­­t †a­­ 140140 PartP aIIIrt III end eundraunrcaence e IghetI ghWt a­Wina­g: Aing­­ i: An a ‡­­ in a ‡ay’s Way’as W­ a­ 171 171 nInen IneRu nRnuinng aninng a€ ‡na€ ‡ncianngc: ‰inugm: ‰puimng fpinrog fm Šrom Šne Lnee Lg eg to thte Šo thte Šhert her 197 197 Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 8Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 87/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 97/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

x x ContCentontsents EnduErnadnucre aannce ad Angd Aingg: Tinhg: Te Ahce Ative Gctivre Gandrpaanrdenpat r ent ten ten and Canod Cstly Rostely Rpaier Hpaiyr Hpotyhpesoteshes es 225 225 PartP arIvt Iv exer ecxerISec IInSe t Ihne M thoe Mdeorn dewrn orwldorld el evelene venTo M Too Mve oor Nve oor Nt to Mot too Mve: Hoveo: Hw too Mw tao Me Eae Eercisere c ise HapHpeapn pen 255 255 twe ltvewe lveHo w MHow Much aucnh ad nd hat Thyapt Tey pe 278 278 thIr thteenIrt eenE erEcisere acisne ad nisd easisee ase 298298 EpilogEpiuleog ue 337 337 ProPlorogluoegue AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments 341341 NoteNos tes 343 343 IndeInx dex 419 419 In JuIn ne Ju2n0e 172, 0a1s 7, I aws aI s wbaes gibnengiinng nitnhg is tbhois okb, oI okfl, eI w flteo w Kento Kenya, byoau, gbhot ught a trea adtrmeaidllm, ainlld , atnrad ntsrpaonrstped oritt ed in it a in Laa nd Lanrd uisrer uisto er a to rema roemte poltae e plae alled alPleemd Paem, a ao, ma momunmituy nmitoy rme tohrae n thsaen en sethen outshaonud saened t aebeot ae bsoea e sea leel lein etl hin e wtheste werestn paern rt pao rtt hoe  tohue ntoruyn Ptremy Pa emlies a alit es thae t ethde ge edo ge a oer a er dant draengt ioren goio n rool lirnog llihnig lls hailnls d anad lleyas lldeyos ttedd otwteid th wgitih angt iganrat ngirte anoiute t out rops ro­ps at­teraetd tereed ereywerhyerwe haerre e samre asll mfiaelll dfis ealdns d asnimd psile mhpole mhestomeaestdse, ads, typityaplliy aolnely o rneoom rohoom ushes oumses adme ardoe m rmom ud maund d adnud ndg uanng d arnood erod oweid th with thatthh aotr h tionr  tPinem Pa emis a beis aubteiauul tibuut l pbuoot rp, oeoren , eben y Kenby Kenyan ystaan nstdaarnddsa, rds, and anar d off ar tohff e bthee atben eapaten thpa ƒto h dƒro ie drtihere te herroe m ro„m ldo„reldt, ortehte , nthee arnest earest ity, wityh, iwh his ih uis st fiust ty fimty iles miales waya, wtaayk, es taknes earnly eaa rldy aa y doan y roon adrs oathdas t that beobmee oimne reinasrineagsly intgrley atrheeraohuers othue s thloe ser loosner e ognee ts gteo ts Ptemo Paem …an  a …n a good godoad y, dtahye , tohue rnoeuy rnree†y urier†es uinres aingaatiingag tipnrg epipreitoiupsit, otuws, isttwinistg idnig rt dirt lanes lantres aerstraeersd bey d gbuy llgies ullliies tterlietd terweid th wbitoh ulbdoers uldaers nd aonthd er othober stoablstes ales ‡hen ‡hit en raiint rsa, itnhse , rtohue tre obuete obmees oma es stea epst, estepi, ksty iriky er rio er ool anoli amniu dm ud ˆespˆitese pthite e hthoe rrhenordroenus dorouas drso, aI dhs, aI e hmaae dme athdis e tthris ip twriip th wmith y stmuy stu dentds enants d aKennd Kenyan yaon lleaoglluees agunes earnly eaerlery ey yereay r yeoar r thoe r ltahst e ldaest addee ato de to studsty uhdoy w hhouw mhaun mbaon dibes odhieres e haerre e ahre anghianng gains g thae s wthoe rlwd orralpd idraly pimdloy dm od ernier‰es ni‰ƒes he ƒphee opplee oop le Pemo Pa emare a suare bssuistbensiste enare maers rmwers ho wliho e lmiue mh uh as thaeis r thaeinr estanors estdoirs d doir d genor ergenatieronas tiownis th wbaith rebaly raenly y aany esas teso s pato epad ed roadrso, aedlse, terlieittryi, aitny, d arnud nnruinng niwnag terw atŠero st ŠPost emPaemns alans k lasuk ffisuienffit ient Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 10Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 10 7/14/20 12:42 PM7/14/20 12:42 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

x x ContCentontsents EnduErnadnucre aannce ad Angd Aingg: Tinhg: Te Ahce Ative Gctivre Gandrpaanrdenpat r ent ten ten and Canod Cstly Rostely Rpaier Hpaiyr Hpotyhpesoteshes es 225 225 PartP arIvt Iv exer ecxerISec IInSe t Ihne M thoe Mdeorn dewrn orwldorld el evelene venTo M Too Mve oor Nve oor Nt to Mot too Mve: Hoveo: Hw too Mw tao Me Eae Eercisere c ise HapHpeapn pen 255 255 twe ltvewe lveHo w MHow Much aucnh ad nd hat Thyapt Tey pe 278278 thIr thteenIrt eenE erEcisere acisne ad nisd easisee ase 298298 EpilogEpiuleog ue 337 337 ProPlorogluoegue AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments 341341 NoteNos tes 343 343 IndeInx dex 419 419 In JuIn ne Ju2n0e 172, 0a1s 7, I aws aI s wbaes gibnengiinng nitnhg is tbhois okb, oI okfl, eI w flteo w Kento Kenya, byoau, gbhot ught a trea adtrmeaidllm, ainlld , atnrad ntsrpaonrstped oritt ed in it a in Laa nd Lanrd uisrer uisto er a to rema roemte poltae e plae alled alPleemd Paem, a ao, ma momunmituy nmitoy rme tohrae n thsaen en sethen outshaonud saened t aebeot ae bsoea e sea leel lein etl hin e wtheste werestn paern rt pao rtt hoe  tohue ntoruyn Ptremy Pa emlies a alit es thae t ethde ge edo ge a oer a er dant draengt ioren goio n rool lirnog llihnig lls hailnls d anad lleyas lldeyos ttedd otwteid th wgitih angt iganrat ngirte anoiute t out rops ro­ps at­teraetd tereed ereywerhyerwe haerre e samre asll mfiaelll dfis ealdns d asnimd psile mhpole mhestomeaestdse, ads, typityaplliy aolnely o roneom rohoom ushes oumses adme ardoe m rmom ud maund d adnud ndg uanng d arnood erod oweid th with thatthh aotr h tionr  tPinem Pa emis a beis aubteiauul tibuut l pbuoot rp, oeoren , eben y Kenby Kenyan ystaan nstdaarnddsa, rds, and anar d off ar tohff e bthee atben eapaten thpa ƒto h dƒro ie drtihere te herroe m ro„m ldo„reldt, ortehte , nthee arnest earest ity, wityh, iwh his ih uis st fiust ty fimty iles miales waya, wtaayk, es taknes earnly eaa rldy aa y doan y roon adrs oathdas t that beobmee oimne reinasrineagsly intgrley atrheeraohuers othue s thloe ser loosner e ognee ts gteo ts Ptemo Paem …an  a …n a good godoad y, dtahye , tohue rnoeuy rnree†y urier†es uinres aingaatiingag tipnrg epipreitoiupsit, otuws, isttwinistg idnig rt dirt lanes lantres aerstraeersd bey d gbuy llgies ullliies tterlietd terweid th wbitoh ulbdoers uldaers nd aonthd er othober stoablstes ales ‡hen ‡hit en raiint rsa, itnhse , rtohue tre obuete obmees oma es stea epst, estepi, ksty iriky er rio er ool anoli amniu dm ud ˆespˆitese pthite e hthoe rrhenordroenus dorouas drso, aI dhs, aI e hmaae dme athdis e tthris ip twriip th wmith y stmuy stu dentds enants d aKennd Kenyan yaon lleaoglluees agunes earnly eaerlery ey yereay r yeoar r thoe r ltahst e ldaest addee ato de to studsty uhdoy w hhouw mhaun mbaon dibes odhieres e haerre e ahre anghianng gains g thae s wthoe rlwd orralpd idraly pimdloy dm od ernier‰es ni‰ƒes he ƒphee opplee oop le Pemo Pa emare a suare bssuistbensiste enare maers rmwers ho wliho e lmiue mh uh as thaeis r thaeinr estanors estdoirs d doir d genor ergenatieronas tiownis th wbaith rebaly raenly y aany esas teso s pato epad ed roadrso, aedlse, terlieittryi, aitny, d arnud nnruinng niwnag terw atŠero st ŠPost emPaemns alans k lasuk ffisuienffit ient Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 10Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r2.z.indd 107/14/20 12:42 PM7/14/20 12:42 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 117/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xii xii ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xiii xiii meamns eato ns buto y bushoy essh, omesa, ttmresatstesres, smese, dmiceindeic, icnhea, icrsh, aairsnd , aonthd er otthher intgs hinI gs I treadtrmeaidlls mialrls e arere cenret ceninvt enintvioenns tiownhs owse hoosre igoinris gihnas d hnaod thniontg hitno g dto o do take tfaokr e gfroar ngtreadn, taendd , aI nfid nI d fiit ndd eiet pdley employ vminog vtio ng obto serobvse erhvoe w hhoaw rd htahred y they with whiteh alhth eaalnth d afintd nesfits. nesTrs. eaTdrmeaidllm- liikle l- ldikee vidces eviwces ere wfierrst e fiurst sed usbey d thbe y the work wworik thwouitt haosust istasasnistce anfrcoe m frmom acmhiances hinto es suto rvsuive rvainve d aimnd pirmovpe rtohveie r their RomRaonms ato ns tuto rn tuwrn incwhies nchaes nd alnifd t hlieft avhy eaovby jeocbtsj, ecatnsd , atnhd en thmen odmifioedd ified livesl, ivesesp, eescipalelcy iathlle y cthhe ildchrenild’s. renB’y s. cBomy cpaomripang rtinhem g thwem ith wpiteh opplee ofprloe m from in 18in 18 18b1y 8 tbhy e thie ctoriicatn oriiann venintvoenr tor illiam illiam ubitt ubto itt tuo nisuh nisrh isonris- on- the sthame se aKmae lenKajiln enejtihn neitc hgnrioc ugp rowuhp o wlihvo e liin ve thin e nthee arnbey acribty y coif ty lodf oreldt, oret, ers aers nd anrd evenret viendlt enideslens. esos. r moor rme tohre an tha an cena tcuenryt, urny, glisnh glcisoh nvciocnts victs we cwan e cstaun dsty uhdoy w hoouw r obuodr ibes odcihes ancghe anwghe en whwen e swit e fosr it mfour cmh uocf h thoe f dthae y day amo anmg othnem g th­em sca­r scair lde€ ilwdere€ e wcerone dcemondnemed nto ed trtuo dtgre udfogr e hfoour rs hoa urs day a day 2 2 in officin oe fficjobe s jaonbd s anno d lonno gler onsuger stsuain stoauin rsoeulvrses elwves ith wdiath ily dpaihly yspihcayl sliacbal olra, bor, on enon enormoorums stoues stlikee tlirkee tadrmeaidlls.mills. go bago barefooreft, aoontd s, anit od sr sit our sat oun tat ohn te ghroe gunrdou. nd. ­in­ionins iodniffs er diffoer n wohn ewthher ethtrer eadtrmeaidlls mailrls e starie ll stuislel d usfoed r four nisuhn- ish- ence enthce e ttrhee adtrmeaidllm. ilul. r pular n pwlaan s wto aus sto e iut ste o istt tuo dsty uhdoy w heofficw eienffictliy ently menmt, enbut, t buthet y thileluy stilrluatste rtahte e tohde d ondad tunrae tuorf e e„oerf ec„isere ciisn e thin e tmhe odmerond, ern, womwen omin en thin is trheis gioren gwioan lk wwalhk ilwe hcialre rcyainrrg yhineg avhy elaovay dls ooadf s woaf terw, aftoero, df, ood, induistndruiastlir…iead li…weod rlwd. orldi. thouitt hoseuemt seinemg ilnikg e la ike ma admmaadn moar n aon r iadn ioti, diot, and afinrd ewfioroewd ooon d tohn eir thheier adhs. eaBdus. t Bthue t ttrhee adtrmeaidll mwiall s waan s ialln umilliunmatiinng ating how hwoow uwld o† uled „† lea„in ltao in a tho ua nhteru-n gaterth- gaerterh, era erfa, ra mfaer rmin er ‡iemn ‡jaem, ojr ae, voen r even mistmakiste. akeft. er fwter e iwne vitiend vittehd e twhoe mwen omten o sttao nstd aonn d tohn e tmhe acmhiance hianne d and my gmrye agt-r geraet-a gt-r geraet-a gt-r geraat-n gdraanrdenatrs enthts at t† hast † ensd enmd ost moof st moy f dmay ys dsaiyts - sit- the bthee lt bstealt rtsted artto ed mtoo vme, otvhee, y thweay lkwead lkseeld f s ceolnf s ccoionuscsioly,u hsleys, ihtaentsiltya,nt awlyk, awk ting tiin ng chin aicrs haainrs d atnhen d thcen omcoenmsaente sfaotr e mfoy r imdly enideslens besy s aby yiang yminog nmey oney wardwlya. rd­loyu. , ­toouo, , tporoo, baprbolbay wblay lkwead lksterd anstgrealny gtehle y fithrst e fitrst ime tiymoe u ygoou t ogn ot on to go to to go a tgo ya m gtyo m mto akme amkye smelf yssewlf eastwy, eatitrye, dt, iraendd , aunnd coumncfoomrtafborle taobn le a on a one oonf e thoesf te hbesi€e abrri€ea, rnroeis, ny ocisony tcroanpttrioanps tiothnas t tfhoart ce foyroce u yto ou wtoo rk wtoo rk geto t get macmhiance thihnae tt fhoart fces morces me to ste tro stuggrlue tggo stle tao sty in tay ihn te shame se amlae ceˆlaceˆ nownhoerweh. erelt. houltghh outghh e twhoe mwenom’s entr’es adtrmeaidllm wialll k winalg kisnkg ills skiimlls pirmovperd oved ‰eyo‰ned yotnhd e tahbe suarbdsuity rdoif ty troef adtrmeaidllsm, iollsu, r oduistr adnistt aannt cestanocrs estwors ouwld ould slighstlily ghwtliy th wpitrh acptircaec, twice e, rweae lir€eead li€thed at ttho amt teo amsuerae suhore w htohw ey thneoy rmnoarllmy ally also ablse o bere leer„ed le„bey d thby e twhae y wea„y erec„isere chisae s hbaes cobmece omcoe mcmomermciaerlic…ieadli, …ed, walkwead lkweid th wainth d awnid thwouitt hloouat dlso, awde s, hwae d hto ad abato nadbaon ndthon e ttrhee adtrmeaidll manild l and induistndruiastlir…ieadli, …aendd, , anabdo, vae boavlle , malle, dmiceadlii…ceadli. …Šedlt. hŠoultghh ouwge h swoe mseotimmees times ask tahsem tk them to wao wlk oan slk oon slid golriod gunrdou. nd. e„erec„isere cfisor e ffuonr , fumni, llmionils lioonf s oeof lee otolde aty odaay y ato y e„to erec„isere ctiso e mto anmagae nage s I gs ruI mgrbulemd balebd ouat bohuot w hmow ucmh umch onmeyo, nteimy, et, imaned , aenffd oret ffwore t hwae d had their thweieir gwheit, ghrte, venret vendist edasisee, aasne, d astnad ve staovff e doeff crdeecitruedie tuadne d adned atdhe. ath. wastwed astgeed ttigneg tta intg rea adtrmeaidll mto ilƒl emto ƒjaem, it jast, riut stck rumce k hmoe w htohw este hmesae cmhiances hines „erc„isere cis ise biis g bubig sibunessis. ness. alkinalgk, ijnogg, gjionggg, ianngd , amnd anmy aonthy er othfoer rmfos romf s of encaenpsucalpasute tlahte me thae min tahin temhe oemf te ohis bf thois bok„ owe never evolved to exerciseok„ we never evolved to exercise. . e„erec„isere caisre e ianrhe erinenhertly enfrtely e, frbueet , gbuiat ngt imanut lmtinualttiionnaatil ocnoaml caomniaes nenies ticene tice …ha…t dho at I dmo eI amn ebay n thbay t† th…ate† ll…, ee‡ller, ec‡isere ctisode aty odis ay mis ost mcoost mcmomonmly only us to us sto ensd enlotd s loof ts moof nmey onto ey wtoo rk wooruk t oin ut sin ecsial eccilaol thceslot, hwesit, h wsith e-se- defindeed finaes d vaos luvnotlaurny taprhy yspihcayl sicaactl ivaicty tivuitny duerntdakeren takfen or ftohr e tshae ke saokf e of cial cei‹aul ie‹muenimt, enantd , ainn d sin ecsial ecilaal ces lalcies ke lfiikte nesfits nceslus bcs. lubs. e alse o aalso y ay healhth eaaltnh d afintd nesfits. nesBus. t Bas ut suas ch suit ch is ia t is reca enret cpenht enpohmenenomonen. onu. r nuor t not monmey onto ewy tao tcwh aotcthh er otheer olee oe„lere ec„isere, caisned , aa nhd aa ndhfaunl doff uul s of evuen s eaven y faor y for too dtoisto a dnistt aannct estanocrs estwors ho wwhero e wherue nhteru n gaterth gaerters heraers nd afnard mfaers rmhers ad hto ad to the thrie vilreigve iloegf e suofff ersuiffnerg tihnrg otuhgrh oumgh armatharoantsh, ounlstr, aumltraarmatharoantsh, otnrisa, tthr-iath- be pbhe yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctfiovr e hfoor urs hoeuars ch eadcah y dto ay geto t engeot uengh oufogoh df, oaondd , awnhd ilwe hile lonsl, oannsd , aonthd er othe„er treme„treem, greu, eglrinuge, lionr g, oor tenotitaenlly tiadlaly ngderanoguers osus orstinog rting they thseoy mseotimmees timpes layepd layoer d doar ncdead ncfoed r ffuor n four n soocr iasol crieaal sroenass, onno s, onno e one evenetvs. entos. r a ofer w a ftehw outshaonud sadnod lladrsol, layrsou, , ytoouo, , tcoaon , craun n r1uŒŽ n m1ŒŽ iles mialces roascs ross 3 3 ever ervaer n roar n woar lkwead lkseed verseavl ermail les mijlues st jfuost r hfoer alhthe. althven . vthen e sthale usbarliuoburs ious the ‘thae ha‘raa h’aresa er’est. ert. ‰ut ‰muot rme tohrae n thaann ytahninytg heinlsg e, eels„eer, ec„isere chisae s bheacs obmece ome meamnienag noinf g thoe f wthoe rd w“oer‡d er“ec‡isere” cisis er” eis cenretc. endt. aptdead pftreod m frtohm e Šthae tin Šavterin b verb a soua srcoe ourf ace on„f aienty a„ienty ad cnod cnfuosniofun bsioen bcauesce waushe wile ehivlere eyvoerne kyonne kowns towhas tt hat exerceoexerceo ‹to w‹too rkw, otrrka, intr, aoir n, porar cptircaecŒt, ictheŒe , thne glisnh glwisoh rd wo“erd ‡er“ec‡isere” ciswea” s was e„erec„isere cis isge ois od gofoor d tfhoeir r thheiear lhthe, atlthhe , mthae jomriatjy oorif ty us of sturs ustggrlue gtgo le e„tero ec„isere cise first fiurst sed usin ed thin e Žthe idŽdle iddlge es gto es coto nncootne naortde uaoruds uolaubs olr abliokr e lpikloe wpilnog wing enouengho, sugahf, selya, ofer enly, ojr enoyabjolyy. ablye a. re ee a„rere ec„isered acisebd aout ebo„uert ec„isere.cise. 1 1 a fieald fi. eld. ­ka­y, ksao ye, „sero ec„isere cis isae is raador„aidcaol„” iscaallu” sbarliuoburs iobuus t abubnt oarbmnoarl, minatlr, iinnstri-insi- …h i…le htihle e twhoe rd wohrad s hloans g lobneg en beuen sed usto ed dento odtene porte acptircaicntg icionr g or traintrinaig ntio ng imto pirmovpe rsokvie lls skoilr ls heoar lhthe, atlo thb, e to “eb‡e er“ec‡iseredcis” aelsd” o amlseo amns eato nbs e to be cally cafrlely e fburee t hbuigt hhly igcholmy cmomodmifioeddi, fia edso, ua rscoe uorf ce loef asulerae suanre d ahned alhth eabulth t but harahsaserads, vseed‡, vede, o‡er wd, oor wrrieod arriebd aout sbooumt a caua sce aouf se disof codmiscfoomrt, fgoruti, ltg, uainltd , aond roobrriuobmri. umh. y dhid y tdhiis d trheis alir…eaatliio…n ation Šike Šitkhe e tmhe odmeron dercon ncceopnt ceopf t eo‡f erec‡iserincg isifnog r tfhor e tshae ke saokf e hoef alhthe, alth, motmivaotte mivate te mo we tro wite trhitis be thois bokˆ Šooknˆ Šd wnhd wy mhiy mght yigohu wt yoisu wh tiso rh teao rd ietaˆd itˆ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12 7/9/20 1:06 PM7/9/20 1:06 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xii xii ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xiii xiii meamns eato ns buto y bushoy essh, omesa, ttmresatstesres, smese, dmiceindeic, icnhea, icrsh, aairsnd , aonthd er otthher intgs hinI gs I treadtrmeaidlls mialrls e arere cenret ceninvt enintvioenns tiownhs owse hoosre igoinris gihnas d hnaod thniontg hitno g dto o do take tfaokr e gfroar ngtreadn, taendd , aI nfid nI d fiit ndd eiet pdley employ vminog vtio ng obto serobvse erhvoe w hhoaw rd htahred y they with whiteh alhth eaalnth d afintd nesfits. nesTrs. eaTdrmeaidllm- liikle l- ldikee vidces eviwces ere wfierrst e fiurst sed usbey d thbe y the work wworik thwouitt haosust istasasnistce anfrcoe m frmom acmhiances hinto es suto rvsuive rvainve d aimnd pirmovpe rtohveie r their RomRaonms ato ns tuto rn tuwrn incwhies nchaes nd alnifd t hlieft avhy eaovby jeocbtsj, ecatnsd , atnhd en thmen odmifioedd ified livesl, ivesesp, eescipalelcy iathlle y cthhe ildchrenild’s. renB’y s. cBomy cpaomripang rtinhem g thwem ith wpiteh opplee ofprloe m from in 18in 18 18b1y 8 tbhy e thie ctoriicatn oriiann venintvoenr tor illiam illiam ubitt ubto itt tuo nisuh nisrh isonris- on- the sthame se aKmae lenKajiln enejtihn neitc hgnrioc ugp rowuhp o wlihvo e liin ve thin e nthee arnbey acribty y coif ty lodf oreldt, oret, ers aers nd anrd evenret viendlt enideslens. esos. r moor rme tohre an tha an cena tcuenryt, urny, glisnh glcisoh nvciocnts victs we cwan e cstaun dsty uhdoy w hoouw r obuodr ibes odcihes ancghe anwghe en whwen e swit e fosr it mfour cmh uocf h thoe f dthae y day amo anmg othnem g th­em sca­r scair lde€ ilwdere€ e wcerone dcemondnemed nto ed trtuo dtgre udfogr e hfoour rs hoa urs day a day 2 2 in officin oe fficjobe s jaonbd s anno d lonno gler onsuger stsuain stoauin rsoeulvrses elwves ith wdiath ily dpaihly yspihcayl sliacbal olra, bor, on enon enormoorums stoues stlikee tlirkee tadrmeaidlls.mills. go bago barefooreft, aoontd s, anit od sr sit our sat oun tat ohn te ghroe gunrdou. nd.­in­ionins iodniffs er diffoer n wohn ewthher ethtrer eadtrmeaidlls mailrls e starie ll stuislel d usfoed r four nisuhn- ish- ence enthce e ttrhee adtrmeaidllm. ilul. r pular n pwlaan s wto aus sto e iut ste o istt tuo dsty uhdoy w heofficw eienffictliy ently menmt, enbut, t buthet y thileluy stilrluatste rtahte e tohde d ondad tunrae tuorf e e„oerf ec„isere ciisn e thin e tmhe odmerond, ern, womwen omin en thin is trheis gioren gwioan lk wwalhk ilwe hcialre rcyainrrg yhineg avhy elaovay dls ooadf s woaf terw, aftoero, df, ood, induistndruiastlir…iead li…weod rlwd. orldi. thouitt hoseuemt seinemg ilnikg e la ike ma admmaadn moar n aon r iadn ioti, diot, and afinrd ewfioroewd ooon d tohn eir thheier adhs. eaBdus. t Bthue t ttrhee adtrmeaidll mwiall s waan s ialln umilliunmatiinng ating how hwoow uwld o† uled „† lea„in ltao in a tho ua nhteru-n gaterth- gaerterh, era erfa, ra mfaer rmin er ‡iemn ‡jaem, ojr ae, voen r even mistmakiste. akeft. er fwter e iwne vitiend vittehd e twhoe mwen omten o sttao nstd aonn d tohn e tmhe acmhiance hianne d and my gmrye agt-r geraet-a gt-r geraet-a gt-r geraat-n gdraanrdenatrs enthts at t† hast † ensd enmd ost moof st moy f dmay ys dsaiyts -sit- the bthee lt bstealt rtsted artto ed mtoo vme, otvhee, y thweay lkwead lkseeld f s ceolnf s ccoionuscsioly,u hsleys, ihtaentsiltya,nt awlyk, awk ting tiin ng chin aicrs haainrs d atnhen d thcen omcoenmsaente sfaotr e mfoy r imdly enideslens besy s aby yiang yminog nmey oney wardwlya. rd­loyu. , ­toouo, , tporoo, baprbolbay wblay lkwead lksterd anstgrealny gtehle y fithrst e fitrst ime tiymoe u ygoou t ogn ot on to go to to go a tgo ya m gtyo m mto akme amkye smelf yssewlf eastwy, eatitrye, dt, iraendd , aunnd coumncfoomrtafborle taobn le a on a one oonf e thoesf te hbesi€e abrri€ea, rnroeis, ny ocisony tcroanpttrioanps tiothnas t tfhoart ce foyroce u yto ou wtoo rk wtoo rk geto t get macmhiance thihnae tt fhoart fces morces me to ste tro stuggrlue tggo stle tao sty in tay ihn te shame se amlae ceˆlaceˆ nownhoerweh. erelt. houltghh outghh e twhoe mwenom’s entr’es adtrmeaidllm wialll k winalg kisnkg ills skiimlls pirmovperd oved ‰eyo‰ned yotnhd e tahbe suarbdsuity rdoif ty troef adtrmeaidllsm, iollsu, r oduistr adnistt aannt cestanocrs estwors ouwld ould slighstlily ghwtliy th wpitrh acptircaec, twice e, rweae lir€eead li€thed at ttho amt teo amsuerae suhore w htohw ey thneoy rmnoarllmy ally also ablse o bere leer„ed le„bey d thby e twhae y wea„y erec„isere chisae s hbaes cobmece omcoe mcmomermciaerlic…ieadli, …ed, walkwead lkweid th wainth d awnid thwouitt hloouat dlso, awde s, hwae d hto ad abato nadbaon ndthon e ttrhee adtrmeaidll manild l and induistndruiastlir…ieadli, …aendd, , anabdo, vae boavlle , malle, dmiceadlii…ceadli. …Šedlt. hŠoultghh ouwge h swoe mseotimmees times ask tahsem tk them to wao wlk oan slk oon slid golriod gunrdou. nd.e„erec„isere cfisor e ffuonr , fumni, llmionils lioonf s oeof lee otolde aty odaay y ato y e„to erec„isere ctiso e mto anmagae nage s I gs ruI mgrbulemd balebd ouat bohuot w hmow ucmh umch onmeyo, nteimy, et, imaned , aenffd oret ffwore t hwae d had their thweieir gwheit, ghrte, venret vendist edasisee, aasne, d astnad ve staovff e doeff crdeecitruedie tuadne d adned atdhe. ath. wastwed astgeed ttigneg tta intg rea adtrmeaidll mto ilƒl emto ƒjaem, it jast, riut stck rumce k hmoe w htohw este hmesae cmhiances hines „erc„isere cis ise biis g bubig sibunessis. ness. alkinalgk, ijnogg, gjionggg, ianngd , amnd anmy aonthy er othfoer rmfos romf s of encaenpsucalpasute tlahte me thae min tahin temhe oemf te ohis bf thois bok„ owe never evolved to exerciseok„ we never evolved to exercise..e„erec„isere caisre e ianrhe erinenhertly enfrtely e, frbueet , gbuiat ngt imanut lmtinualttiionnaatil ocnoaml caomniaes nenies ticene tice …ha…t dho at I dmo eI amn ebay n thbay t† th…ate† ll…, ee‡ller, ec‡isere ctisode aty odis ay mis ost mcoost mcmomonmly only us to us sto ensd enlotd s loof ts moof nmey onto ey wtoo rk wooruk t oin ut sin ecsial eccilaol thceslot, hwesit, h wsith e-se- defindeed finaes d vaos luvnotlaurny taprhy yspihcayl sicaactl ivaicty tivuitny duerntdakeren takfen or ftohr e tshae ke saokf e of cial cei‹aul ie‹muenimt, enantd , ainn d sin ecsial ecilaal ces lalcies ke lfiikte nesfits nceslus bcs. lubs. e alse o aalso y ay healhth eaaltnh d afintd nesfits. nesBus. t Bas ut suas ch suit ch is ia t is reca enret cpenht enpohmenenomonen. onu. r nuor t not monmey onto ewy tao tcwh aotcthh er otheer olee oe„lere ec„isere, caisned , aa nhd aa ndhfaunl doff uul s of evuen s eaven y faor y for too dtoisto a dnistt aannct estanocrs estwors ho wwhero e wherue nhteru n gaterth gaerters heraers nd afnard mfaers rmhers ad hto ad to the thrie vilreigve iloegf e suofff ersuiffnerg tihnrg otuhgrh oumgh armatharoantsh, ounlstr, aumltraarmatharoantsh, otnrisa, tthr-iath- be pbhe yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctfiovr e hfoor urs hoeuars ch eadcah y dto ay geto t engeot uengh oufogoh df, oaondd , awnhd ilwe hile lonsl, oannsd , aonthd er othe„er treme„treem, greu, eglrinuge, lionr g, oor tenotitaenlly tiadlaly ngderanoguers osus orstinog rting they thseoy mseotimmees timpes layepd layoer d doar ncdead ncfoed r ffuor n four n soocr iasol crieaal sroenass, onno s, onno e one evenetvs. entos. r a ofer w a ftehw outshaonud sadnod lladrsol, layrsou, , ytoouo, , tcoaon , craun n r1uŒŽ n m1ŒŽ iles mialces roascs ross 3 3 ever ervaer n roar n woar lkwead lkseed verseavl ermail les mijlues st jfuost r hfoer alhthe. althven . vthen e sthale usbarliuoburs ious the ‘thae ha‘raa h’aresa er’est. ert. ‰ut ‰muot rme tohrae n thaann ytahninytg heinlsg e, eels„eer, ec„isere chisae s bheacs obmece ome meamnienag noinf g thoe f wthoe rd w“oer‡d er“ec‡isere” cisis er” eis cenretc. endt. aptdead pftreod m frtohm e Šthae tin Šavterin b verb a soua srcoe ourf ace on„f aienty a„ienty ad cnod cnfuosniofun bsioen bcauesce waushe wile ehivlere eyvoerne kyonne kowns towhas tt hat exerceoexerceo ‹to w‹too rkw, otrrka, intr, aoir n, porar cptircaecŒt, ictheŒe , thne glisnh glwisoh rd wo“erd ‡er“ec‡isere” ciswea” s was e„erec„isere cis isge ois od gofoor d tfhoeir r thheiear lhthe, atlthhe , mthae jomriatjy oorif ty us of sturs ustggrlue gtgo le e„tero ec„isere cise first fiurst sed usin ed thin e Žthe idŽdle iddlge es gto es coto nncootne naortde uaoruds uolaubs olr abliokr e lpikloe wpilnog wing enouengho, sugahf, selya, ofer enly, ojr enoyabjolyy. ablye a. re ee a„rere ec„isered acisebd aout ebo„uert ec„isere.cise. 11 a fieald fi. eld. ­ka­y, ksao ye, „sero ec„isere cis isae is raador„aidcaol„” iscaallu” sbarliuoburs iobuus t abubnt oarbmnoarl, minatlr, iinnstri-insi- …h i…le htihle e twhoe rd wohrad s hloans g lobneg en beuen sed usto ed dento odtene porte acptircaicntg icionr g or traintrinaig ntio ng imto pirmovpe rsokvie lls skoilr ls heoar lhthe, atlo thb, e to “eb‡e er“ec‡iseredcis” aelsd” o amlseo amns eato nbs e to be cally cafrlely e fburee t hbuigt hhly igcholmy cmomodmifioeddi, fia edso, ua rscoe uorf ce loef asulerae suanre d ahned alhth eabulth t but harahsaserads, vseed‡, vede, o‡er wd, oor wrrieod arriebd aout sbooumt caua sce aouf se disof codmiscfoomrt, fgoruti, ltg, uainltd , aond roobrriuobmri. umh. y dhid y tdhiis d trheis alir…eaatliio…n ation Šike Šitkhe e tmhe odmeron dercon ncceopnt ceopf t eo‡f erec‡iserincg isifnog r tfhor e tshae ke saokf e hoef alhthe, alth, motmivaotte mivate te mo we tro wite trhitis be thois bokˆ Šooknˆ Šd wnhd wy mhiy mght yigohu wt yoisu wh tiso rh teao rd ietaˆd itˆ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 127/9/20 1:06 PM7/9/20 1:06 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 137/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xiv xiv ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xv xv MythMs oythf Es oxef Ercixseercise My Mexy perexipenercies encaes nd arnesd eraesrceh arsclh owslly owlely d lmed e mto e ctoo nccloundce lutdhe at that becabuesce auinsde uistndruiastlirziead lizseod ciesotices ietsuies ch suacs h thae s Uthne itUed niStetd ates Staftaes il tfo airl etco - rec- For Fmoor st moof st moy f lmifey , lIi, fet, oIo, , twooa, s wexaers ecxisered cisaebd ouat beoxuert ecxisere. cLisiek. e Lmikae nmy, aI ny, I ogniozge ntihze at tehxaert ecxisere cis ise a is paa rapadorxaidcaolxliy camlloy dmeron derbun t buheat lhthey albthey habveihora, vior, grew gruep w feuep lifneg eluinng suurne suanre d ainnsd eicnusree caubroe uat bmouy t emffy oretffs oto rtbs e to pbhe yspihcaylsliy cally many many of our of our beliefs beliefs and and attitudes attitudes about about exercise exercise are mythsare myths (by “(bmy y“thm” yth” activaec. tiIvte’s . a Itc’s lia chcéli, cbuhét , buas t a aps ina tp siinted si, neerd, dny erkdidy , kI idre, aI llry eawllay s wpaics kpeid cked  me amn ea an claa im clatihm at this at wis idewly idbeely liebveeld ievbued t buinat cicnuarcactue raante d aenxd agegxerag- ger- last lfaost r tfeoar mtes aimn s scin hosoclh. oollt. houltghh ouI gdh reI admreead moef d beiof nbg eimnog rme aotrhe leattihcl, etic, ateda tedo  be o cblee arc, le adro ,  ndoo t cnoont tcenond tenthad t tehxaert ecxisere cisisne t isbnent ebfiencieafil coir atl hoar t that feelifnegs elinogs f inoaf dienaudaecy uaancy d aemnd baemrrbaassrmrasensmt aenbot uat bmouy t mmey dmioecdre ioacbre iliabili evereyvtherinytg hiynog u yhoau ve hraevae d reaabd ouat boexuert ecxisere cis ise inis coirnrecocrt recht at whaot uwld oube ld be ties trieies nrfoeirncefod rmcey d imncy liinnactliionn attio on avtoo id avsopid orstps. oIrn ts. fiIrst n figrst radger, aI doen, cI e ohncid e hid silly si llwy i ll, whiollw, hevoerwe, vmera, ­me ath­e e cthase e ctahsae t tbhy at igbny oirginnog roinr g moisr imntiserinptreret-pret- in a cinl aos cetlo dsuret dinurg ginygm g. ymo m. eo, m thee, w thoer wd ­oexrde ­rexciseer”ci ssteill” s stumill smumonms uonps up ing einvog luevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl picersal ppersectpivees ctiovn es pohn yspihcayl saiccatl ivaictyti, vity, anxiaonuxs iomuems moemries oroies f boeif nbg eihnug mhiulimateild iabtey d pbhy yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn attioean chteach the cthoe ntcemonptemoraproy, rainryd, uistndruiastl raipapl raopapcrh oato ch exto erecxisere cis ise mis armread rrbey d mbisy -mis- ers wers ho wshho oustheod uatet d mae t ams e I asts rI ustggrluegdg, laesdh, aamshead moef d moy f bmoy dyb, otdo y, keto ep keep concceopntcioenpsti, oonvserst, ovaersttemaentemtsen, fatsu, ltfy auloltgy iclo, goiccc, aosciocnasail onmaistl mruistthrsu, tahnsd , and up wuip th wmith y fmasty erfa, ststerro, nstgreron, gaernd , amnd orme toarle entatelend ctelad sscmlasastes. matI es. can I cstain ll still inexicneusxacblues afiblnege firn- pgeoinr- ptingointing hear h‚earr . ‚ƒ—r. — ƒ—b— ellobwelilnogw, i­nLgi, eb­Leriemberanm, calnim, cb limthb at trhoapt er…o” pI e…w” aI snw’t asa n’t a €hief €haimef oanmg otnhg este hesme ythms yis ths this e tnhoe tionn otitohn at twhae t awre e suare ppsuospepd osto ed to total toctoaul cch oupcoh tapto otian to scin hosoclh, oaonld , athnd rotuhgrhoouugt hmouy t tmwy entwties entaines d athnd irttihes irties wantwant to e xto erecxisere ciseh ere his ere a is claa ss cloasf s poef opplee owplhe owm ho m de finde efians e “eaxs er“e- xer- I occI aosciocnasailoly na†ollgy g†eod ggaend d ahnid kehdi, kbuedt , buI dt id I dniod t nexoert ecxisere caiss e maus cmh uacs h I as I cistsc” istwsh” o wlih­o e ltio ­e brto ag barabg ouat beoxuert ecxisere caisne d awnhd o wrhepo eraetpedealy terdemly rinemd iuns d us shouslhdo, ualndd , aI nwd aI s wlaars gelaly rgieglny oirgannot raannd t aannd xiaonuxs ioaubs ouat bowuht awt khiant dks inodf s of that thexaert ecxisere cis ise mis edmiceindeic, ia nem, a agmic apgiilc l pthilal t thslaot wss loawgs inag gianng d adned ladys elays exerecxisere tciso de too d, hoow o, hofw otenf, htenow v, hoiw vgoroiguosrloy, ausnlyd h, anod hw too iw tmo iprmovper.ove. deatdhe a‚tho u ‚­onu ow ­ntohw e tthype et yƒpec coƒrcdcionrg ditno g etxo erecxistersc, istwse , wwere e werborne born to to ‡esp‡itese pmity e mmey dmioecdre ioactrhe leattihclisetmic, isI mfe, lI l ifn ell loivn e lwovie th wainth tharnotphorloopgoy logy exerecxisere cbisee cabuesce aufosr e mfoir llmionils lioonf s yeoaf rs yeoaurs r ohuur nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter heraner cestanocrs estors and aenvd oluevtioolnuatiroy nbarioy lobgioy loin gy coin llecgoe lleagne d acnhd osce hoto se sttuo dsty uhdoy w haonw d awnhd y why survsuiverd vivtehd rotuhgrh ouwgh al­winalg­, inrug, nnruinngn, incgli, mcbliinmgb, inagn, d aontd her othper hyspihcayl sical the thhue mhaun mbaon dy bois dy this e twhae y wit ay is. it is. t the t tbhee gibnengiinng nionf g moy f mcay recera, reI er, I activaictites iviti„es ven „veen xerecxisters cistwhs o wdhiso cdreisdcit retdhie t tthhee otrhy eoorf y evoof luevtiooln uttiohn int­ hin­ focufsoecd usoen d sokn ulslsk, ubulls, t bufor t vfoarr iovuars ioauccs idaenccitdaenl rteaal sroenas soI nas lsI o ablseo cabmece ame we awre e faarte ed fatto ed exto erecxisere cis…eh en …h†en od †eoxd peelxlepd elƒledd aƒm daanm d a„nvd e „frvoe m frtohm e the interinesttered estin ed thin e ethvoe luevtiooln utoiof n huof mhaun mraun nnruinngn. i nhg. at rhesat eraesrceh airn ch tuin rn turn †ard†en ardoen f „odf en„, dhene , chone dcemondnemed nthed em thtem o a tlo ife a olif fe agorf aargiarn ardiarn uddgrerudyg‡ ery‡ led mled e tmo e intvo estinivgaestte igathte e ethvoe luevtiooln utoiof n otohf er othhuer mhaun mpahn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivities “ˆy “tˆhe y sthwe east woef at yoouf r yoburor w bryoow u ywoiu ll weailt l yeoaut r yofouor d fouond tiul nyotiu l yroeu turren tuto rn to like liwkael kwingalk, ingthr,o twhingrow, ingtoo,lm toaoklmingak, ingdig,g dingigg, ingand, acandrr cayingrry. ingˆv.e rˆ tvheer the the gthroe ugnrdou” n…de ” a…re e tahrue s thnuas ggnead ggto ed extero ecxisere cbisece abuesce aiut sis e int ois t ‰nuost t ‰guost od good last lfiafst tefien fteyen ears yeI ars haI ve hhavae d hthad e othpe poorptpuonrittuy nto ity trtao verstrave ersthe e gthloe bge loto be to for ufos r buus t abulst o aa lsfo una dfuamndenamtaenl atsapl eacst poef ctt hoe f hthue mhaun mcaon ndciotniodni tiŠoneo pŠlee ople obserobvse erhvoe w hhoaw rdhwaordrkwionrg khinug nhterun gaterth gaertersher, erssub, ssuistbensistce enfacre mfaersrm, ersand , and who wdhoo ndt oenxert ecxisere cenise ouengh ouagre h caorne sciodnerseidd erlaezd y, laaznyd , apnhd yspihcayl sisucaffl ersuiffnerg ing others othuers se uthseie r thbeiodr ibes. odƒies. ecaƒuesce auI sste rI ivste rtio ve be to abde venadtvuenrotuusr, owuhs, enwehvener ever of thoe “f tnho pae “no pain, nio gan, no gain” vianr” vietay is criety is consiodnerseidd vereird vtuoirutsuous posspibolse siIb’vle e Itr’vie ed trtio ed pato rtpaicirpaticte ipain te thin este haescte ivaictites. ivities. monmg oonthg er otehxer peexpe Œther Œthmer ythms yathbs ouat beoxuert ecxisere ccisoe mce oimn e thin e ftohre m foorm f exoaf gegxeragagtierona tiof n f rienrciesen, cIes’ve , rI’uvn e raunn d acnard rciead rrwiead ter waotn er moy n hmeay d hien ad ‰enin ‰enya, tryaac, ktread ckmeud smk usk exerecxisere, caiss ew, ae s awre e taorle d, tois ldr, eis allry ea al“ly ma a“gmic apgiilc l” ptihlla” t twhailt l wcuilrl e cour re proer vpenret vent oxen oxaen nd aknud du kuwdiu th wiinth diignendioguens ohuus nhters untiers n Širn eenŠrleaennd laannd d a nad n aanniaa, nia, most mdoisst edasisesea, swesh, y wahre y mare orme poree opplee olpivle inlg ivilnong gler ongther an theavn er edver espditese pite †oine†od inaen d aann ciaennct i‹enatt i‹ve ativme ermicaern icfoaon trfoacoe truacne duer ntdher e stthae rs stian rs ‚ien x‚icoe, xico, beinbg eimnog rme pohre yspihcaylsliy cainllay citnivae cttihvae n theavn ereŽ vƒerrŽ e ƒhure mhaunms afunns dfuamndenamtaenlly tally playepd labayed refbaooreft coroict kcerit cikn ert uin rarl uIrnadl iIan, daniad , arnacd erd aocen d fooon t faogaot iangast ihnost rshes orses slow salonw d awned a­wŽ eas ­iŽ t ts ruit e ttrhuae t twhe at twrae de troadff e storff enstgrtenh fgotr h enfodr uenradnucreaŽ nƒcerŽ e ƒre in thin e mthoe umntoauinns taoinf s orf ionria. oƒnaac. k ƒain ck min y lmab y alat b Œaat rŒvaarrd vŽarnd ivŽersnivitersy, ity, chaicrs haoiurs t too u­t itlo l u­silŽ l us seŽ xers ecxisere cuisse eluesss elfesor s lofosr inlog swineig gwheitŽ ghs tiŽ t ns oirt mnoarl mal my stmuy dstenutds enants d aI ncd onI dcuocnt deuxcpt erexipmerenimts ento ts sttuo dsty uthde y athne ataonmayto, mbioy, mbeiome to be to lesbe s laescts ivae ctais ve wae s awgee Ž ags edŽ ris nd­riinng ­a ingg laa ss gloaf srs eod f wreid ne wains e benas ebfiencieafil cial 4 4 chancihcasn, aicnsd p, anhd pysiholyosgioy tlohgay tt uhnat udernlide terhliese te ahescte aivictites.ivities. as spaens sdpienng adinn hg aon hur ion tur ihn te ghye gmŽymŽ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 15Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 15 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xiv xiv ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xv xv MythMs oythf Es oxef Ercixseercise My Mexy perexipenercies encaes nd arnesd eraesrceh arsclh owslly owlely d lmed e mto e ctoo nccloundce lutdhe at that becabuesce auinsde uistndruiastlirziead lizseod ciesotices ietsuies ch suacs h thae s Uthne itUed niStetd ates Staftaes il tfo airl etco - rec- For Fmoor st moof st moy f lmifey , lIi, fet, oIo, , twooa, s wexaers ecxisered cisaebd ouat beoxuert ecxisere. cLisiek. e Lmikae nmy, aI ny, I ogniozge ntihze at tehxaert ecxisere cis ise a is paa rapadorxaidcaolxliy camlloy dmeron derbun t buheat lhthey albthey habveihora, vior, grew gruep w feuep lifneg eluinng suurne suanre d ainnsd eicnusree caubroe uat bmouy t emffy oretffs oto rtbs e to pbhe yspihcaylsliy cally many many of our of our beliefs beliefs and and attitudes attitudes about about exercise exercise are mythsare myths (by “(bmy y“thm” yth” activaec. tiIvte’s . a Itc’s lia chcéli, cbuhét , buas t a aps ina tp siinted si, neerd, dny erkdidy , kI idre, aI llry eawllay s wpaics kpeid cked  me amn ea an claa im clatihm at this at wis idewly idbeely liebveeld ievbued t buinat cicnuarcactue raante d aenxd agegxerag- ger- last lfaost r tfeoar mtes aimn s scin hosoclh. oollt. houltghh ouI gdh reI admreead moef d beiof nbg eimnog rme aotrhe leattihcl, etic, ateda tedo  be o cblee arc, le adro ,  ndoo t cnoont tcenond tenthad t tehxaert ecxisere cisisne t isbnent ebfiencieafil coir atl hoar t that feelifnegs elinogs f inoaf dienaudaecy uaancy d aemnd baemrrbaassrmrasensmt aenbot uat bmouy t mmey dmioecdre ioacbre iliabilievereyvtherinytg hiynog u yhoau ve hraevae d reaabd ouat boexuert ecxisere cis ise inis coirnrecocrt recht at whaot uwld oube ld be ties trieies nrfoeirncefod rmcey d imncy liinnactliionn attio on avtoo id avsopid orstps. oIrn ts. fiIrst n figrst radger, aI doen, cI e ohncid e hid silly si llwy i ll, whiollw, hevoerwe, vmera, ­me ath­e e cthase e ctahsae t tbhy at igbny oirginnog roinr g moisr imntiserinptreret-pret- in a cinl aos cetlo dsuret dinurg ginygm g. ymo m. eo, m thee, w thoer wd ­oexrde ­rexciseer”ci ssteill” s stumill smumonms uonps up ing einvog luevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl picersal ppersectpivees ctiovn es pohn yspihcayl saiccatl ivaictyti, vity, anxiaonuxs iomuems moemries oroies f boeif nbg eihnug mhiulimateild iabtey d pbhy yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn attioean chteachthe cthoe ntcemonptemoraproy, rainryd, uistndruiastl raipapl raopapcrh oato ch exto erecxisere cis ise mis armread rrbey d mbisy -mis- ers wers ho wshho oustheod uatet d mae t ams e I asts rI ustggrluegdg, laesdh, aamshead moef d moy f bmoy dyb, otdo y, keto ep keep concceopntcioenpsti, oonvserst, ovaersttemaentemtsen, fatsu, ltfy auloltgy iclo, goiccc, aosciocnasail onmaistl mruistthrsu, tahnsd , and up wuip th wmith y fmasty erfa, ststerro, nstgreron, gaernd , amnd orme toarle entatelend ctelad sscmlasastes. matI es. can I cstain ll still inexicneusxacblues afiblnege firn- pgeoinr- ptingointing hear h‚earr . ‚ƒ—r. — ƒ—b— ellobwelilnogw, i­nLgi, eb­Leriemberanm, calnim, cb limthb at trhoapt er…o” pI e…w” aI snw’t asa n’t a €hief €haimef oanmg otnhg este hesme ythms yis ths this e tnhoe tionn otitohn at twhae t awre e suare ppsuospepd osto ed to total toctoaul cch oupcoh tapto otian to scin hosoclh, oaonld , athnd rotuhgrhoouugt hmouy t tmwy entwties entaines d athnd irttihes irties wantwant to e xto erecxisere ciseh ere his ere a is claa ss cloasf s poef opplee owplhe owm ho m de finde efians e “eaxs er“e- xer- I occI aosciocnasailoly na†ollgy g†eod ggaend d ahnid kehdi, kbuedt , buI dt id I dniod t nexoert ecxisere caiss e maus cmh uacs h I as I cistsc” istwsh” o wlih­o e ltio ­e brto ag barabg ouat beoxuert ecxisere caisne d awnhd o wrhepo eraetpedealy terdemly rinemd iuns d us shouslhdo, ualndd , aI nwd aI s wlaars gelaly rgieglny oirgannot raannd t aannd xiaonuxs ioaubs ouat bowuht awt khiant dks inodf s of that thexaert ecxisere cis ise mis edmiceindeic, ia nem, a agmic apgiilc l pthilal t thslaot wss loawgs inag gianng d adned ladys elays exerecxisere tciso de too d, hoow o, hofw otenf, htenow v, hoiw vgoroiguosrloy, ausnlyd h, anod hw too iw tmo iprmovper.ove.deatdhe a‚tho u ‚­onu ow ­ntohw e tthype et yƒpec coƒrcdcionrg ditno g etxo erecxistersc, istwse , wwere e werborne born to to ‡esp‡itese pmity e mmey dmioecdre ioactrhe leattihclisetmic, isI mfe, lI l ifn ell loivn e lwovie th wainth tharnotphorloopgoy logy exerecxisere cbisee cabuesce aufosr e mfoir llmionils lioonf s yeoaf rs yeoaurs r ohuur nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter heraner cestanocrs estors and aenvd oluevtioolnuatiroy nbarioy lobgioy loin gy coin llecgoe lleagne d acnhd osce hoto se sttuo dsty uhdoy w haonw d awnhd y why survsuiverd vivtehd rotuhgrh ouwgh al­winalg­, inrug, nnruinngn, incgli, mcbliinmgb, inagn, d aontd her othper hyspihcayl sical the thhue mhaun mbaon dy bois dy this e twhae y wit ay is. it is. t the t tbhee gibnengiinng nionf g moy f mcay recera, reI er, I activaictites iviti„es ven „veen xerecxisters cistwhs o wdhiso cdreisdcit retdhie t tthhee otrhy eoorf y evoof luevtiooln uttiohn int­ hin­ focufsoecd usoen d sokn ulslsk, ubulls, t bufor t vfoarr iovuars ioauccs idaenccitdaenl rteaal sroenas soI nas lsI o ablseo cabmece ame we awre e faarte ed fatto ed exto erecxisere cis…eh en …h†en od †eoxd peelxlepd elƒledd aƒm daanm d a„nvd e „frvoe m frtohm e the interinesttered estin ed thin e ethvoe luevtiooln utoiof n huof mhaun mraun nnruinngn. i nhg. at rhesat eraesrceh airn ch tuin rn turn †ard†en ardoen f „odf en„, dhene , chone dcemondnemed nthed em thtem o a tlo ife a olif fe agorf aargiarn ardiarn uddgrerudyg‡ ery‡ led mled e tmo e intvo estinivgaestte igathte e ethvoe luevtiooln utoiof n otohf er othhuer mhaun mpahn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivities “ˆy “tˆhe y sthwe east woef at yoouf r yoburor w bryoow u ywoiu ll weailt l yeoaut r yofouor d fouond tiul nyotiu l yroeu turren tuto rn to like liwkael kwingalk, ingthr,o twhingrow, ingtoo,lm toaoklmingak, ingdig,g dingigg, ingand, acandrr cayingrry. ingˆv.e rˆ tvheer the the gthroe ugnrdou” n…de ” a…re e tahrue s thnuas ggnead ggto ed extero ecxisere cbisece abuesce aiut sis e int ois t ‰nuost t ‰guost od good last lfiafst tefien fteyen ears yeI ars haI ve hhavae d hthad e othpe poorptpuonrittuy nto ity trtao verstrave ersthe e gthloe bge loto be to for ufos r buus t abulst o aa lsfo una dfuamndenamtaenl atsapl eacst poef ctt hoe f hthue mhaun mcaon ndciotniodni tiŠoneo pŠlee ople obserobvse erhvoe w hhoaw rdhwaordrkwionrg khinug nhterun gaterth gaertersher, erssub, ssuistbensistce enfacre mfaersrm, ersand , and who wdhoo ndt oenxert ecxisere cenise ouengh ouagre h caorne sciodnerseidd erlaezd y, laaznyd , apnhd yspihcayl sisucaffl ersuiffnerg ing others othuers se uthseie r thbeiodr ibes. odƒies. ecaƒuesce auI sste rI ivste rtio ve be to abde venadtvuenrotuusr, owuhs, enwehvener ever of thoe “f tnho pae “no pain, nio gan, no gain” vianr” vietay is criety is consiodnerseidd vereird vtuoirutsuous posspibolse siIb’vle e Itr’vie ed trtio ed pato rtpaicirpaticte ipain te thin este haescte ivaictites. ivities. monmg oonthg er otehxer peexpeŒther Œthmer ythms yathbs ouat beoxuert ecxisere ccisoe mce oimn e thin e ftohre m foorm f exoaf gegxeragagtierona tiof n f rienrciesen, cIes’ve , rI’uvn e raunn d acnard rciead rrwiead ter waotn er moy n hmeay d hien ad ‰enin ‰enya, tryaac, ktread ckmeud smk usk exerecxisere, caiss ew, ae s awre e taorle d, tois ldr, eis allry ea al“ly ma a“gmic apgiilc l” ptihlla” t twhailt l wcuilrl e cour re proer vpenret vent oxen oxaen nd aknud du kuwdiu th wiinth diignendioguens ohuus nhters untiers n Širn eenŠrleaennd laannd d a nad n aanniaa, nia, most mdoisst edasisesea, swesh, y wahre y mare orme poree opplee olpivle inlg ivilnong gler ongther an theavn er edver espditese pite †oine†od inaen d aann ciaennct i‹enatt i‹ve ativme ermicaern icfoaon trfoacoe truacne duer ntdher e stthae rs stian rs ‚ien x‚icoe, xico, beinbg eimnog rme pohre yspihcaylsliy cainllay citnivae cttihvae n theavn ereŽ vƒerrŽ e ƒhure mhaunms afunns dfuamndenamtaenlly tally playepd labayed refbaooreft coroict kcerit cikn ert uin rarl uIrnadl iIan, daniad , arnacd erd aocen d fooon t faogaot iangast ihnost rshes orses slow salonw d awned a­wŽ eas ­iŽ t ts ruit e ttrhuae t twhe at twrae de troadff e storff enstgrtenh fgotr h enfodr uenradnucreaŽ nƒcerŽ e ƒre in thin e mthoe umntoauinns taoinf s orf ionria. oƒnaac. k ƒain ck min y lmab y alat b Œaat rŒvaarrd vŽarnd ivŽersnivitersy, ity, chaicrs haoiurs t too u­t itlo l u­silŽ l us seŽ xers ecxisere cuisse eluesss elfesor s lofosr inlog swineig gwheitŽ ghs tiŽ t ns oirt mnoarl mal my stmuy dstenutds enants d aI ncd onI dcuocnt deuxcpt erexipmerenimts ento ts sttuo dsty uthde y athne ataonmayto, mbioy, mbeiometo be to lesbe s laescts ivae ctais ve wae s awgee Ž ags edŽ ris nd­riinng ­a ingg laa ss gloaf srs eod f wreid ne wains e benas ebfiencieafil cial 4 4 chancihcasn, aicnsd p, anhd pysiholyosgioy tlohgay tt uhnat udernlide terhliese te ahescte spaens sdpienng adinn hg aon hur ion tur ihn te ghye gmŽymŽ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 147/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 15Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 157/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xvi xvi ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xvii xvii InacIcnuarcactue, rastloe, pspylo, pcpyon, tcroandticratodriy cttohriy ntkhiinng kianbg ouat beoxuert ecxisere cgisive es giuves s us Why a NWhy a Naturaal Hturaisl Htoriys?tory? whipwlahsih plaasnh d asnod ws socwos nfcuosniofun siaonn d asnkd epstkiceisptmic. isOmn . Othn e tohne e ohnae nd hawne d we are aadre visaded visto ed wtao lk wtaen lk tthen outshaonud sastned psts ea pds aa y, daavyo, id avsoiitd tinsigtt, ianngd , anned ver never The Tphreme priseme oisf e thois f tbhois ok bois otk his at tehvaot luevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl piceral -per- take tathke e ethlee vaetloerv, abutort , obun t thon e oththe er othhaer nd hawne d hwee ar htehaar t tehxaert ecxiserincg iswinog nw’t on’t specstpivees cticvaes n chaen lp hues lp buets ter betutner duerstndaerstnd athne d pathe rapadorx adof ox exoerf ecxisere—cis teh—at that help hues lp shues d sheexd tra exptora unpdous. nWds. e aWre e eaxrhe oerxthed ortto ed spto ensd penmod rme toimre e tibmeie nbg eing is, wish, y wahny d ahnod w hsoow mseothminetg hiwne g nwee ver neever volveevd olvto ed dto o is do so is hseo alhtheya. ltI hy. I activae ctaivne d aandd maodnmisohneisd hto ed sttoo p stsolop usclhoiuncgh, inbug, t buthen t thaen dvisaded visto ed slteo ep sleep thintk hitnhk este hpeserse ppersectpivees cticvaes n caalsn o ahlseo lp htehlp oste hoosf e uos f wuhs o wahre o aanre xiaonuxsi, ous, morme aonre d aunsd e uchse aicrs hathirs at tsuhapt psuorpt ptohre t ltohwe er lowbaer ckba. Ecxkp. erExt pceront scenonsusens is sus is confcuosnefdu, soer d, amor baivmablenivat laenbot uat boexuert ecxisere ctiso e exto erecxisere ciisn e thin e tfihrst e fiprst lacep. lace. that twhe at nwee ed nee d m inmuties nuotf es exoerf ecxisere ca iswe ea ekw, ebuekt , wbue t awlse o arlseao d rtehaad t thuast t ust onseonusenetulyen, tthlyis , tbhois ok bois oak s is maus cmh ufocr h efxoerr ecxisere cenise thenustihaustss iaasts s it ais s ift ois r for a few a mfew inmuties nuotf es hiogf hh iinghten instienty esixtery ecxisere ca isde ay a is daeny is ouengh outo gh mtao kme uaks e fiut. s fit. thoste whoshe wo ahre eo axrere ecxisered acisebd aout eboxuert ecxisere acisne ad stnrd stuggrlue tggo dle to io dt.o it. om e ofimtne esfits npesros fpesrsoifoesnsails onraels cormecmomenmd enfred e fwreeie gwheitsg, hottsh, ers othpers respcrresibe cribe et mee t stmae rt stbay ret xbpy leaxinpilnaig nhinog w hI owonw I ’twon ap’tp raopapcrh otahch is tthois picto. pIf icy. oIuf ’yvoe u’ve weigwheit gmhat cmhianceshi, nyeset , oyteht ers othrers eprroeapcrh oaucs h four s nfoor t ndoot indg oienng ouengh oucgah r car read reaand y awney bswiteesbs, iatesrt, icalresti, colesr b, ooor kbs oookn s eoxn erecxisere, cyisoeu, ’yll ouu’lil ckuly icrkelay liree alie dio. dWioh. iWle hsiolme se oamue thaourtihtioes rituies rge uurgs e to us otgo , ootgh, ers othwers arn wathrn at trhuant nruinng ning that tmhaot st moof st wohf awt whae t kwne ow kncoow mces omfres om froobm serobvsinerg vpineg opplee oipn le min odmerond, ern, will wruilil n ruouin r okunr ees knaenes d apnrod mproote maortte harrittis. hriOtis. ne Ownee ek wewee k rweae d rheaod w htoow o too induistndruiastliriead licoeud nctoruies ntrliies ke ltihke e thne ited ni tetad tes t, a­tesng, ­lanngdl, a nwd, e dwene, daennd , and mucmh uecxh erecxisere cmisae y mdaay mdaagme athge e hthee arht eaanrd t atnhd at twhae t nwee ed neceod mcfoomrtafborle table €apa€na. pa‚na. n‚y aonf y thoesf te hstesue dsties udaires e eapre ideempidioemlogioicloaglƒ icthaleƒ y thloeoy k lofoor k afsosr oa-sso- sneasknerseak, ersbut , tbuhe t nthee xt nwexe t rweae d reit ad is iat lis moast lmiomst piomsspibolse sitbo le exto erecxisere ctisoo e too ciaticoinas tiobnes twbeeentw, esenay, , shaeya, lhth eaalnth d apnhd yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivin ity lairn ge lasragme spales mpolf es of mucmh aucnh ad thnd tat mhait mniminal simhaol ses ahores ae bestre b. est. indiivnidduivails. du„als. or e„xoar mexpalem, phluen, hdurendds roedf s stouf dsties udhies ave hlaovoe kleod okfoer d cfoorr recolar-rela- ­eyo­ned yosnpd resapdrienag dcinog nfcuosniofun saionn d adnod ubtdo, utbthe , mthoe st mpoerst npiercionuics iocuons con tions tiobnes twbeeen twehen earht edaisrt edasisee, aesxeer, ecxisere chisae bihtsa, baitnsd , afnacd tofars ctloikrs e laikge e, asgeex, , sex, se€usene€cue enocf e moaf nmy amny ythms ytahbs ouat boeuxert ecxisere—cis ese—pe escipalelcy iatlhly e tohne e oanbe ouat bout and ainnd coimnceo. mThe. esTe haesne alaynses alyrsees verael vceoarl recolartrieolnasti, onnost , cnaout scaatuiosna. tiTonh. erTe here how hiot’w s nito’s rmnoarl mto ael xto erecxisere—cis is e—th is at twhae t fwaie l tfo aihl eto lp hpeelp opplee otpo le exto erecxisere cise has haalss o ablseo en benen o lnaco k laocf k eoxpf erexipmerenimts enthts at thraant droamndly omasly sigan ssipgen opplee ople and atnhd en thuen nfauirnlfy asirhly amshe aamne d abnlad mbe latmhem e thfem or nfoor t dnooit ndg oiitn. g Eivter. Eyvoerne yone …most o…mofst oten cften collegoe stllegue stdenutdsen† otr ms† oir mce tio cce tono ctroansttirnag tstirneg tatmreenatmt genrot guprs oups knowkns otwhes y thshey ouslhd ouexld erecxisere, cisbuet , bufew t ftehw intgs hinags re maroe rme iorrre itiartrinitg atitnhg an than for sfhoor rst hpoerrt ipoders ioodf s timof e titmo e mteo amsuerae suthre e ethffe ecetffs eocf ts paorf tpaicurltaicr uvlaarr iavbalres iables beinbg eitnolg d ttoo ld exto erecxisere, cishoew , hmow ucmh, uacnhd , ainn d wihn awt whaat y. wEaxyh. oErxthinog rtiuns g to us to on paon rtpaicurltaicr uolaur tcooumtces. omˆes. unˆdurendds reodf s suocf h sustch udsties udhies ave halovoe kleodo, kfeodr , for “„ust “„…uo st I…t” o is Ita” bis ouat baos uht eals phfuell pafs utl ealls integ lla indg rua g draudg diacdt dto ic“t „tuo st “„ uast y ‡ aoy .” ‡o.” instainnstcea, nact et, hae t ethffe ecetffs eocf ts vaorf yvinarg ydinog ses doosf es exoerf ecxisere coisn e bolon obd lopord espsuresre sure If exIerf ecxisere cis ise suis ppsuospepdolsy endaly tunraatlu, rwahl, y wis hy it is thiat t tnho at onno e, odnese, pditese pyietae rs years or choor clesthoerlestol lereovel lls.evels. of effof oretff, ohrats , hfoaus nfd ouann d eaffn ecetffivee ctwivae y wto ay heto lp hmelp orme poere opplee otpo le ovto erocovermce ome TherTe his erne ois thniontg hiinnhg erinenhertly enwtrly onwg rownig th wtihth este hsesore ts soorf ts stouf dstiesud—ies as — as deepde seepate sdea, tnedat, unraatl uirnastl iinncstts intco ts avto oid avoopid tioonpatil onexaerl etixoern‰ tioŠnc‰ coŠrcdcionrg ding you’yll osue’lel , sIe’lel , mI’lal kme aukse e uof se thoem f thtem hrotuhgrhoouugt htohue t bthoe okb—oo buk—t t buhet y thvieey w view to a t‹o a Œ ‹suŒ rvsuey rvoef y moif llmionils lioonf s Šomf erŠmicaernisc, aanbso, uat bohuat lf hoaf lf adouf lats dualnts d and exerecxisere ctoiso e ntoao rrnoawrlryo. w„olyr . st„oar rtstersar, tersalm, oast lmaolst l staull dsties udoif es huof mhaunms afoncs ufs ocus nearlney atrlhyre teh €reuear €tuers artoers f teoenf taegeners agrers eporret ptohret y thdeoy n’dt orne’at crh eatchh e tbahe se base on coon ntcemonptemoraproy r‰aresty ‰erestners ernoers r eloitr e ealitthe leattes. hleTtes. herTe his erne ois thniontg hwinrg onwg rong level leovf el o f m inmuties nuotes f phof yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivpier ty pwer eekw, eaenkd , alesnd s lteshas n thoann eo ne with wstituh dstyiundg yitnhg este hpesoe puploaptiuolnasti, obunst , ‰buestt ‰erestners ernsuers ch suacs h Šams erŠmicaernis cans 5 5 third thrierpd orret ptohret y thexeery ecxisere ciisn e thin eir thleisueir leisure tirme et.ime. and a­nud ro­pueraonps eacnons stcoitnustte itounte ly oanbly ouat b‹oŒ ut per‹Œ cpenert coenf t huof mhaunmity anainty d aanre d are ­y a ­nyy a onbye ocbtiveec mtiveea m ea sure suwre e awre e daore indg oia nlg oua sly ouosb y porb omprootminog tienxg erecxisere ciisn e thin e ttwhe entwtyen first ty first often oftuen nreupnrresepenrestaentivte atoivf e oouf r oeuvor luevtioolnuatiroy napary stpa. sttu. d ytiundg yienlig te elaitthe -ath- centcuenry tiun ry pain rt paberct abuesce awuse e hwae ve ha avme ua dmdluedhdelaedheed adaped praopapcrh otao ch phto yspihcayl sical letes leptes rovpidroes vidaes n eavn en evmen orme oskre ewsekd ewpeersd ppersectpivee ctoivn e noon rmnoarl mhual mhaun man activaicty ativinty ad innad ictnivaictyti.vity. biolobgioyl. oˆgyo. w ˆmow anmy apney opplee ohpale ve heavve er ebver een beaen ble atbo le ruto n ra umn ia le min ile lesin s less EnouEgnh oucgoh mcpolaminpilnaign. i‘ngo. w ‘coaw n cwae n dwo e bdeo tterbe‰ ttŠern‰ d Šwnhd awt dho at I dho oI pe hope than thfaon ur fomuir nmuties nuotes r boenr cbh-en pcrh-es ps rmesos rme tohre an thfiavn e fihvue nhdurend drpeod unpdousŽ ndsŽ you wyoiu wll geilt ol guet ot of tut ohis bf thois bok‰ook‰ In aIdn diatidodni, tihonow , hsoiw misliamr iis lar yois ur yobuior lobgioy loto gy thto at tohf at a omf a oumseoŽ u€suest Ž €aus st as Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xvi xvi ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xvii xvii InacIcnuarcactue, rastloe, pspylo, pcpyon, tcroandticratodriy cttohriy ntkhiinng kianbg ouat beoxuert ecxisere cgisive es giuves s us Why a NWhy a Naturaal Hturaisl Htoriys?tory? whipwlahsih plaasnh d asnod ws socwos nfcuosniofun siaonn d asnkd epstkiceisptmic. isOmn . Othn e tohne e ohnae nd hawne d we are aadre visaded visto ed wtao lk wtaen lk tthen outshaonud sastned psts ea pds aa y, daavyo, id avsoiitd tinsigtt, ianngd , anned ver never The Tphreme priseme oisf e thois f tbhois ok bois otk his at tehvaot luevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl piceral -per- take tathke e ethlee vaetloerv, abutort , obun t thon e oththe er othhaer nd hawne d hwee ar htehaar t tehxaert ecxiserincg iswinog nw’t on’t specstpivees cticvaes n chaen lp hues lp buets ter betutner duerstndaerstnd athne d pathe rapadorx adof ox exoerf ecxisere—cis teh—at that help hues lp shues d sheexd tra exptora unpdous. nWds. e aWre e eaxrhe oerxthed ortto ed spto ensd penmod rme toimre e tibmeie nbg eing is, wish, y wahny d ahnod w hsoow mseothminetg hiwne g nwee ver neever volveevd olvto ed dto o is do so is hseo alhtheya. ltI hy. I activae ctaivne d aandd maodnmisohneisd hto ed sttoo p stsolop usclhoiuncgh, inbug, t buthen t thaen dvisaded visto ed slteo ep sleep thintk hitnhk este hpeserse ppersectpivees cticvaes n caalsn o ahlseo lp htehlp oste hoosf e uos f wuhs o wahre o aanre xiaonuxsi, ous, morme aonre d aunsd e uchse aicrs hathirs at tsuhapt psuorpt ptohre t ltohwe er lowbaer ckba. Ecxkp. erExt pceront scenonsusens is sus is confcuosnefdu, soer d, amor baivmablenivat laenbot uat boexuert ecxisere ctiso e exto erecxisere ciisn e thin e tfihrst e fiprst lacep. lace. that twhe at nwee ed nee d m inmuties nuotf es exoerf ecxisere ca iswe ea ekw, ebuekt , wbue t awlse o arlseao d rtehaad t thuast t ust onseonusenetulyen, tthlyis , tbhois ok bois oak s is maus cmh ufocr h efxoerr ecxisere cenise thenustihaustss iaasts s it ais s ift ois r for a few a mfew inmuties nuotf es hiogf hh iinghten instienty esixtery ecxisere ca isde ay a is daeny is ouengh outo gh mtao kme uaks e fiut. s fit. thoste whoshe wo ahre eo axrere ecxisered acisebd aout eboxuert ecxisere acisne ad stnrd stuggrlue tggo dle to io dt.o it. om e ofimtne esfits npesros fpesrsoifoesnsails onraels cormecmomenmd enfred e fwreeie gwheitsg, hottsh, ers othpers respcrresibe cribe et mee t stmae rt stbay ret xbpy leaxinpilnaig nhinog w hI owonw I ’twon ap’tp raopapcrh otahch is tthois picto. pIf icy. oIuf ’yvoe u’ve weigwheit gmhat cmhianceshi, nyeset , oyteht ers othrers eprroeapcrh oaucs h four s nfoor t ndoot indg oienng ouengh oucgah r carread reaand y awney bswiteesbs, iatesrt, icalresti, colesr b, ooor kbs oookn s eoxn erecxisere, cyisoeu, ’yll ouu’lil ckuly icrkelay liree alie dio. dWioh. iWle hsiolme se oamue thaourtihtioes rituies rge uurgs e to us otgo , ootgh, ers othwers arn wathrn at trhuant nruinng ning that tmhaot st moof st wohf awt whae t kwne ow kncoow mces omfres om froobm serobvsinerg vpineg opplee oipn le min odmerond, ern, will wruilil n ruouin r okunr ees knaenes d apnrod mproote maortte harrittis. hriOtis. ne Ownee ek wewee k rweae d rheaod w htoow o too induistndruiastliriead licoeud nctoruies ntrliies ke ltihke e thne ited ni tetad tes t, a­tesng, ­lanngdl, a nwd, e dwene, daennd , and mucmh uecxh erecxisere cmisae y mdaay mdaagme athge e hthee arht eaanrd t atnhd at twhae t nwee ed neceod mcfoomrtafborle table €apa€na. pa‚na. n‚y aonf y thoesf te hstesue dsties udaires e eapre ideempidioemlogioicloaglƒ icthaleƒ y thloeoy k lofoor k afsosr oa-sso- sneasknerseak, ersbut , tbuhe t nthee xt nwexe t rweae d reit ad is iat lis moast lmiomst piomsspibolse sitbo le exto erecxisere ctisoo e too ciaticoinas tiobnes twbeeentw, esenay, , shaeya, lhth eaalnth d apnhd yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivin ity lairn ge lasragme spales mpolf es of mucmh aucnh ad thnd tat mhait mniminal simhaol ses ahores ae bestre b. est.indiivnidduivails. du„als. or e„xoar mexpalem, phluen, hdurendds roedf s stouf dsties udhies ave hlaovoe kleod okfoer d cfoorr recolar-rela- ­eyo­ned yosnpd resapdrienag dcinog nfcuosniofun saionn d adnod ubtdo, utbthe , mthoe st mpoerst npiercionuics iocuons contions tiobnes twbeeen twehen earht edaisrt edasisee, aesxeer, ecxisere chisae bihtsa, baitnsd , afnacd tofars ctloikrs e laikge e, asgeex, , sex, se€usene€cue enocf e moaf nmy amny ythms ytahbs ouat boeuxert ecxisere—cis ese—pe escipalelcy iatlhly e tohne e oanbe ouat bout and ainnd coimnceo. mThe. esTe haesne alaynses alyrsees verael vceoarl recolartrieolnasti, onnost , cnaout scaatuiosna. tiTonh. erTe here how hiot’w s nito’s rmnoarl mto ael xto erecxisere—cis is e—th is at twhae t fwaie l tfo aihl eto lp hpeelp opplee otpo le exto erecxisere cise has haalss o ablseo en benen o lnaco k laocf k eoxpf erexipmerenimts enthts at thraant droamndly omasly sigan ssipgen opplee ople and atnhd en thuen nfauirnlfy asirhly amshe aamne d abnlad mbe latmhem e thfem or nfoor t dnooit ndg oiitn. g Eivter. Eyvoerne yone …most o…mofst oten cften collegoe stllegue stdenutdsen† otr ms† oir mce tio cce tono ctroansttirnag tstirneg tatmreenatmt genrot guprs oups knowkns otwhes y thshey ouslhd ouexld erecxisere, cisbuet , bufew t ftehw intgs hinags re maroe rme iorrre itiartrinitg atitnhg an than for sfhoor rst hpoerrt ipoders ioodf s timof e titmo e mteo amsuerae suthre e ethffe ecetffs eocf ts paorf tpaicurltaicr uvlaarr iavbalres iables beinbg eitnolg d ttoo ld exto erecxisere, cishoew , hmow ucmh, uacnhd , ainn d wihn awt whaat y. wEaxyh. oErxthinog rtiuns g to us to on paon rtpaicurltaicr uolaur tcooumtces. omˆes. unˆdurendds reodf s suocf h sustch udsties udhies ave halovoe kleodo, kfeodr , for “„ust “„…uo st I…t” o is Ita” bis ouat baos uht eals phfuell pafs utl ealls integ lla indg rua g draudg diacdt dto ic“t „tuo st “„ uast y ‡ aoy .” ‡o.” instainnstcea, nact et, hae t ethffe ecetffs eocf ts vaorf yvinarg ydinog ses doosf es exoerf ecxisere coisn e bolon obd lopord espsuresre sure If exIerf ecxisere cis ise suis ppsuospepdolsy endaly tunraatlu, rwahl, y wis hy it is thiat t tnho at onno e, odnese, pditese pyietae rs years or choor clesthoerlestol lereovel lls.evels. of effof oretff, ohrats , hfoaus nfd ouann d eaffn ecetffivee ctwivae y wto ay heto lp hmelp orme poere opplee otpo le ovto erocovermce ome TherTe his erne ois thniontg hiinnhg erinenhertly enwtrly onwg rownig th wtihth este hsesore ts soorf ts stouf dstiesud—ies as — as deepde seepate sdea, tnedat, unraatl uirnastl iinncstts intco ts avto oid avoopid tioonpatil onexaerl etixoern‰ tioŠnc‰ coŠrcdcionrg ding you’yll osue’lel , sIe’lel , mI’lal kme aukse e uof se thoem f thtem hrotuhgrhoouugt htohue t bthoe okb—oo buk—t t buhet y thvieey w view to a t‹o a Œ ‹suŒ rvsuey rvoef y moif llmionils lioonf s Šomf erŠmicaernisc, aanbso, uat bohuat lf hoaf lf adouf lats dualnts d and exerecxisere ctoiso e ntoao rrnoawrlryo. w„olyr . st„oar rtstersar, tersalm, oast lmaolst l staull dsties udoif es huof mhaunms afoncs ufs ocus nearlney atrlhyre teh €reuear €tuers artoers f teoenf taegeners agrers eporret ptohret y thdeoy n’dt orne’at crh eatchh e tbahe se base on coon ntcemonptemoraproy r‰aresty ‰erestners ernoers r eloitr e ealitthe leattes. hleTtes. herTe his erne ois thniontg hwinrg onwg rong level leovf el o f m inmuties nuotf es phof yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivpier ty pwer eekw, eaenkd , alesnd s lteshas n thoann eo ne with wstituh dstyiundg yitnhg este hpesoe puploaptiuolnasti, obunst , ‰buestt ‰erestners ernsuers ch suacs h Šams erŠmicaernis cans 55 third thrierpd orret ptohret y thexeery ecxisere ciisn e thin eir thleisueir leisure tirme et.ime.and a­nud ro­pueraonps eacnons stcoitnustte itounte ly oanbly ouat b‹oŒ ut per‹Œ cpenert coenf t huof mhaunmity anainty d aanre d are ­y a ­nyy a onbye ocbtiveec mtiveea mea sure suwre e awre e daore indg oia nlg oua sly ouosb y porb omprootminog tienxg erecxisere ciisn e thin e ttwhe entwtyen first ty first often oftuen nreupnrresepenrestaentivte atoivf e oouf r oeuvor luevtioolnuatiroy napary stpa. sttu. d ytiundg yienlig te elaitthe -ath- centcuenry tiun ry pain rt paberct abuesce awuse e hwae ve ha avme ua dmdluedhdelaedheed adaped praopapcrh otao ch phto yspihcayl sical letes leptes rovpidroes vidaes n eavn en evmen orme oskre ewsekd ewpeersd ppersectpivee ctoivn e noon rmnoarl mhual mhaun man activaicty ativinty ad innad ictnivaictyti.vity.biolobgioyl. oˆgyo. w ˆmow anmy apney opplee ohpale ve heavve er ebver een beaen ble atbo le ruto n ra umn ia le min ile lesin s less EnouEgnh oucgoh mcpolaminpilnaign. i‘ngo. w ‘coaw n cwae n dwo e bdeo tterbe‰ ttŠern‰ d Šwnhd awt dho at I dho oI pe hope than thfaon ur fomuir nmuties nuotes r boenr cbh-en pcrh-es ps rmesos rme tohre an thfiavn e fihvue nhdurend drpeod unpdousŽ ndsŽ you wyoiu wll geilt ol guet ot of tut ohis bf thois bok‰ook‰In aIdn diatidodni, tihonow , hsoiw misliamr iis lar yois ur yobuior lobgioy loto gy thto at tohf at a omf a oumseoŽ u€suest Ž €aus st as Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 167/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 177/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

xviii xviii ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xix xix impiomrtpaonrt, tatnhtes, te hesstue dsties udfiaes il ftao il coto nsciodner sidher ow heoxw erecxisere cis ise abis noarbmnoarl mal or inofr ecintifoeucs tioduiss edasisesea? sTesh? e Tmhae nmtraa notf ra thois f tbhois ok bois ok this at tnothing hat nothing about about withwouitt heoffut ecetffiveeclty ivaedly draesddsirnesg sikneg y k“wey hy“w” hqyu” estquioestns. ioLnas. rgLe aergpe ideempidioem io the biology the biology of exercise of exercise makes makes sense sense except except in the in light the light of evolution, of evolution, and and logicloagl isucarl vsueyrs vaenys d acnond tcroonllterd olllaebd olraabtoorry ateoxrpy erexipmerenimts enmtis gmht ieglhut ceidluacte idate nothing nothing about about exercise exercise as a as behavior a behavior makes makes sense sense except except in the in light the light of of 6 6 how heoxw erecxisere caisffe ecatffs etchte s bthoe dyb, oudnyd, uersndcoersre ctohre e bthene ebfients eofif ts exoerf ecxisere, caisned , and anthropologyanthropology. . quanqtuifay nthiofy w hmow anmy anwy edwes edoes r oar nadainaands iaanre s uarne muontmivaotteid vaatend d acnod ncon For Fthoor ste hoof se yoou f ywohu o wahlro eaadlry ealodvy e ltoo ve extero ecxisere, cI iswe, ilI l wtriy ll tto ry gitvo e gyiovu e you fusefd uasbed ouat beoxuert ecxisere, cbuiset , ybuou t ywoou uwldonu’t ldlena’t rn leamrn ucmh uacbh ouat bwhyout whyexer ecxisere cise new nienw siginhsts igihntts o ihnoto w haonw d awnhd y wdhiffy erdienffert kenint dks inodf s inoaf citnivaicty tivainty d anhd ysih ysi affecatffs etchte s tbhoe dy boads y it ads oiest d, owhyes, whyso m so anmy aonf y uos f aure s aamre baivmablenivat laenbot uat bout cal accatl ivaicty tivaiffty ecat ffyeocut r yobuor dyb, owdhy, y wehxery ecxisere criseae llry eadloly es does romroote mhoete alhth ealth exerecxisere, caisned , awhynd whyphy spihcayl siicnaal citnivaicty tivciatuy sces auuss es to uas gto e magoe rme roarpe idraly piadnly d and withwouitt hboeiut nbg eia nmg aa gmic agiilc l, ainlld , awnhd y wthhery te his ere no is ono timoatl imdoasl e door se tyor e tye increinacsres oeasues or chuar cnches oancf ges oetf gtineg sttinicg sk. ick. of exoerf ecxisere. cisFoer . Fthoor ste hoosf e yoou f ywohu o wsthro ustggrlue gtgo le exto erecxisere, cisI ew, iI ll wexill leaxin lain o ado draesdds rteshess te hdesee ficdieenficciienes, cwiese , nwee ed neto ed suto ppsulemppenlemt tenhe t stthae nstdaarnd dard howh aonwd a wnhdy w yhouy y aoreu n aorer nmoarl,m haell, h yeolu y fioguu fireg ouuret h oouwt h toow g teot m geotv mingov, ing, focufs oocun s on est erestners ernaers nd aanthd leattes hlewtes ith weivth oluevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoilogi and ahned l hyeol u yeovu aluevaate lutahte e bthene ebfients eafints d adnrd awdbaracwkbas cokf s doifff erdienffert kenint dks inds cal pcersal ppersectpivees. ctives. o do o thdao t, thwae t, wwie ll wvenill tvuenre tbuere yobned yocnod llecgoe llceagme cpaumses puses of exoerf ecxisere. cisue. t thuis t tis his nois t na ost ela fs heellf  hbeol okb. oI oka. m I anm ot ngooit ngg oitno g htao whk awk and ahnod sphiotasls pitian ls thin e ­thne it­ed nitetad tes taatnes d aonthd er otihner duistndruiastlir€iead li€ceod unctoruies ntries “sev“en seveen asy estasey sts teo gs eto t figte t ofir t cao r olce a yoolu e yto ou tatko e ttahke e stthae irsst, ariursn , ra umn aa rma ara to otbo serobvse era ve wia der widraer ngre anogf e houf mhaunmity anliatby olraibnogr, inrestg, irnestg, inang, d aenxd ere xer thont, hoonr , sowr im swtihm e t­hne g­lisnh gl€ishh a€nnhealn. nIenlst. eInadst, emady , mgoy al gis oal to is exto leoxre lore cisincg isiinn g coin ntceoxnts teixn ts wihn icwh hmich ost mhoust mhaunms astnis ll stliivlel . li vee . wie ll wloilol k loaot k at skestkicealtliy caanlly d awnid thwouitt h oaurgt o an rgthon e ftahse cifnasactiinng atsincig ensccie enof ce hoow f hoouw r obuodr bod hunhteurn gatetrh gaerters heraers nd asund bssuistbensistce enfacre mfaers rmiers n diin fferdienffert enenvt ienronvimroennmts ents ies wies ork wworhk en whwen e mwoe vme aonve d atankd e tiat kee aist ye, ahsoyw , haonw d awnhd y wehxery ecxisere caisffe ecatffs ects on doin fferdienffert cenont tcinonentitns. en ts. e’l l aels’ll o adlseo lvde eilnvte o inthto e tahrce haarecohloaegoicloagl iacnad l and healhthe, aaltnhd h, anod hw woe cw wan he caen hl eeal ech oacthh oer gtheer gt meot fossifl orsescil orredcs otro dbs eto tter beuttner duerstndaerstnd athne d hthiste ohristy aonry d aenvod luevtiooln utoiof n huomf haun man ‚s a ‚ns aa tunraatl uhristal ohristy, otrhyis , tbhois ok bohoak s hfoaus r foaur rtas. r‚ts. fter ‚fatn er inan troindturcoduc physpihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tiveivty en evaen s wae s cwoe mcpaomre paorue rsoeulvrses elvwes ith woitth her othaer nimanalsim, als, tory tcohry acthera, tthere , fithrst e fithrst rete haree rtas rrotus grhouly gfholly lofw olltohw e ethvoe luevtioolnuatiroy nstaroy ry story espeescipalelcy iaoluly r oculor sest closaest pe arpee latrievles. ativ‚es. nd‚, nfidn, alfilyn, awllye , wwie ll winiltl eginratete grate of huof mhaun mahn ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivainty d ainnad citnivaictyti, vwitiyt, h weiath ch eacchh acther aster otsligohttlight theste hesdive ersdive ersline es linoes f evoif deenvicde enacbe ouat bopuet oppleeo’s plbei’os lobgioy loagny d abned habveihor avior ing a indg iffa erdienffert menyt thm. ythec. auesce auwse e cwane ncoat nunnot duerstndaerstnd anhd ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivity into inthto eir thpeiror pper ropeer coloegcoicloagl iacnal d acnud ltucuraltl ucroanl tceoxnts. texto s. coo mcpaomre pahroe w how withwouitt huount duerstndaerstndianng diitns g aibtss enabcseen, acer, t aƒ bret gƒ ibnes gwinits h wphysical ith physical inactivinactiv- - ‚mer‚micaern iccaon llecgoe llestgue dstenutdsen, ‚tsfr, i‚cafn richaun nhterun gaterth gaertersher, ersand , aƒned paƒleespae lese ity. „ityh. a„t ahrae t oaure r obuor dibes oddies oindg oiwnhg en whwen e twake e tait kee aist ye, ainsyc, luindcinlug diwnhg en when portpers ortwers alkw, arlukn, , rsuint, , asnitd , acnard rcy atrhriy ntgshi, nagsnd , ahnod w htohw este haescte ivaictites ivitaiffes ecat ffect we swit e asnid t asnled esl? e…ea? rt …† aret x† leoxres lorhes ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivittihes at trhea‡t urier‡e uspeed, ire speed, their thheiear lhthe, arltehq, urierqes uikrnes owkninog wsinomg seothminetg hainbg ouat btohueit r thdeiiffr erdienffert penhyt spih ysi strength,strength, and apowernd power suc h suacs h sas rinstirningt, inligft, inligft, inang, d afingd htfiignhgt. in…ga. rt …‰ art ‰ ologoies logaines d acnud ltucures. ltur„es. n sh„n orsth, too rtr, etao llry eualnly duerstndaerstnd aenxerd ecxisere, clisete’, s lstetu’s dsty udy survsueyrs veyhs ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivittihes at thinavt oilnve voendurancelve endurance suc h suacs h waas lkwinalgk, ing, the nthae nturaatl huristal horisty oof hry ouf hmaun pmahn pysihcayl asiccatl aivicty ativinty ad innad ictnivaictyti.vity. runnruinngn, inangd , adnad ncdianngc, inas g, waes ll waes ll thaeis r theeiffr ecet ffoen ct aogn inagg. iŠnagst . Šbuast t bunot t not ‚cco‚rcdcionrgdlyin, gin ly, thin e cthhe apcthers aptters hat tfhoalt lofwol, lowwe , wwie ll wuisle l uevse oluevtioolnuatiroy nary leastl, eain sta, in rt a‹ rwt e ‹ wwie ll wcoilnl sciodner sihdoer w haonw tharnothorloogoicloagl iacnad l aenvod luevtioolnuatiroy nary and aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl ipcaersl ppersectpivees ctivto es etxo pleoxre ploarne d arned thrinetk hidnok €endos €enof s of araoacrhoes acchaes n chaen l hues l euxers ecxisere cbisee tter betin ter thin e mthoe dmeron dweron rlwd. oŒrldo. w Œcoaw n can mythms ytahbs ouat bopuht yspihcayl siicnaal citnivaictyti, vaitcyt, ivaictyti, vaitny, d aenxd erecxisere. cis‚er. e ‚wre e bwoe rn born we mwe orme eoffre ecetffiveeclty ivmely anmagae nato ge exto erecxisere, cisaned , ainn d wihn awt whaat ysw? aTyso ? wTho awt hat to exto erecxisere… cis„s e… si„ts tinsig ttitnhg e nthee w nsemw oskminogk… in„s g… it „bas id t bato d sltoo usclho… uc†ho … y†oo u you extenext, tenhot, wh, oawnd , awnhd y wdho y ddio fferdienffert entyt es tyaes nd adnod ses dosoes f exoerf ecxisere chisee l hel need neeiegd heit hgohut rs hoouf rs sloef epsl… e‚epr… e ‚hure mhaunms aconms cpaomrapativrealty ivseloly w slaonw d awned akw… eak… revenret ovenr tt orer tat trehae mt thae m or da isor deasises leasies lkely tikeo mly tao mke uaks se uics sk ainck ad knild kl usil?l us? „s w„as lkwinalg kiinng effiencetffivee ctfiove r lfoosr inlog siwneig gwheit… gh†to… es †ores unnruinng nirnug in ruyion ur your ut wue t hwae ve ha avloe na g lownag y wto ay go to bgefo obre efdorrae wdirnag wainng y aconny cclounsciolunss. ioŠnes. t’s Šet’s kneeskn… e„ess … it „ns oirt mnoarl mto ael xtero ecxisere clesise s laess s wae s awge e… a geh… a t is hatt his e bthest e bwest ay wto ay to begibn egwin ith wwithh awt hyoaut ’rye ou’rre obarbolbay dboly indg oirnigg hrt ignhot w naos w yaos u yroeu ad rethad este hese persupersuade apdee opplee otpo le exto erecxisere… cis„s e… th„ers te haern e oapn timopatl imkianl d kainnd d aanmd oaumnt ouof nt of wordwso—rd nso—t nmovot moving—in tgo —e txo leoxre lomre orme odree edley ethly e tbhie ggbest iggmest yth myotf h of exerecxisere… cis‡eo… w ‡mow ucmh udcoh es doees xerecxisere caisffe ecat ffoeuct r ovuur lnverulanberiliatby itlo ity cato nccer ancer them athem all’ thlal’ tt iht’as nt ito’s nrmoarl tmo eal txero ecxisere.cise. 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xviii xviii ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xix xix impiomrtpaonrt, tatnhtes, te hesstue dsties udfiaes il ftao il coto nsciodner sidher ow heoxw erecxisere cis ise abis noarbmnoarl mal or inofr ecintifoeucs tioduiss edasisesea? sTesh? e Tmhae nmtraa notf ra thois f tbhois ok bois ok this at tnothing hat nothing about about withwouitt heoffut ecetffiveeclty ivaedly draesddsirnesg sikneg y k“wey hy“w” hqyu” estquioestns. ioLnas. rgLe aergpe ideempidioemiothe biology the biology of exercise of exercise makes makes sense sense except except in the in light the light of evolution, of evolution, and and logicloagl isucarl vsueyrs vaenys d acnond tcroonllterd olllaebd olraabtoorry ateoxrpy erexipmerenimts enmtis gmht ieglhut ceidluacte idate nothing nothing about about exercise exercise as a as behavior a behavior makes makes sense sense except except in the in light the light of of 6 6 how heoxw erecxisere caisffe ecatffs etchte s bthoe dyb, oudnyd, uersndcoersre ctohre e bthene ebfients eofif ts exoerf ecxisere, caisned , and anthropologyanthropology.. quanqtuifay nthiofy w hmow anmy anwy edwes edoes r oar nadainaands iaanre s uarne muontmivaotteid vaatend d acnod nconFor Fthoor ste hoof se yoou f ywohu o wahlro eaadlry ealodvy e ltoo ve extero ecxisere, cI iswe, ilI l wtriy ll tto ry gitvo e gyiovu e you fusefd uasbed ouat beoxuert ecxisere, cbuiset , ybuou t ywoou uwldonu’t ldlena’t rn leamrn ucmh uacbh ouat bwhyout whyexer ecxisere cise new nienw siginhsts igihntts o ihnoto w haonw d awnhd y wdhiffy erdienffert kenint dks inof ds inoaf citnivaicty tivainty d anhd ysih ysi affecatffs etchte s tbhoe dy boads y it ads oiest d, owhyes, whyso m so anmy aonf y uos f aure s aamre baivmablenivat laenbot uat bout cal accatl ivaicty tivaiffty ecat ffyeocut r yobuor dyb, owdhy, y wehxery ecxisere criseae llry eadloly es does romroote mhoete alhth ealth exerecxisere, caisned , awhynd whyphy spihcayl siicnaal citnivaicty tivciatuy sces auuss es to uas gto e magoe rme roarpe idraly piadnly d and withwouitt hboeiut nbg eia nmg aa gmic agiilc l, ainlld , awnhd y wthhery te his ere no is ono timoatl imdoasl e door se tyor e tye increinacsres oeasues or chuar cnches oancf ges oetf gtineg sttinicg sk. ick.of exoerf ecxisere. cisFoer . Fthoor ste hoosf e yoou f ywohu o wsthro ustggrlue gtgo le exto erecxisere, cisI ew, iI ll wexill leaxin lain o ado draesdds rteshess te hdesee ficdieenficciienes, cwiese , nwee ed neto ed suto ppsulemppenlemt tenhe t stthae nstdaarnd dard howh aonwd a wnhdy w yhouy y aoreu n aorer nmoarl,m haell, h yeolu y fioguu fireg ouuret h oouwt h toow g teot m geotv mingov, ing, focufs oocun s on est erestners ernaers nd aanthd leattes hlewtes ith weivth oluevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoilogiand ahned l hyeol u yeovu aluevaate lutahte e bthene ebfients eafints d adnrd awdbaracwkbas cokf s doifff erdienffert kenint dks inds cal pcersal ppersectpivees. ctives. o do o thdao t, thwae t, wwie ll wvenill tvuenre tbuere yobned yocnod llecgoe llceagme cpaumses puses of exoerf ecxisere. cisue. t thuis t tis his nois t na ost ela fs heellf  hbeol okb. oI oka. m I anm ot ngooit ngg oitno g htao whk awk and ahnod sphiotasls pitian ls thin e ­thne it­ed nitetad tes taatnes d aonthd er otihner duistndruiastlir€iead li€ceod unctoruies ntries “sev“en seveen asy estasey sts teo gs eto t figte t ofir t cao r olce a yoolu e yto ou tatko e ttahke e stthae irsst, ariursn , ra umn aa rma ara to otbo serobvse era ve wia der widraer ngre anogf e houf mhaunmity anliatby olraibnogr, inrestg, irnestg, inang, d aenxd ere xerthont, hoonr , swor im swtihm e t­hne g­lisnh gl€ishh a€nnhealn. nIenlst. eInadst, emady , mgoy al gis oal to is exto leoxre lore cisincg isiinn g coin ntceoxnts teixn ts wihn icwh hmich ost mhoust mhaunms astnis ll stliivlel . li vee . wie ll wloilol k loaot k at skestkicealtliy caanlly d awnid thwouitt h oaurgt o an rgthon e ftahse cifnasactiinng atsincig ensccie enof ce hoow f hoouw r obuodr bod hunhteurn gatetrh gaerters heraers nd asund bssuistbensistce enfacre mfaers rmiers n diin fferdienffert enenvt ienronvimroennmts ents ies wies ork wworhk en whwen e mwoe vme aonve d atankd e tiat kee aist ye, ahsoyw , haonw d awnhd y wehxery ecxisere caisffe ecatffs ects on doin fferdienffert cenont tcinonentitns. en ts. e’l l aels’ll o adlseo lvde eilnvte o inthto e tahrce haarecohloaegoicloagl iacnad l and healhthe, aaltnhd h, anod hw woe cw wan he caen hl eeal ech oacthh oer gtheer gt meot fossifl orsescil orredcs otro dbs eto tter beuttner duerstndaerstnd athne d hthiste ohristy aonry d aenvod luevtiooln utoiof n huomf haun man ‚s a ‚ns aa tunraatl uhristal ohristy, otrhyis , tbhois ok bohoak s hfoaus r foaur rtas. r‚ts. fter ‚fatn er inan troindturcoduc physpihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tiveivty en evaen s wae s cwoe mcpaomre paorue rsoeulvrses elvwes ith woitth her othaer nimanalsim, als, tory tcohry acthera, tthere , fithrst e fithrst rete haree rtas rrotus grhouly gfholly lofw olltohw e ethvoe luevtioolnuatiroy nstaroy ry story espeescipalelcy iaoluly r oculor sest closaest pe arpee latrievles. ativ‚es. nd‚, nfidn, alfilyn, awllye , wwie ll winiltl eginratete grate of huof mhaun mahn ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivainty d ainnad citnivaictyti, vwitiyt, h weiath ch eacchh acther aster otsligohttlight theste hesdive ersdive ersline es linoes f evoif deenvicde enacbe ouat bopuet oppleeo’s plbei’os lobgioy loagny d abned habveihor avior ing a indg iffa erdienffert menyt thm. ythec. auesce auwse e cwane ncoat nunnot duerstndaerstnd anhd ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivity into inthto eir thpeiror pper ropeer coloegcoicloagl iacnal d acnud ltucuraltl ucroanl tceoxnts. texto s. coo mcpaomre pahroe w how withwouitt huount duerstndaerstndianng diitns g aibtss enabcseen, acer, t aƒ bret gƒ ibnes gwinits h wphysical ith physical inactivinactiv-- ‚mer‚micaern iccaon llecgoe llestgue dstenutdsen, ‚tsfr, i‚cafn richaun nhterun gaterth gaertersher, ersand , aƒned paƒleespae lese ity. „ityh. a„t ahrae t oaure r obuor dibes oddies oindg oiwnhg en whwen e twake e tait kee aist ye, ainsyc, luindcinlug diwnhg en when portpers ortwers alkw, arlukn, , rsuint, , asnitd , acnard rcy atrhriy ntgshi, nagsnd , ahnod w htohw este haescte ivaictites ivitaiffes ecat ffect we swit e asnid t asnled esl? e…ea? rt …† aret x† leoxres lorhes ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivittihes at trhea‡t urier‡e uspeed, ire speed, their thheiear lhthe, arltehq, urierqes uikrnes owkninog wsinomg seothminetg hainbg ouat btohueit r thdeiiffr erdienffert penhyt spih ysistrength,strength, and apowernd power suc h suacs h sas rinstirningt, inligft, inligft, inang, d afingd htfiignhgt. in…ga. rt …‰ art ‰ ologoies logaines d acnud ltucures. ltur„es. n sh„n orsth, too rtr, etao llry eualnly duerstndaerstnd aenxerd ecxisere, clisete’, s lstetu’s dsty udy survsueyrs veyhs ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivittihes at thinavt oilnve voendurancelve endurance suc h suacs h waas lkwinalgk, ing, the nthae nturaatl huristal horisty oof hry ouf hmaun pmahn pysihcayl asiccatl aivicty ativinty ad innad ictnivaictyti.vity.runnruinngn, inangd , adnad ncdianngc, inas g, waes ll waes ll thaeis r theeiffr ecet ffoen ct aogn inagg. iŠnagst . Šbuast t bunot t not ‚cco‚rcdcionrgdlyin, gin ly, thin e cthhe apcthers aptters hat tfhoalt lofwol, lowwe , wwie ll wuisle l uevse oluevtioolnuatiroy nary leastl, eain sta, in rt a‹ rwt e ‹ wwie ll wcoilnl sciodner sihdoer w haonw tharnothorloogoicloagl iacnad l aenvod luevtioolnuatiroy nary and aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl ipcaersl ppersectpivees ctivto es etxo pleoxre ploarne d arned thrinetk hidnok €endos €enof s of araoacrhoes acchaes n chaen l hues l euxers ecxisere cbisee tter betin ter thin e mthoe dmeron dweron rlwd. oŒrldo. w Œcoaw n can mythms ytahbs ouat bopuht yspihcayl siicnaal citnivaictyti, vaitcyt, ivaictyti, vaitny, d aenxd erecxisere. cis‚er. e ‚wre e bwoe rn born we mwe orme eoffre ecetffiveeclty ivmely anmagae nato ge exto erecxisere, cisaned , ainn d wihn awt whaat ysw? aTyso ? wTho awt hat to exto erecxisere… cis„s e… si„ts tinsig ttitnhg e nthee w nsemw oskminogk… in„s g… it „bas id t bato d sltoo usclho… uc†ho … y†oo u you extenext, tenhot, wh, oawnd , awnhd y wdho y ddio fferdienffert entyt es tyaes nd adnod ses dosoes f exoerf ecxisere chisee l hel need neeiegd heit hgohut rs hoouf rs sloef epsl… e‚epr… e ‚hure mhaunms aconms cpaomrapativrealty ivseloly w slaonw d awned akw… eak… revenret ovenr tt orer tat trehae mt thae m or da isor deasises leasies lkely tikeo mly tao mke uaks se uics sk ainck ad knild kl usil?l us? „s w„as lkwinalg kiinng effiencetffivee ctfiove r lfoosr inlog siwneig gwheit… gh†to… es †ores unnruinng nirnug in ruyion ur your ut wue t hwae ve ha avloe na g lownag y wto ay go to bgefo obre efdorrae wdirnag wainng y aconny cclounsciolunss. ioŠnes. t’s Šet’s kneeskn… e„ess … it „ns oirt mnoarl mto ael xtero ecxisere clesise s laess s wae s awge e… a geh… a t is hatt his e bthest e bwest ay wto ay to begibn egwin ith wwithh awt hyoaut ’rye ou’rre obarbolbay dboly indg oirnigg hrt ignhot w naos w yaos u yroeu ad rethad este hese persupersuade apdee opplee otpo le exto erecxisere… cis„s e… th„ers te haern e oapn timopatl imkianl d kainnd d aanmd oaumnt ouof nt of wordwso—rd nso—t nmovot moving—in tgo —e txo leoxre lomre orme odree edley ethly e tbhie ggbest iggmest yth myotf h of exerecxisere… cis‡eo… w ‡mow ucmh udcoh es doees xerecxisere caisffe ecat ffoeuct r ovuur lnverulanberiliatby itlo ity cato nccer ancer them athem all’ thlal’ tt iht’as nt ito’s nrmoarl tmo eal txero ecxisere.cise. 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Exercised Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 1 7/8/20 7:01 PM

oneone Are WAre We Be Born toro Rn to Rest oesr Rt or Runu? n? MytMh #yth #1 W1e E Wve Eolvveod tlvo Eed txo Eercxiserecise It’s tIrtu’s e thruae rd hwarod rk wnoerk venr ekvielr lekd ilalend ybaondyyb, obduyt , I bufit gI urfiegd uwrehd y why take ttahke ce thhae cnchea?nce? — Ro—na Rld Ronaeald Rgaean, igannte, irvniteew wrvieiw wth The Gith The Guardian,uardian, 1 1 neithner eithaer  an or nwoar nwt ato nt bte o abn e ean ceetcioenatil onatahl leatteh, leatned , aI nhd aI ve hanvo e no desidre eswirhe awtshoaetvser oetvo er swto i swai rouanrd ou nd an haatntahnat, tbanik, e baikce roascs roAss erA­er­ ica, icclai, cb li b ou nt ou€nvert €estver, estben, cbh­en crh­es s rsesevs erseavl erhual nhdurend dreod undous, nodr s, or I I ole­ volaue­l vt aouvler t oavner ytahninytgh‚ iAng‚ oAng otnhe g thae ny atestny s testoƒ s eotƒ reetre estre enstgrtenh gth or enodr uenradnucre anI cwe ilI l wneilvl er neavter teattet is a t ƒis ula l ƒturilal tthrlioanth‚ l„ono‚ t „oet ‚ Buet ‚ BI ua t I a curicouurs ioaubs ouat bdouet daendianng dianthg leattihc lecthic alclenhaglles‚ eng…es‚ o in …o †icn to†bcer tob‡er ˆ1‡‡, ˆI 1‡, I eagerealy geraclcy eactceed aten d inan vitiantvioitn attioo n trtao vetrl atvo el ‰tao w‰aiai wto aii obto serobvse erthve e ltehge ­ leg­ endaenry daIrroy nIroann Wan orWld oŠrlhd aŠhaionsihoin shani d aanttd enad ttenthd e tshe orsts ortes di­edi­ cine ccinone cƒeronenƒerce tenhcae tt hraet cerdees tcedhes te rahce re‚ ace‚ ‹ara‹daoraidcaolliyc, atlhlyis , thinis ƒainoƒausloy ugsrly ueglrinug elitnest g toest ƒ enoƒ duenradnucre antace kes takes lace lian ce thin e tahe raadisraiadcisal iasceatl tisneg ttionƒ g Œooƒ nŒa, o‰naa, w‰aiaiw, a aiic, ha archainrg itnowg n town largelaly rgdeeldy idceadteid catto ed heto lhineg lvinacg avtiaocnaers tionrers elar‚ eIlan t‚ hIe n dthaye s dlaeyas dlienag duin g to u to the rtahce er, aecveer, eyvoerne yoin ne Œion nŒa oana eaars etao rs be to enbe gaengegad gsoeld elsy oilen ly thin e thue rsuuit rsuit oƒ loeƒ asuleraesu‚ ‹reeo‚ ‹lee oswle isw, isno, rskneol, rkaenld , asund rƒ suon rƒ oin cturicestuŽruese Žbuee acbheesac, hes, si ƒsri uitƒy rucioty ckctoacils ktawils hilwe hwilae tcwhaintcg hitnhg e tsuhe n susen t, saent, d astnd rolstl rtohlrl otuhgrh ough Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 2Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 2 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 3Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 3 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

oneone Are WAre We Be Born toro Rn to Rest oesr Rt or Runu? n? MytMh #yth #1 W1e E Wve Eolvveod tlvo Eed txo Eercxiserecise It’s tIrtu’s e thruae rd hwarod rk wnoerk venr ekvielr lekd ilalend ybaondyyb, obduyt , I bufit gI urfiegd uwrehd y why take ttahke ce thhae cnchea?nce? — Ro—na Rld Ronaeald Rgaean, igannte, irvniteew wrvieiw wth The Gith The Guardian,uardian, 1 1 neithner eithaer  an or nwoar nwt ato nt bte o abn e ean ceetcioenatil onatahl leatteh, leatned , aI nhd aI ve hanvo e no desidre eswirhe awtshoaetvser oetvo er swto i swai rouanrd ou nd an haatntahnat, tbanik, e baikce roascs roAss erA­er­ ica, icclai, cb li b ou nt ou€nvert €estver, estben, cbh­en crh­es s rsesevs erseavl erhual nhdurend dreod undous, nodr s, or I I ole­ volaue­l vt aouvler t oavner ytahninytgh‚ iAng‚ oAng otnhe g thae ny atestny s testoƒ s eotƒ reetre estre enstgrtenh gth or enodr uenradnucre anI cwe ilI l wneilvl er neavter teattet is a t ƒis ula l ƒturilal tthrlioanth‚ l„ono‚ t „oet ‚ Buet ‚ BI ua t I a curicouurs ioaubs ouat bdouet daendianng dianthg leattihc lecthic alclenhaglles‚ eng…es‚ o in …o †icn to†bcer tob‡er ˆ1‡‡, ˆI 1‡, I eagerealy geraclcy eactceed aten d inan vitiantvioitn attioo n trtao vetrl atvo el ‰tao w‰aiai wto aii obto serobvse erthve e ltehge ­ leg­ endaenry daIrroy nIroann Wan orWld oŠrlhd aŠhaionsihoin shani d aanttd enad ttenthd e tshe orsts ortes di­edi­ cine ccinone cƒeronenƒerce tenhcae tt hraet cerdees tcedhes te rahce re‚ ace‚ ‹ara‹daoraidcaolliyc, atlhlyis , thinis ƒainoƒausloy ugsrly ueglrinug elitnest g toest ƒ enoƒ duenradnucre antace kes takes lace lian ce thin e tahe raadisraiadcisal iasceatl tisneg ttionƒ g Œooƒ nŒa, o‰naa, w‰aiaiw, a aiic, ha archainrg itnowg n town largelaly rgdeeldy idceadteid catto ed heto lhineg lvinacg avtiaocnaers tionrers elar‚ eIlan t‚ hIe n dthaye s dlaeyas dlienag duin g to u to the rtahce er, aecveer, eyvoerne yoin ne Œion nŒa oana eaars etao rs be to enbe gaengegad gsoeld elsy oilen ly thin e thue rsuuit rsuit oƒ loeƒ asuleraesu‚ ‹reeo‚ ‹lee oswle isw, isno, rskneol, rkaenld , asund rƒ suon rƒ oin cturicestuŽruese Žbuee acbheesac, hes, si ƒsri uitƒy rucioty ckctoacils ktawils hilwe hwilae tcwhaintcg hitnhg e tsuhe n susen t, saent, d astnd rolstl rtohlrl otuhgrh ough Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 2Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 27/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 3Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 3 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

4 4 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 5 5 town toewan tineg atiince g circee acm reaam nd abund yibung yisnog uvsenouivrs enainrs d asnpd orstps oerqts uiepqmuenipmt. ent. arrivae rrbaive ck baact k thae t ttohwe nto’s wmn’as in mstairn eestt, rethete, y thaere y faure nnfuelnend eilned to ia ntco ha utce hute SomSe oamlse o apalso rtpay lratty e liantte o itnhte o nthige hnt iign htt hin e ttohwe nto’s wmn’as nmy abanrs y baanrs d acnlud bcs. lubs. lined linbey d scbry esacmreinamg firnig enfrdis enandd s afannd sf—an asl—l w ahll ipwpheid ppinetd o ia nfto eva erfeisvh erstisah te state If yoIu f yaoru e laoroe klionog kfinor g a fotr roa pticroapl ircesal orrest ion rt wihn icwh htio ch retlo ax realnax d abne d hbee doh-edo- by lobuy dl, oupud, lspautilsng atimng usmicu. sAict . thAe t fithne isfih nlisinh e, lia neb, oa omboinomg ivnog ice vogicre eegts reets nistincist, yoicu c, yoou culdonu’t dldno b’t deo btter tetther tan haon na.ona. each eaficnh isfihner is(hmer al(e maanle d afnemd afemle) awleit) h wtihth e ttihme eti hmoneore hondore phdr apsher “ase “  hen hoen n Soan tuSradtauy rdat ay praet cpisreelcy isely  a.m . a.tmhe . trhace e rbacee gibnes. gins. s the s the A AA­ A€­ €­‚A­­‚ƒA” ­anƒ” d atnhd e tchroe wcd rogwod es gowes ildw. i…ldh. e …ehlie te elaitthe leatteshl, etes, mormnionrg nsuing n supan inpats itnhte s sthke y sroksy e raos se it aems it eremges erfgres om frbom ehibned hitnhd e bthlue e blue who wfihno isfih naisbh ouat beiougt heit ghhout rs houafrs ter aftther ey thsteay rtstedar, tcerdo, scs rtohse s ltihne e lstinoe nstyo ny silhosuilehtote ueotf te thoe f tvhoe lcavnolo catnho at thloaot mlos omabs ovae botovwe nto, wanbo, uat botwut entwtyen- fivety- five facedfa, cleodo, klionog kminog rme loikre e lciykbe ocrygs botrhgs an thhaun mhaunms. a†nas. ter†, aaters t, hae s athme aatemuars teurs hunhdurendd ruledtr aul- fitrt ap- fieot pplee odpilve e doivff e a off pier a piiner to inthto e €thae ci€fiac cfiofir c tfhoe r rthace er’s ace’s arrivae rrtio ve coto mcpolemte pltehte eir thoeirdr eoarld, ewae l, gwlie mgplisme pwshe awt hthaeit r thaeichr iaecvhemievenemt ent first filerst g, la eg‚, .ƒa - m‚.ƒil-e msiwle im swaicm roascs rtohse s bathe y baany d aband ckba. Icn k. cIan se cyaose u ywoeru e were meamns eato ns thto emth. em‚a. n‚y awney ep wefoer p ‡fooyr ˆ ‡ootyhˆ ers othkers neekl nteo el kisto s ktishe s gthroe ugnrdouˆ ndˆ wonwderonidnerg, in‚g.ƒ , ‚m.ƒ iles miis les this e tehqe uievqaulenivat lenof t swof imswmiminmg isneg vensetvyen- setvyen - seven somse opmoe unpd outhneid r thceihestr chs estans d abned llobw elltohw unthduernoduersloyuˆ a slfyeˆ w a floew ok lodoak ngderanger lengltenhs gothf s an of „aln ym„plyicm- spi…ice-d si…peod olp. o†ola. n†y aonf y thoe f ttrhie atthrlieattes hleltoes ok loaopk praep-pre- ousloy iulsl aly inld al anre rd aure rsheud tsho ted the mo thee mdiceadl ticenal tt.ent. henshienve sais ve thaes y thweay it wfoar it tfhoe r stthae rtstinag rtginug ng, ubunt , tbuheit r thseipir ristps iarirte s buare oybued oyed …he …mhoe st mdorst amdraatimc afitnic isfihnes isohces cuor cncuear r nmeair dmniigdhnt iags htt hae s stehve ensetveenente en by a bbay a nd baonf d ‡oaf w‡aiaiwan aidiarn umdrmumersm, erstho, utshaonudss anodf s choef erchineerg sinpg ecstpateocrsta, tors, hour hoduear ddleinade lainpe praopapcrhoes. ach…es. hes…e hiesnte reinptid respoid uls soduesls pderesapteerly atweliy ll wthileil r their and alonud dl, oauddr, enadarleninea-l inindeu- incingduc mingus micu bsliacr ingblar fingrom fr caomr- scai…re-d si…sped easkpers. eakers. bodibes odtio es ovto erocovermce omcre uschriunsg hipang in paainn d afnatd igfuatei, gtuheei, r thmeiir nmds infodrs cifnorg cing „nc„e nthcee y thsteay rtst, athrter, te haerre e sao re mso anmy asnwy imswmimers mcers hurcnhiunrg nitnhg e wthae ter waitt er it each ealecg h tlo eg tatko e t‡aukst e ‡ounst e omnoe rme storee pst. Aeps . thAes y thliemy p liimntp o itnotwo nto, wsonm, se olmooe k look lookls looikks le a sike a shark fhaerek fdieneg fdinreng f…ryen. …y. near ndeaer atdhe’s atdho’s ord. o‰our. t ‰thue t sthige hst igof ht thoe f fithne isfih nlisinh e lainne d atnhd e emthe oemtionoatil onal bout baon ut haon ur holautr erl, atterhe , ltehae d letraid atthrlieattes hlemtes akme ait kbae ict k bato ck latno dl. ands . s enerengy erfrgoy m frtohm e rtahue croauus cofruis enfrdisen, fdasm, filay mmilemy mbemersb, ersand , afnand s fawnhs o wlihno e line they themey eremge erdgre ipdprinipg pifnrog m frothm e othce eaonc, etahne, y thruey sh ruinsh to ina tto ena t, tenchta, ncghe ange the rthace er’s acfien’s al fistnarl etstch reptcuh ll ptuhlem l thhem omheo. mŠierst . Šitrst hey thheoy bbhloebˆ bthleen ˆ thten hey they into inhtio gh-h tiegch-h tebcih kinbig kigneg ar geˆianr clˆuindcinlug dianerg oaderynoadmynic amheic lmheetlsm‰, eŠtus‰m, Šp ump shuffleshuˆ fflefinˆ alfily nathlly ey thmey anmagae nato ge btro eabk reinak to ina to rua n rtuo n reto acrh eatchh e tfihne isfih nish onto ounltto raullitgrhatliwgeihtgwheit bgihkt es bitkhes at tchoast t cuopwst uapwrds aordf s ten of tthen outshaonud sadnod lladrsol, lars, line, liwneh, erwe hterhee y thcoely lacposle lapin se a istn aa te stoaf te ecostf aescyst. a€st yis . €tt his erte haert e mait dmniigdhnt ight and a…nod om …ooom ut oouf t siogf hst igfohr t tfhoe r nthee xt nleexg t olef g thoe f rthace er, aa ce‹, ‹‚a - m‹‹‚il-e mciole urscoe urse wherwe hoerne e otnrue ly truunly duerstndaerstnds anwdhs y w€hroy n€mroannm’s amn’os tmto ois tto “Ais ny“Athninytg hi€ns g €s acroascs ra osls ava a ldavesa erdest. erŒetc. aŒuesce auit ste akit es tatkhes e bthest e brest iders ridaers bouat bfoouut r foaunr d aa nd a ŒossŒiboless.ib” le.” half hhaolf urs houto rs coto ver cotvher is tdhistis adnistcea, nI cest, rI olstl rbaolcl k bato ck mto y hmoy tehl oatned l asnad vosr avor a troa pticroapl ibcrael abkrfeaastk, famsta, dme aadll e thale l mthoe rme polree apsalenat sbany t ebxery ecxisere csische asdcenha-den- freufdree. uŽdese. , ŽI esd, o I tdho intk himnk y megy gs egŒgs eneŒdenicet dainct d acnod ffece offtaeste e tabstee tter betats er as ErneEsrtonesto I thiI ntk hianbk ouat bothuot ste hotwse o ttwho outshaonud safned llofw ellhouw mhaunms aonus t othuert te heron e tohn e the ŽatcŽhaintcg hianmg aatemuar te€uror n€mroen nmfien nisfih nisneh ar nemar idmniigdhnt igwhat s wians spiinrisnpgir. ing. islanisd launnd duer ndther e bthlae ribnlag risung n sutryn intrg yitno g bitko e bmikoe rme tohre an th‹an  ‹m iles mials es as ‰ut ‰€ uflt e€ w flheow mhe owmie th wrienth erwened ewceod nvciocntivoin cttiohn at tnho at anmo oaumnt ouonf t moof nmey oney fast faas st thaes y thcaen y caann d astnid ll stsaivll e senave ouengh ouengh erengy erto gy cotmo cpolemte pltehte e fithne al filneag l leg wouwld ouenld ticene tmice e mto e dto o a do fua ll fturilal tthrlioanth. loŠnu. rtŠhuerrt, h€ erc, ou€ lcdonu’t ldhne’t lp hbuelp t but of thoeif tr oheirdr oearld, a fealu, a fll- lenullg- ltenh mgth maratharoant.hon. feel fteheal t thwaht awt h€ aot b€ serobvseerd vwead s wnaos t n‡uost t ‡uabst noarbmnoarl mbual t bualst o aclsoo ncceronncern ‘est‘ed estaend d arnefd resrefhreesd, heI dr, etI urren tutro n thto e trhae ce raccene tcer entto er wtao tcwh attchh e the ing. iŽngh. aŽt whaot uwld oumld otmivaotte ivsaote mseoomne eoto ne trtao in trfaoin r hfoor urs houurs pon uphoon urs houa rs a elite etlritie atthrlieattes hleltees ap leoaff p tohff eir thbeiikr esb, iklesac, e loacn e roun nnruinng nisnhg oessh, oaesnd , atnhd en then day dfoar y yfeoar rs ye‡aurs st ‡fuost r tfhoe r cthhe ancche anto ce puto t phuis t ohr is hoer r hber ody bothdry otuhgrh outghh at that head heoaff d oon ff foon ot ftoo ot beto gibn egthin eir th‚ei’r .‚‚- m’.‚il-e mriule n raulon nag lotnhg e cthoe astco. a“sth. i“le hile kind kionf d hoef ll haenll d apnrd ovpe rothve at th“aant y“tahninytg hiis ng pis osspibolses”i’ bleŠ”u’ ll Šturlil atthrlioanths lons the tchoe mcpoemtitpoers tittorrs udtgre udthge rotuhgrh outghh eir thmeiar rmatharoan thion n birn utbarlluy tahloly t hanot d and re“urier“e uei”re treme”tre emobe sesobssioesn siaonn d amnd onmeyo. n€ef yy. o€u f ycoou nsciodner sidaier rfaarier, fahroet, ehl otel humhiud mcoid ndciotniodnis tioˆint s wˆait s w”as °–”‰, °I –en‰, I Šoeny a Šoly eisua leisurely rleulny clh unacnh d aa nbd ra ief brief billsb, iallsnd , agned arg, emara, nmy a€nroy n€mroen nmsen pensd pentend s tenof s thoof utshaonudss anodf s doolf ladrs olla ars a nap. nSahpo. rSthly oratflty er af‚ter  ‚p.m .p, .I ma.m, I bale mbable ck bato ck wtao tcwh atthch e fithne isfihn, isonhe , oonf e of year yoen ar tohn eir thseipor rstp. oArltt. hAoultghh ou€groh n€mroann maatn traacttts radcitvs ersdive erspae rtpaicirpaticnitpas, nts, the mthoe st meoxst ubeerxuabnert sacnent ses cenI es havI e heavver e ewver itnwesitsneesd. seds . the s fithrst e firrst unnruers nners incluindcinlug dcinang ccer ansucer rvsuivorrsviv, onrsun, ns, uannsd , arnetd irreeestir, ea esla, ra ge laprgere cpenertcaenge taagre e are Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 4Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 4 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 5Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 5 7/9/20 1:06 PM7/9/20 1:06 PM

4 4 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 5 5 town toewan tineg atiince g circee acm reaam nd abund yibung yisnog uvsenouivrs enainrs d asnpd orstps oerqts uiepqmuenipmt. ent. arrivae rrbaive ck baact k thae t ttohwe nto’s wmn’as in mstairn eestt, rethete, y thaere y faure nnfuelnend eilned to ia ntco ha utce hute SomSe oamlse o apalso rtpay lratty e liantte o itnhte o nthige hnt iign htt hin e ttohwe nto’s wmn’as nmy abanrs y baanrs d acnlud bcs. lubs. lined linbey d scbry esacmreinamg firnig enfrdis enandd s afannd sf—an asl—l w ahll ipwpheid ppinetd o ia nfto eva erfeisvh erstisah te state If yoIu f yaoru e laoroe klionog kfinor g a fotr roa pticroapl ircesal orrest ion rt wihn icwh htio ch retlo ax realnax d abne d hbee doh-edo-by lobuy dl, oupud, lspautilsng atimng usmicu. sAict . thAe t fithne isfih nlisinh e, lia neb, oa omboinomg ivnog ice vogicre eegts reets nistincist, yoicu c, yoou culdonu’t dldno b’t deo btter tetther tan haon na.ona.each eaficnh isfihner is(hmer al(e maanle d afnemd afemle) awleit) h wtihth e ttihme eti hmoneore hondore phdr apsher “ase “  hen hoen n Soan tuSradtauy rdat ay praet cpisreelcy isely  a.m . a.tmhe . trhace e rbacee gibnes. gins. s the s the A AA­ A€­ €­‚A­­‚ƒA” ­anƒ” d atnhd e tchroe wcd rogwod es gowes ildw. i…ldh. e …ehlie te elaitthe leatteshl, etes, mormnionrg nsuing n supan inpats itnhte s sthke y sroksy e raos se it aems it eremges erfgres om frbom ehibned hitnhd e bthlue e blue who wfihno isfih naisbh ouat beiougt heit ghhout rs houafrs ter aftther ey thsteay rtstedar, tcerdo, scs rtohse s ltihne e lstinoe nstyo ny silhosuilehtote ueotf te thoe f tvhoe lcavnolo catnho at thloaot mlos omabs ovae botovwe nto, wanbo, uat botwut entwtyen- fivety- five facedfa, cleodo, klionog kminog rme loikre e lciykbe ocrygs botrhgs an thhaun mhaunms. a†nas. ter†, aaters t, hae s athme aatemuars teurs hunhdurendd ruledtr aul- fitrt ap- fieot pplee odpilve e doivff e a off pier a piiner to inthto e €thae ci€fiac cfiofir c tfhoe r rthace er’s ace’s arrivae rrtio ve coto mcpolemte pltehte eir thoeirdr eoarld, ewae l, gwlie mgplisme pwshe awt hthaeit r thaeichr iaecvhemievenemt ent first filerst g, la eg‚, .ƒa - m‚.ƒil-e msiwle im swaicm roascs rtohse s bathe y baany d aband ckba. Icn k. cIan se cyaose u ywoeru e were meamns eato ns thto emth. em‚a. n‚y awney ep wefoer p ‡fooyr ˆ ‡ootyhˆ ers othkers neekl nteo el kisto s ktishe s gthroe ugnrdouˆ ndˆ wonwderonidnerg, in‚g.ƒ , ‚m.ƒ iles miis les this e tehqe uievqaulenivat lenof t swof imswmiminmg isneg vensetvyen- setvyen - seven somse opmoe unpd outhneid r thceihestr chs estans d abned llobw elltohw unthduernoduersloyuˆ a slfyeˆ w a floew ok lodoak ngderanger lengltenhs gothf s an of „aln ym„plyicm- spi…ice-d si…peod olp. o†ola. n†y aonf y thoe f ttrhie atthrlieattes hleltoes ok loaopk praep-pre-ousloy iulsl aly inld al anre rd aure rsheud tsho ted the mo thee mdiceadl ticenal tt.ent. henshienve sais ve thaes y thweay it wfoar it tfhoe r stthae rtstinag rtginug ng, ubunt , tbuheit r thseipir ristps iarirte s buare oybued oyed …he …mhoe st mdorst amdraatimc afitnic isfihnes isohces cuor cncuear r nmeair dmniigdhnt iags htt hae s stehve ensetveenente en by a bbay a nd baonf d ‡oaf w‡aiaiwan aidiarn umdrmumersm, erstho, utshaonudss anodf s choef erchineerg sinpg ecstpateocrsta, tors, hour hoduear ddleinade lainpe praopapcrhoes. ach…es. hes…e hiesnte reinptid respoid uls soduesls pderesapteerly atweliy ll wthileil r their and alonud dl, oauddr, enadarleninea-l inindeu- incingduc mingus micu bsliacr ingblar fingrom fr caomr- scai…re-d si…sped easkpers. eakers. bodibes odtio es ovto erocovermce omcre uschriunsg hipang in paainn d afnatd igfuatei, gtuheei, r thmeiir nmds infodrs cifnorg cing „nc„e nthcee y thsteay rtst, athrter, te haerre e sao re mso anmy asnwy imswmimers mcers hurcnhiunrg nitnhg e wthae ter waitt er it each ealecg h tlo eg tatko e t‡aukst e ‡ounst e omnoe rme storee pst. Aeps . thAes y thliemy p liimntp o itnotwo nto, wsonm, se olmooe k look lookls looikks le a sike a shark fhaerek fdieneg fdinreng f…ryen.…y.near ndeaer atdhe’s atdho’s ord. o‰our. t ‰thue t sthige hst igof ht thoe f fithne isfih nlisinh e lainne d atnhd e emthe oemtionoatil onal bout baon ut haon ur holautr erl, atterhe , ltehae d letraid atthrlieattes hlemtes akme ait kbae ict k bato ck latno dl. ands . s enerengy erfrgoy m frtohm e rtahue croauus cofruis enfrdisen, fdasm, filay mmilemy mbemersb, ersand , afnand s fawnhs o wlihno e line they themey eremge erdgre ipdprinipg pifnrog m frothm e othce eaonc, etahne, y thruey sh ruinsh to ina tto ena t, tenchta, ncghe ange the rthace er’s acfien’s al fistnarl etstch reptcuh ll ptuhlem l thhem omheo. mŠierst . Šitrst hey thheoy bbhloebˆ bthleen ˆ thten hey they into inhtio gh-h tiegch-h tebcih kinbig kigneg ar geˆianr clˆuindcinlug dianerg oaderynoadmynic amheic lmheetlsm‰, eŠtus‰m, Šp ump shuffleshuˆ fflefinˆ alfily nathlly ey thmey anmagae nato ge btro eabk reinak to ina to rua n rtuo n reto acrh eatchh e tfihne isfih nish onto ounltto raullitgrhatliwgeihtgwheit bgihkt es bitkhes at tchoast t cuopwst uapwrds aordf s ten of tthen outshaonud sadnod lladrsol, lars, line, liwneh, erwe hterhee y thcoely lacposle lapin se a istn aa te stoaf te ecostf aescyst. a€st yis . €tt his erte haert e mait dmniigdhnt ight and a…nod om …ooom ut oouf t siogf hst igfohr t tfhoe r nthee xt nleexg t olef g thoe f rthace er, aa ce‹, ‹‚a - m‹‹‚il-e mciole urscoe urse wherwe hoerne e otnrue ly truunly duerstndaerstnds anwdhs y w€hroy n€mroannm’s amn’os tmto ois tto “Ais ny“Athninytg hi€ns g €s acroascs ra osls ava a ldavesa erdest. erŒetc. aŒuesce auit ste akit es tatkhes e bthest e brest iders ridaers bouat bfoouut r foaunr d aa nd a ŒossŒiboless.ib” le.” half hhaolf urs houto rs coto ver cotvher is tdhistis adnistcea, nI cest, rI olstl rbaolcl k bato ck mto y hmoy tehl oatned l asnad vosr avor a troa pticroapl ibcrael abkrfeaastk, famsta, dme aadll e thale l mthoe rme polree apsalenat sbany t ebxery ecxisere csische asdcenha-den- freufdree. uŽdese. , ŽI esd, o I tdho intk himnk y megy gs egŒgs eneŒdenicet dainct d acnod ffece offtaeste e tabstee tter betats er as ErneEsrtonesto I thiI ntk hianbk ouat bothuot ste hotwse o ttwho outshaonud safned llofw ellhouw mhaunms aonus t othuert te heron e tohn e the ŽatcŽhaintcg hianmg aatemuar te€uror n€mroen nmfien nisfih nisneh ar nemar idmniigdhnt igwhat s wians spiinrisnpgir. ing. islanisd launnd duer ndther e bthlae ribnlag risung n sutryn intrg yitno g bitko e bmikoe rme tohre an th‹an  ‹m iles mials es as ‰ut ‰€ uflt e€ w flheow mhe owmie th wrienth erwened ewceod nvciocntivoin cttiohn at tnho at anmo oaumnt ouonf t moof nmey oney fast faas st thaes y thcaen y caann d astnid ll stsaivll e senave ouengh ouengh erengy erto gy cotmo cpolemte pltehte e fithne al filneag l leg wouwld ouenld ticene tmice e mto e dto o a do fua ll fturilal tthrlioanth. loŠnu. rtŠhuerrt, h€ erc, ou€ lcdonu’t ldhne’t lp hbuelp t but of thoeif tr oheirdr oearld, a fealu, a fll- lenullg- ltenh mgth maratharoant.hon.feel fteheal t thwaht awt h€ aot b€ serobvseerd vwead s wnaos t n‡uost t ‡uabst noarbmnoarl mbual t bualst o aclsoo ncceronncern ‘est‘ed estaend d arnefd resrefhreesd, heI dr, etI urren tutro n thto e trhae ce raccene tcer entto er wtao tcwh attchh e the ing. iŽngh. aŽt whaot uwld oumld otmivaotte ivsaote mseoomne eoto ne trtao in trfaoin r hfoor urs houurs pon uphoon urs houa rs a elite etlritie atthrlieattes hleltees ap leoaff p tohff eir thbeiikr esb, iklesac, e loacn e roun nnruinng nisnhg oessh, oaesnd , atnhd en then day dfoar y yfeoar rs ye‡aurs st ‡fuost r tfhoe r cthhe ancche anto ce puto t phuis t ohr is hoer r hber ody bothdry otuhgrh outghh at that head heoaff d oon ff foon ot ftoo ot beto gibn egthin eir th‚ei’r .‚‚- m’.‚il-e mriule n raulon nag lotnhg e cthoe astco. a“sth. i“le hile kind kionf d hoef ll haenll d apnrd ovpe rothve at th“aant y“tahninytg hiis ng pis osspibolses”i’ bleŠ”u’ ll Šturlil atthrlioanths lons the tchoe mcpoemtitpoers tittorrs udtgre udthge rotuhgrh outghh eir thmeiar rmatharoan thion n birn utbarlluy tahloly t hanot d and re“urier“e uei”re treme”tre emobe sesobssioesn siaonn d amnd onmeyo. n€ef yy. o€u f ycoou nsciodner sidaier rfaarier, fahroet, ehl otel humhiud mcoid ndciotniodnis tioˆint s wˆait s w”as °–”‰, °I –en‰, I Šoeny a Šoly eisua leisurely rleulny clh unacnh d aa nbd ra ief brief billsb, iallsnd , agned arg, emara, nmy a€nroy n€mroen nmsen pensd pentend s tenof s thoof utshaonudss anodf s doolf ladrs olla ars a nap. nSahpo. rSthly oratflty er af‚ter  ‚p.m .p, .I ma.m, I bale mbable ck bato ck wtao tcwh atthch e fithne isfihn, isonhe , oonf e of year yoen ar tohn eir thseipor rstp. oArltt. hAoultghh ou€groh n€mroann maatn traacttts radcitvs ersdive erspae rtpaicirpaticnitpas, nts, the mthoe st meoxst ubeerxuabnert sacnent ses cenI es havI e heavver e ewver itnwesitsneesd. seds . the s fithrst e firrst unnruers nners incluindcinlug dcinang ccer ansucer rvsuivorrsviv, onrsun, ns, uannsd , arnetd irreeestir, ea esla, ra ge laprgere cpenertcaenge taagre e are Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 4Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 47/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 5Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 57/9/20 1:06 PM7/9/20 1:06 PM

6 6 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 7 7 wealwthey alTthypy e TyA ppe ersA poersnaloitnies alitwies ho wahpo play ptphle y stahme se afmane aftaicnaal tidceavl odteiovn ottio on to thirtty hiyretay rs yeyaors unygoerun, gEerrn, estErno estwao s winais tiianlliy tiarellty icrenetit caens t I ams eI amsueraesud hreis d his exerecxisere ctishee y thperey vpioreuvsiloy udsely didceadteid catto ed thteio r thceiarr ecers. areers. MucMh uacs h I aas dmI aidre mire heighheit, gwheit, gwheit, glehg t, lleneg gltenh, gatnhd , afened t, feaentd , athnen d thuen sed ua sehd iga h-h sigph-eed sp eedvideo vi deo theste htesrie atthrlieatteshl, etaesre , tahree y thdeay mdaagminag gtinheig r thbeior dibesod? iFeso? r Fevoerr ey vIerroy nImroann man camcerama tero a retco orred choris d rhuis nnruinng nbiniog mbeiocmhaencihcas noin cs a osn ma asll mtraalcl k trI achk ad I hseat d set who whuo alifiuesali, fihesow , hmow anmy awnoy uwldo bue ldI broe nImroen nmwen ere wseride esliindeed linbey d cbriy pcrip up. uTph. aTnkhfaunlkly fufollr y mfoer , mhe e, ghre adguraaldly uablely cabmece amince reinacsrineagsly ingagly rrgaulorruus lous plinpg liinng uirniesu? riesh? at hiant d oinf d tooll f dtooles l daoles l thale l ttrhae intrinaig nnineg cesnescaesry stao ry do to do and astnad rtsted artto ed tetlo l stteoll ristes or(ites hro(tuhgrh ouagn h inan terinptrereterpr) etaerbo) uat btohue t othld e doald ys days a fula l fturilal tthrlioan thhloan ve hoan ve thon e aththe leatteshl’ eftesrien’ frdisen, fdasm, filaimesi, laiesnd , amnad rmriaagresria?ges? when whhen e hhue nhteud ndteed er doen er fooon t fboy ot ruby nnruinng ntinhem g thdem owdn oawnn d asnod mseotimmees times ith tihth este hesane d aontd her othther outghhotus ghpters cpoerlatcionlg atiinn g min y mbry ainbr, aa inf, ew a few dancdead ncfoer d dfoar ys dian ys cerin emceroemnies. oniEes. rnestErno esttolo d tmold e hme e whae s wa acs ha amchpaiomn pion weews eelats er laI ter paI cpaed cmed y bamy gs baags nd ahned adheed adto ed thto e ­thiere r­a ierTraa raThaurmahaurma ara runnruer ninn er hiis n yhois utyh ouanth d atnhd at thhe at sthie ll stcoilml cpoemtepd eitn ed sein verseavl erraacl es raa ces yeaa ry. ear. €som€seotimmees timcaes llecd altlhed e ‚thoe p‚per op‚per an‚yoannsyƒ oonf sMƒ oef xMicoe, xifcaor , ffraor m frtohm e ttrhae ptrap ut wuht en whI en askI ead skheim d hhiom w hhoe w trhae intreadi, nhee d, dhide nd’t idunn’t duerstndaerstnd athne d thue es-ues- pings pinogs f thoe f dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd. orTldh. erTe hI erme eI t mateht leattes hlesto es dsiffo erdienffert fenrot m fr om tion. tionh. en hI en desI cdresibecd ribheod w how mermicaernis calinks e lmike e kmee ep kefiet p anfid t apnrd epaprree pare the ttrhie atthrlieattes hleotf es …oof n…a oanna d aonbd serobvseerd va ecd oma cpoemtitpioen titsioo n dsiffo erdienffert fenrot m from for rfaocr es rabcy es rubny nruinng nsinevg erseavl ertimal es tima es wea ekw, ehee k, seheme seeemd inecd reindcurleoduus. lous s. s IronImroann mthan at tI hcaat n I coann ly odnesly cdresibe crtihbe e ethxe perexipenercie enas ce wahs ipwlahsihpl. aAshn. d Aonf d of I askI ead skmeod rme oure estuioestnsi, ohne s, mhae dme iat dpe reit tpty rectltey ar clhee ar thhoe utghhot utghhe t ctohne cceopnt cept all thae ll pthee opplee oI penle cI oenunctoerunedter, tehde , othne e ownhe o wbhleo w bmlew y mmiy nmd tihne d mthoe st mwoast s was of neoef dnleeseds lresus nnruinng nwinag s wpares pporsteperoostuers. o us. h y,­ hhye ,­ ahske ead skmee d wmie th weivth i- evi- an ealdn erelly dermlay nm, †anrn, est†rno est€tho at€’ts hanto’s t hnis ot rheis al rneaaml neaƒ, mwehƒ, owm hI om meI t mon et a on a dent ddenist dbeisliefbe, liefwo, uwld aounld ayonne ryonue rn wuhn wen thhen tey dheidy dn’t hidna’vt he taov€e t­ o€­ remroemte motese ma, seseav, sen tevhen toushaonud fsaened ft aebeot ave sboeva le seeva lel.evel. ‚ince ‚ince I had I had ƒust ƒust witnessed witnessed the the intensity intensity of Ironman of Ironman triathletes, triathletes, I haI d htraad vetrlead vetlo ed thto e ­thiere r­a ierto ra do to rdeso eraesrceh arocn h Toan raThaurmahaurma ‡araa ti‡ve a tive whose whose arduous arduous training training habits habits are legendaryare legendary, I found , I found that that ErnestoErnesto’s ’s AmerAmicaernisc, afnasm, ofaums ofuor s tfhoeir r thleionr glo dnistga dnistce anruce nnruinngn. inˆgo. ‰ˆenos ‰enof s anof  an uestion uestion made made me both me both laugh laugh and and think. think. „e put „e put the e…ercise the e…ercise habits habits throtphorloopgoistlos gistovs er ovther e tlhast e lcaenst tcuenry tuhray ve hawvre itwten rittaen bouat bothue t tThae raThaurahu of many of many esterners, esterners, myself myself included, included, into into stark stark perspective. perspective. If you If you marma, abura, t buin t Ši‹n ‹ŠŒ ‹t‹hŒ ey thgaey ingaed inaen d eaxn tra exbtroa ost booof st woof rlwdworildde wifdame e fame were were a subsistence a subsistence farmer farmer like like Ernesto Ernesto who who grows grows all his all own his own food food from frothm e bthest e bsest eller selBorn ler Born to Runto Run. Th. e Tbhoe o bopoo rtpraoyrs trtahyem s thaem s a a“s ha id“hid without without the the help help of machines, of machines, why why would would you you ever ever spend spend precious precious den dten ribet” riboef ” baof refbaooreft, ouoltt, raul hteraal htheya, lt“hsuy, p“ersuaptherleatteshl” eteswh” o wrhoo utrinouelty inely time time and and calories calories e…ercising e…ercising ƒust ƒust for the for sake the sake of keeping of keeping fit or fit to or prove to prove 1 1 run ruunn imunagiminaagbilne adbistle adnistces.ances. that that anything anything is possible€ is possible€ Ernesto Ernesto reinforced reinforced my conviction my conviction that that what what Intr iIgnutreidg, uaendd , atno d coto lleccot lldeactt a doan ta hoon w how they threay n rwan ithwouitt homuot dmerond, ercnu, shciuosnheid onreud nnruinng nisnhg oessh, oI est, raI vetrlead veulep d up I observed I observed at Ironman at Ironman was was bi†arre, bi†arre, and and he even he even caused caused me to me uestion to uestion and adnod wdn owfon urfo thouru tshoandusa fondot  foraovt inraes vinoes n poern iploerus ilosuws itscwhbaitcch barco adrs oads the sanity the sanity of my of own my own efforts efforts to train to train for a for marathon. a marathon. Ernesto Ernesto also also inteninten- - with wa ith gua idgeu, iadn e, iann terinptrereterpr, etaernd , asncd iensctiifienc tiinfistc rinustmrenumts ento ts mto eamsuerae sure sified sified my curiosity my curiosity about about Tarahumara Tarahumara running, running, which which seemed seemed more more peoppleeo’s pfleee’s t faened t arnud nnruinng nbiniog mbeiocmhaencihcas. n“icy s. th“e y ttihme e tiI mme eI t m†rent est†rno, estI o, I mythical mythical than than actual. actual. Even Even though though Ernesto Ernesto never never trained, trained, and and I hadnI hadn’t ’t had hinatd erinviteerwveid ewaend d amned amsueraesud dreod ‰endos ‰enof s otohf er otThaer raThaurmahaurma maren a maen nd and seen seen any any Tarahumara Tarahumara running running on their on their own, own, I had I had heard heard and and read read womwen omaen nd awnad s wbaes gibnengiinng ntio ng hato ve hdavoe ubtdos uabtbos uat baolumt oast lmeovst ereyvtherinytg hI ing I numerous numerous accounts accounts about about how how Tarahumara Tarahumara men men and and women women have have had hraed ad reaabd ouat bothueit r threiur nnruinngn. inˆges. pˆitese ptihte eir threiepr urteaptiuotn atiaos n eaxs traeoxrtdraiordi their their own own Ironman-Ironman- like like competitions. competitions. In the In womenthe women’s race, ’s race, known known as as nary nraury nnruersnn, ersI h, adI nh’at dsne’en t sea en sina gsle inTgale raThaurmahaurma raura nnruinng nainng ywanhyerweh, ere, ariwete,ariwete, teams teams of teenage of teenage girls girls and and young young women women run run about about twenty-twenty- let alleot nae lobanre efbaooreft. o“outt . “I duit d I odbid serobvse erthvem e thtem o be to hbae rd hwarod rwers oraers nd ainndd einde five five miles miles while while chasing chasing a cloth a cloth hoop. hoop. In the In menthe men’s race, ’s race, the rarájipari,the rarájipari, fatigafabtilgae wblae lwers. alers. Most Moof st thoe f tphee opplee oI plie ntI erinviteerwveid ewsead id stahid ey theiety her either teams teams of men of men run run up to up eighty to eighty miles miles while while kicking kicking an orange-an orange- si†ed si†ed didnd’t idrnu’n t rour n paorr tpaicirpaticteipad itn ed uist n ounst e orance e rpaer ce ypeer ary. e‡aort . ‡alol t Taalrl aThaurmahaurma ara wooden wooden ball. ball. If the If Tthe arahumara Tarahumara think think needless needless e…ercise e…ercise is foolish, is foolish, why why appeaaprpeed arto ed be to sbe illsed ilrleud nnruersnn, ersand , amnd anmy aonf y thoem f thhem ad hpaad unpachues nchoes r or do some do some of them of them sometimes sometimes run run insanely insanely long long distances distances like like IronIron- - were owervere owveiergwheit.ght. men€ men€ ˆust ˆas ust important, as important, how how do they do they accomplish accomplish these these feats feats without without ‡ot ‡†ornt est†rno. estA os. lA ighst ligmhat n mian n hiis n sheis vensetvies entwies ho wlhooo ls ootws entwty enor ty or training€training€ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 6Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 6 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

6 6 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 7 7 wealwthey alTthypy e TyA ppe ersA poersnaloitnies alitwies ho wahpo play ptphle y stahme se afmane aftaicnaal tidceavl odteiovn ottio on to thirtty hiyretay rs yeyaors unygoerun, gEerrn, estErno estwao s winais tiianlliy tiarellty icrenetit caens t I ams eI amsueraesud hreis d his exerecxisere ctishee y thperey vpioreuvsiloy udsely didceadteid catto ed thteio r thceiarr ecers. areers. MucMh uacs h I aas dmI aidre mire heighheit, gwheit, gwheit, glehg t, lleneg gltenh, gatnhd , afened t, feaentd , athnen d thuen sed ua sehd iga h-h sigph-eed sp eedvideo vi deo theste htesrie atthrlieatteshl, etaesre , tahree y thdeay mdaagminag gtinheig r thbeior dibesod? iFeso? r Fevoerr ey vIerroy nImroann man camcerama tero a retco orred choris d rhuis nnruinng nbiniog mbeiocmhaencihcas noin cs a osn ma asll mtraalcl k trI achk ad I hseat d set who whuo alifiuesali, fihesow , hmow anmy awnoy uwldo bue ldI broe nImroen nmwen ere wseride esliindeed linbey d cbriy pcripup. uTph. aTnkhfaunlkly fufollr y mfoer , mhe e, ghre adguraaldly uablely cabmece amince reinacsrineagsly ingagly rrgaulorruus lous plinpg liinng uirniesu? riesh? at hiant d oinf d tooll f dtooles l daoles l thale l ttrhae intrinaig nnineg cesnescaesry stao ry do to do and astnad rtsted artto ed tetlo l stteoll ristes or(ites hro(tuhgrh ouagn h inan terinptrereterpr) etaerbo) uat btohue t othld e doald ys days a fula l fturilal tthrlioan thhloan ve hoan ve thon e aththe leatteshl’ eftesrien’ frdisen, fdasm, filaimesi, laiesnd , amnad rmriaagresria?ges?when whhen e hhue nhteud ndteed er doen er fooon t fboy ot ruby nnruinng ntinhem g thdem owdn oawnn d asnod mseotimmees times ith tihth este hesane d aontd her othther outghhotus ghpters cpoerlatcionlg atiinn g min y mbry ainbr, aa inf, ew a few dancdead ncfoer d dfoar ys dian ys cerin emceroemnies. oniEes. rnestErno esttolo d tmold e hme e whae s wa acs ha amchpaiomn pion weews eelats er laI ter paI cpaed cmed y bamy gs baags nd ahned adheed adto ed thto e ­thiere r­a ierTraa raThaurmahaurma ara runnruer ninn er hiis n yhois utyh ouanth d atnhd at thhe at sthie ll stcoilml cpoemtepd eitn ed sein verseavl erraacl es raa ces yeaa ry. ear. €som€seotimmees timcaes llecd altlhed e ‚thoe p‚per op‚per an‚yoannsyƒ oonf sMƒ oef xMicoe, xifcaor , ffraor m frtohm e ttrhae ptraput wuht en whI en askI ead skheim d hhiom w hhoe w trhae intreadi, nhee d, dhide nd’t idunn’t duerstndaerstnd athne d thue es-ues- pings pinogs f thoe f dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd. orTldh. erTe hI erme eI t mateht leattes hlesto es dsiffo erdienffert fenrot m fr om tion. tionh. en hI en desI cdresibecd ribheod w how mermicaernis calinks e lmike e kmee ep kefiet p anfid t apnrd epaprree pare the ttrhie atthrlieattes hleotf es …oof n…a oanna d aonbd serobvseerd va ecd oma cpoemtitpioen titsioo n dsiffo erdienffert fenrot m from for rfaocr es rabcy es rubny nruinng nsinevg erseavl ertimal es tima es wea ekw, ehee k, seheme seeemd inecd reindcurleoduus. lous s. s IronImroann mthan at tI hcaat n I coann ly odnesly cdresibe crtihbe e ethxe perexipenercie enas ce wahs ipwlahsihpl. aAshn. d Aonf d of I askI ead skmeod rme oure estuioestnsi, ohne s, mhae dme iat dpe reit tpty rectltey ar clhee ar thhoe utghhot utghhe t ctohne cceopnt cept all thae ll pthee opplee oI penle cI oenunctoerunedter, tehde , othne e ownhe o wbhleo w bmlew y mmiy nmd tihne d mthoe st mwoast s was of neoef dnleeseds lresus nnruinng nwinag s wpares pporsteperoostuers. o us. h y,­ hhye ,­ ahske ead skmee d wmie th weivth i- evi- an ealdn erelly dermlay nm, †anrn, est†rno est€tho at€’ts hanto’s t hnis ot rheis al rneaaml neaƒ, mwehƒ, owm hI om meI t mon et a on a dent ddenist dbeisliefbe, liefwo, uwld aounld ayonne ryonue rn wuhn wen thhen tey dheidy dn’t hidna’vt he taov€e t­ o€­ remroemte motese ma, seseav, sen tevhen toushaonud fsaened ft aebeot ave sboeva le seeva lel.evel.‚ince ‚ince I had I had ƒust ƒust witnessed witnessed the the intensity intensity of Ironman of Ironman triathletes, triathletes, I haI d htraad vetrlead vetlo ed thto e ­thiere r­a ierto ra do to rdeso eraesrceh arocn h Toan raThaurmahaurma ‡araa ti‡ve a tive whose whose arduous arduous training training habits habits are legendaryare legendary, I found , I found that that ErnestoErnesto’s ’s AmerAmicaernisc, afnasm, ofaums ofuor s tfhoeir r thleionr glo dnistga dnistce anruce nnruinngn. inˆgo. ‰ˆenos ‰enof s anof  anuestion uestion made made me both me both laugh laugh and and think. think. „e put „e put the e…ercise the e…ercise habits habits throtphorloopgoistlos gistovs er ovther e tlhast e lcaenst tcuenry tuhray ve hawvre itwten rittaen bouat bothue t tThae raThaurahuof many of many esterners, esterners, myself myself included, included, into into stark stark perspective. perspective. If you If you marma, abura, t buin t Ši‹n ‹ŠŒ ‹t‹hŒ ey thgaey ingaed inaen d eaxn tra exbtroa ost booof st woof rlwdworildde wifdame e fame were were a subsistence a subsistence farmer farmer like like Ernesto Ernesto who who grows grows all his all own his own food food from frothm e bthest e bsest eller selBorn ler Born to Runto Run. Th. e Tbhoe o bopoo rtpraoyrs trtahyem s thaem s a a“s ha id“hidwithout without the the help help of machines, of machines, why why would would you you ever ever spend spend precious precious den dten ribet” riboef ” baof refbaooreft, ouoltt, raul hteraal htheya, lt“hsuy, p“ersuaptherleatteshl” eteswh” o wrhoo utrinouelty inely time time and and calories calories e…ercising e…ercising ƒust ƒust for the for sake the sake of keeping of keeping fit or fit to or prove to prove 11 run ruunn imunagiminaagbilne adbistle adnistces.ances.that that anything anything is possible€ is possible€ Ernesto Ernesto reinforced reinforced my conviction my conviction that that what what Intr iIgnutreidg, uaendd , atno d coto lleccot lldeactt a doan ta hoon w how they threay n rwan ithwouitt homuot dmerond, ercnu, shciuosnheid onreud nnruinng nisnhg oessh, oI est, raI vetrlead veulep d up I observed I observed at Ironman at Ironman was was bi†arre, bi†arre, and and he even he even caused caused me to me uestion to uestion and adnod wdn owfon urfo thouru tshoandusa fondot  foraovt inraes vinoes n poern iploerus ilosuws itscwhbaitcch barco adrs oads the sanity the sanity of my of own my own efforts efforts to train to train for a for marathon. a marathon. Ernesto Ernesto also also inteninten-- with wa ith gua idgeu, iadn e, iann terinptrereterpr, etaernd , asncd iensctiifienc tiinfistc rinustmrenumts ento ts mto eamsuerae sure sified sified my curiosity my curiosity about about Tarahumara Tarahumara running, running, which which seemed seemed more more peoppleeo’s pfleee’s t faened t arnud nnruinng nbiniog mbeiocmhaencihcas. n“icy s. th“e y ttihme e tiI mme eI t m†rent est†rno, estI o, I mythical mythical than than actual. actual. Even Even though though Ernesto Ernesto never never trained, trained, and and I hadnI hadn’t ’t had hinatd erinviteerwveid ewaend d amned amsueraesud dreod ‰endos ‰enof s otohf er otThaer raThaurmahaurma maren a maen nd and seen seen any any Tarahumara Tarahumara running running on their on their own, own, I had I had heard heard and and read read womwen omaen nd awnad s wbaes gibnengiinng ntio ng hato ve hdavoe ubtdos uabtbos uat baolumt oast lmeovst ereyvtherinytg hI ing I numerous numerous accounts accounts about about how how Tarahumara Tarahumara men men and and women women have have had hraed ad reaabd ouat bothueit r threiur nnruinngn. inˆges. pˆitese ptihte eir threiepr urteaptiuotn atiaos n eaxs traeoxrtdraiorditheir their own own Ironman-Ironman-like like competitions. competitions. In the In womenthe women’s race, ’s race, known known as as nary nraury nnruersnn, ersI h, adI nh’at dsne’en t sea en sina gsle inTgale raThaurmahaurma raura nnruinng nainng ywanhyerweh, ere, ariwete,ariwete, teams teams of teenage of teenage girls girls and and young young women women run run about about twenty-twenty- let alleot nae lobanre efbaooreft. o“outt . “I duit d I odbid serobvse erthvem e thtem o be to hbae rd hwarod rwers oraers nd ainndd eindefive five miles miles while while chasing chasing a cloth a cloth hoop. hoop. In the In menthe men’s race, ’s race, the rarájipari,the rarájipari, fatigafabtilgae wblae lwers. alers. Most Moof st thoe f tphee opplee oI plie ntI erinviteerwveid ewsead id stahid ey theiety her either teams teams of men of men run run up to up eighty to eighty miles miles while while kicking kicking an orange-an orange- si†ed si†ed didnd’t idrnu’n t rour n paorr tpaicirpaticteipad itn ed uist n ounst e orance e rpaer ce ypeer ary. e‡aort . ‡alol t Taalrl aThaurmahaurma ara wooden wooden ball. ball. If the If Tthe arahumara Tarahumara think think needless needless e…ercise e…ercise is foolish, is foolish, why why appeaaprpeed arto ed be to sbe illsed ilrleud nnruersnn, ersand , amnd anmy aonf y thoem f thhem ad hpaad unpachues nchoes r or do some do some of them of them sometimes sometimes run run insanely insanely long long distances distances like like IronIron-- were owervere€ men€ ˆust ˆas ust important, as important, how how do they do they accomplish accomplish these these feats feats without without ‡ot ‡†ornt est†rno. estA os. lA ighst ligmhat n mian n hiis n sheis vensetvies entwies ho wlhooo ls ootws entwty enor ty or training€training€ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 6Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 67/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 7Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 77/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

8 8 exerecxIersedcIsed RarájRiarparájii Uparnid Uer tndhe Ser the Stars tars Not Nloont g loanftg er afI ter meI t mErent estErno, estI og, oI t sgoomt se oamne swaners swters o thto este hqesue estquioestns ions when whI en haI d htahd e tphre iviplreigve ileogf e woif tnwesitsninesg sia ng traa dtitriaodniatil onTaal raThaurmahaurma ara rarájiparirarájipari foot froacoetr. Tachee. T cohme cpoemtitpioenti ttiooonk t poolakc pe olance a o mn aou mntoauinnttoapin ntoepa nr ear a tina y tTinay raThaurmahaurma saerta tlsemettenlemt, enabto, uat ba outwt a o tdwao ysd’ awyas’ lk wfarlok m frtohm e nthee arn ear est test ownto. wTnh. e Trhace e raince voilnvevd olvtewd o ttweao mtes amof s moenf m, eieng, heit gohn t eoan ch eascidh e. side. ErnestErno’ests teoa’s m tewam as wcaaps tcaainpetad inbey d bry nulrfno ulfuo imuarime, aa rceh, a amchpaiomn pTioan raTara humhaurma raura nnruer nnwer ho wfihgo ufiregd urperd omprionmenitnly enitn ly thin e tbhoe ok boBorn ok Born to Runto Run. . The Tohpe poospipnog sitneag m tewam as wcaaps tcaainpetad inbey d bry nulrfno’us lfcoo’us scion usiin lvinio lvinuo beube sares, aarlse, o aa lsco ha amchpaiomn prioun nnruern. n ery . a rry aanrgremangenemt, enthte , ttehae mtes ahmas d hsead t usp et up two tstwoo nste ocnae irncas iranbs ouat botwuo t tawno d aa nd haa lf hmalif les mialpaes ratpa, arntd , atnhd ey thaegy reaegd reed that tthhae t fithrst e fitrst eam tetao m coto mcpolemte plfiefte tefien ftecen ircuciitrs cuoir ts to or latp o tlhap e oththe er oth­ier n ­in other wother wordso, grdest fi, gvee mt fivie mles ailhes aeadh€ weado€ wuld woulid wn. in. The Tmhoe rmnionrg nbineg gabn egawin th wa itfh eaa stf. eIan sta. dIn diatidodn ittio on thte o rtuhe nnruersnn, ersabo, uat bout two thwuo nhdurend dTread raThaurmahaurma haraa d haasd semassbemled bflreod m frnom ear naenar d afnar d tfo ar ento ‚oeny ‚oy fIgufIre 1gu rSe 1cen Ses fcenroem ts frwom to diwffo dereinfft reraecent rs. Tacehse I. Trohne Imraon Wnmaon Wrld Cohrlad Cmphiaomnsphioip ns hip the ethve enetv, ensotc, iasolicƒiea, liaƒned , atnakd e taa kbe rea abk refraok m frowm orkwionrg kiinn g thin e fithee ldfis. eldt s. t in oinn a onaaw aii awtopaii  atopnd a  anrard a ájirpararáij iipn tarhi ie Sn tihere Sra Tiearrra Tahamraahram area­ ico e­bicoo ttombo.tt om . breabkrfeaastk, ftahste , rtuhe nnruers nnsers omsboermly bertalny ktead nkuep d oun p cohn icckhen icksten ewst, wewh, ilwe hthile e the The TTahre Tahamraahra rmanra rner n€nernlr €fo ‚rnlfo ‚imareim ias cre ihass cinhƒ a „asinƒ a „all thaalt hl the hat has …e hsas …t flics‡t fled ic‡ed rest roest f us of dues voduerveod ufrreesd h frestorh titlolarsti, lclahsi, liceshi, laiesnd , aann d enan orenmoorums oquus anqtuitay ntity with hwiis fth hoois ft. ˆoohto. ˆtos „hot‰ Šos „an‰ Šiel ‹an. Œiel ‹ie„. Œerime„aenrman of soouf p sotuhp at thhaad t hbaed en bepen repaprreepad irn ed a ifn ora mfoer rmoier l doriul mdr. uTmh. e Tshoue p socuop ncon tainetad inmed ost moof st a ocf ow a caolw onag lownig th wcioth rnc, osrqnu, assqhu, aasnhd , apnod taptooes. tatoIes. n aIdn diaddi tion ttio on fetao stfienagst, ipnego, pplee oppllae cepd labceed ts boen ts thon e ttwhe o ttweao mtesa, mwasg, erwaingerg pinesg opses, os, clothceslot, hgesoa, tgs, oactosr, nc, oarnnd , aontd her othsuer ndsury ndcory mcmomodmitioes. ditiTes. henT, haent , abaot uat bout „„…†† „„…a†.m† .a, .maft., er afsteer verseavl erhoaul rs houof rs reolf a‡reed la‡cehd aocsh, atohse , trhue nnruers nnsters artsted arted off woiff th wnito h fanno ffaarne. fars e. shos wshn oiwn n fiign ufire g„u, rte he „, rtuhe nnruers nnwers ore weo‡rae cetl‡y acthtle y the samse acmloe thces loththes ey thaelwy aayls wwayes arw… ea arb… ra igbhrt igtuhnt itcu, na iclo, ia nclolointhc, loatnhd , asnad nsan dals d­ahuarachesls ­huaraches€ cut € fcruot m fra om tira e tainre d alansd hlead shoend to otnhteio r thfeieer t fweeitt h wleitah thleer ather thontgs. honEgs. ach Eatecah m teham ad hitas d oiwts n ohwan ndha cnadrv cead rvweod owden oodbaen ll, bawlhl, icwh htihch e the runnruers nnflers ick flwicik th wtihth eir thtoeies r taos es faar s afs ar poas sspibolses, ibthleen , thren un rtuo n finto d fiitn, d anitd , and kick kaicgak ian gawiin thwouitt hoevuer t euver sinug sitnhg eir thheiar ndhs. ands. lthoultghh outghh e tthwe o ttweao mtes ams never nestver opstpeodp, pseodm, se oomf e thoe f tohbe serobvsers erv­ers mys­melf ysienlcf luindceldu€ doecdc€ aosciocnasailoly nally ‚um‚puemd pin ed foin r a folr ap a olar p twor o ttwo o keto ep ketehp e trhue nnruers nncers omcpaomny paanny d aonffd er offer encoenurcaoguemragenemt enby t sbhy ousthinougt, in“Iwériga! g, “Iwériga! Iwériga!Iwériga!” ­w” hi­cwh hmich eamns eabnos th both “bre“abthre” atahn” d a“nsd ou“ls”o€. uŒl”€h. en Œhten he trhue nnruers nnwers ere werthe irstthyi, rstthyei, r thfeirir enfrdis ends offeroeffd ertheem d thpinole,em pinole, a Ža at Žoraadtoera lidkee  ldikrie ndk rminak dme oadf e poowf pdoerwedd ercoerd n codrisn  dis solvesd iolvn wed ian wter.ater. Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 8Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 8 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

8 8 exerecxIersedcIsed RarájRiarparájii Uparnid Uer tndhe Ser the Stars tars Not Nloont g loanftg er afI ter meI t mErent estErno, estI og, oI t sgoomt se oamne swaners swters o thto este hqesue estquioestns ions when whI en haI d htahd e tphre iviplreigve ileogf e woif tnwesitsninesg sia ng traa dtitriaodniatil onTaal raThaurmahaurma ara rarájiparirarájipari foot froacoetr. Tachee. T cohme cpoemtitpioenti ttiooonk t poolakc pe olance a o mn aou mntoauinnttoapin ntoepa nr ear a tina y tTinay raThaurmahaurma saerta tlsemettenlemt, enabto, uat ba outwt a o tdwao ysd’ awyas’ lk wfarlok m frtohm e nthee arn ear est test ownto. wTnh. e Trhace e raince voilnvevd olvtewd o ttweao mtes amof s moenf m, eieng, heit gohn t eoan ch eascidh e. side. ErnestErno’ests teoa’s m tewam as wcaaps tcaainpetad inbey d bry nulrfno ulfuo imuarime, aa rceh, a amchpaiomn pTioan raTara humhaurma raura nnruer nnwer ho wfihgo ufiregd urperd omprionmenitnly enitn ly thin e tbhoe ok boBorn ok Born to Runto Run. . The Tohpe poospipnog sitneag m tewam as wcaaps tcaainpetad inbey d bry nulrfno’us lfcoo’us scion usiin lvinio lvinuo beube sares, aarlse, o aa lsco ha amchpaiomn prioun nnruern. n ery . a rry aanrgremangenemt, enthte , ttehae mtes ahmas d hsead t usp et up two tstwoo nste ocnae irncas iranbs ouat botwuo t tawno d aa nd haa lf hmalif les mialpaes ratpa, arntd , atnhd ey thaegy reaegd reed that tthhae t fithrst e fitrst eam tetao m coto mcpolemte plfiefte tefien ftecen ircuciitrs cuoir ts to or latp o tlhap e oththe er oth­ier n ­in other wother wordso, grdest fi, gvee mt fivie mles ailhes aeadh€ weado€ wuld woulid The Tmhoe rmnionrg nbineg gabn egawin th wa itfh eaa stf. eIan sta. dIn diatidodn ittio on thte o rtuhe nnruersnn, ersabo, uat bout two thwuo nhdurend dTread raThaurmahaurma haraa d haasd semassbemled bflreod m frnom ear naenar d afnar d tfo ar ento ‚oeny ‚oy fIgufIre 1gu rSe 1cen Ses fcenroem ts frwom to diwffo dereinfft reraecent rs. Tacehse I. Trohne Imraon Wnmaon Wrld Cohrlad Cmphiaomnsphioip ns hip the ethve enetv, ensotc, iasolicƒiea, liaƒned , atnakd e taa kbe rea abk refraok m frowm orkwionrg kiinn g thin e fithee ldfis. eldt s. t in oinn a onaaw aii awtopaii  atopnd a  anrard a ájirpararáij iipn tarhi ie Sn tihere Sra Tiearrra Tahamraahram area­ ico e­bicoo ttombo.tt om . breabkrfeaastk, ftahste , rtuhe nnruers nnsers omsboermly bertalny ktead nkuep d oun p cohn icckhen icksten ewst, wewh, ilwe hthile e the The TTahre Tahamraahra rmanra rner n€nernlr €fo ‚rnlfo ‚imareim ias cre ihass cinhƒ a „asinƒ a „all thaalt hl the hat has …e hsas …t flics‡t fled ic‡ed rest roest f us of dues voduerveod ufrreesd h frestorh titlolarsti, lclahsi, liceshi, laiesnd , aann d enan orenmoorums oquus anqtuitay ntity with hwiis fth hoois ft. ˆoohto. ˆtos „hot‰ Šos „an‰ Šiel ‹an. Œiel ‹ie„. Œerime„aenrman of soouf p sotuhp at thhaad t hbaed en bepen repaprreepad irn ed a ifn ora mfoer rmoier l doriul mdr. uTmh. e Tshoue p socuop ncon tainetad inmed ost moof st a ocf ow a caolw onag lownig th wcioth rnc, osrqnu, assqhu, aasnhd , apnod taptooes. tatoIes. n aIdn diaddi tion ttio on fetao stfienagst, ipnego, pplee oppllae cepd labceed ts boen ts thon e ttwhe o ttweao mtesa, mwasg, erwaingerg pinesg opses, os, clothceslot, hgesoa, tgs, oactosr, nc, oarnnd , aontd her othsuer ndsury ndcory mcmomodmitioes. ditiTes. henT, haent , abaot uat bout „„…†† „„…a†.m† .a, .maft., er afsteer verseavl erhoaul rs houof rs reolf a‡reed la‡cehd aocsh, atohse , trhue nnruers nnsters artsted arted off woiff th wnito h fanno ffaarne. fars e. shos wshn oiwn n fiign ufire g„u, rte he „, rtuhe nnruers nnwers ore weo‡rae cetl‡y acthtle y the samse acmloe thces loththes ey thaelwy aayls wwayes arw… ea arb… ra igbhrt igtuhnt itcu, na iclo, ia nclolointhc, loatnhd , asnad nsan dals d­ahuarachesls ­huaraches€ cut € fcruot m fra om tira e tainre d alansd hlead shoend to otnhteio r thfeieer t fweeitt h wleitah thleer ather thontgs. honEgs. ach Eatecah m teham ad hitas d oiwts n ohwan ndha cnadrv cead rvweod owden oodbaen ll, bawlhl, icwh htihch e the runnruers nnflers ick flwicik th wtihth eir thtoeies r taos es faar s afs ar poas sspibolses, ibthleen , thren un rtuo n finto d fiitn, d anitd , and kick kaicgak ian gawiin thwouitt hoevuer t euver sinug sitnhg eir thheiar ndhs. ands. lthoultghh outghh e tthwe o ttweao mtes ams never nestver opstpeodp, pseodm, se oomf e thoe f tohbe serobvsers erv­ers mys­melf ysienlcf luindceldu€ doecdc€ aosciocnasailoly nally ‚um‚puemd pin ed foin r a folr ap a olar p twor o ttwo o keto ep ketehp e trhue nnruers nncers omcpaomny paanny d aonffd er offer encoenurcaoguemragenemt enby t sbhy ousthinougt, in“Iwériga! g, “Iwériga! Iwériga!Iwériga!” ­w” hi­cwh hmich eamns eabnos th both “bre“abthre” atahn” d a“nsd ou“ls”o€. uŒl”€h. en Œhten he trhue nnruers nnwers ere werthe irstthyi, rstthyei, r thfeirir enfrdis ends offeroeffd ertheem d thpinole,em pinole, a Ža at Žoraadtoera lidkee  ldikrie ndk rminak dme oadf e poowf pdoerwedd ercoerd n codrisn  dis solvesd iolvn wed ian wter.ater. Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 8Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 87/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 9 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

10 10 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 11 11 For Fthoe r tfihrst e fisrst ix osr ix so or hsoo urs houof rs thoe f trhace er, aict ew, ait s wimas piomsspibolse sitbo le tetlo l tell unnuecnesnescaesry saerxy eretixoern? tioAnn? d Ahnod w hdow o sdoo mse omTae raThaurmahaurma amra anmagae natgo e to who wwhao s wgaos ingg oitno g wtio n. wAinrn. uAlrfno’us lfaon’s d aSnid lviSniolv’s intoe’as mtes awmens wt baenct k baacnk d and run rsuen verseavl erbaacl kba- toc-k ba- toc-k bamcak rmatharoants hownis thwouitt htoruat intrinaign, iwngh, ilwe hIriloe nImroen nmen forth foartloh nag lotnhg e cthoe urscoe uarst e a astt ea adstye, agdrya, dguraal duoagl giongg gipang ce paocf e aboof uat btoen ut ten pracptircae ctaince d apnrd epaprree paobre sesobssiveselsy ivfeolr y yfeoar rs yetao rs actco oamccpolismh plsisimh isliamr ifleaar ts feats minmuties nuptes er pmer ilem. Ailes . tAhe s twhae rm warm ecemecbemer bder ay dtuay rnteud rnined to ina tco ha illcyh, illy, of enofdu ernaduncre?ance? stars fitallred fi nlleigdh nt,i tghhte, r thuen rnuernsn keerps kt geopingt go wingith wouitth poauut psea,u lisgeh, litingght tinghei trh eir AnsAwners swers to thto este hesque estquioestns iotnys pictyaplliy carluly n rtuhn e tgahe mgaut mouf t boef liefbes liefs way wwaity h wpiitnh e ptionre chtoes. rch es. oin eod inAerd nuAlrfno’us ltfeoa’s m tetahm en thaen nd awnid ll wneilvl er nefvoer r for abouat bnouatt unrae tuversure versus nus rtnuurret uren  onn e osnide e soidf e thois f tvhenis ervenaberle adbele badtee bais te is get tghee t mthae gmicaagl ifceael lifneg eloinf g ruonf nruinng nbineg hibned htinhd em thuem nduer ntdher at tshpalt enspdliend did the vthiee w vitehw at tahtaht leattihc leptrioc cplirvoictiles ivitaines d atnald entats lenarte s ianrne aitnen autest  aus st genas es genes starrsty sarkryy s, a tkyo, a trch iorn hch ian hnd, wandat, wchaintcg Ahinrg Anulrfno aulnfo ad hnis fd hris fienrdis fenodcs fusoecd used makme askoe mse omof e uos f tauls ler taloler r moor rme dorae rkd- sakrkin- snkeidn, ntehder, te hmere ust mbue st gbene es genes intenintlty enotn ly tohn at thaallt  imallp iomrtpaonrt tabant ll, baklilc, kkinicgk, insega, rscehairncgh, inbug, t bualwt aayls ways that tihnaflt uinenflcue enbcioe lobgioicloagl iccaapal ccaipaties citaies nd apnsd ycphsoylcohgoicloagl iicnacl liinnactliionnas tioto ns to runnruinngn, inrugn, nruinngn, inrugn, nruinngn. ingven. tvuenalltyu, ahlloyw, hevoerwe, vserom, se omof e thoe f trhue nrun be atbhe leattes hleItes f naItf unrae tis urme is orme iomre piomrtpaonrt ttahnat n thnaun rtnuurret, uthreen , thto en beto cobmece ome ners nsters artsted artto ed drto op drooup t foruot m frocrm amcrpasm, apnsd , afinnd alfilyn, aalrlyo, uanrd oumnd idmniigdhnt, ight, an eaxn tremextre emathe leatteh, leytoeu , yfiorst u finrst eed neto ed htao ve htahve e rthige hrt igpahrt enpatrs enwtis th wtihth e the ArnuAlrfno’us ltfeoa’s m telaam pplead ppSeild viSniolv’s inaon’s d atnhe d rtahce e rwacae s wovaer s oavfer ter afatber ouat bsoeuvt sev righrt igghent es genes ecadees cadoes f resof eraesrceh arhcah ve hainve deiend deceod nficormnfierd mtehd at tghenat es genes enty enmty iles. miles. nlike nl ikoe n a, otnhaer, te hwerae s wnao s anpo plaapupslea, unso e, anno noaunnncoerun, cnero , no do pdlaoy p kleayy r koelye rs ionle ms inan my aanspye acspts oecft sps oof sprt aonrdt a enxder ecxiseer,c iinsec,l iudncinludg oinugr o ur 3 3 triumtripuhmanpt hmanut smicu. snicst. enadst, eeavder, eyvoerne younst e suast t dsoawt dn obwy n abn y enan orenmoorums ous motmivaottiiovn atitoo n exto erecxisere ciisn e thin e tfihrst e fiprst laceplace Tha t Tshaait ds, aiindt, eninstienve seivffe oretffs orts bonfibore anfinre ad dnrd dank franrok fm groom gurdos ourdf hs oomf hemomaemde caodre cn boren ber. eer. have hfaavie lefd aitlo ed idteno itdifeny stipfey csipfiec cgifienc es genthes at tehxapt leaxin plmain ucmh uacbh ouat baotuht leattihc letic ­n t­he n suthre fsuacer, fathcea, t trarájiparihat rarájipari was wthae s atnhe titahnestitis hesof is roof nmroannm. at nw. as t was talentat leninct luindcinlug dihnog w haonw d awnhd y w€enhy €enyan yaann d a‚ntd hi‚opthiaion piraun nnruers nncers ur-cur- a tota altloy taulnly coumncmomermciaerl, csiaiml, psile mcpolme cmomunmituy neivteny etv, enpatr, t paof rt an of aann ciaennct ient 4 4 rentrly endtolmy dinomate indaistte adnistce arnucne nruinngning In a dIn diatidodni, tistonu, dsties udoif es proof fpesrsoifoesnsail onal 2 2 tradtitriaodn ittiohn at tphraot baprbolbay dbaly tes dabates ck bathck outshaonudss anodf s yeoaf rs.years. athleattes hlewtes ho wphuo sh puthse h ltihme iltis moif tens odf uenradnucre arnecve erael vtehaal t tthhae t bathre rbaiers rriters hey they ‚her ‚e hwerae s wnao s no timitnimg, inno g, enno treny fterey , faened , anno d onno e ownoe re waonre y asnpy ecsipal ecgieaal rg. eƒaur. t ƒin ut otin her other must mouvst erocovermce oimnce luindce lupdhe yspiholyosgioicloagl icchaal lclenhaglles enlgies ke lgikene ergenatierng atminug sm- us- respreesctps, emctsu, cmh uacbh ouat btohue t rarájiparithe rarájipari was wfaams filaimar. ilAialrt. hAoultghh outhgerh te hwerere e were cle fcole rce forecffe ecetffiveecltyi, vefluye, lifnug elitnhg emthsemelves selvees fficeienffictliyen, atlny, d acnod ntcroonlltirnog lling no trnoo pthrioes phoir es proir „pes rif„oes r tfhoe r wthie nnwersinn, ersthe , rtahce e rwacae s wa ass era iosuers iocoums cpoemtipeti their thbeior dy botemdy ptemeraptuerraet, ubure, t buthest te hescoe mcpoemtitpoers titoarrs e aerve en evmen orme ochre alc-hal- tion, tioannd , atnhd e twhie nnwiinng nitneag m teaam maasmsead ssa ed sma asll mfaolrl tufonre tutnhe antkhs anto ks altl o all lengleend gbey d pbsy ycphsoylcohgoicloagl ihcual rdhlues rdlTes o kTeo ep kegeop inggo, ingrge, agt raetaht leattes hlemtes ust must the bthee ttibnegtt. inngst. enad steoaf d …oaf to…raadtoer, atdheer, te hwerae s wpinoleas pinole. †ik. e †tihke e throe nmroann man learn leato rn cotpo e cowpie th wpaith inpa, bie n, stbre atstegraicte, ganicd , aanbd ovae baolvl e baelll iebvee litehvee y thcaen y cdao n do triatthrlieatteshl, etteshe , ‚thae ra‚haurmahaurma raura nnruers nnsuers ffersueffd erinetd eninsteenly, sbaelyt, tlbaintg tlninag unau it5 it5 †e m†ue st mtuhst ertefhoerre eflooroe k lo‡uost k ‡aus st maus cmh uat ch thae t oththe er otshier de soidf e thoe f nthae tunrae ture sea, sceraa, mcrpasm, apnsd , acnrd uschriunsg hifnatg igfuatei. gAuen. d Apnerd hpaerps hathpe s mthoe st miomst piomrtpaonrt tant versuversus nus rtnuurre tduere badtee baante d acnod nsciodner sihdoer w henow vienronvimroennmt, enestp, eescipalelcy iacluly l-cul- simisliamriitly aris ity this at tahlamt oast lmaolst l tahle l tahtte enadtteenes dewes ere wberye stbanystdersand, ersnot , nruont run turet, curoen, ctroibuntrtes tibuto ees tvero eyvderay pydaey popleeo’s apleth’s alettihc aletbiic alitbies ailitines ad imnd ipumlspesulses ners. ners. ˆhiˆle hsiolme se oomf e thoe f sthpe ecstpateocrs tatoocrs caosciocnasailoly naullmy puemd pinetd o itnhte o rtahce e race The Tmhe ost mwost ideswpidreseapd reaand d ainnd tuiintitvueilty ivaeply peaaplpineg alilning e lionf e thoif ntkhiinng king for a fofer w a flaepw s, laopnsl, y oa nfley w a f‚eaw ra‚haurmahaurma caorma cpoemte pien te thiesn te hresace es. rac‰es. ost ‰aorst e are abouat bothue t tehffe ecetffs eocf ts nouf rtnuurre tuon re pohn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivairtisy es arisfres om froam n idan ea idea contcenont tteno wt tao wtch ratacth rher tathher tan rhaun rn. un. knowknn oaws n thae s tthhe eotrhy eoorf y thoe f tnhae tunraatl uhrual mhaunm Aanc coArcdcionrg ditno g thto is tvhiis ewv, iew, chamchpaiomnpeid onbed y tbhy e teihe gheitegenhttehen- centh-t cuenry tuprhy ilopshoiplohser opher ean-e aacn-q uaes cques ‰ou‰ssoeuasus, eahuu, mhaunms awnhs o wlhivo e liin ve win hawt h‰aot u‰ssoeuasu setaeru mtered ma ed “sa av“asgaev” age” The MThe Myth oyf tth ohe Atf the Athletihc Sletiavc Sagaevage state stoaf te noaf tunrae turerfle ercet floeuct r otruur et, riuneh, erinenhert senelt ves seluves ncournrcuoprtreud pbtey d cbivy i-civi- ‚he ‚rhace es ra ces saw  saat w aot n a oanna d atnhd e tShiere rSa ier‚raa ra‚haurmahaurma warera e wierne spiinrisnpg iring liŒatliioŒna tioTnh is Tthhis eotrhy eohray s hbaes en bewen arpwead rpiend to inmto anmy afnory mfosr, minsc, luindcinlug ding but bualst o aplsero ppleerxpinlegx. iˆngh. o ˆis ho mis orme noroe rmnoarl mfraol m froam n eavn oluevtioolnuatiroy nparery per the mthye th myotf h thoe f nthoe blne osbalve asgaev, atghee , bthee lief betlihef at tnhoat nwnoestnwerestnierŒend iŒpeed opplee ople specstpiveecŠ ttivheoŠ ste ohof use os f uwhs o wphuo sh opusuh or buodr bies todio des to o dnoo nesnosnenestsiaenl ptihayl psihcayl sical whowse homse inmds inhdas ve hanvoe t nboet en bepen olluptoeld lutbey d tbhy e tshoe ciasol cainal d amnd ormal oervail ls evils activaictitesivi, tisesom, seotimmees timin es eixn tremextreem, or e, thoor ste hoosf e uos f wuhs o wphro efer prefto er avto oid avoid of ciovf ilciŒiveid liŒseod ciesoty ciaerte y narae tunraatluly ragloly od goaond d adned cendetc enAltt hAoultghh ouwgh idewly idely Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 10Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 10 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

10 10 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 11 11 For Fthoe r tfihrst e fisrst ix osr ix so or hsoo urs houof rs thoe f trhace er, aict ew, ait s wimas piomsspibolse sitbo le tetlo l tell unnuecnesnescaesry saerxy eretixoern? tioAnn? d Ahnod w hdow o sdoo mse omTae raThaurmahaurma amra anmagae natgo e to who wwhao s wgaos ingg oitno g wtio n. wAinrn. uAlrfno’us lfaon’s d aSnid lviSniolv’s intoe’as mtes awmens wt baenct k baacnk d and run rsuen verseavl erbaacl kba- toc-k ba- toc-k bamcak rmatharoants hownis thwouitt htoruat intrinaign, iwngh, ilwe hIriloe nImroen nmen forth foartloh nag lotnhg e cthoe urscoe uarst e a astt ea adstye, agdrya, dguraal duoagl giongg gipang ce paocf e aboof uat btoen ut ten pracptircae ctaince d apnrd epaprree paobre sesobssiveselsy ivfeolr y yfeoar rs yetao rs actco oamccpolismh plsisimh isliamr ifleaar ts feats minmuties nuptes er pmer ilem. Ailes . tAhe s twhae rm warm ecemecbemer bder ay dtuay rnteud rnined to ina tco ha illcyh, illy, of enofdu ernaduncre?ance? stars fitallred fi nlleigdh nt,i tghhte, r thuen rnuernsn keerps kt geopingt go wingith wouitth poauut psea,u lisgeh, litingght tinghei trh eir AnsAwners swers to thto este hesque estquioestns iotnys pictyaplliy carluly n rtuhn e tgahe mgaut mouf t boef liefbes liefs way wwaity h wpiitnh e ptionre chtoes. rch es. oin eod inAerd nuAlrfno’us ltfeoa’s m tetahm en thaen nd awnid ll wneilvl er nefvoer r forabouat bnouatt unrae tuversure versus nus rtnuurret uren  onn e osnide e soidf e thois f tvhenis ervenaberle adbele badtee bais te is get tghee t mthae gmicaagl ifceael lifneg eloinf g ruonf nruinng nbineg hibned htinhd em thuem nduer ntdher at tshpalt enspdliend did the vthiee w vitehw at tahtaht leattihc leptrioc cplirvoictiles ivitaines d atnald entats lenarte s ianrne aitnen autest  aus st genas es genes starrsty sarkryy s, a tkyo, a trch iorn hch ian hnd, wandat, wchaintcg Ahinrg Anulrfno aulnfo ad hnis fd hris fienrdis fenodcs fusoecd used makme askoe mse omof e uos f tauls ler taloler r moor rme dorae rkd- sakrkin- snkeidn, ntehder, te hmere ust mbue st gbene es genes intenintlty enotn ly tohn at thaallt  imallp iomrtpaonrt tabant ll, baklilc, kkinicgk, insega, rscehairncgh, inbug, t bualwt aayls ways that tihnaflt uinenflcue enbcioe lobgioicloagl iccaapal ccaipaties citaies nd apnsd ycphsoylcohgoicloagl iicnacl liinnactliionnas tioto ns to runnruinngn, inrugn, nruinngn, inrugn, nruinngn. ingven. tvuenalltyu, ahlloyw, hevoerwe, vserom, se omof e thoe f trhue nrunbe atbhe leattes hleItes f naItf unrae tis urme is orme iomre piomrtpaonrt ttahnat n thnaun rtnuurret, uthreen , thto en beto cobmece ome ners nsters artsted artto ed drto op drooup t foruot m frocrm amcrpasm, apnsd , afinnd alfilyn, aalrlyo, uanrd oumnd idmniigdhnt, ight, an eaxn tremextre emathe leatteh, leytoeu , yfiorst u finrst eed neto ed htao ve htahve e rthige hrt igpahrt enpatrs enwtis th wtihth e the ArnuAlrfno’us ltfeoa’s m telaam pplead ppSeild viSniolv’s inaon’s d atnhe d rtahce e rwacae s wovaer s oavfer ter afatber ouat bsoeuvt sevrighrt igghent es genes ecadees cadoes f resof eraesrceh arhcah ve hainve deiend deceod nficormnfierd mtehd at tghenat es genes enty enmty iles. miles. nlike nl ikoe n a, otnhaer, te hwerae s wnao s anpo plaapupslea, unso e, anno noaunnncoerun, cnero , no do pdlaoy p kleayy r koelye rs ionle ms inan my aanspye acspts oecft sps oof sprt aonrdt a enxder ecxiseer,c iinsec,l iudncinludg oinugr o ur 3 3 triumtripuhmanpt hmanut smicu. snicst. enadst, eeavder, eyvoerne younst e suast t dsoawt dn obwy n abn y enan orenmoorums ous motmivaottiiovn atitoo n exto erecxisere ciisn e thin e tfihrst e fiprst laceplace Tha t Tshaait ds, aiindt, eninstienve seivffe oretffs orts bonfibore anfinre ad dnrd dank franrok fm groom gurdos ourdf hs oomf hemomaemde caodre cn boren ber. eer.have hfaavie lefd aitlo ed idteno itdifeny stipfey csipfiec cgifienc es genthes at tehxapt leaxin plmain ucmh uacbh ouat baotuht leattihc letic ­n t­he n suthre fsuacer, fathcea, t trarájiparihat rarájipari was wthae s atnhe titahnestitis hesof is roof nmroannm. at nw. as t was talentat leninct luindcinlug dihnog w haonw d awnhd y w€enhy €enyan yaann d a‚ntd hi‚opthiaion piraun nnruers nncers ur-cur- a tota altloy taulnly coumncmomermciaerl, csiaiml, psile mcpolme cmomunmituy neivteny etv, enpatr, t paof rt an of aann ciaennct ient 44 rentrly endtolmy dinomate indaistte adnistce arnucne nruinngning In a dIn diatidodni, tistonu, dsties udoif es proof fpesrsoifoesnsail onal 22 tradtitriaodn ittiohn at tphraot baprbolbay dbaly tes dabates ck bathck outshaonudss anodf s yeoaf rs.years.athleattes hlewtes ho wphuo sh puthse h ltihme iltis moif tens odf uenradnucre arnecve erael vtehaal t tthhae t bathre rbaiers rriters hey they ‚her ‚e hwerae s wnao s no timitnimg, inno g, enno treny fterey , faened , anno d onno e ownoe re waonre y asnpy ecsipal ecgieaal rg. eƒaur. t ƒin ut otin her other must mouvst erocovermce oimnce luindce lupdhe yspiholyosgioicloagl icchaal lclenhaglles enlgies ke lgikene ergenatierng atminug sm- us- respreesctps, emctsu, cmh uacbh ouat btohue t rarájiparithe rarájipari was wfaams filaimar. ilAialrt. hAoultghh outhgerh te hwerere e were cle fcole rce forecffe ecetffiveecltyi, vefluye, lifnug elitnhg emthsemelves selvees fficeienffictliyen, atlny, d acnod ntcroonlltirnog lling no trnoo pthrioes phoir es proir „pes rif„oes r tfhoe r wthie nnwersinn, ersthe , rtahce e rwacae s wa ass era iosuers iocoums cpoemtipetitheir thbeior dy botemdy ptemeraptuerraet, ubure, t buthest te hescoe mcpoemtitpoers titoarrs e aerve en evmen orme ochre alc-hal- tion, tioannd , atnhd e twhie nnwiinng nitneag m teaam maasmsead ssa ed sma asll mfaolrl tufonre tutnhe antkhs anto ks altl o all lengleend gbey d pbsy ycphsoylcohgoicloagl ihcual rdhlues rdlTes o kTeo ep kegeop inggo, ingrge, agt raetaht leattes hlemtes ust must the bthee ttibnegtt. inngst. enad steoaf d …oaf to…raadtoer, atdheer, te hwerae s wpinoleas pinole. †ik. e †tihke e throe nmroann man learn leato rn cotpo e cowpie th wpaith inpa, bie n, stbre atstegraicte, ganicd , aanbd ovae baolvl e baelll iebvee litehvee y thcaen y cdao n do triatthrlieatteshl, etteshe , ‚thae ra‚haurmahaurma raura nnruers nnsuers ffersueffd erinetd eninsteenly, sbaelyt, tlbaintg tlninag unauit5 it5 †e m†ue st mtuhst ertefhoerre eflooroe k lo‡uost k ‡aus st maus cmh uat ch thae t oththe er otshier de soidf e thoe f nthae tunrae ture sea, sceraa, mcrpasm, apnsd , acnrd uschriunsg hifnatg igfuatei. gAuen. d Apnerd hpaerps hathpe s mthoe st miomst piomrtpaonrt tant versuversus nus rtnuurre tduere badtee baante d acnod nsciodner sihdoer w henow vienronvimroennmt, enestp, eescipalelcy iacluly l-cul- simisliamriitly aris ity this at tahlamt oast lmaolst l tahle l tahtte enadtteenes dewes ere wberye stbanystdersand, ersnot , nruont runturet, curoen, ctroibuntrtes tibuto ees tvero eyvderay pydaey popleeo’s apleth’s alettihc aletbiic alitbies ailitines ad imnd ipumlspesulses ners. ners. ˆhiˆle hsiolme se oomf e thoe f sthpe ecstpateocrs tatoocrs caosciocnasailoly naullmy puemd pinetd o itnhte o rtahce e race The Tmhe ost mwost ideswpidreseapd reaand d ainnd tuiintitvueilty ivaeply peaaplpineg alilning e lionf e thoif ntkhiinng king for a fofer w a flaepw s, laopnsl, y oa nfley w a f‚eaw ra‚haurmahaurma caorma cpoemte pien te thiesn te hresace es. rac‰es. ost ‰aorst e are abouat bothue t tehffe ecetffs eocf ts nouf rtnuurre tuon re pohn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivairtisy es arisfres om froam n idan ea idea contcenont tteno wt tao wtch ratacth rher tathher tan rhaun rn. un.knowknn oaws n thae s tthhe eotrhy eoorf y thoe f tnhae tunraatl uhrual mhaunm Aanc coArcdcionrg ditno g thto is tvhiis ewv, iew, chamchpaiomnpeid onbed y tbhy e teihe gheitegenhttehen- centh-t cuenry tuprhy ilopshoiplohser opher ean-e aacn-q uaes cques ‰ou‰ssoeuasus, eahuu, mhaunms awnhs o wlhivo e liin ve win hawt h‰aot u‰ssoeuasu setaeru mtered ma ed “sa av“asgaev” age” The MThe Myth oyf tth ohe Atf the Athletihc Sletiavc Sagaevagestate stoaf te noaf tunrae turerfle ercet floeuct r otruur et, riuneh, erinenhert senelt ves seluves ncournrcuoprtreud pbtey d cbivy i-civi- ‚he ‚rhace es ra ces saw  saat w aot n a oanna d atnhd e tShiere rSa ier‚raa ra‚haurmahaurma warera e wierne spiinrisnpg iring liŒatliioŒna tioTnh is Tthhis eotrhy eohray s hbaes en bewen arpwead rpiend to inmto anmy afnory mfosr, minsc, luindcinlug ding but bualst o aplsero ppleerxpinlegx. iˆngh. o ˆis ho mis orme noroe rmnoarl mfraol m froam n eavn oluevtioolnuatiroy nparery perthe mthye th myotf h thoe f nthoe blne osbalve asgaev, atghee , bthee lief betlihef at tnhoat nwnoestnwerestnierŒend iŒpeed opplee ople specstpiveecŠ ttivheoŠ ste ohof use os f uwhs o wphuo sh opusuh or buodr bies todio des to o dnoo nesnosnenestsiaenl ptihayl psihcayl sical whowse homse inmds inhdas ve hanvoe t nboet en bepen olluptoeld lutbey d tbhy e tshoe ciasol cainal d amnd ormal oervail ls evils activaictitesivi, tisesom, seotimmees timin es eixn tremextreem, or e, thoor ste hoosf e uos f wuhs o wphro efer prefto er avto oid avoid of ciovf ilciŒiveid liŒseod ciesoty ciaerte y narae tunraatluly ragloly od goaond d adned cendetc enAltt hAoultghh ouwgh idewly idely Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 10Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 107/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 11Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 117/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

12 12 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 13 13 discdreisdcitreedd, ittehdis , tmhis yth mhytah s hpaerss pistersed istaend d afonud nfd ounned w nleifw e wlifhe en whaen pplaiepd plied The Tmhye th moyf th thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vamgiste makistenalky ensuly ggsuestggs estthas t thhuat mhaunms ans to extero ecxisere ciisn e wihn awt I hlaat bI ell atbhee l myth the myth of the of athletic the athletic savage.savage. The Teshse enestsiaenl tial uncournrcuoprtreud pbtey d cibvy ilcizivaitliiozn atcioan n ceaan siley arsuiln y ruultn raumltraarmatharoantsh, osncsa, le scenale oren- or- prempriseme oisf e thois f tmhis yth mis yth this at tpheaot pplee olpikle e ltihke e Tthae raThaurmahaurma warha owse hboose dibes odies moums omus oumntoauinnsta, ianns, d apnerd fporerm forom ther othseer emseinemgly insugly persuhpuermhaun mfaen ats feats are uanre tauinnttead inbtey d mboy dmeron dderen caddeencat dlenifestt liyflestes yalres e naare tunraatl usurapl ersuaptherleatteshl, etes, withwouitt htoruat intrinaign. iYnesg. , Yteshe , Tthae raThaurmahaurma aanra d aonthd er othner oninnodnuistndruiastl rpieaol -peo- not onnolt y ocnalpay cbalpae obf le amof aazminag zpinhg yspihcayl sficeaal tsf, ebuatst , abulso t aflsreo e ffrreoe m frloam zinlaeszis. ness. ple rpalre elry arief ly evier f e“vter rai“ntr” aains ” wae s dwo e bdy o fobly lofwolilnog wia ncg oa urscoe uorsf e eoerf eciseres c ises By cBony tcenondtienng ditnhg at tthhae t mthen e mI en obI serobvseerd vreud nnruinng nisneg vensetvy enmtiy les miwles ithw- ith- to deto vedloep vetlhoeip r thfieitnr esfits naesnd s apnred paprree paforr e a fosr pea csipfiec ceifivenc etv. ent. hen h en tra vetrl avel out otruat intrinaig nidno g sdo o nsao tunraatlulyr, atlhlyis , tmhis yth myimth pilimes pltihes at tpheaot pplee olpikle e lyikoe u you to pltao ces plalcies ke ltihke e thiere raier,  raa, m  oam ften oftthen e othne ly opnersly poersn wohn o wghoo es gofoes r afn or an and amnd e wmhe o wnheio thner eithcaer n cnaon r nwoir ll wacilcl oamccpolismh plsuish ch sufecah ts feaartes , afrreo, m fraon m an appaarpenpatrly enptloy inptloesins tles og s ion g thin e tmhe ormnionrg nitno g thto e tahme uasmemusenemt enof t thoe f the evoluevtioolnuatiroy npaersry ppersectpiveec, taivben, oarbmnoarl mbeacl abuesce acuisve ilcizivaitliiozn athioan s thuars nteud rnues d us localls.oc­ a€ls.u­ t €nueat rnly eaervlery ey vderay y doaf y thoeif r thleiivesr l, ivhesu, nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters heraers nd asund b-sub- into einttio eolattieod wlateid wmpis.mps. sistensistce enfacre mfaers rmeners gaenge gain ge hion urs hoouf rs haorf d hpahrd yspihcayl siworkcal work. €ec. a€uesce authsee y they s you s yhoau ve hpavroe baprbolbay dbilvy indeivdi, nI edo, bI eocbt teo ct thto e mthye th moytf h thoe f aththe leattihc letic lack laccak rsc, amrsa, cmhianceshi, naesnd , aontd her othlaer bolrsabaovrsinag vidneg vidcesev, icteshei, r thdeiar ily daeily is-eis- savasgaev. agoer . oonr e, oint est, erit estoertyepoes typaes nd adned hudmehaunmizaes nipzes eopplee osuple ch suacs h thae s the tencte enrec‚e urier‚es uiwres alkwinalg kminag nmy amniy les miiln es ruin ggreud ggtered raterinr, aniont , tno omt teno mtioenn tion TaraThaurmahaurma. arian. ce inthce at tfiharst t fitrst rip twrihp en whI en spoI kse powkie th witrh nestrno, estI oh, aI ve have doindg oointhg er otkhier ndks inof dps hoyf spihcayl sliacbal olr abby or hbay nd halinkd e lpikloe wpilnogw, idnigg, gdiniggg, ianngd , and talketad lkweid th whituh nhdurendds reodf s Taorf aThaurmahaurma aalrl a oavler l otvher e thiere ra ierTraa raThaurmahaurma ara carrcayingrry. ingh. en mheny c molyl ceagollueeag ƒure. „ ƒarr. „ona €roagn €giagshg aisttha achtteadc aheccde alecrcoemler-om- and acnan d caassun arse suyoru e ynoo u onno e othnere te hwerae kwes aukp es in up thin e mthoe rmnionrg nainng d athnid ntkhsi, nks, eters eters tiny tdiney vidcesev, iclesike , l…ikite bi…tsit, btihtsa, t tmhaet amsuerae sustree psts epper s pder ay­ dtao y­ mto orme ore ­ee , ­wehe, awt a hbaet aa ubteifauul tdifauyl . dI atyh. iI ntk hIi’nll k rIu’ln l rfiufn ty fimftiy les miules st fuost r ffuonr .f” uTnh.” ey They than thtwan entwty enTaty raThaurmahaurma marena m, hene , dhise codvisercoevd erthed ey thweay lkwead lkoen d aovn eraavgere age don’dt oenven ’t evgen o fogr o nfoeer dnleeseds lfiesvs e-fi mviel-e mruile ns. ruƒns. hen ƒhI en ask I Tasak raThaurmahaurma oan ra on ten mten iles mia les daa y. dan y. othn er otwher ordwso, rtdhse , ttrhae intrinaig ntihnag t tenhaat benles abtlhes em thtem o ruto n run whawt ohcact aosciocnass iothnes y thruey n, ruthne , mthoe st mcoost mcmomon maonn swaner swis er wis hen whI en chaI sce hase back-b toac-k- ba toc-k bamcak rmatharoants hois nts his e pthhe yspihcayl siwcaol rk wtohrak t tis hapat is rt paanrd t apand rcpael rocf el of goatgs.o” atIs.n” steInadst, eI adh, aI ve hacvoe mce omto e apto praepcpiartee citahte at ththae t tThae raThaurmahaurma aarre a are their etheiverr eyvderay lydiafey l. ife. extremextreemly healy rdhwaordrkwionrgk, ipnhgy, spihcaylsliy cafilt ly fafirt mfaers rmwers ho wnheo ver nedvo er adno ytahninytg hing The Tmhye th moyf th thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vaaglse o aerlsro oerneroounseloy uimsly pilimes pltihes at trhuant -run- by hbay lf haanlf d awnhd owse hocuse ltucure ltudree epdley evpaly luves alurues nnruinngn. inTgh. e Trheae sroen assoon mse ome ning niann g ualn traumltraarmatharoan thoor n poerr fporermfoinrmg iontg her othfeer ats feoaf ts eof traeortdraionradriy nary TaraThaurmahaurma raura n rfiufn ty fiofr ty moor rme more iles mioles n roan re roarce caosciocnass iois ns nois t nmout cmh uch athleattihclisetm icisis m sois mseohmow ehoew fforetfflesors tlesfos r ftohr e tThae raThaurmahaurma aarna d aontd her other differdienffert fenrot m frtohm e rtehae sroen asIroon nImroen nmden o trdio atthrlioanthsl… otnhse… y tthheiy ntk hiit nis k iwt ois rtwh orth indiignendioguens opues opplees opcloes mcpaomrepad rweid th with esterestners. erners. t enct oenurcaogues raga es raca - rac- it. †iot. w†evoerwe, vwerh, erwehaers Ieraos nImroen nmsuen bsuecbt tehcemt thsemelves seltvo es futo ll fturilal tthrlioanths loto ns to ist stist erestoertyepoe tyapke in akto in thto e tdhiste udristbiunrg bifincg tiofin ctitohn at th„aft ri„cafnris carnaiss erd aisin ed in test ttest heir thleiimr iltis m‡its ny‡thninytg hiIns g ˆIos ssˆibolses‰iŠb, lTe‰aŠr, aThaurmahaurma raura n rrarájiparisun rarájiparis the tuhne g ule nogr le in or slian verslay vderid y dniod t neopt ereipenercie enpace in pain in thin e sthae mse awmae y waas y as 7 7 becabuesce auit sis e ia t is dea epdley espply iristpuiarl itcueral emceroemny othnay t tthhaet y thcoeny sciodner sia der poa wpero-wer- ‡uro‡uperaonpse adnos. do. ‰or ‰eoovrereo, vit erem, it bemracbes ratches e ftahle lafcay lltahcay t tihf aot nif ly oynolu y yaonu d and 6 6 ful ffourl m foorf m proaf yperra. yer.  ha d hgard owgn rouwp n leuap dlienag dia nwg ha owleshoomlese olmifeste liyfleste uynle cournrcuoprtreud pbtey d suby gasur gar Œan Œy aTnay raThaurmahaurma I arha avI e hianvte erinviteerwveid ewsaey d tshaay t tthhae t the ball-b gaalml- gae rmace e rmacae kmes atkhes em thfem eel fceleol ser clotso er thte o Žthre eaŽtorer. aTtoo r. thTemo th, emcha, sc-has- and acnhd aicrs haainrs d arned ‚urier‚inug irilnotg s loof ts noaf tunraatl umraol vmemovenemt, enthten , thwen e cwoe ulcd ould ing tihnag t tuhnapt urendpicretadbicle tabablle l bafor ll mfoir le muiple on upmon ile mis ila e sis aca resad cmreed tampehtoar pfhoor r for be sube persu-h peera-l hthey alsuthy persuaptherleattes hleftoes r wfohr owm hroum nnruinng na inmg aa rmatharoan thwoon uwld ould the tohue rnoeuy rnof ey lifoef , laifned , ait nid nidt uicnes dua ces spia ristpuiarl itturaal ntcrealnikce elstikae test. aIt teis . Iat lsis o also be cbhe ildc’hs ilpdl’as y. pl‹ayo. t ‹onot ly ois nly this e mthye th myotf h thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vaagn e ean ame-am- an iman piomrtpaonrt tcaonmt cmomunmal uenvaenl et vtenhat t tbhrait nbgs rinmgs onmey onaney d apnrestd pirgeste. i‘gaest. ‘lya, stly, ple opf le trouf thtriunteshisn—es sso—m seothminetg hitnhg at tfeelshat feelstrue trbuee cabuesce auwse e wantwe want it to it be to be I thiI ntk htinhe k rarájiparithe rarájipari onc e onhcae d ha avd ita al vpitraal cptircaacl tifcuanl cftuionnc. tions . I ws aI tcwhaetd ched truet—rue it —tri ivt itarliivzies alitzhes e pthhe yspihcayl siacnad l apnsd ycphsoylcohgoicloagl icchaal lclenhaglles enfgaes ced fabcey d by rnulrfno ualnfo d ahnis d theis am teraem peraetpedealy tetdrly y tto ry fitno d fiannd d atnhd en thken ick ktihck at tdhuat std- ust- all aatlhl leattes hleetes vereyvwerhyerweh, erthee , tThae raThaurmahaurma ainra cluindceldu. d edh. a ve haovbe serobvseerd ved colorceod lowreod owden oodbaen ll, bait lstl, riut stck rumce k tmhae t tthhae t bathe ll bagalml gae is ma e tis era ritfierc rwifiac y wto ay to severseavl errarájiparisal rarájiparis and aariwetesnd ariwetes and asned en sehen ow hToaw raThaurmahaurma arura nnruers nners learn leahron w htoo w trtao ck trawchk ilwe hriule nnruinngn—in agn —es an senestsiaenl stikail ll skfoir ll tfhoe r wthae y wthae y the strustggrlue g gulst e aus st maus cmh uacs h thae s throe nmroen nmoen f Žoof nŽa oto na ovto erocovermce ocmrae mcrpasm, ps, TaraThaurmahaurma uasra ued tso hed tuo hnt duener ot den fer ooon ft.oot. nausneaau, sbelao, obdly ootodesy t, oaesnd , aonthd er otfhoer rmfos romf ps hoyf spihcayl spaicail npa. Tinhe. y Tahlsey o asulso ffer suffer Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

12 12 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 13 13 discdreisdcitreedd, ittehdis , tmhis yth mhytah s hpaerss pistersed istaend d afonud nfd ounned w nleifw e wlifhe en whaen pplaiepd plied The Tmhye th moyf th thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vamgiste makistenalky ensuly ggsuestggs estthas t thhuat mhaunms ans to extero ecxisere ciisn e wihn awt I hlaat bI ell atbhee l myth the myth of the of athletic the athletic savage.savage. The Teshse enestsiaenl tial uncournrcuoprtreud pbtey d cibvy ilcizivaitliiozn atcioan n ceaan siley arsuiln y ruultn raumltraarmatharoantsh, osncsa, le scenale oren-or- prempriseme oisf e thois f tmhis yth mis yth this at tpheaot pplee olpikle e ltihke e Tthae raThaurmahaurma warha owse hboose dibes odies moums omus oumntoauinnsta, ianns, d apnerd fporerm forom ther othseer emseinemgly insugly persuhpuermhaun mfaen ats feats are uanre tauinnttead inbtey d mboy dmeron dderen caddeencat dlenifestt liyflestes yalres e naare tunraatl usurapl ersuaptherleatteshl, etes, withwouitt htoruat intrinaign. iYnesg. , Yteshe , Tthae raThaurmahaurma aanra d aonthd er othner oninnodnuistndruiastl rpieaol -peo- not onnolt y ocnalpay cbalpae obf le amof aazminag zpinhg yspihcayl sficeaal tsf, ebuatst , abulso t aflsreo e ffrreoe m frloam zinlaeszis. ness. ple rpalre elry arief ly evier f e“vter rai“ntr” aains ” wae s dwo e bdy o fobly lofwolilnog wia ncg oa urscoe uorsf e eoerf eciseres c ises By cBony tcenondtienng ditnhg at tthhae t mthen e mI en obI serobvseerd vreud nnruinng nisneg vensetvy enmtiy les miwles ithw- ith-to deto vedloep vetlhoeip r thfieitnr esfits naesnd s apnred paprree paforr e a fosr pea csipfiec ceifivenc etv. ent. hen h en tra vetrl avel out otruat intrinaig nidno g sdo o nsao tunraatlulyr, atlhlyis , tmhis yth myimth pilimes pltihes at tpheaot pplee olpikle e lyikoe u you to pltao ces plalcies ke ltihke e thiere raier,  raa, m  oam ften oftthen e othne ly opnersly poersn wohn o wghoo es gofoes r afn or an and amnd e wmhe o wnheio thner eithcaer n cnaon r nwoir ll wacilcl oamccpolismh plsuish ch sufecah ts feaartes , afrreo, m fraon m an appaarpenpatrly enptloy inptloesins tles og s ion g thin e tmhe ormnionrg nitno g thto e tahme uasmemusenemt enof t thoe f the evoluevtioolnuatiroy npaersry ppersectpiveec, taivben, oarbmnoarl mbeacl abuesce acuisve ilcizivaitliiozn athioan s thuars nteud rnues d us localls.oc­ a€ls.u­ t €nueat rnly eaervlery ey vderay y doaf y thoeif r thleiivesr l, ivhesu, nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters heraers nd asund b-sub- into einttio eolattieod wlateid wmpis.mps.sistensistce enfacre mfaers rmeners gaenge gain ge hion urs hoouf rs haorf d hpahrd yspihcayl siworkcal work. €ec. a€uesce authsee y they s you s yhoau ve hpavroe baprbolbay dbilvy indeivdi, nI edo, bI eocbt teo ct thto e mthye th moytf h thoe f aththe leattihc letic lack laccak rsc, amrsa, cmhianceshi, naesnd , aontd her othlaer bolrsabaovrsinag vidneg vidcesev, icteshei, r thdeiar ily daeily is-eis- savasgaev. agoer . oonr e, oint est, erit estoertyepoes typaes nd adned hudmehaunmizaes nipzes eopplee osuple ch suacs h thae s the tencte enrec‚e urier‚es uiwres alkwinalg kminag nmy amniy les miiln es ruin ggreud ggtered raterinr, aniont , tno omt teno mtioenn tion TaraThaurmahaurma. arian. ce inthce at tfiharst t fitrst rip twrihp en whI en spoI kse powkie th witrh nestrno, estI oh, aI ve have doindg oointhg er otkhier ndks inof dps hoyf spihcayl sliacbal olr abby or hbay nd halinkd e lpikloe wpilnogw, idnigg, gdiniggg, ianngd , and talketad lkweid th whituh nhdurendds reodf s Taorf aThaurmahaurma aalrl a oavler l otvher e thiere ra ierTraa raThaurmahaurma ara carrcayingrry. ingh. en mheny c molyl ceagollueeag ƒure. „ ƒarr. „ona €roagn €giagshg aisttha achtteadc aheccde alecrcoemler-om- and acnan d caassun arse suyoru e ynoo u onno e othnere te hwerae kwes aukp es in up thin e mthoe rmnionrg nainng d athnid ntkhsi, nks, eters eters tiny tdiney vidcesev, iclesike , l…ikite bi…tsit, btihtsa, t tmhaet amsuerae sustree psts epper s pder ay­ dtao y­ mto orme ore ­ee , ­wehe, awt a hbaet aa ubteifauul tdifauyl . dI atyh. iI ntk hIi’nll k rIu’ln l rfiufn ty fimftiy les miules st fuost r ffuonr .f” uTnh.” ey They than thtwan entwty enTaty raThaurmahaurma marena m, hene , dhise codvisercoevd erthed ey thweay lkwead lkoen d aovn eraavgere age don’dt oenven ’t evgen o fogr o nfoeer dnleeseds lfiesvs e-fi mviel-e mruile ns. ruƒns. hen ƒhI en ask I Tasak raThaurmahaurma oan ra on ten mten iles mia les daa y. dan y. othn er otwher ordwso, rtdhse , ttrhae intrinaig ntihnag t tenhaat benles abtlhes em thtem o ruto n run whawt ohcact aosciocnass iothnes y thruey n, ruthne , mthoe st mcoost mcmomon maonn swaner swis er wis hen whI en chaI sce hase back-b toac-k- ba toc-k bamcak rmatharoants hois nts his e pthhe yspihcayl siwcaol rk wtohrak t tis hapat is rt paanrd t apand rcpael rocf el of goatgs.o” atIs.n” steInadst, eI adh, aI ve hacvoe mce omto e apto praepcpiartee citahte at ththae t tThae raThaurmahaurma aarre a are their etheiverr eyvderay lydiafey l. ife. extremextreemly healy rdhwaordrkwionrgk, ipnhgy, spihcaylsliy cafilt ly fafirt mfaers rmwers ho wnheo ver nedvo er adno ytahninytg hing The Tmhye th moyf th thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vaaglse o aerlsro oerneroounseloy uimsly pilimes pltihes at trhuant -run- by hbay lf haanlf d awnhd owse hocuse ltucure ltudree epdley evpaly luves alurues nnruinngn. inTgh. e Trheae sroen assoon mse ome ning niann g ualn traumltraarmatharoan thoor n poerr fporermfoinrmg iontg her othfeer ats feoaf ts eof traeortdraionradriy nary TaraThaurmahaurma raura n rfiufn ty fiofr ty moor rme more iles mioles n roan re roarce caosciocnass iois ns nois t nmout cmh uch athleattihclisetm icisis m sois mseohmow ehoew fforetfflesors tlesfos r ftohr e tThae raThaurmahaurma aarna d aontd her other differdienffert fenrot m frtohm e rtehae sroen asIroon nImroen nmden o trdio atthrlioanthsl… otnhse… y tthheiy ntk hiit nis k iwt ois rtwh orth indiignendioguens opues opplees opcloes mcpaomrepad rweid th with esterestners. erners. t enct oenurcaogues raga es raca - rac- it. †iot. w†evoerwe, vwerh, erwehaers Ieraos nImroen nmsuen bsuecbt tehcemt thsemelves seltvo es futo ll fturilal tthrlioanths loto ns to ist stist erestoertyepoe tyapke in akto in thto e tdhiste udristbiunrg bifincg tiofin ctitohn at th„aft ri„cafnris carnaiss erd aisin ed in test ttest heir thleiimr iltis m‡its ny‡thninytg hiIns g ˆIos ssˆibolses‰iŠb, lTe‰aŠr, aThaurmahaurma raura n rrarájiparisun rarájiparis the tuhne g ule nogr le in or slian verslay vderid y dniod t neopt ereipenercie enpace in pain in thin e sthae mse awmae y waas y as 7 7 becabuesce auit sis e ia t is dea epdley espply iristpuiarl itcueral emceroemny othnay t tthhaet y thcoeny sciodner sia der poa wpero-wer-‡uro‡uperaonpse adnos. do. ‰or ‰eoovrereo, vit erem, it bemracbes ratches e ftahle lafcay lltahcay t tihf aot nif ly oynolu y yaonu d and 66 ful ffourl m foorf m proaf yperra. yer. ha d hgard owgn rouwp n leuap dlienag dia nwg ha owleshoomlese olmifeste liyfleste uynle cournrcuoprtreud pbtey d suby gasur gar Œan Œy aTnay raThaurmahaurma I arha avI e hianvte erinviteerwveid ewsaey d tshaay t tthhae t the ball-b gaalml- gae rmace e rmacae kmes atkhes em thfem eel fceleol ser clotso er thte o Žthre eaŽtorer. aTtoo r. thTemo th, emcha, sc-has-and acnhd aicrs haainrs d arned ‚urier‚inug irilnotg s loof ts noaf tunraatl umraol vmemovenemt, enthten , thwen e cwoe ulcd ould ing tihnag t tuhnapt urendpicretadbicle tabablle l bafor ll mfoir le muiple on upmon ile mis ila e sis aca resad cmreed tampehtoar pfhoor r for be sube persu-h peera-lh they alsuthy persuaptherleattes hleftoes r wfohr owm hroum nnruinng na inmg aa rmatharoan thwoon uwld ould the tohue rnoeuy rnof ey lifoef , laifned , ait nid nidt uicnes dua ces spia ristpuiarl itturaal ntcrealnikce elstikae test. aIt teis . Iat lsis o also be cbhe ildc’hs ilpdl’as y. pl‹ayo. t ‹onot ly ois nly this e mthye th myotf h thoe f aththe leattihc lestaivc asgae vaagn e ean ame-am- an iman piomrtpaonrt tcaonmt cmomunmal uenvaenl et vtenhat t tbhrait nbgs rinmgs onmey onaney d apnrestd pirgeste. i‘gaest. ‘lya, stly, ple opf le trouf thtriunteshisn—es sso—m seothminetg hitnhg at tfeelshat feelstrue trbuee cabuesce auwse e wantwe want it to it be to be I thiI ntk htinhe k rarájiparithe rarájipari onc e onhcae d ha avd ita al vpitraal cptircaacl tifcuanl cftuionnc. tions . I ws aI tcwhaetd ched truet—rue it —tri ivt itarliivzies alitzhes e pthhe yspihcayl siacnad l apnsd ycphsoylcohgoicloagl icchaal lclenhaglles enfgaes ced fabcey d by rnulrfno ualnfo d ahnis d theis am teraem peraetpedealy tetdrly y tto ry fitno d fiannd d atnhd en thken ick ktihck at tdhuat std- ust- all aatlhl leattes hleetes vereyvwerhyerweh, erthee , tThae raThaurmahaurma ainra cluindceldu. d edh. a ve haovbe serobvseerd ved colorceod lowreod owden oodbaen ll, bait lstl, riut stck rumce k tmhae t tthhae t bathe ll bagalml gae is ma e tis era ritfierc rwifiac y wto ay to severseavl errarájiparisal rarájiparis and aariwetesnd ariwetes and asned en sehen ow hToaw raThaurmahaurma arura nnruers nners learn leahron w htoo w trtao ck trawchk ilwe hriule nnruinngn—in agn —es an senestsiaenl stikail ll skfoir ll tfhoe r wthae y wthae y the strustggrlue g gulst e aus st maus cmh uacs h thae s throe nmroen nmoen f Žoof nŽa oto na ovto erocovermce ocmrae mcrpasm, ps, TaraThaurmahaurma uasra ued tso hed tuo hnt duener ot den fer ooon ft.oot.nausneaau, sbelao, obdly ootodesy t, oaesnd , aonthd er otfhoer rmfos romf ps hoyf spihcayl spaicail npa. Tinhe. y Tahlsey o asulso ffer suffer Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 127/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 137/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

14 14 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 15 15 menmtaenlly taalnly d, alnikde , loikthe er otahter hleatteshl, edtesra, w drstaw renstgrtenh fgrtoh m frboym stbanystders andwers ho who StudSytiundg yihnug nhteru-n gaterth- gaertersher, ersho, whevoerwe, vis er, eis asier easiser aid satihd an thdan one done urge turhgem oe them on. n. becabuesce authseie r thweiar y wof ay lifoe f hliafe s halams oast lmenost tirenelty irvealny isvahneisd. hOedn. ly Oa nhly aa ndhfaunl dful It’s tIitm’s e titmo e disto cdarisd coanrd ce onance d afnor d aflol r aanlcl iaennct, ienints, idiniosuids iostuers estoertyepoes types of huof nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter hertrer ibes tribpes erspist ersin ist soin mse oomf e thoe f mthoe st mroemst roemte cootre ncers orners abouat bothue t pthhe yspihcayl sisucapl ersuiporeritiy orainty d avnird tuvoirutsunoesuss noesf s poeof pplee owplhe o wdhoo n’dt on’t of thoe f gthloe bgel. oFbuer. tFhuerrt, hneron, e noanre e isaroe laisteod laftreod m frcoim vilcizivaitliiozn ataionn d annod ne nosunbe -sub- grow grouw p suup rrsuournrdoued ndbey d lbaby olrsabaovrsinag vimng acmhiances hinaes nd aontd her othmer odmeron dern sist ssist olelsy oloen ly tohn e wthie ld wfiolod dfs oothdes y thheuy nht uannd t agand thgaert. hAerll . oAf ltl hoesf te htesrie bes tribes comcfoomrts. foBrtus. t Bdeubut dnebukinng ktinhis g tmhis yth mdytoh esdno’t esand’dt raesdds rteshe s ftuhne dfuamndenamtaenl tal trade trwadie th wniteih gnheibogrhibnog rfianrg mfaersrm, ersthe, y thsmey oskme otokbae tcocbao, cacnod , athneid r thweiar y wof ay of questquioestn: iWonh: aWt khiant d koinf d phoyf spihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivainty d ahnod w hmow ucmh uocf h it ois f int ois rmnoarl mal life is life chis ancghianng gisno g raspo idraly pitdhlay t tihn at a ifn ew a fdeew caddees cadthes ey thweiy ll wceilal sce etao se be to be 10 10 for a “for a “normnoarl” hmaul” hmaun bmaein bngei ng hunhteur-n gatetr-h gaerters.herers. Ant hArnotphorloopgoistlos gistans d aonthd er otshcer iensctistiens tistare s tahrere tefhoerre efore scrasmcrbalimng bltio ng letao rn leaars n maus cmh uacs h paos sspibolse sifbrloe m frtohm este hfesew e fterw ibes tribbes efobre efore their wtheiar wy of lay oife if lrifre ievorrceavboly dcabisly dappiseaaprs.pears. Are “ANre “ormNaolr” Hmaul” Hmaunms Canos Cuch Poucoh Ptatooetast?oes? Of aOll f oaf ltl hoemf th, emthe , mthoe st mionst teninsteenly ssteuly dstieud dis ietd his e thae dzaa, dwzha, o wlihvo e iln ive in ImaIgminae giynoe u yhoau ve habvee en beaen skead skto ed coto ndcuocnt dua cst ca iensctiifienc tistfiuc dsty uodn y hoon w how a drya , dhroyt , whoot owdloaondd larnegd ioren goiof n aonf zaanniza ainn ia Aifn riAcaf, rtichae , ctohne tcinonentit nwenht erwe here mucmh, uwchh, enw, haennd , awnhd y w“hny or“mnoarl” mpael” opplee oeplere ecisere. cisBeec. aBuesce auwse e twene d tento d to humhaunms aenvs olveevdol. ven d. fan ct, fadcoti, ndg oirnesg eraesrceh arocn h tohn e thae dza adhzaa s hbaes cobmece ome thintk hoinf k ouof rsoeulvrses elavnes d aonud r osoucr iesotices ietais es naos rmnoarl, myaolu, ’d yopur’d obaprbolbay cbolly leccot llect somseothminetg hoinf g a coof ta tacgoe ttiangde uistndruy stforr y afnotr harnotphorloopgoistlos. gistn s. the n ltahst e dlaest caddeec, ade, data doan ta tohn e ethere ecisere chisae bihts aboif ts peoof pplee olpikle e lyikoe u yaonu d amnd e. mhe. is ahpis praopapcrh oach reseraesrcehaers rchhers ave hastvue dstieud daielmd oast lmeovst ereyvtherinytg hiynog u ycoau n ciamn agiminae gianbe ouat bout is this e tnhoe rm norin m min anmy afiney ldfis eoldf s inoqf uiinrqyu. i roy. r eor amepalem, pbleec, abuesce aumse ost most the the adzaa. dzoa. u coau n craen ad rebaod okbs ooakns d aanrd ticalres ticales bouat bohuot w htohw e the adza adza psycphsoylcohgoistlos gistlivs e laivne d awnod rk woin rk thin e t­hne it­ed ni€tetd ates €taates nd a‚nud ro‚puer, oapbeo, uat bout eat, heaut,n ht,u snlet,e spl,e deipg,e dst,ig ceost,ll cecotl hleocnt heyo, mneya,k me farkiee fnrdise,n sd su, sat, wuaat,l wk, raluk,n r, un, 11 11 ƒ„ pƒer„ cpenert coenf t thoe f suthe b…suecbts …eicn ts pisn ycphsoylcohgoicloagl istcaul dsties udaires e aalsre o aflsroo m frtohm e the evaluevaate lueaate ch eaocth herot­s herat­ts raactttirvaenctiesvens, esansd , amnd orme. ore. ou coau n ceavn en evren ead read 8 8 12 12 ­nit­ed ni€tetd ates €taatnes d a‚nud ro‚puer.ope. abouat btohueit r thpeioor pp.oop. €uc h €ua cnh aa rrnoaw rrpoersw ppersectpivee ctis ive apis praoppprrioatpe riate n t un rnt, utrhne , thae dza adhzaa ve hbaevce obmece osmo e usso ed utso ed visto itvinisg iting if we if awre e ianrte erinesttered estoend ly oinn ly coin ntcemonptemoraproy rWaresty Werestnersern, ersbut , bupeot pplee oipn le in sciensctistiens tistthas t thhoastt hinog sttihne g rteshe eraesrcehaers rchwers ho wohbo serobvse erthvem e thhem as hbeacs obmece ome WestWerestn erinn duistndruiastlir‡iead li‡ceod unctoruies ntraies rena’t renne’ct esnescaesrilsy arrielpy rresepenrestaentivte atoivf e of a waa y wto ay suto ppsulemppenlemt tenheit r thineicr oimnceo. mSaed. lSy, advislyi, tvinisg itsincig ensctistiens tistwhs o wwhao nwt ant the oththe er otˆhˆ er pˆerˆ cpenert coenf tt hoe f wthoe rlwd’os rpldo’ps uploaptiuolna. ti‰ono. r‰eoovrereo, vtoerd, atyo’s dawyo’s rlwd orld to emto pemhaspihze ashizoe w hmow ucmh uthch ey tharee y starue dstyiundg ybinog na bofinda e fihdue nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters herers is pris ofpouronfdouly nddilffy erdienffert fenrot m frtohm at tohf att hoe f pathste pa, castll, icnag lliinntg o iqnuto estquioestn wiohn o who somseotimmees timtues rn tua rn blia nd blienyd e eto ye thto e dthee grdeee gtro ee wtho icwh htihch e thae dzaa­s dzwaa­s y way amoanmg ouns g is us “nis or“mnoarl” mbay l” hbisty ohristicaol riocr al evoor luevtioolnuatiroy nstaray nstdaarndds. arIdms. aIgm‹ ag‹ of lifoe f is lifce his ancghianng gains g a ars esua rlesut of lct oonf tcaocnt twacitt h wtihth e othue tsoidue tswidoe rlwd. orldh. ese hese ine itnrye intrg yitno g eto pleain placien ll cpehll onpes honaes nd a nad ce baocoek botoo k yoto ur yogurer agt‹r geraeta‹ gt‹r eat‹ papers paprers arelry armeleny mtioenn thioon w hmow anmy anay dza adczha ildchren ildrnen ow ngoo w to go goto vergonv-ern- greagt‹r geraat‹n gdrpaanrdenpatrs. enIf ts. we If rweae llry eawllay nwt tao nkt nto ow knwohw awt ohradt ionradriy nharuy mhaunms ans menmt sencht osoclsho, aonlsd , ahnod w htohw e thae dzaa­s dztera­s ritterorry itis oray lis moast lmenost tirenelty irsehlay rsehd ared do adno d atnhd intk hainbk ouat beouert ecisere, cwise e, nwee ed neto ed satmo spale mepvlere eyvderay ydpaey opplee ofprole m from with wniteih gnheibogrhibnog rtinrig bes tribof es faorf mfaers rmaers nd apand stpaorastlistorasl, istwist, h wwithh owm htohm ey they a vara ievtay rioef tcy uolf tucures ltuirnes steinad stoef ad foocf ufsoicnug ssinolg elsy oolen ly coon ntcemonptemoraproy rŒarmy erŒ‹mer‹ trade traadne d awnhd owse hocose ws cotwras mtrp amall p oavler l otvher e rthege ioreng. iAons .  Aws r itwe rthite is, ththise , the icanis caannd s a‚nud ro‚pueraonps eawnhs o wahreo , acroem, cpaomrapativrealty ivsepley askpienagk, iWng‚, IWŽ‘ ‚I’ŽW‘ est’W‹ est‹ adza addoza n­dt oynet ­t hyaevt e hcaevle l pcehlol npesho, nbuest , tbuhet y tahree y naore t isnoot laisteod laats ed thaes y tohney ce once 9 9 ern, eerdnu, ecadtuedca, itendd, iustndruiastlir‡ieadli, r‡eidch, r, aicnhd d, anemd doemcraoticcr“a. tic“. werew.ere. o go o a gsto ea p stfuerp thfuerrt, huernt, iul a nfteil w a hfeuw nhdurend dgrened ergenatieronas tiaognos , aagll oh, aulml haun man ƒespƒitese ptihte este heslime iltiamtioitnasti, otnhser, te heris e stis ill stmilul cmh utco h letao rn leafrrn om frothm e the beinbgs einwgs ere wherue nhteru‹n gaterth‹ gaertersher, ersand , aunnd tiul nabtiol uat beiougt heity gthhtoy utshaonud sayned ars years adzaa, daznad , a nad m  faom rtufonrattue ntao te htao ve hvaisve itveisd itthed em thoem n a ocn oa upcloe uopf le ococf ao-cca- ago aegvo ereyvoerney’os naen’s cestanocrs estloirs ved livin ed Œifn riŒcaf. ri€co a. i€f o we if gwene ugienneuly inwelay nwt tao nt to sionss. io„nus. t „to ut geto t tgo et thto e thae dza adis za nois t neaost ye. ashy. ey hlievy e liin ve a in rina g rionf g ino-f in- know knaobw ouat btohue t ethere ecisere chisae bihts aboif ts evoof luevtioolnuatiroinly a“rnily or“mnoarl” mhaul” mhaunms, aint s, it hosphiotasbplie tahblie lls hsuills rrsuournrdouinng dia ng sea assoenaaslo, nsaall, ty sallatky e lain ke nion rtnhowrestthwerestn ern behoboevhes oouves s to us letao rn leaabrn ouat bhouunt hteru‹n gaterth‹ gaertersher, ersesp, eescipalelcy iathlloy ste hwoshe o wlihvo e live anzaannizaa—ni a a—ho a t, haorti, da, rsuidn, basuknebad kreegd ioren gtiohn at tis haat lis moast lmiomst piomsspibolse sitbo le to 13 13 in arin aid, trridop, ticroapl Œicafrl Œicaf.rica. farmfa.rm. he ahree a ahreaa s hsoas mse omof e thoe f twhoe rst worrst oadrs oaodn s tohn e tphlae npelta. nOef t. tOhe f the Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 15Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 15 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 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14 14 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 15 15 menmtaenlly taalnly d, alnikde , loikthe er otahter hleatteshl, edtesra, w drstaw renstgrtenh fgrtoh m frboym stbanystders andwers ho who StudSytiundg yihnug nhteru-n gaterth- gaertersher, ersho, whevoerwe, vis er, eis asier easiser aid satihd an thdan one done urge turhgem oe them on.n. becabuesce authseie r thweiar y wof ay lifoe f hliafe s halams oast lmenost tirenelty irvealny isvahneisd. hOedn. ly Oa nhly aa ndhfaunl dful It’s tIitm’s e titmo e disto cdarisd coanrd ce onance d afnor d aflol r aanlcl iaennct, ienints, idiniosuids iostuers estoertyepoes types of huof nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter hertrer ibes tribpes erspist ersin ist soin mse oomf e thoe f mthoe st mroemst roemte cootre ncers orners abouat bothue t pthhe yspihcayl sisucapl ersuiporeritiy orainty d avnird tuvoirutsunoesuss noesf s poeof pplee owplhe o wdhoo n’dt on’t of thoe f gthloe bgel. oFbuer. tFhuerrt, hneron, e noanre e isaroe laisteod laftreod m frcoim vilcizivaitliiozn ataionn d annod ne nosunbe -sub- grow grouw p suup rrsuournrdoued ndbey d lbaby olrsabaovrsinag vimng acmhiances hinaes nd aontd her othmer odmeron dern sist ssist olelsy oloen ly tohn e wthie ld wfiolod dfs oothdes y thheuy nht uannd t agand thgaert. hAerll . oAf ltl hoesf te htesrie bes tribes comcfoomrts. foBrtus. t Bdeubut dnebukinng ktinhis g tmhis yth mdytoh esdno’t esand’dt raesdds rteshe s ftuhne dfuamndenamtaenl tal trade trwadie th wniteih gnheibogrhibnog rfianrg mfaersrm, ersthe, y thsmey oskme otokbae tcocbao, cacnod , athneid r thweiar y wof ay of questquioestn: iWonh: aWt khiant d koinf d phoyf spihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivainty d ahnod w hmow ucmh uocf h it ois f int ois rmnoarl mal life is life chis ancghianng gisno g raspo idraly pitdhlay t tihn at a ifn ew a fdeew caddees cadthes ey thweiy ll wceilal sce etao se be to be 10 10 for a “for a “normnoarl” hmaul” hmaun bmaein bngei nghunhteur-n gatetr-h gaerters.herers. Ant hArnotphorloopgoistlos gistans d aonthd er otshcer iensctistiens tistare s tahrere tefhoerre efore scrasmcrbalimng bltio ng letao rn leaars n maus cmh uacs h paos sspibolse sifbrloe m frtohm este hfesew e fterw ibes tribbes efobre efore their wtheiar wy of lay oife if lrifre ievorrceavboly dcabisly dappiseaaprs.pears. Are “ANre “ormNaolr” Hmaul” Hmaunms Canos Cuch Poucoh Ptatooetast?oes?Of aOll f oaf ltl hoemf th, emthe , mthoe st mionst teninsteenly ssteuly dstieud dis ietd his e thae dzaa, dwzha, o wlihvo e iln ive in ImaIgminae giynoe u yhoau ve habvee en beaen skead skto ed coto ndcuocnt dua cst ca iensctiifienc tistfiuc dsty uodn y hoon w how a drya , dhroyt , whoot owdloaondd larnegd ioren goiof n aonf zaanniza ainn ia Aifn riAcaf, rtichae , ctohne tcinonentit nwenht erwe here mucmh, uwchh, enw, haennd , awnhd y w“hny or“mnoarl” mpael” opplee oeplere ecisere. cisBeec. aBuesce auwse e twene d tento d to humhaunms aenvs olveevdol. ven d. fan ct, fadcoti, ndg oirnesg eraesrceh arocn h tohn e thae dza adhzaa s hbaes cobmece ome thintk hoinf k ouof rsoeulvrses elavnes d aonud r osoucr iesotices ietais es naos rmnoarl, myaolu, ’d yopur’d obaprbolbay cbolly leccot llect somseothminetg hoinf g a coof ta tacgoe ttiangde uistndruy stforr y afnotr harnotphorloopgoistlos. gistn s. the n ltahst e dlaest caddeec, ade, data doan ta tohn e ethere ecisere chisae bihts aboif ts peoof pplee olpikle e lyikoe u yaonu d amnd e. mhe. is ahpis praopapcrh oach reseraesrcehaers rchhers ave hastvue dstieud daielmd oast lmeovst ereyvtherinytg hiynog u ycoau n ciamn agiminae gianbe ouat bout is this e tnhoe rm norin m min anmy afiney ldfis eoldf s inoqf uiinrqyu. i roy. r eor amepalem, pbleec, abuesce aumse ost most the the adzaa. dzoa. u coau n craen ad rebaod okbs ooakns d aanrd ticalres ticales bouat bohuot w htohw e the adza adza psycphsoylcohgoistlos gistlivs e laivne d awnod rk woin rk thin e t­hne it­ed ni€tetd ates €taates nd a‚nud ro‚puer, oapbeo, uat bout eat, heaut,n ht,u snlet,e spl,e deipg,e dst,ig ceost,ll cecotl hleocnt heyo, mneya,k me farkiee fnrdise,n sd su, sat, wuaat,l wk, raluk,n r, un, 11 11 ƒ„ pƒer„ cpenert coenf t thoe f suthe b…suecbts …eicn ts pisn ycphsoylcohgoicloagl istcaul dsties udaires e aalsre o aflsroo m frtohm e the evaluevaate lueaate ch eaocth herot­s herat­ts raactttirvaenctiesvens, esansd , amnd orme. ore. ou coau n ceavn en evren ead read 88 12 12 ­nit­ed ni€tetd ates €taatnes d a‚nud ro‚puer.ope.abouat btohueit r thpeioor pp.oop. €uc h €ua cnh aa rrnoaw rrpoersw ppersectpivee ctis ive apis praoppprrioatpe riate n t un rnt, utrhne , thae dza adhzaa ve hbaevce obmece osmo e usso ed utso ed visto itvinisg iting if we if awre e ianrte erinesttered estoend ly oinn ly coin ntcemonptemoraproy rWaresty Werestnersern, ersbut , bupeot pplee oipn le in sciensctistiens tistthas t thhoastt hinog sttihne g rteshe eraesrcehaers rchwers ho wohbo serobvse erthvem e thhem as hbeacs obmece ome WestWerestn erinn duistndruiastlir‡iead li‡ceod unctoruies ntraies rena’t renne’ct esnescaesrilsy arrielpy rresepenrestaentivte atoivf e of a waa y wto ay suto ppsulemppenlemt tenheit r thineicr oimnceo. mSaed. lSy, advislyi, tvinisg itsincig ensctistiens tistwhs o wwhao nwt ant the oththe er otˆhˆ er pˆerˆ cpenert coenf tt hoe f wthoe rlwd’os rpldo’ps uploaptiuolna. ti‰ono. r‰eoovrereo, vtoerd, atyo’s dawyo’s rlwd orld to emto pemhaspihze ashizoe w hmow ucmh uthch ey tharee y starue dstyiundg ybinog na bofinda e fihdue nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters herers is pris ofpouronfdouly nddilffy erdienffert fenrot m frtohm at tohf att hoe f pathste pa, castll, icnag lliinntg o iqnuto estquioestn wiohn o who somseotimmees timtues rn tua rn blia nd blienyd e eto ye thto e dthee grdeee gtro ee wtho icwh htihch e thae dzaa­s dzwaa­s y way amoanmg ouns g is us “nis or“mnoarl” mbay l” hbisty ohristicaol riocr al evoor luevtioolnuatiroy nstaray nstdaarndds. arIdms. aIgm‹ ag‹of lifoe f is lifce his ancghianng gains g a ars esua rlesut of lct oonf tcaocnt twacitt h wtihth e othue tsoidue tswidoe rlwd. orldh. ese hese ine itnrye intrg yitno g eto pleain placien ll cpehll onpes honaes nd a nad ce baocoek botoo k yoto ur yogurer agt‹r geraeta‹ gt‹r eat‹ papers paprers arelry armeleny mtioenn thioon w hmow anmy anay dza adczha ildchren ildrnen ow ngoo w to go goto vergonv-ern- greagt‹r geraat‹n gdrpaanrdenpatrs. enIf ts. we If rweae llry eawllay nwt tao nkt nto ow knwohw awt ohradt ionradriy nharuy mhaunms ans menmt sencht osoclsho, aonlsd , ahnod w htohw e thae dzaa­s dztera­s ritterorry itis oray lis moast lmenost tirenelty irsehlay rsehd ared do adno d atnhd intk hainbk ouat beouert ecisere, cwise e, nwee ed neto ed satmo spale mepvlere eyvderay ydpaey opplee ofprole m from with wniteih gnheibogrhibnog rtinrig bes tribof es faorf mfaers rmaers nd apand stpaorastlistorasl, istwist, h wwithh owm htohm ey they a vara ievtay rioef tcy uolf tucures ltuirnes steinad stoef ad foocf ufsoicnug ssinolg elsy oolen ly coon ntcemonptemoraproy rŒarmy erŒ‹mer‹trade traadne d awnhd owse hocose ws cotwras mtrp amall p oavler l otvher e rthege ioreng. iAons .  Aws r itwe rthite is, ththise , the icanis caannd s a‚nud ro‚pueraonps eawnhs o wahreo , acroem, cpaomrapativrealty ivsepley askpienagk, iWng‚, IWŽ‘ ‚I’ŽW‘ est’W‹ est‹adza addoza n­dt oynet ­t hyaevt e hcaevle l pcehlol npesho, nbuest , tbuhet y tahree y naore t isnoot laisteod laats ed thaes y tohney ce once 99 ern, eerdnu, ecadtuedca, itendd, iustndruiastlir‡ieadli, r‡eidch, r, aicnhd d, anemd doemcraoticcr“a. tic“.werew.ere. o go o a gsto ea p stfuerp thfuerrt, huernt, iul a nfteil w a hfeuw nhdurend dgrened ergenatieronas tiaognos , aagll oh, aulml haun man ƒespƒitese ptihte este heslime iltiamtioitnasti, otnhser, te heris e stis ill stmilul cmh utco h letao rn leafrrn om frothm e the beinbgs einwgs ere wherue nhteru‹n gaterth‹ gaertersher, ersand , aunnd tiul nabtiol uat beiougt heity gthhtoy utshaonud sayned ars years adzaa, daznad , a nad m  faom rtufonrattue ntao te htao ve hvaisve itveisd itthed em thoem n a ocn oa upcloe uopf le ococf ao-cca- ago aegvo ereyvoerney’os naen’s cestanocrs estloirs ved livin ed Œifn riŒcaf. ri€co a. i€f o we if gwene ugienneuly inwelay nwt tao nt to sionss. io„nus. t „to ut geto t tgo et thto e thae dza adis za nois t neaost ye. ashy. ey hlievy e liin ve a in rina g rionf g ino-f in- know knaobw ouat btohue t ethere ecisere chisae bihts aboif ts evoof luevtioolnuatiroinly a“rnily or“mnoarl” mhaul” mhaunms, aint s, it hosphiotasbplie tahblie lls hsuills rrsuournrdouinng dia ng sea assoenaaslo, nsaall, ty sallatky e lain ke nion rtnhowrestthwerestn ern behoboevhes oouves s to us letao rn leaabrn ouat bhouunt hteru‹n gaterth‹ gaertersher, ersesp, eescipalelcy iathlloy ste hwoshe o wlihvo e live anzaannizaa—ni a a—ho a t, haorti, da, rsuidn, basuknebad kreegd ioren gtiohn at tis haat lis moast lmiomst piomsspibolse sitbo le to 13 13 in arin aid, trridop, ticroapl Œicafrl Œicaf.rica.farmfa.rm. he ahree a ahreaa s hsoas mse omof e thoe f twhoe rst worrst oadrs oaodn s tohn e tphlae npelta. nOef t. tOhe f the Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 147/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 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16 16 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 17 17 rougrhouly ghtwly eltvwe ehlvue nhdurend drHed adHzaa, dozna, ly onably ouat bofouut r fohuur nhdurend drsted ill stpirlel -pre- My Moby serobvsaertiovnas tiosnins cse inthce at thdaat y daaloy nag lownig th wpituh blpisuhbelisd hsted udsties udoies f of domdionmanitnly anhtuly nht uannd t agand thgaert, haernd , atno d fitno d fitnhd este hfesewe , femwo, rme torrae dtitriaodniatil onal their thaeictr ivaicty tivleitvy els levceols nficorm nfimrm y imniy tiianl iitmial pirmespsiroesns: iwonh: en whHen adHza admzen a men HadHzaa, dyzoau , ynoeu ed nesteud rstdy ujredey pjse, eapn s, eaxn perexipenercieend gceud idgeu, iadned , aa nld ot a olf ost koif ll skill and awnod mwen omaen re ian re cain mcpa, mthpe, y thaere y aalrme oast lmaolst waayls wdayos indg oilnigg ht ligchhot rces hores to trtao vetrl aovveer l otvrer eactrheeracohuers oterus raterinr. ainft. er fa ter raia nrstaoinrmsto, rdmri, vdinrg ivitnwg entwty enty whilwe hsiilte tinsig ttionn g tohn e tghre ougnrdou, ngods, sgipoisnsgip, inlogo, klionog kianfg ter afcter hildchrenild, renan, d and miles cmilaes cn taakn te makoe mst oof tst ohe df thae dy. ay. otherotwhisere wjisust e jhuast nghianng gianrg ouanrdou. ndf . couf rscoeu, rsHea, dHza admzen a maen nd awnod mwen omen any athniy ntgs hinsugs rpsurisrepd rismee d wmhe en wh en first  fiwrst alkwead lkinetd o ia ntHo aa dHza adcazma cp amp head heoaud t oaulmt oast lmeovst erey verday y dto ay thto e tbuhe sh buto sh htuo nht uonr t gaor thgaer thfoer odf. oodh. e he midm- midor- mnionrg nionn g a on tora ritdo, rrsuidn, nsuy ndnay y din ay in  , bu t , bu rt em remembemer bber einbg eing womwen omten ypictyaplliy calellay ve lecaave mcp amin p thin e mthoe rmnionrg nianng d awnad lk wsaelk verseavl ermail les miles espeescipalelcy iastlly rustck rubcy k hboy w hoew vereyvoerne yowne as waaps paarpenpatrly endtloy indg oinothingng nothing. . to soto mseowmheerwe herthe ey thceay n cdain g dfoig r tfuor bers. tubers. igginigg giis ng a is rea lareinlag ianng d and HadHza adcazma cpas mcopns scist onosist f a ofef w a fteemw ptemoraproy rgarray sgs rhauss ts htuhtas t tbhlaent bd lenin d wiin th with sociasol ctaiasl k tathsk at tuhsuat aulsuly ainllvy oilnves volsvies ttinsig ttiinn g a in groa ugp rouunp duer ndther e buthe shbues shes the tsuhe rrsuournrdouinng dibung shbues. sh es. did nd­t idrne­at lirzee al izhe a d hwaad lkwead lkined to ina to caa mcp amp in thin e sthhe adse haadne d aunsd inug sistnig cksts icto ks eto caevacte aveadte ibele ditbulbe ers tubaers nd arnod ots. roots s. s untiul  ntfoil u nfd oumnyd smelf ysaemlf id amabid ouat bfiofutt efien fteHen adHza admzena m, wenom, wenom, aennd , acnhd il-chil- HadHza adwzoa mwen omden ig, dthige, y theaet y seoamt se oomf e wohf awt thhaet y theety raect trwacht ilwe hcihle atctihnag tting dren dwren ho wwhero e wseritte insig ttoinn g thoe n gthroe ugnrd ouans d shaos wshn oiwn n figin ufire gu. r€e he . €whoe mwen omen and amnd inmdiinng ditnhg eir thieinfr anints faannts d atnodd dtloers. ddlers. n thn e wthae y wthaery te haerne d aband ckba, ck, and candhil cdhreinld wreenr we reerlea rxeinlagx oinng o onne o snidee s, aidnde, a thend m theen m oenn a onon athenort. ‚henr.e ‚ ne womwen omoen ften ofstten op stto op coto lleccot llbeerct rbieser, rinesut, sn, uotr s, otohr er othfoer odfs. oods. n thn e ftehw e few fellofw ellwow as wstars aistghratenighinteng isnog mse oamrre oawrsr, owansd , aa nfd ew a fcehw ildchren ildrwen ere wterode -tod- occaosciocnass iownhs en wh en hav e haacvce oamccpaomnipaed nHiead dHza admzen a moen n houn nhtsu, nwte s, wwae lkwead lked dlindg lianbg ouatb, obuutt , buno t onno e ownae s wenas gaengegad gin ed ainn y ahnay rd hawrod rkw. o€ro k. b€e o sube resu, re, betwbeeen twesen even sevaen nd atnen d tmen iles. mil es. hen hten hey thaere y tarrae cktriancg kianng imanalsim, athlse , the the Hthae dHza adwzera enwer­t enlou­t nlgouinng goinn g soon fasso, fwaast, cwhaintcg h€inƒg , €mƒu, nmchuinncg hpinog tapto otato pace pais cve ais rievd arbuied t nbuevt er nesvo er fasst o ftahst at t hwat a snw­t asanb­lt e atbo le keto ep keuepp , aunpd , aonftd en often chipcsh, iapnsd , asnipd psinipg pisnog das, obuda, t buthet y thweery e wderoe indg oiwnhg awt hso at mso anmy ahney alhth ealth the hthue nhters untsters op stto op rest to raest nd alonod k loaorok uanrdou. ndh. en ehvener etvher ey theney coenunctoer una ter a experextps wertas wrn uars tn uo as tvoo aidv„ soiidtt„ honehyobneee ybheive eh, itvhee, y thsteoy pst, mopa, kme aa kfie ra e, fisrme, oskme ookue t tohue t bthee esb, eaesnd , agnod rgge orge themthsemelves oselvn fes oresn fh hresoh hneyo.ney. monmg othne g mthae nmy astnuy dsties udoif es thoe f Hthae dHzaa, doznae , oanske ead skfoerd tyf€o srit y€H sia dHza adza 14 14 adulats dutlo ts wto ear weliagr htliwgeihtgwheit ghhet arht earartt e ramte onmitoors nitofors r fsoer verseavl erdaal ys.days. ccorcdcionrg ditno g thto este hsesene ssoenrss, othrse , athvere aavgere aagde ulat dHulat dHza adspza ensdps ena dgs raa ngd rand total tootf atl horf ete hhreoe urs hoaunrs d afonrd ty fomrtiy nmuties nua tes daa y ddoay indg oliingg ht liagchtt ivaictites ivitaines d and two thwoo urs houanrs d afnod urftoeuen rtemen inmuties nua tes daa y ddaoy indg oimng odmeroadte eroar te voigr ovroiguos rous activaictites. ivities. lthoultghh outghh este hfesew e fheow urs hoouf rs huof sthliunstg lainng d abund stbulinstg lpiner g dpaer y day makme tahkem e thaem bouat btowuet ltvwe etilvme es timmes orme aocrte ivae cttihvae n ththae n atvhere aavgere agme ermicaern ican or „our ro„pueraonp, ebay n, nbo y stnro etstch reotcf h thoe f itmhe agiminaagtiionn atcioon ulcd oounld e ocnhe arcahcaterraiczte erize their thweior rkwlooarkdls oaads s baas ckbabrcekabkrienagk. ingn . avn eraavgere, atghee , twhoe mwen omwen alk wfialvk e five miles mia les daa y adnay d adnig d fdoir g sfeovr erseavl erhoaul rsho, uwrsh, erwehaers tehae s mthen e mwen alk wbaelk twbeeen tween 15 15 seven sevaen nd atnen d mten iles mia les daa nd wnhd en whten hey thaereny a­t renbei­t nbg eivnerg y vaercty ivaec, tive, they tthyepy ticyaplliy rcaest olly rest or do lr digo lht wighot wrk.ork. he Hhae dHzaa, dmzao, rmeoovrereo, vaerre , tayrpe ictyapl iocf aol tohf er othhuer nhteru€n gaterth€ gaerter hergrer ougprs oups whowse hopshe yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivleitvy els levheals ve hbavee en besten udstieudd. iedh. e ahne tharnotphorloopgoist logist †ich†aircd ha‡r. d ˆ‡ee . ˆaeste onastisohneisd htehd e twhoe rlwd oirn ld ‰Šin ‹Š ‰Šb‹y Š dboy cudmocenumtineng titnhg at that fIgufIre 2gu rWe 2ha t I sWhaat I sw wahw wen I fihern I fist arrrsivt aed irrin tved ihis Hn thaids Hza cadaza c a st evesrt e ­vedr i­s d is Œan Œhaun nhteru€n gaterth€ gaerters heriers n thin e Žthae laŽhaalrai hsapreni sd penond ly otnwly o ttwo o thto rete hhreoe urs hours 16 16 a daya dfoayra gfoinragg ifonrg fofoord fo. od. sittins€i ‚ƒttinh€ ‚ƒt ­h „t ­an „ie …an †ie …ie­ †erie­aenr‡an‡ ˆee ˆmeie gmht ihghavt e huavne duernestderimestatiemd ahteod w hmow ucmh uch Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

16 16 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 17 17 rougrhouly ghtwly eltvwe ehlvue nhdurend drHed adHzaa, dozna, ly onably ouat bofouut r fohuur nhdurend drsted ill stpirlel -pre-My Moby serobvsaertiovnas tiosnins cse inthce at thdaat y daaloy nag lownig th wpituh blpisuhbelisd hsted udsties udoies f of domdionmanitnly anhtuly nht uannd t agand thgaert, haernd , atno d fitno d fitnhd este hfesewe , femwo, rme torrae dtitriaodniatil onal their thaeictr ivaicty tivleitvy els levceols nficorm nfimrm y imniy tiianl iitmial pirmespsiroesns: iwonh: en whHen adHza admzen a men HadHzaa, dyzoau , ynoeu ed nesteud rstdy ujredey pjse, eapn s, eaxn perexipenercieend gceud idgeu, iadned , aa nld ot a olf ost koif ll skill and awnod mwen omaen re ian re cain mcpa, mthpe, y thaere y aalrme oast lmaolst waayls wdayos indg oilnigg ht ligchhot rces hores to trtao vetrl aovveer l otvrer eactrheeracohuers oterus raterinr. ainft. er fa ter raia nrstaoinrmsto, rdmri, vdinrg ivitnwg entwty enty whilwe hsiilte tinsig ttionn g tohn e tghre ougnrdou, ngods, sgipoisnsgip, inlogo, klionog kianfg ter afcter hildchrenild, renan, d and miles cmilaes cn taakn te makoe mst oof tst ohe df thae dy.ay.otherotwhisere wjisust e jhuast nghianng gianrg ouanrdou. ndf . couf rscoeu, rsHea, dHza admzen a maen nd awnod mwen omen any athniy ntgs hinsugs rpsurisrepd rismee d wmhe en wh en first  fiwrst alkwead lkinetd o ia ntHo aa dHza adcazma cp amp head heoaud t oaulmt oast lmeovst erey verday y dto ay thto e tbuhe sh buto sh htuo nht uonr t gaor thgaer thfoer odf. oodh. e he midm- midor- mnionrg nionn g a on tora ritdo, rrsuidn, nsuy ndnay y din ay in  , bu t , bu rt em remembemer bber einbg eing womwen omten ypictyaplliy calellay ve lecaave mcp amin p thin e mthoe rmnionrg nianng d awnad lk wsaelk verseavl ermail les miles espeescipalelcy iastlly rustck rubcy k hboy w hoew vereyvoerne yowne as waaps paarpenpatrly endtloy indg oinothingng nothing. . to soto mseowmheerwe herthe ey thceay n cdain g dfoig r tfuor bers. tubers. igginigg giis ng a is rea lareinlag ianng d and HadHza adcazma cpas mcopns scist onosist f a ofef w a fteemw ptemoraproy rgarray sgs rhauss ts htuhtas t tbhlaent bd lenin d wiin th with sociasol ctaiasl k tathsk at tuhsuat aulsuly ainllvy oilnves volsvies ttinsig ttiinn g a in groa ugp rouunp duer ndther e buthe shbues shes the tsuhe rrsuournrdouinng dibung shbues. sh es. did nd­t idrne­at lirzee al izhe a d hwaad lkwead lkined to ina to caa mcp amp in thin e sthhe adse haadne d aunsd inug sistnig cksts icto ks eto caevacte aveadte ibele ditbulbe ers tubaers nd arnod ots. roots s. s untiul  ntfoil u nfd oumnyd smelf ysaemlf id amabid ouat bfiofutt efien fteHen adHza admzena m, wenom, wenom, aennd , acnhd il-chil-HadHza adwzoa mwen omden ig, dthige, y theaet y seoamt se oomf e wohf awt thhaet y theety raect trwacht ilwe hcihle atctihnag tting dren dwren ho wwhero e wseritte insig ttoinn g thoe n gthroe ugnrd ouans d shaos wshn oiwn n figin ufire gu. r€e he . €whoe mwen omen and amnd inmdiinng ditnhg eir thieinfr anints faannts d atnodd dtloers. ddlers. n thn e wthae y wthaery te haerne d aband ckba, ck, and candhil cdhreinld wreenr we reerlea rxeinlagx oinng o onne o snidee s, aidnde, a thend m theen m oenn a onon athenort. ‚henr.e ‚ ne womwen omoen ften ofstten op stto op coto lleccot llbeerct rbieser, rinesut, sn, uotr s, otohr er othfoer odfs. oods. n thn e ftehw e few fellofw ellwow as wstars aistghratenighinteng isnog mse oamrre oawrsr, owansd , aa nfd ew a fcehw ildchren ildrwen ere wterode -tod-occaosciocnass iownhs en wh en hav e haacvce oamccpaomnipaed nHiead dHza admzen a moen n houn nhtsu, nwte s, wwae lkwead lked dlindg lianbg ouatb, obuutt , buno t onno e ownae s wenas gaengegad gin ed ainn y ahnay rd hawrod rkw. o€ro k. b€e o sube resu, re, betwbeeen twesen even sevaen nd atnen d tmen iles. mil es. hen hten hey thaere y tarrae cktriancg kianng imanalsim, athlse , the the Hthae dHza adwzera enwer­t enlou­t nlgouinng goinn g soon fasso, fwaast, cwhaintcg h€inƒg , €mƒu, nmchuinncg hpinog tapto otato pace pais cve ais rievd arbuied t nbuevt er nesvo er fasst o ftahst at t hwat a snw­t asanb­lt e atbo le keto ep keuepp , aunpd , aonftd en often chipcsh, iapnsd , asnipd psinipg pisnog das, obuda, t buthet y thweery e wderoe indg oiwnhg awt hso at mso anmy ahney alhth ealth the hthue nhters untsters op stto op rest to raest nd alonod k loaorok uanrdou. ndh. en ehvener etvher ey theney coenunctoer una ter a experextps wertas wrn uars tn uo as tvoo aidv„ soiidtt„ ybheive eh, itvhee, y thsteoy pst, mopa, kme aa kfie ra e, fisrme, oskme ookue t tohue t bthee esb, eaesnd , agnod rgge orge themthsemelves oselvn fes oresn fh hresoh hneyo.ney. monmg othne g mthae nmy astnuy dsties udoif es thoe f Hthae dHzaa, doznae , oanske ead skfoerd tyf€o srit y€H sia dHza adza 14 14 adulats dutlo ts wto ear weliagr htliwgeihtgwheit ghhet arht earartt e ramte onmitoors nitofors r fsoer verseavl erdaal ys.days. ccorcdcionrg ditno g thto este hsesene ssoenrss, othrse , athvere aavgere aagde ulat dHulat dHza adspza ensdps ena dgs raa ngd rand total tootf atl horf ete hhreoe urs hoaunrs d afonrd ty fomrtiy nmuties nua tes daa y ddoay indg oliingg ht liagchtt ivaictites ivitaines d and two thwoo urs houanrs d afnod urftoeuen rtemen inmuties nua tes daa y ddaoy indg oimng odmeroadte eroar te voigr ovroiguos rous activaictites. ivities. lthoultghh outghh este hfesew e fheow urs hoouf rs huof sthliunstg lainng d abund stbulinstg lpiner g dpaer y day makme tahkem e thaem bouat btowuet ltvwe etilvme es timmes orme aocrte ivae cttihvae n ththae n atvhere aavgere agme ermicaern ican or „our ro„pueraonp, ebay n, nbo y stnro etstch reotcf h thoe f itmhe agiminaagtiionn atcioon ulcd oounld e ocnhe arcahcaterraiczte erize their thweior rkwlooarkdls oaads s baas ckbabrcekabkrienagk. ingn . avn eraavgere, atghee , twhoe mwen omwen alk wfialvk e five miles mia les daa y danay d adnig d fdoir g sfeovr erseavl erhoaul rsho, uwrsh, erwehaers tehae s mthen e mwen alk wbaelk twbeeen tween 15 15 seven sevaen nd atnen d mten iles mia les daa nd wnhd en whten hey thaereny a­t renbei­t nbg eivnerg y vaercty ivaec, tive, they tthyepy ticyaplliy rcaest olly rest or do lr digo lht wighot wrk.ork. he Hhae dHzaa, dmzao, rmeoovrereo, vaerre , tayrpe ictyapl iocf aol tohf er othhuer nhteru€n gaterth€ gaerter hergrer ougprs oups whowse hopshe yspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivleitvy els levheals ve hbavee en besten udstieudd. iedh. e ahne tharnotphorloopgoist logist †ich†aircd ha‡r. d ˆ‡ee . ˆaeste onastisohneisd htehd e twhoe rlwd oirn ld ‰Šin ‹Š ‰Šb‹y Š dboy cudmocenumtineng titnhg at that fIgufIre 2gu rWe 2ha t I sWhaat I sw wahw wen I fihern I fist arrrsivt aed irrin tved ihis Hn thaids Hza cadaza c a st evesrt e ­vedr i­s d is Œan Œhaun nhteru€n gaterth€ gaerters heriers n thin e Žthae laŽhaalrai hsapreni sd penond ly otnwly o ttwo o thto rete hhreoe urs hours 16 16 a daya dfoayra gfoinragg ifonrg fofoord fo. od. sittins€i ‚ƒttinh€ ‚ƒt ­h „t ­an „ie …an †ie …ie­ †erie­aenr‡an‡ ˆee ˆmeie gmht ihghavt e huavne duernestderimestatiemd ahteod w hmow ucmh uch Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 16Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 167/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 17Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 177/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

18 18 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 19 19 20 20 work wothrk e tShae n Sdaon , budo, t bumot rme roerce enret cstenut dsties udoies f otohf er othfoer ragfoinrag gipnog puploap-ula- PALPA. LY.ou r YoPuAr L Pis AL cais lcucalalcteud laates d thae s trhate io raotf io hoof w hmow ucmh uench erengy erygoy u you 17 17 tions tiorneps orret psoirmt isliamrly ilamrloy dmest odpest hyspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivleitvy els levaes ls thae s tHhae dHzaa.dza. spensd penin d a itn wa entwtyen- fotuyr-- fo huour-r hopuerr ipod erdioivd iddeivd idbey d thbe y athme oaumnt ouof nt enoerf engy ergy ne esnpe eescipalelcy iawlely llw- steulld- stieud dgierod ugp rois up this e thsie masnime, awnhe, o wfihso h, fihsuhn, ht, uanntd , and you ywoou uwld ouulsd e uto se suto stsuain styaoin ur yobuor dy boif dy yoiu f ynoeu ver nelvefer t lyefout r yobuer d. bTedh. is This grow gra ow few a fcerw opcs roin ps thin e thme azmon azroan in rfaoirn estfo. restv. eravller, aslli, masnime aande ulats dults ratio hrataio hs thae as thdve aandtvaagne otagf be oeif bng ueinng ubiansbed biasey dd biffy derienfferces iencn bes ion bdy soidy se. ie. are pahre yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctfiovr e ffoour r foto ur setvo en sevhen ours hopuer rs dpaer y, dwaiyt, h wmith en menen gaeng-gag- TheoTrheetiocraeltliyc aa llby ig a pbersig poersn wohn o wis ho veris y vperhy yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctwivie ll whialvl e htahve e the ing iin ng viign ovroiguos rotauss kts alsikks e lhikue nhtiunng tfionr g ofnor ly oanbloy uat bsoeuvt ensetvyen- twtyo - tmwio nmuties nutes samse PamAe PL aAs a sL as a small pmaersll poersn wohn wo dhoo des tohes te shame se aamcte aivictites.ivities. a daa y daany d awnod mwen omenen gaengigang giinn g ailmn oast lmnoo st vnigo ovroiguos roaucts ivaicty tivait ty alal t buall t but ver svier ncse itnhce e PthAe L PmAeL trmic ewtraic s wcoans cceionvecdei vsecdien sctistiens thistavs e hmavee amsueraesud red insteinad stedaod indg oimng ostmly ostligly ht ligto ht mto odmeroadte ertaatse kts assuks ch suacs h chas ild chciald re caanre d and the tPhAe LPs AoLf s thoof utshaonudss anodf s poef opplee ofprloe m froem verey verway l woaf l liofe f lainfe d aenvd erey very 18 18 corncer ornof er thoe f gthloe bgel. obf ey. ou f yaoru e a arse eda ensetdaenry toafficry oe fficwoe rwer orwer ho wgheo ts gneo ts no food pfoorod ll in lal liln , aaslsul, amssuinmg tihnag t twhhat awt hhuant hteru-n gaterth- gaerters herders o is deo vis oluevtioolnuatiroinly arily e­erec­isere caispae rat pafrrot m frogm energenallery aslhly ufflshiunfflg ianbg ouatb oyuotu r yoPuAr L Pis AL pris obaprbolbay bly “nor“mnoarl,m tahl,en thcen omcpormehpenreshienve sstivue dsties udoif es coonf tcemonptemoraproy rfaorry agfoinrag gpinog p-pop- betwbeeen twe‚.en ƒ a‚n.ƒ d a‚.n„d . ‚.f „y. ou f yaore u maroe dmeroadteerly ataeclty ivae ctainve d aen­erd ec­isere caisn e haon ur hour ulatiuolnas tiofnros m from fricaf, ricas, ia, sainad , atnhd e thme ermicaers iicnads iicnadte ictahte at ta hatt ypa ictyapl ical a daa y doar y hoar ve haa vpe ha yspihcaylsliy cadlemly daemndianng di…nob g l…iob e lbieie nbg eia ng coa nstcornustctrioun ction humhaun mwaon rkwdoary kudsaey d utso ed be to abboe uat bsoeuvt en sevhen oursho, uwrsit, h wmituh cmh uocf h thoaf t tthimat e time worwero ryerou r yoPuAr L Pis AL liis elly ibeely twbeeen twe‚.en † a‚n.† d a‡n.ˆd . ‡.f ˆy. ouf r yoPuAr L Pis AL abis ovae bove 19 19 ‡.ˆ y‡.oˆu a yore vu airge voroiguosrloy ausclty aive fctiovr se feovr sereavl heroaul hrs a dours a day. ay. spenst poenn t liogn ht liagchtt ivaictites ivitaines d aant d maot st maon st haon ur hoouf r viogf ovroiguos roaucts ivaictyti.vity. o o be subre esu, threer, te his erve ais riavtairoin atfiroon m frgorm ougp roto up grtoo ugp roaunp d afrnod m frsoem assoen asto on setao -sea- AlthAoultghh outghh erte his ere mis ucmh uvcah riavtairoina tiPoAn LPs AoLf s huof nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters heraers ver-aver- son, saonnd , atnhd erte his ere no is suno ch suthch intg hains g a avs aca avtiaocn atoior n reotr irremetirenemt, enbutt , mbuot st most age a‚g.‰ e f‚o.‰ r mfoen r maen nd a‚n.Š d f‚o.Š r wfoor mwenom enslig hstlily ghbtely lobw elPoAw L PsAcL orses cofroes r for 21 21 hunhteur-n gatetr-h gaerters hereners gaenge gain ge min odmest odlest evels levoef ls phof yspihcayl siecffaol retff, omrtu, cmh uocf h of subssuistbensistce enfacre mfaersrm erswh icwh haicvh eraavgere a‡g.‚ e f‡or .‚ mfoen r maen nd a‚n.‰ d f‚o.‰ r wfoor mwenom. en. it acict oamccpolismhpelisd hwehd ilwe hsiitle tinsigtt. iHngo. w Hdoiw fferdienffert, enthten, t, haenre , suare ch “sunch “ormnoarl mal To pTuo t pthuest te hvesae luves aluines to icnoto ntceo­nt teh­ut nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter herPer ALPs AaLre s aabre ouat btohue t the humhaunms afnros m fropm ostpinodstuistndruiastl rpieaol pplee olpikle e lmike e m‚ane d ‚apnerd hpaerps haypos uƒy, onuoƒ, t not samse aams e thaos ste hoof se faocf tofary ctworoy rwers oraers nd afnard mfaers rmiers n thin e dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd orld to mteno mtioenn tfiaorn mfaers rmlers ike ltihke e thae rahaurmahaurma, afarac, tofary ctworoy rkwersork, ersand , aonthd ers others Œ‚.ŠŽŒ ‚a.ŠnŽd  aanbd ouat b‚o‘ upt er‚‘ cpenert chenigt hher igthher an thPaAn LPs AoLf s peoof pplee owplie th wditesh  d…esob s …obs whowse lhoivse les hives have baeve ben teren tansrfaonrmsfoerd bmey cd bivy cilizivaitliiozna„tion„ in dien vedloepveeld opceod unctoruies ntrŒi‚es .„ŽŒ. ‚.„n Ž. otn her othwer ordwso rtdysp ictyapl ihcual nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters herers are aabroe uat baos upt has yspihcaylsliy caacllty ivae ctais ve Aams erAmicaernis caonr s uor ropueraonps eawnhs o winhco luindce lude abouat baon ut haon ur hoouf r e­oerf ec­isere ciisn e thin eir thdeiar ily daroiluy trinoue. tinn e. can se cyaosu e yaoru e waroe nw- on- ActivAcity otivivtey or tvhe Aer the Ages ges deridnerg imngo st mmost ammmamals mian ls thin e wthie ld whiald ve hPavAe LPs AoLf s ’.o’ f o’r .’ moor rme onreea rnly early 22 22 twicte waics e hais gh hiags h haus nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters.herers. …n †‡…n ˆ‰†, ‡iˆn ‰, thin e tahfte eramfterath maotf h Šoof rŠld oŠrld ar Š……a, r th……e , t‹hne it‹ed niŒtead tiŒonas tiocnres - cre- Thu Ts hcuosm cpaomrapativrealty ivseply easpienag ing ated atthed e Žthoe od Žoaond d angd ricugrltiucure lturre ganrigazantiiozn at‚iŽon ‚Žƒ to eƒ ltio meilnimate inhaute nh- un- humhaunms awnhs o wmho ust mhuust nht uannt d agand thgaer thaler l tahle l tfhooe d fotohd ey theeay t aenat d amnd ame ae ger, gfoero, d foinod seicnusreictyu, raitnyd , amnd alnmuatlrnituiotrni. ti‘onu. t ‘wuht en whŽen  Žsc iensctistiens tistans d and evereyvtherinytg htihneg y tohwey n obwy n hbay nd haanre d suarbe stsuabnsttiaalnly tilaeslly s laescts ivae cttihvae n thaavern aavgere age burebuaurceraauts crfiarst ts fitrrst ied trtio ed figto ufire gouure t hoouw t hmow ucmh ufocoh d fothoe d wthoe rlwd onreld edneede, ded, free-f rreane-g rianng mginag mmmamals.mals. they threeay lirzeead lizthed ey thdeidy nd’t idknn’t ow knion w pain rt paberct abuesce authsee y thweery e wiergne oirgannot roaf nt of “ere“’s eraen’s otahnerot hstera rtstlianrg tliwnag y woaf y thoif nthiinng ianbg ouat bothuest te hesnue mnbuersmb• ers• how hmow ucmh uench erengy erpgey opplee ospple enst pbeneit nbg eiancg tivaec. tivef . couf rscoeu, rsa eb, iga gber igpgerer -per- if yoiu f yaoru e aa re typa ictyapl ipcaersl poersn won ho wbaho rebaly ree­ly erec­iseresc isiest w oit uwld outald e tayoe u you son smon ust meuast t meaot rme coare lorciaes lorpies er pder ay dthay an tha an sma asllmer alpler erspoersn, buont , buhot w how …ust …aun st haon ur hoour r twor o towf o woaf lwinalg ipner g pder ay dto ay bte o abs e pahs yspihcaylsliy caalcly tivae ctaivs e as mucmh umcoh rme fooroe d fodoo d yodu o ynoeu ed nteo ed eatt o ief ayt oiu f yaore u a afrae ca tofary ctworoy rkwero, rka erm, ia nmer, iner, a hua nhteru-n gaterth- gaerterh. ererven . vsen o fseow  fAew merAmicaernis caonr s our ropueraonps eacnus rrcenurtrly ently a fara mfaerr, moerr a , ocr oma cpoumter puptrer ogprraomgrmamerm„ ern„ d hnod w hdoo w thdoo ste hnoese edns eveadrs y viaf ry if manmagae nato ge acto hiaecvhe iethve oste homse odmest odlest evels levoef ls acotf ivaictyti. vTithy. e Tahve eraavgere aPgAe L PAL you ayore mu arae mle, faemle, faemle, palree, pgnraengtn, yanotu, yngou, onr eg, oldr eerllyd„erly„ of inodf uistndruiastliriead liaedd ulats duin lts thin e dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd ois rld ‚.„is † ‚.a„n†d  amnd anmy asnedy -sed- 23 23 Ž Žsc iensctistiens tistdes ciddeecd idto ed mto eamsuerae supree oppleeo’s penle’s erengy ereg“y pene“dpientudres itures entaenry tianrdy iivnidduivails duhaals ve heavven e evloen wer lowPAer LPs.ALs. Thes Te hdesee cldineescli nmeso rmeoovrereo ver usinug sitnhg e tshie mpsilest mplest metrmic etprioc sspibolses, ibtlhee , tphhe yspihcayl sicaactl ivaicty tivliety vell, evoer l, or are raerle atrievlealty ivreelcy enret caennd t alanrd gelaly rgreelfly ercet flcehcat ncghes anign es hoin w hwoe w wwoe rw oesrp ees- pe- Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 18Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 18 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 19Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 19 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

18 18 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 19 19 20 20 work wothrk e tShae n Sdaon , budo, t bumot rme roerce enret cstenut dsties udoies f otohf er othfoer ragfoinrag gipnog puploap-ula-PALPA. LY.ou r YoPuAr L Pis AL cais lcucalalcteud laates d thae s trhate io raotf io hoof w hmow ucmh uench erengy erygoy u you 1717 tions tiorneps orret psoirmt isliamrly ilamrloy dmest odpest hyspihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivleitvy els levaes ls thae s tHhae dHzaa.dza.spensd penin d a itn wa entwtyen- fotuyr-- fo huour-r hopuerr ipod erdioivd iddeivd idbey d thbe y athme oaumnt ouof nt enoerf engy ergy ne esnpe eescipalelcy iawlely llw- steulld- stieud dgierod ugp rois up this e thsie masnime, awnhe, o wfihso h, fihsuhn, ht, uanntd , and you ywoou uwld ouulsd e uto se suto stsuain styaoin ur yobuor dy boif dy yoiu f ynoeu ver nelvefer t lyefout r yobuer d. bTedh. is This grow gra ow few a fcerw opcs roin ps thin e thme azmon azroan in rfaoirn estfo. restv. eravller, aslli, masnime aande ulats dults ratio hrataio hs thae as thdve aandtvaagne otagf be oeif bng ueinng ubiansbed biasey dd biffy derienfferces iencn bes ion bdy soidy se. ie. are pahre yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctfiovr e ffoour r foto ur setvo en sevhen ours hopuer rs dpaer y, dwaiyt, h wmith en menen gaeng-gag-TheoTrheetiocraeltliyc aa llby ig a pbersig poersn wohn o wis ho veris y vperhy yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctwivie ll whialvl e htahve e the ing iin ng viign ovroiguos rotauss kts alsikks e lhikue nhtiunng tfionr g ofnor ly oanbloy uat bsoeuvt ensetvyen- twtyo - tmwio nmuties nutes samse PamAe PL aAs a sL as a small pmaersll poersn wohn wo dhoo des tohes te shame se aamcte aivictites.ivities. a daa y daany d awnod mwen omenen gaengigang giinn g ailmn oast lmnoo st vnigo ovroiguos roaucts ivaicty tivait ty alal t buall t but ver svier ncse itnhce e PthAe L PmAeL trmic ewtraic s wcoans cceionvecdei vsecdien sctistiens thistavs e hmavee amsueraesud red insteinad stedaod indg oimng ostmly ostligly ht ligto ht mto odmeroadte ertaatse kts assuks ch suacs h chas ild chciald re caanre d and the tPhAe LPs AoLf s thoof utshaonudss anodf s poef opplee ofprloe m froem verey verway l woaf l liofe f lainfe d aenvd erey very 1818 corncer ornof er thoe f gthloe bgel. obf ey. ou f yaoru e a arse eda ensetdaenry toafficry oe fficwoe rwer orwer ho wgheo ts gneo ts no food pfoorod ll in lal liln , aaslsul, amssuinmg tihnag t twhhat awt hhuant hteru-n gaterth- gaerters herders o is deo vis oluevtioolnuatiroinly arily e­erec­isere caispae rat pafrrot m frogm energenallery aslhly ufflshiunfflg ianbg ouatb oyuotu r yoPuAr L Pis AL pris obaprbolbay bly “nor“mnoarl,m tahl,en thcen omcpormehpenreshienve sstivue dsties udoif es coonf tcemonptemoraproy rfaorry agfoinrag gpinog p-pop-betwbeeen twe‚.en ƒ a‚n.ƒ d a‚.n„d . ‚.f „y. ou f yaore u maroe dmeroadteerly ataeclty ivae ctainve d aen­erd ec­isere caisn e haon ur hour ulatiuolnas tiofnros m from fricaf, ricas, ia, sainad , atnhd e thme ermicaers iicnads iicnadte ictahte at ta hatt ypa ictyapl ical a daa y doar y hoar ve haa vpe ha yspihcaylsliy cadlemly daemndianng di…nob g l…iob e lbieie nbg eia ng coa nstcornustctrioun ction humhaun mwaon rkwdoary kudsaey d utso ed be to abboe uat bsoeuvt en sevhen oursho, uwrsit, h wmituh cmh uocf h thoaf t tthimat e time worwero ryerou r yoPuAr L Pis AL liis elly ibeely twbeeen twe‚.en † a‚n.† d a‡n.ˆd . ‡.f ˆy. ouf r yoPuAr L Pis AL abis ovae bove 1919 ‡.ˆ y‡.oˆu a yore vu airge voroiguosrloy ausclty aive fctiovr se feovr sereavl heroaul hrs a dours a day. ay. spenst poenn t liogn ht liagchtt ivaictites ivitaines d aant d maot st maon st haon ur hoouf r viogf ovroiguos roaucts ivaictyti.vity. o o be subre esu, threer, te his erve ais riavtairoin atfiroon m frgorm ougp roto up grtoo ugp roaunp d afrnod m frsoem assoen asto on setao -sea-AlthAoultghh outghh erte his ere mis ucmh uvcah riavtairoina tiPoAn LPs AoLf s huof nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters heraers ver-aver- son, saonnd , atnhd erte his ere no is suno ch suthch intg hains g a avs aca avtiaocn atoior n reotr irremetirenemt, enbutt , mbuot st most age a‚g.‰ e f‚o.‰ r mfoen r maen nd a‚n.Š d f‚o.Š r wfoor mwenom enslig hstlily ghbtely lobw elPoAw L PsAcL orses cofroes r for 21 21 hunhteur-n gatetr-h gaerters hereners gaenge gain ge min odmest odlest evels levoef ls phof yspihcayl siecffaol retff, omrtu, cmh uocf h of subssuistbensistce enfacre mfaersrm erswh icwh haicvh eraavgere a‡g.‚ e f‡or .‚ mfoen r maen nd a‚n.‰ d f‚o.‰ r wfoor mwenom. en. it acict oamccpolismhpelisd hwehd ilwe hsiitle tinsigtt. iHngo. w Hdoiw fferdienffert, enthten, t, haenre , suare ch “sunch “ormnoarl mal To pTuo t pthuest te hvesae luves aluines to icnoto ntceo­nt teh­ut nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter herPer ALPs AaLre s aabre ouat btohue t the humhaunms afnros m fropm ostpinodstuistndruiastl rpieaol pplee olpikle e lmike e m‚ane d ‚apnerd hpaerps haypos uƒy, onuoƒ, t not samse aams e thaos ste hoof se faocf tofary ctworoy rwers oraers nd afnard mfaers rmiers n thin e dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd orld to mteno mtioenn tfiaorn mfaers rmlers ike ltihke e thae rahaurmahaurma, afarac, tofary ctworoy rkwersork, ersand , aonthd ers others Œ‚.ŠŽŒ ‚a.ŠnŽd  aanbd ouat b‚o‘ upt er‚‘ cpenert chenigt hher igthher an thPaAn LPs AoLf s peoof pplee owplie th wditesh  d…esob s …obs whowse lhoivse les hives have baeve ben teren tansrfaonrmsfoerd bmey cd bivy cilizivaitliiozna„tion„in dien vedloepveeld opceod unctoruies ntrŒi‚es .„ŽŒ. ‚.„n Ž. otn her othwer ordwso rtdysp ictyapl ihcual nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters herers are aabroe uat baos upt has yspihcaylsliy caacllty ivae ctais ve Aams erAmicaernis caonr s uor ropueraonps eawnhs o winhco luindce lude abouat baon ut haon ur hoouf r e­oerf ec­isere ciisn e thin eir thdeiar ily daroiluy trinoue. tinn e. can se cyaosu e yaoru e waroe nw- on- ActivAcity otivivtey or tvhe Aer the Ages gesderidnerg imngo st mmost ammmamals mian ls thin e wthie ld whiald ve hPavAe LPs AoLf s ’.o’ f o’r .’ moor rme onreea rnly early 22 22 twicte waics e hais gh hiags h haus nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters.herers. …n †‡…n ˆ‰†, ‡iˆn ‰, thin e tahfte eramfterath maotf h Šoof rŠld oŠrld ar Š……a, r th……e , t‹hne it‹ed niŒtead tiŒonas tiocnres - cre- Thu Ts hcuosm cpaomrapativrealty ivseply easpienag ing ated atthed e Žthoe od Žoaond d angd ricugrltiucure lturre ganrigazantiiozn at‚iŽon ‚Žƒ to eƒ ltio meilnimate inhaute nh- un-humhaunms awnhs o wmho ust mhuust nht uannt d agand thgaer thaler l tahle l tfhooe d fotohd ey theeay t aenat d amnd ame ae ger, gfoero, d foinod seicnusreictyu, raitnyd , amnd alnmuatlrnituiotrni. ti‘onu. t ‘wuht en whŽen  Žsc iensctistiens tistans d and evereyvtherinytg htihneg y tohwey n obwy n hbay nd haanre d suarbe stsuabnsttiaalnly tilaeslly s laescts ivae cttihvae n thaavern aavgere age burebuaurceraauts crfiarst ts fitrrst ied trtio ed figto ufire gouure t hoouw t hmow ucmh ufocoh d fothoe d wthoe rlwd onreld edneede, ded, free-f rreane-g rianng mginag mmmamals.mals. they threeay lirzeead lizthed ey thdeidy nd’t idknn’t ow knion w pain rt paberct abuesce authsee y thweery e wiergne oirgannot roaf nt of “ere“’s eraen’s otahnerot hstera rtstlianrg tliwnag y woaf y thoif nthiinng ianbg ouat bothuest te hesnue mnbuersmb• ers• how hmow ucmh uench erengy erpgey opplee ospple enst pbeneit nbg eiancg tivaec. tivef . couf rscoeu, rsa eb, iga gber igpgerer -per-if yoiu f yaoru e aa re typa ictyapl ipcaersl poersn won ho wbaho rebaly ree­ly erec­iseresc isiest w oit uwld outald e tayoe u you son smon ust meuast t meaot rme coare lorciaes lorpies er pder ay dthay an tha an sma asllmer alpler erspoersn, buont , buhot w how …ust …aun st haon ur hoour r twor o towf o woaf lwinalg ipner g pder ay dto ay bte o abs e pahs yspihcaylsliy caalcly tivae ctaivs e as mucmh umcoh rme fooroe d fodoo d yodu o ynoeu ed nteo ed eatt o ief ayt oiu f yaore u a afrae ca tofary ctworoy rkwero, rka erm, ia nmer, iner, a hua nhteru-n gaterth- gaerterh. ererven . vsen o fseow  fAew merAmicaernis caonr s our ropueraonps eacnus rrcenurtrly ently a fara mfaerr, moerr a , ocr oma cpoumter puptrer ogprraomgrmamerm„ ern„ d hnod w hdoo w thdoo ste hnoese edns eveadrs y viaf ry if manmagae nato ge acto hiaecvhe iethve oste homse odmest odlest evels levoef ls acotf ivaictyti. vTithy. e Tahve eraavgere aPgAe L PAL you ayore mu arae mle, faemle, faemle, palree, pgnraengtn, yanotu, yngou, onr eg, oldr eerllyd„erly„of inodf uistndruiastliriead liaedd ulats duin lts thin e dthee vedloepveeld opweod rlwd ois rld ‚.„is † ‚.a„n†d  amnd anmy asnedy -sed- 23 23 Ž Žsc iensctistiens tistdes ciddeecd idto ed mto eamsuerae supree oppleeo’s penle’s erengy ereg“y pene“dpientudres itures entaenry tianrdy iivnidduivails duhaals ve heavven e evloen wer lowPAer LPs.ALs. Thes Te hdesee cldineescli nmeso rmeoovrereo ver usinug sitnhg e tshie mpsilest mplest metrmic etprioc sspibolses, ibtlhee , tphhe yspihcayl sicaactl ivaicty tivliety vell, evoer l, or are raerle atrievlealty ivreelcy enret caennd t alanrd gelaly rgreelfly ercet flcehcat ncghes anign es hoin w hwoe w wwoe rw oesrp ees- pe- Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 18Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 187/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 19Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 197/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

20 20 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 21 21 ciallcy itahlle y gthroe wgtrh owof th desof k djesobk s jtohbas t tghlaut e gulus e to uos uto r cohuar icrs. haIin rs. 19In 6019, a60bo, uat bout you yreoau d rtehaad t tchoart recocrtlrye) chtloyp) pheod ppoend to otnhte o wthhe ewel haened l aennd joenyed joa yefd ew a fmew inm- in- 25 25 half hoaf lf alol f joabll s join bs thin e Uthne itUed niStetd ates Staitnes voilnvevd olvaet d leaat st least oderoadte erlaetve els levels utes outf res ounf rnuinng inin png ilan pce blaefce bore defoisre dappiseaaprpineag baring back inctk io tnhte no thige nht.ight. of ohf ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti, vbuity, t butodt aty odlesay s lesths an tha0 n er0 cenert cenof t joobf s jodbes daend and WerWe erthe este hesane imanals imeaxls erecxiserincgis, inpgla, ypinlagy, inogr , juor st jurust nnruinng nifnrg om from ore othre an thlaign ht liglehvt els levoef ls acotf ivaictyti, vaitn y, aavn eraavgere argede urcetdioun ctioof n at of leaat st lea ast a instiinncstt incto  ono e oknne owkns, owansd , atnhd e tahne swaner swpaer rtpaly rdtely pendedps enodn s hoon w hwow e we 24 24 hunhdurend drcead lorciaes lories er der definde efienxere ecxisere caisne d apnlad y. plaaym. uaeml uoehl nsoohn nsdoidn ndt idcnont sciodner sieider ther eitwher ord word ha t haot dest odaest oaunt ouonf t uonf suennst enenert engy ergy adds adud s to u twto entwtyen sit­ yt shio­ utshaonud safenwd er fewcaer lorciaes lorsies enst oenver t otvher e ctohue rscoe uorsf e of wortwhoy rtohf y an of enan treny itn ry hiis n cheis lebceraletebd radteid ctidoincatiroyn, abury, t busubt ssue busene t uendict - dic- a yeaa ry, eenaro, uengh outo gh ruto n raubn ouat btoen ut ten aratharoants. ho€nns. d €onud tsoidue tsoidue r ojoubr sj, owbe s, we tionatiroines argies energenallery adlely finde efi­nexe er­ecxisere” cisas e” a a­s pa lan­pnleadn, nstedr, ustctruurcetd uprehd yspih- ysi- walk wlaeslk s, lesdrsi, ve drivoe re, oarned , aunsd e ucose unctoluesns tleness erengyer sagvyi n sag vidneg vidces evifcres o fro cal accatli a‚ictyti to‚it iym top irmo‚per ho‚eea hlthe,a filtthn, fiests,n oesrs, p ohry psihcayls sickaill sls,k”i alls,n”d a ­npdla ­yp” alasy ” as shoshiong cinarg ts cato rtes lteo vaetloers vattohrs at twhhat itwtlhe iattwle aya, wcaaylo, rciae lobry ie cably orciael, oart ieh, oaw t how ­an a­acn ti‚aicty ti‚uinty duerntdakeren takfoen r nfo or snero iosuers iopuras cptircaacl tpicuarl ppousrep.” osƒes .” faƒr s afs ar wae s we uch uchh ysihcayl asiccatl aivicty wtivite dy woe d. o. knowkn, aolwl , malal mmmamals mpalls ay pwlahy en whthen ey tharee y yaorue nygou, hnegl, phineg lptinhem g thaem c uaicr e uire he hroe blerob, leof , coouf rscoeu, rsis et, his at thhat ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivhiety lhs esllos w slaogw inag ging sociasol cainad l apnhd yspihcayl ssickail lls. ski„lls. um„aunms aanre s oanre e oonf e thoe f ftehw e fsepw ecsipes ectihes at tahlsao t also and anrod rootes ofites tnesfits naesns d ahned alhthe. aSlto h. thSoo ste hoof se us of wuhs o wnho o lonno gler onenger gaenge gage somseotimmees timples ay pals ay adaus latsd, ualtnsd , aunnd i uuneil y uien ly thin e cthone tceoxnt toef xst poof rstps, oa rtds, isa - dis- in ihn ysihcayl silcaabl olr abto or suto rvsuive rvive ust unost w nwow eirwdleiy rcdhly oocshe ooto se ento gaenge gain ge in tincttii‚ne cthi‚ue mhaun mbaen hab‚eihor a‚cioomr cmomon mto on altl o caulll tucures. ltures. ot alol t saplol rstps, ohrtosw, h- ow- unnuecnesnescaesry sarhy ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivfiotr y tfhoe r tshae ke saokf e hoef alhth eaaltnh d afintd nesfits. nesIn s. In e‚ere, ‚aerre , eaxrere ecxisere c…iscoe n…sciodner siddaer rtds aarnts d aanud to aruatco inragc). in†g)y . o†py inoipon inis ion this at that other wother wordso, erd­ser, ec­isere.cise. whilwe hmilae nmy aanny imanals imaarls e darrie ‚en dri‚ben y dbey ep deinestp iinncstts intco ts mtoo ‚me, os‚oem, seotimmees times causcianug sipnlg eapsuleraesu, erxeer, ecxisere caiss e wae s dwee finde efiint—e dit—isc dreisticorneatiroyn, aprlya, npnlead nned physpihcayl siaccatl i‚aicty ti‚foitr y tfhoe r sthake e saokf e phof yspihcayl siicmal pirmo‚pemro‚enemt—en is t—a is una i uuneil y uely How EHoxw Eercixsee Brcisee Bcamece Wamee Wird eird humhaun mbaen hab‚eihora. ‚ˆion r. faˆcn t, faˆ ctth, iˆ ntk hiit nis k ift ais ir fto aimr tao kme tawke o tgweno ergenalier‰aatliio‰nas tions ƒodƒeron derbin obeiodiceadl ircesal eraesrceh arrceh lies releies ­tene­stienvelsy ivoen ly on illionils lioonf s oif ce ice abouat bhouumt haun meaxn erecxisere. cŠisierst. Š, iwrsth, ilwe hyoilue nygstouners gsthers a‚e haal‚we aayls wpalyas yepd laayend d and that tshaent sd enthd e enthe tirenetty iroef ty thoeif r thbeirir ef brliivef es liivn es anin ianal ifaacl ilfiatices ilitwies herwe here sporstps oarrte s a arhe ua mhaun muann i‚uersni‚aersl, eaxler, ecxisere coisue tsoidue tstihde e cthoe ntceoxnt toef xt spoof rstps orts they thlievy e liin ve tiinn y, ticnlye, ar clealar stilc astcaigc es cagees atineg atinnog thniontg hibung t buot use ouchse ow chow was weaxs tremextreemly realy re raurne tiul nretill atrie‚lealty i‚reelcy enretclyen. tleyc. onedc, onas d, reacs enret centect ht-ech- and anned ver nesveer einseg eithne g ltihge ht liogf htt hoe f suthe n. su„nec. a„uesce authsese te huesne luucnkly uackny ianals ials nolongoicloagl iacnal d asnod ciasol cdiael ‚edloep‚emloenpmts enhtas ‚e had‚ie mdinimishineisd hiend duistndruiastlir‰iead li‰ed are narae tunraatluly rasloly ciasol, ctihale, y thaere y uarsue aulsuly ahloly usheod usin ed girn ougrs ouof s aboof uat bfiouvet , five, peoppleeos pnlees ed neto ed be to pbhe yspihcaylsliy caalclty i‚aec, ta i‚eg, roa wgirnog wcinhg orcuhs ooruf s exopf erextps erhats s has and abned cabuesce authsee y tharee y naare tunraatluly raalclty ivaec, tiit veis , istt is anstdaarnd darrd actircae cttio ce ltao ce la ace a ne‚er cne‚eer caseed taso red taiso re taishe ae thlae arm tlarhm tat whae at wrene at erenxert ecxiserincg enising enougho.ugh. little lirtotlde enrot dwenht ewel hien eel ain ch eaccah ge csao ge thseo y thcaen y craun n riun n enin dlenesds lcesirs clcesir, cnlesot , not ‹he ‹fihrst e figrst energenalier‰aatliio‰na, titohna, t tahdaut lat deuxlert ecxisere cis ise mis odmerond, eris nk, iis nd kionf d of unliuke nlhikue hauns aonn s a otn rea adtreaidll. €ilnl. d€, bnody, , bdoo y, thdeo y thruey n. ruyn. icyal ilcaabl olraab ora ob‚ioobu‚s. ioƒus. s wƒe s hwae ‚e haa‚lre eaadlry easdey ens, eeenar, ly eafralry mfaers rmhers ad hto ad totio l taos il haas rd hard tory troordy enrotds envotls uvnotlaurnilty aarinly d arned eraetedealy terduln y roun n thon eir thweihr ewels hefeols r ofnoer o t noe t o as if ans oif t hnaort dher artdher an thhaun nhteru-n gaterth- gaertersher, ersand , afnor d tfhoe r ltahst e lfaest w ftehw outshaonud sand two t woin utie nbuote utbso, ustos, seotiees titoes taltiontg alitnhg rete hree iles ia les nia ghnt. ig…hut. ri…ouurs ious years yefaars rmfaers rmpers rimparrimily aerxilery ecxiseredcis, oefdten , oftthen rotuhgrh ousgph orstps, otro tsp, rteo paprree paforr e for whewthher ethwer ild wriold denrotds enwtos uwld oudo ld tdho e tshae sea, thee , t†hue tc†h untceh urnoesucrienosctist ientist fightfiignhgt. iƒnng. cƒiennct itenext ts telxikts e lThe ike The Iliad,Iliad, pain patinings tinfrgs om frpohm arpahoanriac oŒgnic ypŒgt, ypt, ‡oha‡nonha anƒna eijƒer eijer laced lacoend e oonf e thoof ste horose denrot denwht ewels heien ls ain n oavn erogvrerowgn rown and a†nd es†opesotoapmotiaan mciaan r‚cinargs ‚intestgs itfesty tihfay t tshpaot rstps olrikts e lwikre estwlriestng, lisnpgr, inspt-rint- corncer ornof er her of hgaer rdgaen rdin en i0n 09 0w0i9 th wfiotoh d foaos d baas it, baseitt , us et a un iga hnt ivgishti ovn ision ing, ingand, ajan‚de linja‚ etlinhro twhingrow hingelp heedl pweodu wldo- bue ldw- bae rrwioars rrikoers ep kefiet p anfid t ahnod ne hone caceraa tero a retco orred cworhd awt hhaat henaeden, aendd , awnend wt teno bt eto d. bˆedh. en ˆhsen he svhiee wveid ewed comcbaomt sbakit lls. skiŽlls. ut Žnuot t nalol t eaxlerl ecxisere ciisn e thin e tahne ciaennct ienwot rlwd owrlad s wcoas mcbaomt bat the ttahe e ttahe e nthee ­t ne­ot rnionrgn, isnhge , fsohue nfd outo nd her to dheer ligdhet litghhat t tdhoa‰t endos ‰enof s her of her relatreedla. tˆef dy. oˆu f ywoeru e wweree alwthey alenthy ouengh outgo h attto enad ttenond e oonf e thoe f gthree agt rƒeatht eƒ-the- gardgaenr’ds ens’s asll wailll d wdienld id‰enenis ‰enhas d hruad n rwuhn ilwe hsihle e sshlee ts. le€ftt. er €fnter ibbnliinbg bling nian nsiacn hosocls hooof ls phof ilopshoiplohsyo, pyhoyu , ywoou uwld ouhald ‚e hba‚ee en beaen d‚isaded ‚isto ed exto erecxisere cise on tohn e bathe it, bathite , ltohce all ocail ce, ircaet, s, rasthsr, eswhsr, ewfrso, gsfr, oagsnd , aenvd en evsen naisls na‹yils es, ‹yes, as paas rt paof rt yoouf r yoou‚r eroa‚ll ereadlul ceadtuiocna. tio‘nh. il‘oshoiplohsers ophlers ike l‘ikle ato‘, latoo, craotescr, ates, Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 20Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 20 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 21Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 21 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

20 20 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 21 21 ciallcy itahlle y gthroe wgtrh owof th desof k djesobk s jtohbas t tghlaut e gulus e to uos uto r cohuar icrs. haIin rs. 19In 6019, a60bo, uat bout you yreoau d rtehaad t tchoart recocrtlrye) chtloyp) pheod ppoend to otnhte o wthhe ewel haened l aennd joenyed joa yefd ew a fmew inm-in- 25 25 half hoaf lf alol f joabll s join bs thin e Uthne itUed niStetd ates Staitnes voilnvevd olvaet d leaat st least oderoadte erlaetve els levels utes outf res ounf rnuinng inin png ilan pce blaefce bore defoisre dappiseaaprpineag baring back inctk io tnhte no thige nht.ight. of ohf ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti, vbuity, t butodt aty odlesay s lesths an tha0 n er0 cenert cenof t joobf s jodbes daend and WerWe erthe este hesane imanals imeaxls erecxiserincgis, inpgla, ypinlagy, inogr , juor st jurust nnruinng nifnrg om from ore othre an thlaign ht liglehvt els levoef ls acotf ivaictyti, vaitn y, aavn eraavgere argede urcetdioun ctioof n at of leaat st lea ast a instiinncstt incto  ono e oknne owkns, owansd , atnhd e tahne swaner swpaer rtpaly rdtely pendedps enodn s hoon w hwow e we 2424 hunhdurend drcead lorciaes lories er der efienxere ecxisere caisne d apnlad y. plaaym. uaeml uoehl nsoohn nsdoidn ndt idcnont sciodner sieider ther eitwher ord word ha t haot dest odaest oaunt ouonf t uonf suennst enenert engy ergy adds adud s to u twto entwtyen sit­ yt shio­ utshaonud safenwd er fewcaer lorciaes lorsies enst oenver t otvher e ctohue rscoe uorsf e of wortwhoy rtohf y an of enan treny itn ry hiis n cheis lebceraletebd radteid ctidoincatiroyn, abury, t busubt ssue busene t uendict - dic- a yeaa ry, eenaro, uengh outo gh ruto n raubn ouat btoen ut ten aratharoants. ho€nns. d €onud tsoidue tsoidue r ojoubr sj, owbe s, we tionatiroines argies energenallery adlely finde efi­nexe er­ecxisere” cisas e” a a­s pa lan­pnleadn, nstedr, ustctruurcetd uprehd yspih- ysi- walk wlaeslk s, lesdrsi, ve drivoe re, oarned , aunsd e ucose unctoluesns tleness erengyer sagvyi n sag vidneg vidces evifcres o fro cal accatli a‚ictyti to‚it iym top irmo‚per ho‚eea hlthe,a filtthn, fiests,n oesrs, p ohry psihcayls sickaill sls,k”i alls,n”d a ­npdla ­yp” alasy ” as shoshiong cinarg ts cato rtes lteo vaetloers vattohrs at twhhat itwtlhe iattwle aya, wcaaylo, rciae lobry ie cably orciael, oart ieh, oaw t how ­an a­acn ti‚aicty ti‚uinty duerntdakeren takfoen r nfo or snero iosuers iopuras cptircaacl tpicuarl ppousrep.” osƒes .” faƒr s afs ar wae s we uch uchh ysihcayl asiccatl aivicty wtivite dy woe d.o.knowkn, aolwl , malal mmmamals mpalls ay pwlahy en whthen ey tharee y yaorue nygou, hnegl, phineg lptinhem g thaem c uaicr e uire he hroe blerob, leof , coouf rscoeu, rsis et, his at thhat ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivhiety lhs esllos w slaogw inag ging sociasol cainad l apnhd yspihcayl ssickail lls. ski„lls. um„aunms aanre s oanre e oonf e thoe f ftehw e fsepw ecsipes ectihes at tahlsao t also and anrod rootes ofites tnesfits naesns d ahned alhthe. aSlto h. thSoo ste hoof se us of wuhs o wnho o lonno gler onenger gaenge gage somseotimmees timples ay pals ay adaus latsd, ualtnsd , aunnd i uuneil y uien ly thin e ctohne tceoxnt toef xst poof rstps, oa rtds, isa - dis- in ihn ysihcayl silcaabl olr abto or suto rvsuive rvive ust unost w nwow eirwdleiy rcdhly oocshe ooto se ento gaenge gain ge in tincttii‚ne cthi‚ue mhaun mbaen hab‚eihor a‚cioomr cmomon mto on altl o caulll tucures. ltures. ot alol t saplol rstps, ohrtosw, h- ow- unnuecnesnescaesry sarhy ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivfiotr y tfhoe r tshae ke saokf e hoef alhth eaaltnh d afintd nesfits. nesIn s. In e‚ere, ‚aerre , eaxrere ecxisere c…iscoe n…sciodner siddaer rtds aarnts d aanud to aruatco inragc). in†g)y . o†py inoipon inis ion this at that other wother wordso, erd­ser, ec­isere.cise.whilwe hmilae nmy aanny imanals imaarls e darrie ‚en dri‚ben y dbey ep deinestp iinncstts intco ts mtoo ‚me, os‚oem, seotimmees times causcianug sipnlg eapsuleraesu, erxeer, ecxisere caiss e wae s dwee finde efiint—e dit—isc dreisticorneatiroyn, aprlya, npnlead nned physpihcayl siaccatl i‚aicty ti‚foitr y tfhoe r sthake e saokf e phof yspihcayl siicmal pirmo‚pemro‚enemt—en is t—a is una i uuneil y uely How EHoxw Eercixsee Brcisee Bcamece Wamee Wird eirdhumhaun mbaen hab‚eihora. ‚ˆion r. faˆcn t, faˆ ctth, iˆ ntk hiit nis k ift ais ir fto aimr tao kme tawke o tgweno ergenalier‰aatliio‰nas tions ƒodƒeron derbin obeiodiceadl ircesal eraesrceh arrceh lies releies ­tene­stienvelsy ivoen ly on illionils lioonf s oif ce ice abouat bhouumt haun meaxn erecxisere. cŠisierst. Š, iwrsth, ilwe hyoilue nygstouners gsthers a‚e haal‚we aayls wpalyas yepd laayend d and that tshaent sd enthd e enthe tirenetty iroef ty thoeif r thbeirir ef brliivef es liivn es anin ianal ifaacl ilfiatices ilitwies herwe here sporstps oarrte s a arhe ua mhaun muann i‚uersni‚aersl, eaxler, ecxisere coisue tsoidue tstihde e cthoe ntceoxnt toef xt spoof rstps orts they thlievy e liin ve tiinn y, ticnlye, ar clealar stilc astcaigc es cagees atineg atinnog thniontg hibung t buot use ouchse ow chow was weaxs tremextreemly realy re raurne tiul nretill atrie‚lealty i‚reelcy enretclyen. tleyc. onedc, onas d, reacs enret centect ht-ech- and anned ver nesveer einseg eithne g ltihge ht liogf htt hoe f suthe n. su„nec. a„uesce authsese te huesne luucnkly uackny ianals ials nolongoicloagl iacnal d asnod ciasol cdiael ‚edloep‚emloenpmts enhtas ‚e had‚ie mdinimishineisd hiend duistndruiastlir‰iead li‰ed are narae tunraatluly rasloly ciasol, ctihale, y thaere y uarsue aulsuly ahloly usheod usin ed girn ougrs ouof s aboof uat bfiouvet , five, peoppleeos pnlees ed neto ed be to pbhe yspihcaylsliy caalclty i‚aec, ta i‚eg, roa wgirnog wcinhg orcuhs ooruf s exopf erextps erhats s has and abned cabuesce authsee y tharee y naare tunraatluly raalclty ivaec, tiit veis , istt is anstdaarnd darrd actircae cttio ce ltao ce la ace a ne‚er cne‚eer caseed taso red taiso re taishe ae thlae arm tlarhm tat whae at wrene at erenxert ecxiserincg enising enougho.ugh. little lirtotlde enrot dwenht ewel hien eel ain ch eaccah ge csao ge thseo y thcaen y craun n riun n enin dlenesds lcesirs clcesir, cnlesot , not ‹he ‹fihrst e figrst energenalier‰aatliio‰na, titohna, t tahdaut lat deuxlert ecxisere cis ise mis odmerond, eris nk, iis nd kionf d of unliuke nlhikue hauns aonn s a otn rea adtreaidll. €ilnl. d€, bnody, , bdoo y, thdeo y thruey n. ruyn. icyal ilcaabl olraab ora ob‚ioobu‚s. ioƒus. s wƒe s hwae ‚e haa‚lre eaadlry easdey ens, eeenar, ly eafralry mfaers rmhers ad hto ad totio l taos il haas rd hard tory troordy enrotds envotls uvnotlaurnilty aarinly d arned eraetedealy terduln y roun n thon eir thweihr ewels hefeols r ofnoer o t noe t o as if ans oif t hnaort dher artdher an thhaun nhteru-n gaterth- gaertersher, ersand , afnor d tfhoe r ltahst e lfaest w ftehw outshaonud sand two t woin utie nbuote utbso, ustos, seotiees titoes taltiontg alitnhg rete hree iles ia les nia ghnt. ig…hut. ri…ouurs ious years yefaars rmfaers rmpers rimparrimily aerxilery ecxiseredcis, oefdten , oftthen rotuhgrh ousgph orstps, otro tsp, rteo paprree paforr e for whewthher ethwer ild wriold denrotds enwtos uwld oudo ld tdho e tshae sea, thee , t†hue tc†h untceh urnoesucrienosctist ientist fightfiignhgt. iƒnng. cƒiennct itenext ts telxikts e lThe ike The Iliad,Iliad, pain patinings tinfrgs om frpohm arpahoanriac oŒgnic ypŒgt, ypt, ‡oha‡nonha anƒna eijƒer eijer laced lacoend e oonf e thoof ste horose denrot denwht ewels heien ls ain n oavn erogvrerowgn rown and a†nd es†opesotoapmotiaan mciaan r‚cinargs ‚intestgs itfesty tihfay t tshpaot rstps olrikts e lwikre estwlriestng, lisnpgr, inspt-rint- corncer ornof er her of hgaer rdgaen rdin en i0n 09 0w0i9 th wfiotoh d foaos d baas it, baseitt , us et a un iga hnt ivgishti ovn ision ing, ingand, ajan‚de linja‚ etlinhro twhingrow hingelp heedl pweodu wldo- bue ldw- bae rrwioars rrikoers ep kefiet p anfid t ahnod ne hone caceraa tero a retco orred cworhd awt hhaat henaeden, aendd , awnend wt teno bt eto d. bˆedh. en ˆhsen he svhiee wveid ewed comcbaomt sbakit lls. skiŽlls. ut Žnuot t nalol t eaxlerl ecxisere ciisn e thin e tahne ciaennct ienwot rlwd owrlad s wcoas mcbaomt bat the ttahe e ttahe e nthee ­t ne­ot rnionrgn, isnhge , fsohue nfd outo nd her to dheer ligdhet litghhat t tdhoa‰t endos ‰enof s her of her relatreedla. tˆef dy. oˆu f ywoeru e wweree alwthey alenthy ouengh outgo h attto enad ttenond e oonf e thoe f gthree agt rƒeatht eƒ-the- gardgaenr’ds ens’s asll wailll d wdienld id‰enenis ‰enhas d hruad n rwuhn ilwe hsihle e sshlee ts. le€ftt. er €fnter ibbnliinbg bling nian nsiacn hosocls hooof ls phof ilopshoiplohsyo, pyhoyu , ywoou uwld ouhald ‚e hba‚ee en beaen d‚isaded ‚isto ed exto erecxisere cise on tohn e bathe it, bathite , ltohce all ocail ce, ircaet, s, rasthsr, eswhsr, ewfrso, gsfr, oagsnd , aenvd en evsen naisls na‹yils es, ‹yes, as paas rt paof rt yoouf r yoou‚r eroa‚ll ereadlul ceadtuiocna. tio‘nh. il‘oshoiplohsers ophlers ike l‘ikle ato‘, latoo, craotescr, ates, Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 20Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 207/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 21Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 217/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

22 22 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 23 23 and aZnend Zo enof o Coitf iuCm itiupm reapcrheead chthed at ttho at litvo e ltihve e tbhest e bpest osspibolse silbifle e, loifnee , one manmy amnen y mwen ho wenho listeneld istoer d woerr e wderrae fdterd afftoer d Wfoor rWld oWrld ars WI ars anI d aInI d anII d and shouslhd ouexld erecxisere cnisoe t onnot ly oonnly e’os nme’is nmd ibund t abulst o aolsno e’os nbeo’s dyb. oTdhy. is Tihdis ea idis ea is by thby e tpahe thpaetitc hesttiac te stoaf te fiotnf esfits naesms oanmg osncg hosoclhcohoilldchren ildraen t thae t tsthae rt stoaf rt of 28 28 not njuost t jWust estWerestn. erCno. nCfuocniufus caiuns d aontd her othper romprionmenit nenCht inCeshie nesphe ilopshoil-oso- the Cthoe ld CWold arW. ar. Nat iNonaatil omnaol vmemovenemts ento ts drto um druum p fiutp nesfits nfesor s tfhoe r sthake e sake phers phaers lso atlsauo gthat utghhat t tehxaert ecxisere cisae s eas uaelly uaesllsy enestsiaenl ftoiar l pfohr yspihcayl siacnad l and of thoe stf thae stte statie stll ocilcl our iccn Cur ihn Cina ahinna ad enlsd eewlsheerweh. ere. menmtaenl hteaal lhth eaaltnh d aennd coenurcaoguerd agreegd urleagr uglayr mgnyamstnicas staincs d amnd armtiaal ratiratl s. arts. he ohthe er othsoer urscoe uorcf e anof iaenty iheaty s hbaes en bethen e hthee alhth eacloth nsceonusenecues enoces f of n nn dian, dyoiaga , yoga as deavs edloepveeld opaend d apnod puploapruilead ritheod utshaonudss anodf s yeoaf rs yeaagrs o ago eereciserincg istiono g ltiotto lel. ittlea. ny apney opplee otphlie ntk htiondk atyo’s dapyh’s yspihcayl siicnaal citnivaicty tiveipty i epi 26 26 to trtao tin braoin bth booth bdy aodny ad mnid mnd.ind. demdic emis ic a is noa venl ocvreisl iscr isbuis t buthis t tsthis ate stoaf te aloaf rm alahrm as hbaes en bemen oumntoiunng ting i­e sio ­e msao nmy apnuy rsupuitrsus, eitxser, ecxisere ciisn e thin e Wtheste Werestn eron rld otrolod ­ toa oba­ a c­ba- c­- ever esvier ncse inmcae cmhiances hinstes artsted artto ed retpo larece plhacue mhaun mpahn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti. v­ityv. er ­ver seat steo aot ttho er other orldloy rladnly d asnpd iristpuiarl itcuoanl cceronncs eranfts er aftther e ftahle l ofaf l€l oof m€e oamne d and the ltahst e l€a‚st ƒ y€‚eƒ arsye awrso rrwieod rrpiehd yspihciyasnicsi apnosl itpicoilaitnicsi aannsd aendd uceadtuors cathoars ve have didnd’t idhna’t ve haa ve rena arisensaaniscse anucne tiul nthtie l t€hene €aisensaaniscsea. n‚ceu. t ‚purit mparrimily arfiolr y for regurleagruly larralisy erd aisceod ncceronncs erthnas t tthhae t ythoue tyh ouof th thoeif r thdeiay r darae y waroe efwuolefly uleslly s less the pthre iviplreigveid leguepd per uppcler assces. lassWes. hiWle hpiele aspaenatss astntis ll sttoiilll etd oiiln ed thin e fithee ldfis, elds, activaec tliesves lfiest s afintd athnud s thlesus s lheses alhthey altthhay n ththan e pthree vpioreuvs ioguens ergenatierona. tiony . y fiftefienftteh-entot-h-setoven-setveenentteh-en centh-t cuenry tuedry uceadtuors cataonrs d apnhd ilopshoiplohsers ophsuers ch suacs h as univuersnivitersy „itya r„vaarrdv ais rdn o is eno ceeptcioenp. ti…ont . th…e t ttuhe rn tuorf n thoe f ltahst e lcaenst tcuenryt ury „ohn „o hon c­ eo, c…­eer, …cuerricaulisri, aClisrist, Córbaistl ó…baénl …deén, d„eoh, n „oChon mCenomiuens, iaunsd , aˆnid t- ˆit- †ud†leuy d…lely len …l‡len arg‡enartg enwht o wfhouo nfdoued ndthed e tmhe odmeron derphn yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn ation torintoo ridna o ‰dea ltr‰e elatrde voacdavtoed cateexd erecxiseres cislies ­e lig­ye mgnyamstnicasst, ifcens, cfienngc, inagn, d and movmemovenemt ienn t …imn er…mica erˆiacna d ˆafonr d yfeoar rs yedairs recdtiered ctthee d gthye m gwym herwe hI erse omI seome horsheobarsce­ barcid­ inrig difnor g tfhoe r ethlie tes elitto es prto omproote mvoitge ovr, igtoear, ch teacchh arcahcater racatner d and times timwes ork woourk t‰ owuto‰r rwieod rrtihead t t“htaht er“te hneree ver newver as wa atis ma e tiimn e thin e hthiste ohristy oof ry of valuvesal, uaesn, d aennd riench rimch inmds. inTds. hen Thaen s thas e tmhe idmdle iddanle d aunpd per uppcer lassces lasses the wthoe rlwd owrlhd en whthen e gthree agt rmeaat sms oaf ss moaf nmkiannd kcinoud lcd omuled emt tehee t stihme psile meplie  ei expaenxdpaed ndraepd idraly pidduly ridnug rtinhe g Šnthe liŠnghtlenighmtenenmt aennd t atnhe d tnhde ustndruiastl r€ieavl o€-evo- gencgienes coif es lifoe f wlifie th wsio th listto le liettlpe enedpientudre itouf re tiomf e tiamne d aennd erengy erags y toads atyo ” day ” lutiolun,t io„ena,n „-e „aacn- „uaes cu€es ou€ssoeuasus, eTauh, oTmhaos m„eaffs ers„effoersn, oann, d aontd her othlier berlaibl eral and atnhd at th“wat it“hwouitt hosoult id soplihd yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn atiporn ogprraomgrsa mpeso pplee owploe uwld ould 29 29 lumliunmariines arenies thenustihaustsiicaastlliy caelxlty oellxetd oltlhee d nthae tunraatl uvraall uve aoluf e phoyf spihcayl siaccatl i-acti- becobmece omfate fdaeft odrmefoerdm aendd acnlud mclsuym.” sy.” … h u… nhdurend draend d atnwd entwty enyety ars years vity vainty d afintd nesfits nteso s grto ogirnog innug mnbuers mboers f thoe f tnhee nly eafflly uaenffltu. enŽht. ysŽihcayl sical laterl ata erc oa mcpormehpenreshienve ssuive rvsuey rovef y coolf lecgoe llestgue dstenutds enfrtos m fro„m ar„vaarrd vaarnd d and cultucure ltsuprre esapd rreaapd idraly pitdhlry otuhgrhoouugt hŠouurt oŠpuer, otphee , ‘thne it‘ed ni’tetad tes’t, aatesnd , aenlsd e-else- elsewelsheerwe hferoue nfd oulesnd s lteshas n thhaan lf healerf ecisered cisreegd urleagrulyl atrhlyu s thcuons tcroibuntrtiibung ting here hiern e thin e nthine enteinenetteh encenth tcuenryt, umryo, st mesost peescipalelcy iain lly scin hosocls hoaonls d aunnd i-uni- 30 30 to “pto “oor mpooenr mtaenl hteaal hlth aealnth ad inncd irenacsreed staserd stess.r”ess.” versvitersies. Šities. Šxercxisere acisne ad endd eucadtuiocn batioen bcamece iamnee ixtnriecxatbrliy lcabinly l­eidn.­ed. …nd …sno d wse o pwre omproote meote erecisere. cis’uest . ’aus st wae s pwue t pwuht ewels heien ls cian ges cagfoes r for “nd “ynet d fyoer t tfhoe r ltahst e flaest  fceen tcuenriestu, reiesxp, erextps erhatvs e havoe rrieod rriinecd esinscaesntsly antly mice min ice laibn s laobvser otvher e ctenhe tcuenries turwies e hwae ve hianvve enintveend a testd ua nstnuinng nvinarg ievtay rioef ty of that thae t are ena’t renex’ert ecxiserincg isienng ouengho. ug”ha. ti”onaatiloisnm alisis m onis e omne ajomr asjoor urscoe urce ways waanyd s amned amns efaonr s ofuor r foeullr ofw elhlouw mhaunms tao nus nto duerntdakere toapke tioonpatil opnhayl spihcayl sical of thois f tahnis xiaentyx. ie„utyst . „aus st aans ciaennct i’enpat r’tpaanrs taners e reree uriereud iraend d a€nod m€aonms ans activaicty tivfoitr y tfhoe r stahke e soaf ke heoaf lhth eaalnth d afintnd esfits. nes“ns. su“rnpsurisripnrgislyin eglyer ecisere chisae s has ere uerre geud rgto ed be to fibt e enfiot uengh outgo h fitgo ht figas ht soals dsiersold, iersflag, -fl aagv-i nag vilneag dlers eaders becobmece oimnce reinacsrineagsly inagdly veradtisvered tisaes d viars tuvoiruts uoauns d ahnad s hbaes en becen omcmomodmiodi and aendd uceadtuors cationrs creinacsrineagsly inegxlhy oerxthed oroterdd ionradriy ncairty icenitis teno pas to rtpaicirpaticte ipain te in fied ficeodm cmomermciaerlic”ieadli ”aendd ainndd uistndruiastlir”ieadli. ”eo du. so e tuhse e wtheie gwheit mghat cmhianceshi nes sporstps oarnts d aonthd er otfhoer rmfos romf s exoerf ecxisere caiss e praes paprreapatiorn atfioor n mfoir limtarily itsaerry vsicere. vice. treadtrmeaidllsm iellslli petlicliaplsti caalsnd aonthd er othcoer ntcroanpttiroanps tioin ns thin e gthye m gayrm ouanrd outnhd e the “n es“n peescipalelcy iainllfly uinenfltuiaenl ptiraol ppornoenpot noenf t thois f tmhis ovmemovenemt enat s ‰ars ie‰drriiech drich corncer ornfrer om frmom y hmoy ushe oucosste s cosstevs ensetvy endoty lladrs ollpaer rs mper onmtho. nWthh. en WhI en heaI d head „ahn„, ahthne , “th‰e at“h‰er athof er —oyf m—” ic‰s.o” llo‰olilnog i”nag p”olaepoonl’es ohnu’s mhiulimatiinlig ating out ofour t a for ma ormnionrg nirnug n ruI nw eI ar wesapr ecsipaleic”iead li”reud nnruinng nisnhg oessh ocesh afceh afe strinstg rionf g viocf tovriices toroies ver o—ver erm—eran maarn maies rmiin es thin e tehae rly eanrilny enteinenetteh encenth -cen- prevpenretvineng tisnhg orsths ora tss na a””sny a””moy istmuoristeu wrieck winicg kisnhg irst ha irtw aa shwaabslhe acbalpe cap turyt, u„rayh, n „aahrn guaerd gutehd at thedaut ceadtuors cathors ad ha ad resa proesnspiobnilsitiby iltio ty restto orreste othre e the and aann d ean penespienve swivae tcwh attchh at tchoant nceocntns etco ts sato telslaittes elliotes verohveerad heto ad trtao ck track physpihcayl siacnad l amnd ormal ostrarl enstgrtenh gotf h hois f nhais tionna’ts ioyno’s utyh outih th citah listcahlenistihcens, ics, my smpy eesd peaend d adnistd adnistcea. n­ces. ca­r sWcair ldWe ioldne ce onuce ippueidp p“eI da p“pI raopvpe roof ve anoy f any 27 27 gymgnyamstnicasst, ihcis­, ihnig­, inrugn, nruinngn, inangd , amnd orme.ore. activaicty tivtihty at trheat urieres uitrhes e twhee arwineag rionf g spoef csipal eccilaol thcilontgh ” inbug ” t buI sut I spsuecst pect at er , atserim, isliamr ilaor rries orriin es in “mer“mica ericera e erspe ursrpeud rrbey d tbhy e temhe baemrrbaassrirnasg silnacg ­ laocf ­ fiotnf esfits nesams oanmg ong even evhen e whoe uwld obue ld sbhe ocskheod ckaet d thae t pthoe puploapruitly aroif ty “aotf h“leisuathleisure”—re w”—orko worutko ut Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 22Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 22 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 23Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 23 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

22 22 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 23 23 and aZnend Zo enof o Coitf iuCm itiupm reapcrheead chthed at ttho at litvo e ltihve e tbhest e bpest osspibolse silbifle e, loifnee , one manmy amnen y mwen ho wenho listeneld istoer d woerr e wderrae fdterd afftoer d Wfoor rWld oWrld ars WI ars anI d aInI d anII d and shouslhd ouexld erecxisere cnisoe t onnot ly oonnly e’os nme’is nmd ibund t abulst o aolsno e’os nbeo’s dyb. oTdhy. is Tihdis ea idis ea is by thbe y tpahe thpaetitc hesttiac te stoaf te fiotnf esfits naesms oanmg osncg hosoclhcohoilldchren ildraen t thae t tsthae rt stoaf rt of 28 28 not njuost t jWust estWerestn. erCno. nCfuocniufus caiuns d aontd her othper romprionmenit nenCht inCeshie nesphe ilopshoil-oso-the Cthoe ld CWold Nat iNonaatil omnaol vmemovenemts ento ts drto um druum p fiutp nesfits nfesor s tfhoe r sthake e sake phers phaers lso atlsauo gthat utghhat t tehxaert ecxisere cisae s eas uaelly uaesllsy enestsiaenl ftoiar l pfohr yspihcayl siacnad l and of thoe stf thae stte statie stll ocilcl our iccn Cur ihn Cina ahinna ad enlsd eewlsheerweh. ere. menmtaenl hteaal lhth eaaltnh d aennd coenurcaoguerd agreegd urleagr uglayr mgnyamstnicas staincs d amnd armtiaal ratiratl s. arts. he ohthe er othsoer urscoe uorcf e anof iaenty iheaty s hbaes en bethen e hthee alhth eacloth nsceonusenecues enoces f of n nn dian, dyoiaga , yoga as deavs edloepveeld opaend d apnod puploapruilead ritheod utshaonudss anodf s yeoaf rs yeaagrs o ago eereciserincg istiono g ltiotto lel. ittlea. ny apney opplee otphlie ntk htiondk atyo’s dapyh’s yspihcayl siicnaal citnivaicty tiveipty i epi 2626 to trtao tin braoin bth booth bdy aodny ad mnid mnd.ind.demdic emis ic a is noa venl ocvreisl iscr isbuis t buthis t tsthis ate stoaf te aloaf rm alahrm as hbaes en bemen oumntoiunng ting i­e sio ­e msao nmy apnuy rsupuitrsus, eitxser, ecxisere ciisn e thin e Wtheste Werestn eron rld otrolod ­ toa oba­ a c­ba-c­-ever esvier ncse inmcae cmhiances hinstes artsted artto ed retpo larece plhacue mhaun mpahn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti. v­ityv. er ­ver seat steo aot ttho er other orldloy rladnly d asnpd iristpuiarl itcuoanl cceronncs eranfts er aftther e ftahle l ofaf l€l oof m€e oamne d and the ltahst e l€a‚st ƒ y€‚eƒ arsye awrso rrwieod rrpiehd yspihciyasnicsi apnosl itpicoilaitnicsi aannsd aendd uceadtuors cathoars ve have didnd’t idhna’t ve haa ve rena arisensaaniscse anucne tiul nthtie l t€hene €aisensaaniscsea. n‚ceu. t ‚purit mparrimily arfiolr y for regurleagruly larralisy erd aisceod ncceronncs erthnas t tthhae t ythoue tyh ouof th thoeif r thdeiay r darae y waroe efwuolefly uleslly s less the pthre iviplreigveid leguepd per uppcler assces. lassWes. hiWle hpiele aspaenatss astntis ll sttoiilll etd oiiln ed thin e fithee ldfis, elds, activaec tliesves lfiest s afintd athnud s thlesus s lheses alhthey altthhay n ththan e pthree vpioreuvs ioguens ergenatierona. tiony . y fiftefienftteh-entot-h-setoven-setveenentteh-en centh-t cuenry tuedry uceadtuors cataonrs d apnhd ilopshoiplohsers ophsuers ch suacs h as univuersnivitersy „itya r„vaarrdv ais rdn o is eno ceeptcioenp. ti…ont . th…e t ttuhe rn tuorf n thoe f ltahst e lcaenst tcuenryt ury „ohn „o hon c­ eo, c…­eer, …cuerricaulisri, aClisrist, Córbaistl ó…baénl …deén, d„eoh, n „oChon mCenomiuens, iaunsd , aˆnid t- ˆit-†ud†leuy d…lely len …l‡len arg‡enartg enwht o wfhouo nfdoued ndthed e tmhe odmeron derphn yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn ation torintoo ridna o ‰dea ltr‰e elatrde voacdavtoed cateexd erecxiseres cislies ­e lig­ye mgnyamstnicasst, ifcens, cfienngc, inagn, d and movmemovenemt ienn t …imn er…mica erˆiacna d ˆafonr d yfeoar rs yedairs recdtiered ctthee d gthye m gwym herwe hI erse omI seome horsheobarsce­ baricd­ inrig difnor g tfhoe r ethlie tes elitto es prto omproote mvoitge ovr, igtoear, ch teacchh arcahcater racatner d and times timwes ork woourk t‰ owuto‰r rwieod rrtihead t t“htaht er“te hneree ver newver as wa atis ma e tiimn e thin e hthiste ohristy oof ry of valuvesal, uaesn, d aennd riench rimch inmds. inTds. hen Thaen s thas e tmhe idmdle iddanle d aunpd per uppcer lassces lasses the wthoe rlwd owrlhd en whthen e gthree agt rmeaat sms oaf ss moaf nmkiannd kcinoud lcd omuled emt tehee t stihme psile meplie  ei expaenxdpaed ndraepd idraly pidduly ridnug rtinhe g Šnthe liŠnghtlenighmtenenmt aennd t atnhe d tnhde ustndruiastl r€ieavl o€-evo-gencgienes coif es lifoe f wlifie th wsio th listto le liettlpe enedpientudre itouf re tiomf e tiamne d aennd erengy erags y toads atyo ” day ” lutiolun,t io„ena,n „-e „aacn- „uaes cu€es ou€ssoeuasus, eTauh, oTmhaos m„eaffs ers„effoersn, oann, d aontd her othlier berlaibl eral and atnhd at th“wat it“hwouitt hosoult id soplihd yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn atiporn ogprraomgrsa mpeso pplee owploe uwld ould 29 29 lumliunmariines arenies thenustihaustsiicaastlliy caelxlty oellxetd oltlhee d nthae tunraatl uvraall uve aoluf e phoyf spihcayl siaccatl i-acti-becobmece omfate fdaeft odrmefoerdm aendd acnlud mclsuym.” sy.” … h u… nhdurend draend d atnwd entwty enyety ars years vity vainty d afintd nesfits nteso s grto ogirnog innug mnbuers mboers f thoe f tnhee nly eafflly uaenffltu. enŽht. ysŽihcayl sical laterl ata erc oa mcpormehpenreshienve ssuive rvsuey rovef y coolf lecgoe llestgue dstenutds enfrtos m fro„m ar„vaarrd vaarnd d and cultucure ltsuprre esapd rreaapd idraly pitdhlry otuhgrhoouugt hŠouurt oŠpuer, otphee , ‘thne it‘ed ni’tetad tes’t, aatesnd , aenlsd e-else-elsewelsheerwe hferoue nfd oulesnd s lteshas n thhaan lf healerf ecisered cisreegd urleagrulyl atrhlyu s thcuons tcroibuntrtiibung ting here hiern e thin e nthine enteinenetteh encenth tcuenryt, umryo, st mesost peescipalelcy iain lly scin hosocls hoaonls d aunnd i-uni-3030 to “pto “oor mpooenr mtaenl hteaal hlth aealnth ad inncd irenacsreed staserd stess.r”ess.” versvitersies. Šities. Šxercxisere acisne ad endd eucadtuiocn batioen bcamece iamnee ixtnriecxatbrliy lcabinly l­eidn.­ed.…nd …sno d wse o pwre omproote meote erecisere. cis’uest . ’aus st wae s pwue t pwuht ewels heien ls cian ges cagfoes r for “nd “ynet d fyoer t tfhoe r ltahst e flaest  fceen tcuenriestu, reiesxp, erextps erhatvs e havoe rrieod rriinecd esinscaesntsly antly mice min ice laibn s laobvser otvher e ctenhe tcuenries turwies e hwae ve hianvve enintveend a testd ua nstnuinng nvinarg ievtay rioef ty of that thae t are ena’t renex’ert ecxiserincg isienng ouengho. ug”ha. ti”onaatiloisnm alisis m onis e omne ajomr asjoor urscoe urce ways waanyd s amned amns efaonr s ofuor r foeullr ofw elhlouw mhaunms tao nus nto duerntdakere toapke tioonpatil opnhayl spihcayl sical of thois f tahnis xiaentyx. ie„utyst . „aus st aans ciaennct i’enpat r’tpaanrs taners e reree uriereud iraend d a€nod m€aonms ans activaicty tivfoitr y tfhoe r stahke e soaf ke heoaf lhth eaalnth d afintnd esfits. nes“ns. su“rnpsurisripnrgislyin eglyer ecisere chisae s has ere uerre geud rgto ed be to fibt e enfiot uengh outgo h fitgo ht figas ht soals dsiersold, iersflag, -fl aagv-i nag vilneag dlers eaders becobmece oimnce reinacsrineagsly inagdly veradtisvered tisaes d viars tuvoiruts uoauns d ahnad s hbaes en becen omcmomodmiodi and aendd uceadtuors cationrs creinacsrineagsly inegxlhy oerxthed oroterdd ionradriy ncairty icenitis teno pas to rtpaicirpaticte ipain te in fied ficeodm cmomermciaerlic”ieadli ”aendd ainndd uistndruiastlir”ieadli. ”eo du. so e tuhse e wtheie gwheit mghat cmhianceshi nes sporstps oarnts d aonthd er otfhoer rmfos romf s exoerf ecxisere caiss e praes paprreapatiorn atfioor n mfoir limtarily itsaerry vsicere. vice. treadtrmeaidllsm iellslli petlicliaplsti caalsnd aonthd er othcoer ntcroanpttiroanps tioin ns thin e gthye m gayrm ouanrd outnhd e the “n es“n peescipalelcy iainllfly uinenfltuiaenl ptiraol ppornoenpot noenf t thois f tmhis ovmemovenemt enat s ‰ars ie‰drriiech drich corncer ornfrer om frmom y hmoy ushe oucosste s cosstevs ensetvy endoty lladrs ollpaer rs mper onmtho. nWthh. en WhI en heaI d head „ahn„, ahthne , “th‰e at“h‰er athof er —oyf m—” ic‰s.o” llo‰olilnog i”nag p”olaepoonl’es ohnu’s mhiulimatiinlig ating out ofour t a for ma ormnionrg nirnug n ruI nw eI ar wesapr ecsipaleic”iead li”reud nnruinng nisnhg oessh ocesh afceh afe strinstg rionf g viocf tovriices toroies ver o—ver erm—eran maarn maies rmiin es thin e tehae rly eanrilny enteinenetteh encenth -cen-prevpenretvineng tisnhg orsths ora tss na a””sny a””moy istmuoristeu wrieck winicg kisnhg irst ha irtw aa shwaabslhe acbalpe cap turyt, u„rayh, n „aahrn guaerd gutehd at thedaut ceadtuors cathors ad ha ad resa proesnspiobnilsitiby iltio ty restto orreste othre e the and aann d ean penespienve swivae tcwh attchh at tchoant nceocntns etco ts sato telslaittes elliotes verohveerad heto ad trtao ck track physpihcayl siacnad l amnd ormal ostrarl enstgrtenh gotf h hois f nhais tionna’ts ioyno’s utyh outih th citah listcahlenistihcens, ics, my smpy eesd peaend d adnistd adnistcea. n­ces. ca­r sWcair ldWe ioldne ce onuce ippueidp p“eI da p“pI raopvpe roof ve anoy f any 2727 gymgnyamstnicasst, ihcis­, ihnig­, inrugn, nruinngn, inangd , amnd orme. ore.activaicty tivtihty at trheat urieres uitrhes e twhee arwineag rionf g spoef csipal eccilaol thcilontgh ” inbug ” t buI sut I spsuecst pect ater , atserim, isliamr ilaor rries orriin es in “mer“mica ericera e erspe ursrpeud rrbey d tbhy e temhe baemrrbaassrirnasg silnacg ­ laocf ­ fiotnf esfits nesams oanmg ong even evhen e whoe uwld obue ld sbhe ocskheod ckaet d thae t pthoe puploapruitly aroif ty “aotf h“leisuathleisure”—re w”—orko worutko ut Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 22Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 227/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 23Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 237/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

24 24 exerecxIersedcIsed clothces lothfoes r efoverr eyvderay ydaacy tivaictites ivitliies ke lsikite tinsig ttitnhg at thhaet lp huels p louos k loaothk leattihc letic withwouitt hoevuer t ehver avihnag vitno g brto eabk rea ask wa eastw. eWato. rWldworilddew, ipdeeo, pplee ospple ensd pentrid l- tril- lions olionf ds oolf dlars a yollars a year oen fiar otn finests anesns ad snpd sortpsworetasrw. ear. We hWae ve haalsve o amlseo dmiceadliizcead lizeexd erecxisere. cBisy e. thBis y t hmis e amn ewae n pawe thpaolothgoizloe gize a laca k loacf k phoyf spihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti, vaintyd , awne d pwrese pcrresibe crpaibe rtpaicurltaicr udloasr es doasnes d atynpd es types of exoerf ecxisere cto ise heto lp hperlep vpenret vaennd t atrned at trdeisat edasisee. ashee . h.e . g.o. vergonvmerennmt renect - rec- ommomenmds en dens  gaenge gain ge at in leaat st lea st m inmuties nuotf es moof dmeroadte eroar te ­ or m­i nmuties nutes parpat Irt I 31 31 of viogf ovroiguos roeuxers ecxisere ca iswe ea ek weaenk d awneid gwheit gtrhat in traat in leaat st letawst icte wa icwe ea ekw.eek. ƒpidƒempidioemlogioistlos gisthas ve hcaave lcucalalcteud latthed at tthhais t tlheis vel leovf el acotf ivaicty tivwitiy ll wreildl urcee duce my rmisy k roisf k dyoif ndg ypinrg empraemturaetly urbey ly  by per cpenert caennd t alonwd er lowmer y cmhy ancches anocf es of gettigneg tthineg arht edaisrt edasisee, a„slez, h„eilzmhereim’s, eran’sd , acnerd taciern tcaain nccers ancbers y robuy grhouly g†h ly † InacInactivtiitvyity 32 32 to  to per cpenertc.ent. nsu rnasuncre ancocme cpaomnipaes noiffes er offmer e imnce enintcivenes titvo es exto erecxisere, cise, and aennd tirene tpirroe fpesrsoifoesnss iohnas ve hsapve rusnpg ruunp g tuo p mto otmivaotte ivmate e tmo e exto erecxisere ciisn e in the fithrst pe first place, hlaceel, hp mele wp moe wrk oourk ot, auntd fi, anx md fie ux mp oe unp oce  gnce  get ine‰ut irned‰ here his erne ois thniontg hwinrg onwg rownig th wmith edmiceadliizcianlgiz, icnogm, cmomermciaerlicziianlgiz, ianngd , and induistndruiastlirziianlg izienxg erecxisere. cisn e. facn t, fathctes, te htesrene tdrs enadre s naree cesnescaesrys. aBruy. t Bthuet y they rarelry armelay kme aekxere ecxisere cmisoe rme fourne . fuo n. meo , mthee , athpe otahpeootshis eoosf is wohf awt’s hgato’s od good and aband d baabd ouat bcoount tcemonptemoraproy reaxrery ecxisere cis ise this e ttrhee adtrmeaidllm. irlle. adrmeaidlls mailrls e are increindcibrely diubsly efuusl, efbuult , buthet y thaere y aalsre o allsouo dl, oeuxdp, enexspienve, siavned , aoncd caosciocnasailoly nally treactrheeracohuers, oaunsd , a nfid n d fitnhd em them boribnogr. in gs. om seotimmees timues se utrsee adtrmeaidlls mtio lls to exerecxisere cbuise t bustrt ustggrlue ggas le  as tru dtgre udmge onmotoonnootuosnloy uuslny duer ndfler uorflesuocenrest cent lightlsig ihnt fse itnid f aetiird w aiitrh w nitoh c nhoa cngeha ongef s ocefne sc,e sneta,r sintagr aint tgh aots teh loitstel le flittales flh-ash- ing ilnigg htls igihntfs oirnmfoinrmg imng e hmoe w hfoaw r f’avr e g’voe neg, oant e, waht awt shpaet esdp, eaendd , ahnod w how manmy acnay lorciaes lori’es ve su’ve ppsuospepdolsy ebudly rnbuedr. nedh. e ohne ly onwlay y w aeny  duenre duthre e the tediutem diuanm d adnisd codmiscfoomrt foof ra t otrf ea adtrmeaidll mwioll rkwoourt kis oubt y is listby enlistineng tio ng mtuo smic usic or a opr oa dcpaostd. caWsth. aWt whaot uwld oumld y dmisty adnistt hanut nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter heraner cestanocrs esthors ave have thoutghhot ugof ht paoyf ipang yilontg s loof ts moof nmey onto ey suto ffer suffther rotuhgrh oungeh ednleeseds lpeshs yspihcayl sical activaicty tivoin ty aon n aann noayninnog yimng acmhiance hitnhe at thgeatt s guets s nuos wnhoerwe haerne d aancd coamcc-om- plishpes nlishes nothiontgh‹ing‹  hav e hlaivtte le lidttole ubt dotuhbt ey thweoy uwld ohuald ve hcaovne sciodnerseidd erit ead bint oarbmnoarl mto ael xtero e- xer- cise ctishe is twhis ay. wBauy. t Bto ut utno duerstndaerstnd awnhd awt khiant dks inodf s phof yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivitwies e we did devid olvee votlo ve do to adno d ahnod w htohw ey thaeffy ecat ffoeuct r ohuer alhth earleth ŒurierŒesu, ircesou, nctoeruninter- in- tuititvueiltyi, vfielrst y, figrst rapgprlainppg lwinig th wwithh awt ohuar t obuor dibes odaires e daore indg owinhg en whwen e awre e are physphicaylsliyc ainllacy intivace.tive. Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 24Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 24 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 25Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 25 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

24 24 exerecxIersedcIsed clothces lothfoes r efoverr eyvderay ydaacy tivaictites ivitliies ke lsikite tinsig ttitnhg at thhaet lp huels p louos k loaothk leattihc letic withwouitt hoevuer t ehver avihnag vitno g brto eabk rea ask wa eastw. eWato. rWldworilddew, ipdeeo, pplee ospple ensd pentrid l- tril- lions olionf ds oolf dlars a yollars a year oen fiar otn finests anesns ad snpd sortpsworetasrw. ear. We hWae ve haalsve o amlseo dmiceadliizcead lizeexd erecxisere. cBisy e. thBis y t hmis e amn ewae n pawe thpaolothgoizloe gize a laca k loacf k phoyf spihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti, vaintyd , awne d pwrese pcrresibe crpaibe rtpaicurltaicr udloasr es doasnes d atynpd es types of exoerf ecxisere cto ise heto lp hperlep vpenret vaennd t atrned at trdeisat edasisee. ashee . h.e . g.o. vergonvmerennmt renect - rec- ommomenmds en dens  gaenge gain ge at in leaat st lea st m inmuties nuotf es moof dmeroadte eroar te ­ or m­i nmuties nutes parpat Irt I 3131 of viogf ovroiguos roeuxers ecxisere ca iswe ea ek weaenk d awneid gwheit gtrhat in traat in leaat st letawst icte wa icwe ea ekw.eek. ƒpidƒempidioemlogioistlos gisthas ve hcaave lcucalalcteud latthed at tthhais t tlheis vel leovf el acotf ivaicty tivwitiy ll wreildl urcee duce my rmisy k roisf k dyoif ndg ypinrg empraemturaetly urbey ly  by per cpenert caennd t alonwd er lowmer y cmhy ancches anocf es of gettigneg tthineg arht edaisrt edasisee, a„slez, h„eilzmhereim’s, eran’sd , acnerd taciern tcaain nccers ancbers y robuy grhouly g†h ly † InacInactivtiitvyity 3232 to  to per cpenertc.ent. nsu rnasuncre ancocme cpaomnipaes noiffes er offmer e imnce enintcivenes titvo es exto erecxisere, cise, and aennd tirene tpirroe fpesrsoifoesnss iohnas ve hsapve rusnpg ruunp g tuo p mto otmivaotte ivmate e tmo e exto erecxisere ciisn e in the fithrst pe first place, hlaceel, hp mele wp moe wrk oourk ot, auntd fi, anx md fie ux mp oe unp oce  gnce  get ine‰ut irned‰ here his erne ois thniontg hwinrg onwg rownig th wmith edmiceadliizcianlgiz, icnogm, cmomermciaerlicziianlgiz, ianngd , and induistndruiastlirziianlg izienxg erecxisere. cisn e. facn t, fathctes, te htesrene tdrs enadre s naree cesnescaesrys. aBruy. t Bthuet y they rarelry armelay kme aekxere ecxisere cmisoe rme fourne . fuo n. meo , mthee , athpe otahpeootshis eoosf is wohf awt’s hgato’s od good and aband d baabd ouat bcoount tcemonptemoraproy reaxrery ecxisere cis ise this e ttrhee adtrmeaidllm. irlle. adrmeaidlls mailrls e are increindcibrely diubsly efuusl, efbuult , buthet y thaere y aalsre o allsouo dl, oeuxdp, enexspienve, siavned , aoncd caosciocnasailoly nally treactrheeracohuers, oaunsd , a nfid n d fitnhd em them boribnogr. in gs. om seotimmees timues se utrsee adtrmeaidlls mtio lls to exerecxisere cbuise t bustrt ustggrlue ggas le  as tru dtgre udmge onmotoonnootuosnloy uuslny duer ndfler uorflesuocenrest cent lightlsig ihnt fse itnid f aetiird w aiitrh w nitoh c nhoa cngeha ongef s ocefne sc,e sneta,r sintagr aint tgh aots teh loitstel le flittales flh-ash- ing ilnigg htls igihntfs oirnmfoinrmg imng e hmoe w hfoaw r f’avr e g’voe neg, oant e, waht awt shpaet esdp, eaendd , ahnod w how manmy acnay lorciaes lori’es ve su’ve ppsuospepdolsy ebudly rnbuedr. nedh. e ohne ly onwlay y w aeny  duenre duthre e the tediutem diuanm d adnisd codmiscfoomrt foof ra t otrf ea adtrmeaidll mwioll rkwoourt kis oubt y is listby enlistineng tio ng mtuo smic usic or a opr oa dcpaostd. caWsth. aWt whaot uwld oumld y dmisty adnistt hanut nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter heraner cestanocrs esthors ave have thoutghhot ugof ht paoyf ipang yilontg s loof ts moof nmey onto ey suto ffer suffther rotuhgrh oungeh ednleeseds lpeshs yspihcayl sical activaicty tivoin ty aon n aann noayninnog yimng acmhiance hitnhe at thgeatt s guets s nuos wnhoerwe haerne d aancd coamcc-om- plishpes nlishes nothiontgh‹ing‹  hav e hlaivtte le lidttole ubt dotuhbt ey thweoy uwld ohuald ve hcaovne sciodnerseidd erit ead bint oarbmnoarl mto ael xtero e- xer- cise ctishe is twhis ay. wBauy. t Bto ut utno duerstndaerstnd awnhd awt khiant dks inodf s phof yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivitwies e we did devid olvee votlo ve do to adno d ahnod w htohw ey thaeffy ecat ffoeuct r ohuer alhth earleth ŒurierŒesu, ircesou, nctoeruninter-in- tuititvueiltyi, vfielrst y, figrst rapgprlainppg lwinig th wwithh awt ohuar t obuor dibes odaires e daore indg owinhg en whwen e awre e are physphicaylsliyc ainllacy intivace.tive. Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 24Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 247/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 25Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 257/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

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