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oneone Are WAre We Be Born toro Rn to Rest oesr Rt or Runu? n? MytMh #yth #1 W1e E Wve Eolvveod tlvo Eed txo Eercxiserecise It’s tIrtu’s e thruae rd hwarod rk wnoerk venr ekvielr lekd ilalend ybaondyyb, obduyt , I bufit gI urfiegd uwrehd y why take ttahke ce thhae cnchea?nce? — Ro—na Rld Ronaeald Rgaean, igannte, irvniteew wrvieiw wth The Gith The Guardian,uardian, 1 1 neithner eithaer  an or nwoar nwt ato nt bte o abn e ean ceetcioenatil onatahl leatteh, leatned , aI nhd aI ve hanvo e no desidre eswirhe awtshoaetvser oetvo er swto i swai rouanrd ou nd an haatntahnat, tbanik, e baikce roascs roAss erA­er­ ica, icclai, cb li b ou nt ou€nvert €estver, estben, cbh­en crh­es s rsesevs erseavl erhual nhdurend dreod undous, nodr s, or I I ole­ volaue­l vt aouvler t oavner ytahninytgh‚ iAng‚ oAng otnhe g thae ny atestny s testoƒ s eotƒ reetre estre enstgrtenh gth or enodr uenradnucre anI cwe ilI l wneilvl er neavter teattet is a t ƒis ula l ƒturilal tthrlioanth‚ l„ono‚ t „oet ‚ Buet ‚ BI ua t I a curicouurs ioaubs ouat bdouet daendianng dianthg leattihc lecthic alclenhaglles‚ eng…es‚ o in …o †icn to†bcer tob‡er ˆ1‡‡, ˆI 1‡, I eagerealy geraclcy eactceed aten d inan vitiantvioitn attioo n trtao vetrl atvo el ‰tao w‰aiai wto aii obto serobvse erthve e ltehge ­ leg­ endaenry daIrroy nIroann Wan orWld oŠrlhd aŠhaionsihoin shani d aanttd enad ttenthd e tshe orsts ortes di­edi­ cine ccinone cƒeronenƒerce tenhcae tt hraet cerdees tcedhes te rahce re‚ ace‚ ‹ara‹daoraidcaolliyc, atlhlyis , thinis ƒainoƒausloy ugsrly ueglrinug elitnest g toest ƒ enoƒ duenradnucre antace kes takes lace lian ce thin e tahe raadisraiadcisal iasceatl tisneg ttionƒ g Œooƒ nŒa, o‰naa, w‰aiaiw, a aiic, ha archainrg itnowg n town largelaly rgdeeldy idceadteid catto ed heto lhineg lvinacg avtiaocnaers tionrers elar‚ eIlan t‚ hIe n dthaye s dlaeyas dlienag duin g to u to the rtahce er, aecveer, eyvoerne yoin ne Œion nŒa oana eaars etao rs be to enbe gaengegad gsoeld elsy oilen ly thin e thue rsuuit rsuit oƒ loeƒ asuleraesu‚ ‹reeo‚ ‹lee oswle isw, isno, rskneol, rkaenld , asund rƒ suon rƒ oin cturicestuŽruese Žbuee acbheesac, hes, si ƒsri uitƒy rucioty ckctoacils ktawils hilwe hwilae tcwhaintcg hitnhg e tsuhe n susen t, saent, d astnd rolstl rtohlrl otuhgrh ough Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 2Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 27/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 3Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 3 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

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