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14 14 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 15 15 menmtaenlly taalnly d, alnikde , loikthe er otahter hleatteshl, edtesra, w drstaw renstgrtenh fgrtoh m frboym stbanystders andwers ho who StudSytiundg yihnug nhteru-n gaterth- gaertersher, ersho, whevoerwe, vis er, eis asier easiser aid satihd an thdan one done urge turhgem oe them on.n. becabuesce authseie r thweiar y wof ay lifoe f hliafe s halams oast lmenost tirenelty irvealny isvahneisd. hOedn. ly Oa nhly aa ndhfaunl dful It’s tIitm’s e titmo e disto cdarisd coanrd ce onance d afnor d aflol r aanlcl iaennct, ienints, idiniosuids iostuers estoertyepoes types of huof nhteru-n gaterth- gaerter hertrer ibes tribpes erspist ersin ist soin mse oomf e thoe f mthoe st mroemst roemte cootre ncers orners abouat bothue t pthhe yspihcayl sisucapl ersuiporeritiy orainty d avnird tuvoirutsunoesuss noesf s poeof pplee owplhe o wdhoo n’dt on’t of thoe f gthloe bgel. oFbuer. tFhuerrt, hneron, e noanre e isaroe laisteod laftreod m frcoim vilcizivaitliiozn ataionn d annod ne nosunbe -sub- grow grouw p suup rrsuournrdoued ndbey d lbaby olrsabaovrsinag vimng acmhiances hinaes nd aontd her othmer odmeron dern sist ssist olelsy oloen ly tohn e wthie ld wfiolod dfs oothdes y thheuy nht uannd t agand thgaert. hAerll . oAf ltl hoesf te htesrie bes tribes comcfoomrts. foBrtus. t Bdeubut dnebukinng ktinhis g tmhis yth mdytoh esdno’t esand’dt raesdds rteshe s ftuhne dfuamndenamtaenl tal trade trwadie th wniteih gnheibogrhibnog rfianrg mfaersrm, ersthe, y thsmey oskme otokbae tcocbao, cacnod , athneid r thweiar y wof ay of questquioestn: iWonh: aWt khiant d koinf d phoyf spihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivainty d ahnod w hmow ucmh uocf h it ois f int ois rmnoarl mal life is life chis ancghianng gisno g raspo idraly pitdhlay t tihn at a ifn ew a fdeew caddees cadthes ey thweiy ll wceilal sce etao se be to be 10 10 for a “for a “normnoarl” hmaul” hmaun bmaein bngei nghunhteur-n gatetr-h gaerters.herers. Ant hArnotphorloopgoistlos gistans d aonthd er otshcer iensctistiens tistare s tahrere tefhoerre efore scrasmcrbalimng bltio ng letao rn leaars n maus cmh uacs h paos sspibolse sifbrloe m frtohm este hfesew e fterw ibes tribbes efobre efore their wtheiar wy of lay oife if lrifre ievorrceavboly dcabisly dappiseaaprs.pears. Are “ANre “ormNaolr” Hmaul” Hmaunms Canos Cuch Poucoh Ptatooetast?oes?Of aOll f oaf ltl hoemf th, emthe , mthoe st mionst teninsteenly ssteuly dstieud dis ietd his e thae dzaa, dwzha, o wlihvo e iln ive in ImaIgminae giynoe u yhoau ve habvee en beaen skead skto ed coto ndcuocnt dua cst ca iensctiifienc tistfiuc dsty uodn y hoon w how a drya , dhroyt , whoot owdloaondd larnegd ioren goiof n aonf zaanniza ainn ia Aifn riAcaf, rtichae , ctohne tcinonentit nwenht erwe here mucmh, uwchh, enw, haennd , awnhd y w“hny or“mnoarl” mpael” opplee oeplere ecisere. cisBeec. aBuesce auwse e twene d tento d to humhaunms aenvs olveevdol. ven d. fan ct, fadcoti, ndg oirnesg eraesrceh arocn h tohn e thae dza adhzaa s hbaes cobmece ome thintk hoinf k ouof rsoeulvrses elavnes d aonud r osoucr iesotices ietais es naos rmnoarl, myaolu, ’d yopur’d obaprbolbay cbolly leccot llect somseothminetg hoinf g a coof ta tacgoe ttiangde uistndruy stforr y afnotr harnotphorloopgoistlos. gistn s. the n ltahst e dlaest caddeec, ade, data doan ta tohn e ethere ecisere chisae bihts aboif ts peoof pplee olpikle e lyikoe u yaonu d amnd e. mhe. is ahpis praopapcrh oach reseraesrcehaers rchhers ave hastvue dstieud daielmd oast lmeovst ereyvtherinytg hiynog u ycoau n ciamn agiminae gianbe ouat bout is this e tnhoe rm norin m min anmy afiney ldfis eoldf s inoqf uiinrqyu. i roy. r eor amepalem, pbleec, abuesce aumse ost most the the adzaa. dzoa. u coau n craen ad rebaod okbs ooakns d aanrd ticalres ticales bouat bohuot w htohw e the adza adza psycphsoylcohgoistlos gistlivs e laivne d awnod rk woin rk thin e t­hne it­ed ni€tetd ates €taates nd a‚nud ro‚puer, oapbeo, uat bout eat, heaut,n ht,u snlet,e spl,e deipg,e dst,ig ceost,ll cecotl hleocnt heyo, mneya,k me farkiee fnrdise,n sd su, sat, wuaat,l wk, raluk,n r, un, 11 11 ƒ„ pƒer„ cpenert coenf t thoe f suthe b…suecbts …eicn ts pisn ycphsoylcohgoicloagl istcaul dsties udaires e aalsre o aflsroo m frtohm e the evaluevaate lueaate ch eaocth herot­s herat­ts raactttirvaenctiesvens, esansd , amnd orme. ore. ou coau n ceavn en evren ead read 88 12 12 ­nit­ed ni€tetd ates €taatnes d a‚nud ro‚puer.ope.abouat btohueit r thpeioor pp.oop. €uc h €ua cnh aa rrnoaw rrpoersw ppersectpivee ctis ive apis praoppprrioatpe riate n t un rnt, utrhne , thae dza adhzaa ve hbaevce obmece osmo e usso ed utso ed visto itvinisg iting if we if awre e ianrte erinesttered estoend ly oinn ly coin ntcemonptemoraproy rWaresty Werestnersern, ersbut , bupeot pplee oipn le in sciensctistiens tistthas t thhoastt hinog sttihne g rteshe eraesrcehaers rchwers ho wohbo serobvse erthvem e thhem as hbeacs obmece ome WestWerestn erinn duistndruiastlir‡iead li‡ceod unctoruies ntraies rena’t renne’ct esnescaesrilsy arrielpy rresepenrestaentivte atoivf e of a waa y wto ay suto ppsulemppenlemt tenheit r thineicr oimnceo. mSaed. lSy, advislyi, tvinisg itsincig ensctistiens tistwhs o wwhao nwt ant the oththe er otˆhˆ er pˆerˆ cpenert coenf tt hoe f wthoe rlwd’os rpldo’ps uploaptiuolna. ti‰ono. r‰eoovrereo, vtoerd, atyo’s dawyo’s rlwd orld to emto pemhaspihze ashizoe w hmow ucmh uthch ey tharee y starue dstyiundg ybinog na bofinda e fihdue nhteru-n gaterth- gaerters herers is pris ofpouronfdouly nddilffy erdienffert fenrot m frtohm at tohf att hoe f pathste pa, castll, icnag lliinntg o iqnuto estquioestn wiohn o who somseotimmees timtues rn tua rn blia nd blienyd e eto ye thto e dthee grdeee gtro ee wtho icwh htihch e thae dzaa­s dzwaa­s y way amoanmg ouns g is us “nis or“mnoarl” mbay l” hbisty ohristicaol riocr al evoor luevtioolnuatiroy nstaray nstdaarndds. arIdms. aIgm‹ ag‹of lifoe f is lifce his ancghianng gains g a ars esua rlesut of lct oonf tcaocnt twacitt h wtihth e othue tsoidue tswidoe rlwd. orldh. ese hese ine itnrye intrg yitno g eto pleain placien ll cpehll onpes honaes nd a nad ce baocoek botoo k yoto ur yogurer agt‹r geraeta‹ gt‹r eat‹ papers paprers arelry armeleny mtioenn thioon w hmow anmy anay dza adczha ildchren ildrnen ow ngoo w to go goto vergonv-ern- greagt‹r geraat‹n gdrpaanrdenpatrs. enIf ts. we If rweae llry eawllay nwt tao nkt nto ow knwohw awt ohradt ionradriy nharuy mhaunms ans menmt sencht osoclsho, aonlsd , ahnod w htohw e thae dzaa­s dztera­s ritterorry itis oray lis moast lmenost tirenelty irsehlay rsehd ared do adno d atnhd intk hainbk ouat beouert ecisere, cwise e, nwee ed neto ed satmo spale mepvlere eyvderay ydpaey opplee ofprole m from with wniteih gnheibogrhibnog rtinrig bes tribof es faorf mfaers rmaers nd apand stpaorastlistorasl, istwist, h wwithh owm htohm ey they a vara ievtay rioef tcy uolf tucures ltuirnes steinad stoef ad foocf ufsoicnug ssinolg elsy oolen ly coon ntcemonptemoraproy rŒarmy erŒ‹mer‹trade traadne d awnhd owse hocose ws cotwras mtrp amall p oavler l otvher e rthege ioreng. iAons .  Aws r itwe rthite is, ththise , the icanis caannd s a‚nud ro‚pueraonps eawnhs o wahreo , acroem, cpaomrapativrealty ivsepley askpienagk, iWng‚, IWŽ‘ ‚I’ŽW‘ est’W‹ est‹adza addoza n­dt oynet ­t hyaevt e hcaevle l pcehlol npesho, nbuest , tbuhet y tahree y naore t isnoot laisteod laats ed thaes y tohney ce once 99 ern, eerdnu, ecadtuedca, itendd, iustndruiastlir‡ieadli, r‡eidch, r, aicnhd d, anemd doemcraoticcr“a. tic“.werew.ere. o go o a gsto ea p stfuerp thfuerrt, huernt, iul a nfteil w a hfeuw nhdurend dgrened ergenatieronas tiaognos , aagll oh, aulml haun man ƒespƒitese ptihte este heslime iltiamtioitnasti, otnhser, te heris e stis ill stmilul cmh utco h letao rn leafrrn om frothm e the beinbgs einwgs ere wherue nhteru‹n gaterth‹ gaertersher, ersand , aunnd tiul nabtiol uat beiougt heity gthhtoy utshaonud sayned ars years adzaa, daznad , a nad m  faom rtufonrattue ntao te htao ve hvaisve itveisd itthed em thoem n a ocn oa upcloe uopf le ococf ao-cca- ago aegvo ereyvoerney’os naen’s cestanocrs estloirs ved livin ed Œifn riŒcaf. ri€co a. i€f o we if gwene ugienneuly inwelay nwt tao nt to sionss. io„nus. t „to ut geto t tgo et thto e thae dza adis za nois t neaost ye. ashy. ey hlievy e liin ve a in rina g rionf g ino-f in- know knaobw ouat btohue t ethere ecisere chisae bihts aboif ts evoof luevtioolnuatiroinly a“rnily or“mnoarl” mhaul” mhaunms, aint s, it hosphiotasbplie tahblie lls hsuills rrsuournrdouinng dia ng sea assoenaaslo, nsaall, ty sallatky e lain ke nion rtnhowrestthwerestn ern behoboevhes oouves s to us letao rn leaabrn ouat bhouunt hteru‹n gaterth‹ gaertersher, ersesp, eescipalelcy iathlloy ste hwoshe o wlihvo e live anzaannizaa—ni a a—ho a t, haorti, da, rsuidn, basuknebad kreegd ioren gtiohn at tis haat lis moast lmiomst piomsspibolse sitbo le to 13 13 in arin aid, trridop, ticroapl Œicafrl Œicaf.rica.farmfa.rm. he ahree a ahreaa s hsoas mse omof e thoe f twhoe rst worrst oadrs oaodn s tohn e tphlae npelta. nOef t. tOhe f the Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 14Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 147/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 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