xii xii ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xiii xiii meamns eato ns buto y bushoy essh, omesa, ttmresatstesres, smese, dmiceindeic, icnhea, icrsh, aairsnd , aonthd er otthher intgs hinI gs I treadtrmeaidlls mialrls e arere cenret ceninvt enintvioenns tiownhs owse hoosre igoinris gihnas d hnaod thniontg hitno g dto o do take tfaokr e gfroar ngtreadn, taendd , aI nfid nI d fiit ndd eiet pdley employ vminog vtio ng obto serobvse erhvoe w hhoaw rd htahred y they with whiteh alhth eaalnth d afintd nesfits. nesTrs. eaTdrmeaidllm- liikle l- ldikee vidces eviwces ere wfierrst e fiurst sed usbey d thbe y the work wworik thwouitt haosust istasasnistce anfrcoe m frmom acmhiances hinto es suto rvsuive rvainve d aimnd pirmovpe rtohveie r their RomRaonms ato ns tuto rn tuwrn incwhies nchaes nd alnifd t hlieft avhy eaovby jeocbtsj, ecatnsd , atnhd en thmen odmifioedd ified livesl, ivesesp, eescipalelcy iathlle y cthhe ildchrenild’s. renB’y s. cBomy cpaomripang rtinhem g thwem ith wpiteh opplee ofprloe m from in 18in 18 18b1y 8 tbhy e thie ctoriicatn oriiann venintvoenr tor illiam illiam ubitt ubto itt tuo nisuh nisrh isonris- on- the sthame se aKmae lenKajiln enejtihn neitc hgnrioc ugp rowuhp o wlihvo e liin ve thin e nthee arnbey acribty y coif ty lodf oreldt, oret, ers aers nd anrd evenret viendlt enideslens. esos. r moor rme tohre an tha an cena tcuenryt, urny, glisnh glcisoh nvciocnts victs we cwan e cstaun dsty uhdoy w hoouw r obuodr ibes odcihes ancghe anwghe en whwen e swit e fosr it mfour cmh uocf h thoe f dthae y day amo anmg othnem g them scar scair lde€ ilwdere€ e wcerone dcemondnemed nto ed trtuo dtgre udfogr e hfoour rs hoa urs day a day 2 2 in officin oe fficjobe s jaonbd s anno d lonno gler onsuger stsuain stoauin rsoeulvrses elwves ith wdiath ily dpaihly yspihcayl sliacbal olra, bor, on enon enormoorums stoues stlikee tlirkee tadrmeaidlls.mills. go bago barefooreft, aoontd s, anit od sr sit our sat oun tat ohn te ghroe gunrdou. nd. inionins iodniffs er diffoer n wohn ewthher ethtrer eadtrmeaidlls mailrls e starie ll stuislel d usfoed r four nisuhn- ish- ence enthce e ttrhee adtrmeaidllm. ilul. r pular n pwlaan s wto aus sto e iut ste o istt tuo dsty uhdoy w heofficw eienffictliy ently menmt, enbut, t buthet y thileluy stilrluatste rtahte e tohde d ondad tunrae tuorf e e„oerf ec„isere ciisn e thin e tmhe odmerond, ern, womwen omin en thin is trheis gioren gwioan lk wwalhk ilwe hcialre rcyainrrg yhineg avhy elaovay dls ooadf s woaf terw, aftoero, df, ood, induistndruiastlir…iead li…weod rlwd. orldi. thouitt hoseuemt seinemg ilnikg e la ike ma admmaadn moar n aon r iadn ioti, diot, and afinrd ewfioroewd ooon d tohn eir thheier adhs. eaBdus. t Bthue t ttrhee adtrmeaidll mwiall s waan s ialln umilliunmatiinng ating how hwoow uwld o† uled „† lea„in ltao in a tho ua nhteru-n gaterth- gaerterh, era erfa, ra mfaer rmin er ‡iemn ‡jaem, ojr ae, voen r even mistmakiste. akeft. er fwter e iwne vitiend vittehd e twhoe mwen omten o sttao nstd aonn d tohn e tmhe acmhiance hianne d and my gmrye agt-r geraet-a gt-r geraet-a gt-r geraat-n gdraanrdenatrs enthts at t† hast † ensd enmd ost moof st moy f dmay ys dsaiyts - sit- the bthee lt bstealt rtsted artto ed mtoo vme, otvhee, y thweay lkwead lkseeld f s ceolnf s ccoionuscsioly,u hsleys, ihtaentsiltya,nt awlyk, awk ting tiin ng chin aicrs haainrs d atnhen d thcen omcoenmsaente sfaotr e mfoy r imdly enideslens besy s aby yiang yminog nmey oney wardwlya. rdloyu. , toouo, , tporoo, baprbolbay wblay lkwead lksterd anstgrealny gtehle y fithrst e fitrst ime tiymoe u ygoou t ogn ot on to go to to go a tgo ya m gtyo m mto akme amkye smelf yssewlf eastwy, eatitrye, dt, iraendd , aunnd coumncfoomrtafborle taobn le a on a one oonf e thoesf te hbesi€e abrri€ea, rnroeis, ny ocisony tcroanpttrioanps tiothnas t tfhoart ce foyroce u yto ou wtoo rk wtoo rk geto t get macmhiance thihnae tt fhoart fces morces me to ste tro stuggrlue tggo stle tao sty in tay ihn te shame se amlae ceˆlaceˆ nownhoerweh. erelt. houltghh outghh e twhoe mwenom’s entr’es adtrmeaidllm wialll k winalg kisnkg ills skiimlls pirmovperd oved ‰eyo‰ned yotnhd e tahbe suarbdsuity rdoif ty troef adtrmeaidllsm, iollsu, r oduistr adnistt aannt cestanocrs estwors ouwld ould slighstlily ghwtliy th wpitrh acptircaec, twice e, rweae lir€eead li€thed at ttho amt teo amsuerae suhore w htohw ey thneoy rmnoarllmy ally also ablse o bere leer„ed le„bey d thby e twhae y wea„y erec„isere chisae s hbaes cobmece omcoe mcmomermciaerlic…ieadli, …ed, walkwead lkweid th wainth d awnid thwouitt hloouat dlso, awde s, hwae d hto ad abato nadbaon ndthon e ttrhee adtrmeaidll manild l and induistndruiastlir…ieadli, …aendd, , anabdo, vae boavlle , malle, dmiceadlii…ceadli. …Šedlt. hŠoultghh ouwge h swoe mseotimmees times ask tahsem tk them to wao wlk oan slk oon slid golriod gunrdou. nd. e„erec„isere cfisor e ffuonr , fumni, llmionils lioonf s oeof lee otolde aty odaay y ato y e„to erec„isere ctiso e mto anmagae nage s I gs ruI mgrbulemd balebd ouat bohuot w hmow ucmh umch onmeyo, nteimy, et, imaned , aenffd oret ffwore t hwae d had their thweieir gwheit, ghrte, venret vendist edasisee, aasne, d astnad ve staovff e doeff crdeecitruedie tuadne d adned atdhe. ath. wastwed astgeed ttigneg tta intg rea adtrmeaidll mto ilƒl emto ƒjaem, it jast, riut stck rumce k hmoe w htohw este hmesae cmhiances hines „erc„isere cis ise biis g bubig sibunessis. ness. alkinalgk, ijnogg, gjionggg, ianngd , amnd anmy aonthy er othfoer rmfos romf s of encaenpsucalpasute tlahte me thae min tahin temhe oemf te ohis bf thois bok„ owe never evolved to exerciseok„ we never evolved to exercise. . e„erec„isere caisre e ianrhe erinenhertly enfrtely e, frbueet , gbuiat ngt imanut lmtinualttiionnaatil ocnoaml caomniaes nenies ticene tice …ha…t dho at I dmo eI amn ebay n thbay t† th…ate† ll…, ee‡ller, ec‡isere ctisode aty odis ay mis ost mcoost mcmomonmly only us to us sto ensd enlotd s loof ts moof nmey onto ey wtoo rk wooruk t oin ut sin ecsial eccilaol thceslot, hwesit, h wsith e-se- defindeed finaes d vaos luvnotlaurny taprhy yspihcayl sicaactl ivaicty tivuitny duerntdakeren takfen or ftohr e tshae ke saokf e of cial cei‹aul ie‹muenimt, enantd , ainn d sin ecsial ecilaal ces lalcies ke lfiikte nesfits nceslus bcs. lubs. e alse o aalso y ay healhth eaaltnh d afintd nesfits. nesBus. t Bas ut suas ch suit ch is ia t is reca enret cpenht enpohmenenomonen. onu. r nuor t not monmey onto ewy tao tcwh aotcthh er otheer olee oe„lere ec„isere, caisned , aa nhd aa ndhfaunl doff uul s of evuen s eaven y faor y for too dtoisto a dnistt aannct estanocrs estwors ho wwhero e wherue nhteru n gaterth gaerters heraers nd afnard mfaers rmhers ad hto ad to the thrie vilreigve iloegf e suofff ersuiffnerg tihnrg otuhgrh oumgh armatharoantsh, ounlstr, aumltraarmatharoantsh, otnrisa, tthr-iath- be pbhe yspihcaylsliy caalclty ivae ctfiovr e hfoor urs hoeuars ch eadcah y dto ay geto t engeot uengh oufogoh df, oaondd , awnhd ilwe hile lonsl, oannsd , aonthd er othe„er treme„treem, greu, eglrinuge, lionr g, oor tenotitaenlly tiadlaly ngderanoguers osus orstinog rting they thseoy mseotimmees timpes layepd layoer d doar ncdead ncfoed r ffuor n four n soocr iasol crieaal sroenass, onno s, onno e one evenetvs. entos. r a ofer w a ftehw outshaonud sadnod lladrsol, layrsou, , ytoouo, , tcoaon , craun n r1uŒŽ n m1ŒŽ iles mialces roascs ross 3 3 ever ervaer n roar n woar lkwead lkseed verseavl ermail les mijlues st jfuost r hfoer alhthe. althven . vthen e sthale usbarliuoburs ious the ‘thae ha‘raa h’aresa er’est. ert. ‰ut ‰muot rme tohrae n thaann ytahninytg heinlsg e, eels„eer, ec„isere chisae s bheacs obmece ome meamnienag noinf g thoe f wthoe rd w“oer‡d er“ec‡isere” cisis er” eis cenretc. endt. aptdead pftreod m frtohm e Šthae tin Šavterin b verb a soua srcoe ourf ace on„f aienty a„ienty ad cnod cnfuosniofun bsioen bcauesce waushe wile ehivlere eyvoerne kyonne kowns towhas tt hat exerceoexerceo ‹to w‹too rkw, otrrka, intr, aoir n, porar cptircaecŒt, ictheŒe , thne glisnh glwisoh rd wo“erd ‡er“ec‡isere” ciswea” s was e„erec„isere cis isge ois od gofoor d tfhoeir r thheiear lhthe, atlthhe , mthae jomriatjy oorif ty us of sturs ustggrlue gtgo le e„tero ec„isere cise first fiurst sed usin ed thin e Žthe idŽdle iddlge es gto es coto nncootne naortde uaoruds uolaubs olr abliokr e lpikloe wpilnog wing enouengho, sugahf, selya, ofer enly, ojr enoyabjolyy. ablye a. re ee a„rere ec„isered acisebd aout ebo„uert ec„isere.cise. 1 1 a fieald fi. eld. kay, ksao ye, „sero ec„isere cis isae is raador„aidcaol„” iscaallu” sbarliuoburs iobuus t abubnt oarbmnoarl, minatlr, iinnstri-insi- …h i…le htihle e twhoe rd wohrad s hloans g lobneg en beuen sed usto ed dento odtene porte acptircaicntg icionr g or traintrinaig ntio ng imto pirmovpe rsokvie lls skoilr ls heoar lhthe, atlo thb, e to “eb‡e er“ec‡iseredcis” aelsd” o amlseo amns eato nbs e to be cally cafrlely e fburee t hbuigt hhly igcholmy cmomodmifioeddi, fia edso, ua rscoe uorf ce loef asulerae suanre d ahned alhth eabulth t but harahsaserads, vseed‡, vede, o‡er wd, oor wrrieod arriebd aout sbooumt seothminetgh.ing. a caua sce aouf se disof codmiscfoomrt, fgoruti, ltg, uainltd , aond roobrriuobmri. umh. y dhid y tdhiis d trheis alir…eaatliio…n ation Šike Šitkhe e tmhe odmeron dercon ncceopnt ceopf t eo‡f erec‡iserincg isifnog r tfhor e tshae ke saokf e hoef alhthe, alth, motmivaotte mivate te mo we tro wite trhitis be thois bokˆ Šooknˆ Šd wnhd wy mhiy mght yigohu wt yoisu wh tiso rh teao rd ietaˆd itˆ Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 12 7/9/20 1:06 PM7/9/20 1:06 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 13 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM
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