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4 4 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 5 5 town toewan tineg atiince g circee acm reaam nd abund yibung yisnog uvsenouivrs enainrs d asnpd orstps oerqts uiepqmuenipmt. ent. arrivae rrbaive ck baact k thae t ttohwe nto’s wmn’as in mstairn eestt, rethete, y thaere y faure nnfuelnend eilned to ia ntco ha utce hute SomSe oamlse o apalso rtpay lratty e liantte o itnhte o nthige hnt iign htt hin e ttohwe nto’s wmn’as nmy abanrs y baanrs d acnlud bcs. lubs. lined linbey d scbry esacmreinamg firnig enfrdis enandd s afannd sf—an asl—l w ahll ipwpheid ppinetd o ia nfto eva erfeisvh erstisah te state If yoIu f yaoru e laoroe klionog kfinor g a fotr roa pticroapl ircesal orrest ion rt wihn icwh htio ch retlo ax realnax d abne d hbee doh-edo-by lobuy dl, oupud, lspautilsng atimng usmicu. sAict . thAe t fithne isfih nlisinh e, lia neb, oa omboinomg ivnog ice vogicre eegts reets nistincist, yoicu c, yoou culdonu’t dldno b’t deo btter tetther tan haon na.ona.each eaficnh isfihner is(hmer al(e maanle d afnemd afemle) awleit) h wtihth e ttihme eti hmoneore hondore phdr apsher “ase “  hen hoen n Soan tuSradtauy rdat ay praet cpisreelcy isely  a.m . a.tmhe . trhace e rbacee gibnes. gins. s the s the A AA­ A€­ €­‚A­­‚ƒA” ­anƒ” d atnhd e tchroe wcd rogwod es gowes ildw. i…ldh. e …ehlie te elaitthe leatteshl, etes, mormnionrg nsuing n supan inpats itnhte s sthke y sroksy e raos se it aems it eremges erfgres om frbom ehibned hitnhd e bthlue e blue who wfihno isfih naisbh ouat beiougt heit ghhout rs houafrs ter aftther ey thsteay rtstedar, tcerdo, scs rtohse s ltihne e lstinoe nstyo ny silhosuilehtote ueotf te thoe f tvhoe lcavnolo catnho at thloaot mlos omabs ovae botovwe nto, wanbo, uat botwut entwtyen- fivety- five facedfa, cleodo, klionog kminog rme loikre e lciykbe ocrygs botrhgs an thhaun mhaunms. a†nas. ter†, aaters t, hae s athme aatemuars teurs hunhdurendd ruledtr aul- fitrt ap- fieot pplee odpilve e doivff e a off pier a piiner to inthto e €thae ci€fiac cfiofir c tfhoe r rthace er’s ace’s arrivae rrtio ve coto mcpolemte pltehte eir thoeirdr eoarld, ewae l, gwlie mgplisme pwshe awt hthaeit r thaeichr iaecvhemievenemt ent first filerst g, la eg‚, .ƒa - m‚.ƒil-e msiwle im swaicm roascs rtohse s bathe y baany d aband ckba. Icn k. cIan se cyaose u ywoeru e were meamns eato ns thto emth. em‚a. n‚y awney ep wefoer p ‡fooyr ˆ ‡ootyhˆ ers othkers neekl nteo el kisto s ktishe s gthroe ugnrdouˆ ndˆ wonwderonidnerg, in‚g.ƒ , ‚m.ƒ iles miis les this e tehqe uievqaulenivat lenof t swof imswmiminmg isneg vensetvyen- setvyen - seven somse opmoe unpd outhneid r thceihestr chs estans d abned llobw elltohw unthduernoduersloyuˆ a slfyeˆ w a floew ok lodoak ngderanger lengltenhs gothf s an of „aln ym„plyicm- spi…ice-d si…peod olp. o†ola. n†y aonf y thoe f ttrhie atthrlieattes hleltoes ok loaopk praep-pre-ousloy iulsl aly inld al anre rd aure rsheud tsho ted the mo thee mdiceadl ticenal tt.ent. henshienve sais ve thaes y thweay it wfoar it tfhoe r stthae rtstinag rtginug ng, ubunt , tbuheit r thseipir ristps iarirte s buare oybued oyed …he …mhoe st mdorst amdraatimc afitnic isfihnes isohces cuor cncuear r nmeair dmniigdhnt iags htt hae s stehve ensetveenente en by a bbay a nd baonf d ‡oaf w‡aiaiwan aidiarn umdrmumersm, erstho, utshaonudss anodf s choef erchineerg sinpg ecstpateocrsta, tors, hour hoduear ddleinade lainpe praopapcrhoes. ach…es. hes…e hiesnte reinptid respoid uls soduesls pderesapteerly atweliy ll wthileil r their and alonud dl, oauddr, enadarleninea-l inindeu- incingduc mingus micu bsliacr ingblar fingrom fr caomr- scai…re-d si…sped easkpers. eakers. bodibes odtio es ovto erocovermce omcre uschriunsg hipang in paainn d afnatd igfuatei, gtuheei, r thmeiir nmds infodrs cifnorg cing „nc„e nthcee y thsteay rtst, athrter, te haerre e sao re mso anmy asnwy imswmimers mcers hurcnhiunrg nitnhg e wthae ter waitt er it each ealecg h tlo eg tatko e t‡aukst e ‡ounst e omnoe rme storee pst. Aeps . thAes y thliemy p liimntp o itnotwo nto, wsonm, se olmooe k look lookls looikks le a sike a shark fhaerek fdieneg fdinreng f…ryen.…y.near ndeaer atdhe’s atdho’s ord. o‰our. t ‰thue t sthige hst igof ht thoe f fithne isfih nlisinh e lainne d atnhd e emthe oemtionoatil onal bout baon ut haon ur holautr erl, atterhe , ltehae d letraid atthrlieattes hlemtes akme ait kbae ict k bato ck latno dl. ands . s enerengy erfrgoy m frtohm e rtahue croauus cofruis enfrdisen, fdasm, filay mmilemy mbemersb, ersand , afnand s fawnhs o wlihno e line they themey eremge erdgre ipdprinipg pifnrog m frothm e othce eaonc, etahne, y thruey sh ruinsh to ina tto ena t, tenchta, ncghe ange the rthace er’s acfien’s al fistnarl etstch reptcuh ll ptuhlem l thhem omheo. mŠierst . Šitrst hey thheoy bbhloebˆ bthleen ˆ thten hey they into inhtio gh-h tiegch-h tebcih kinbig kigneg ar geˆianr clˆuindcinlug dianerg oaderynoadmynic amheic lmheetlsm‰, eŠtus‰m, Šp ump shuffleshuˆ fflefinˆ alfily nathlly ey thmey anmagae nato ge btro eabk reinak to ina to rua n rtuo n reto acrh eatchh e tfihne isfih nish onto ounltto raullitgrhatliwgeihtgwheit bgihkt es bitkhes at tchoast t cuopwst uapwrds aordf s ten of tthen outshaonud sadnod lladrsol, lars, line, liwneh, erwe hterhee y thcoely lacposle lapin se a istn aa te stoaf te ecostf aescyst. a€st yis . €tt his erte haert e mait dmniigdhnt ight and a…nod om …ooom ut oouf t siogf hst igfohr t tfhoe r nthee xt nleexg t olef g thoe f rthace er, aa ce‹, ‹‚a - m‹‹‚il-e mciole urscoe urse wherwe hoerne e otnrue ly truunly duerstndaerstnds anwdhs y w€hroy n€mroannm’s amn’os tmto ois tto “Ais ny“Athninytg hi€ns g €s acroascs ra osls ava a ldavesa erdest. erŒetc. aŒuesce auit ste akit es tatkhes e bthest e brest iders ridaers bouat bfoouut r foaunr d aa nd a ŒossŒiboless.ib” le.” half hhaolf urs houto rs coto ver cotvher is tdhistis adnistcea, nI cest, rI olstl rbaolcl k bato ck mto y hmoy tehl oatned l asnad vosr avor a troa pticroapl ibcrael abkrfeaastk, famsta, dme aadll e thale l mthoe rme polree apsalenat sbany t ebxery ecxisere csische asdcenha-den- freufdree. uŽdese. , ŽI esd, o I tdho intk himnk y megy gs egŒgs eneŒdenicet dainct d acnod ffece offtaeste e tabstee tter betats er as ErneEsrtonesto I thiI ntk hianbk ouat bothuot ste hotwse o ttwho outshaonud safned llofw ellhouw mhaunms aonus t othuert te heron e tohn e the ŽatcŽhaintcg hianmg aatemuar te€uror n€mroen nmfien nisfih nisneh ar nemar idmniigdhnt igwhat s wians spiinrisnpgir. ing. islanisd launnd duer ndther e bthlae ribnlag risung n sutryn intrg yitno g bitko e bmikoe rme tohre an th‹an  ‹m iles mials es as ‰ut ‰€ uflt e€ w flheow mhe owmie th wrienth erwened ewceod nvciocntivoin cttiohn at tnho at anmo oaumnt ouonf t moof nmey oney fast faas st thaes y thcaen y caann d astnid ll stsaivll e senave ouengh ouengh erengy erto gy cotmo cpolemte pltehte e fithne al filneag l leg wouwld ouenld ticene tmice e mto e dto o a do fua ll fturilal tthrlioanth. loŠnu. rtŠhuerrt, h€ erc, ou€ lcdonu’t ldhne’t lp hbuelp t but of thoeif tr oheirdr oearld, a fealu, a fll- lenullg- ltenh mgth maratharoant.hon.feel fteheal t thwaht awt h€ aot b€ serobvseerd vwead s wnaos t n‡uost t ‡uabst noarbmnoarl mbual t bualst o aclsoo ncceronncern ‘est‘ed estaend d arnefd resrefhreesd, heI dr, etI urren tutro n thto e trhae ce raccene tcer entto er wtao tcwh attchh e the ing. iŽngh. aŽt whaot uwld oumld otmivaotte ivsaote mseoomne eoto ne trtao in trfaoin r hfoor urs houurs pon uphoon urs houa rs a elite etlritie atthrlieattes hleltees ap leoaff p tohff eir thbeiikr esb, iklesac, e loacn e roun nnruinng nisnhg oessh, oaesnd , atnhd en then day dfoar y yfeoar rs ye‡aurs st ‡fuost r tfhoe r cthhe ancche anto ce puto t phuis t ohr is hoer r hber ody bothdry otuhgrh outghh at that head heoaff d oon ff foon ot ftoo ot beto gibn egthin eir th‚ei’r .‚‚- m’.‚il-e mriule n raulon nag lotnhg e cthoe astco. a“sth. i“le hile kind kionf d hoef ll haenll d apnrd ovpe rothve at th“aant y“tahninytg hiis ng pis osspibolses”i’ bleŠ”u’ ll Šturlil atthrlioanths lons the tchoe mcpoemtitpoers tittorrs udtgre udthge rotuhgrh outghh eir thmeiar rmatharoan thion n birn utbarlluy tahloly t hanot d and re“urier“e uei”re treme”tre emobe sesobssioesn siaonn d amnd onmeyo. n€ef yy. o€u f ycoou nsciodner sidaier rfaarier, fahroet, ehl otel humhiud mcoid ndciotniodnis tioˆint s wˆait s w”as °–”‰, °I –en‰, I Šoeny a Šoly eisua leisurely rleulny clh unacnh d aa nbd ra ief brief billsb, iallsnd , agned arg, emara, nmy a€nroy n€mroen nmsen pensd pentend s tenof s thoof utshaonudss anodf s doolf ladrs olla ars a nap. nSahpo. rSthly oratflty er af‚ter  ‚p.m .p, .I ma.m, I bale mbable ck bato ck wtao tcwh atthch e fithne isfihn, isonhe , oonf e of year yoen ar tohn eir thseipor rstp. oArltt. hAoultghh ou€groh n€mroann maatn traacttts radcitvs ersdive erspae rtpaicirpaticnitpas, nts, the mthoe st meoxst ubeerxuabnert sacnent ses cenI es havI e heavver e ewver itnwesitsneesd. seds . the s fithrst e firrst unnruers nners incluindcinlug dcinang ccer ansucer rvsuivorrsviv, onrsun, ns, uannsd , arnetd irreeestir, ea esla, ra ge laprgere cpenertcaenge taagre e are Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 4Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 47/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 5Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 57/9/20 1:06 PM7/9/20 1:06 PM

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