xviii xviii ProloguProelogue ProloguProelogu e xix xix impiomrtpaonrt, tatnhtes, te hesstue dsties udfiaes il ftao il coto nsciodner sidher ow heoxw erecxisere cis ise abis noarbmnoarl mal or inofr ecintifoeucs tioduiss edasisesea? sTesh? e Tmhae nmtraa notf ra thois f tbhois ok bois ok this at tnothing hat nothing about about withwouitt heoffut ecetffiveeclty ivaedly draesddsirnesg sikneg y k“wey hy“w” hqyu” estquioestns. ioLnas. rgLe aergpe ideempidioem io the biology the biology of exercise of exercise makes makes sense sense except except in the in light the light of evolution, of evolution, and and logicloagl isucarl vsueyrs vaenys d acnond tcroonllterd olllaebd olraabtoorry ateoxrpy erexipmerenimts enmtis gmht ieglhut ceidluacte idate nothing nothing about about exercise exercise as a as behavior a behavior makes makes sense sense except except in the in light the light of of 6 6 how heoxw erecxisere caisffe ecatffs etchte s bthoe dyb, oudnyd, uersndcoersre ctohre e bthene ebfients eofif ts exoerf ecxisere, caisned , and anthropologyanthropology. . quanqtuifay nthiofy w hmow anmy anwy edwes edoes r oar nadainaands iaanre s uarne muontmivaotteid vaatend d acnod ncon For Fthoor ste hoof se yoou f ywohu o wahlro eaadlry ealodvy e ltoo ve extero ecxisere, cI iswe, ilI l wtriy ll tto ry gitvo e gyiovu e you fusefd uasbed ouat beoxuert ecxisere, cbuiset , ybuou t ywoou uwldonu’t ldlena’t rn leamrn ucmh uacbh ouat bwhyout whyexer ecxisere cise new nienw siginhsts igihntts o ihnoto w haonw d awnhd y wdhiffy erdienffert kenint dks inodf s inoaf citnivaicty tivainty d anhd ysih ysi affecatffs etchte s tbhoe dy boads y it ads oiest d, owhyes, whyso m so anmy aonf y uos f aure s aamre baivmablenivat laenbot uat bout cal accatl ivaicty tivaiffty ecat ffyeocut r yobuor dyb, owdhy, y wehxery ecxisere criseae llry eadloly es does romroote mhoete alhth ealth exerecxisere, caisned , awhynd whyphy spihcayl siicnaal citnivaicty tivciatuy sces auuss es to uas gto e magoe rme roarpe idraly piadnly d and withwouitt hboeiut nbg eia nmg aa gmic agiilc l, ainlld , awnhd y wthhery te his ere no is ono timoatl imdoasl e door se tyor e tye increinacsres oeasues or chuar cnches oancf ges oetf gtineg sttinicg sk. ick. of exoerf ecxisere. cisFoer . Fthoor ste hoosf e yoou f ywohu o wsthro ustggrlue gtgo le exto erecxisere, cisI ew, iI ll wexill leaxin lain o ado draesdds rteshess te hdesee ficdieenficciienes, cwiese , nwee ed neto ed suto ppsulemppenlemt tenhe t stthae nstdaarnd dard howh aonwd a wnhdy w yhouy y aoreu n aorer nmoarl,m haell, h yeolu y fioguu fireg ouuret h oouwt h toow g teot m geotv mingov, ing, focufs oocun s on est erestners ernaers nd aanthd leattes hlewtes ith weivth oluevtioolnuatiroy naanry d aannd tharnotphorloopgoilogi and ahned l hyeol u yeovu aluevaate lutahte e bthene ebfients eafints d adnrd awdbaracwkbas cokf s doifff erdienffert kenint dks inds cal pcersal ppersectpivees. ctives. o do o thdao t, thwae t, wwie ll wvenill tvuenre tbuere yobned yocnod llecgoe llceagme cpaumses puses of exoerf ecxisere. cisue. t thuis t tis his nois t na ost ela fs heellf hbeol okb. oI oka. m I anm ot ngooit ngg oitno g htao whk awk and ahnod sphiotasls pitian ls thin e thne ited nitetad tes taatnes d aonthd er otihner duistndruiastlir€iead li€ceod unctoruies ntries “sev“en seveen asy estasey sts teo gs eto t figte t ofir t cao r olce a yoolu e yto ou tatko e ttahke e stthae irsst, ariursn , ra umn aa rma ara to otbo serobvse era ve wia der widraer ngre anogf e houf mhaunmity anliatby olraibnogr, inrestg, irnestg, inang, d aenxd ere xer thont, hoonr , sowr im swtihm e thne glisnh gl€ishh a€nnhealn. nIenlst. eInadst, emady , mgoy al gis oal to is exto leoxre lore cisincg isiinn g coin ntceoxnts teixn ts wihn icwh hmich ost mhoust mhaunms astnis ll stliivlel . li vee . wie ll wloilol k loaot k at skestkicealtliy caanlly d awnid thwouitt h oaurgt o an rgthon e ftahse cifnasactiinng atsincig ensccie enof ce hoow f hoouw r obuodr bod hunhteurn gatetrh gaerters heraers nd asund bssuistbensistce enfacre mfaers rmiers n diin fferdienffert enenvt ienronvimroennmts ents ies wies ork wworhk en whwen e mwoe vme aonve d atankd e tiat kee aist ye, ahsoyw , haonw d awnhd y wehxery ecxisere caisffe ecatffs ects on doin fferdienffert cenont tcinonentitns. en ts. e’l l aels’ll o adlseo lvde eilnvte o inthto e tahrce haarecohloaegoicloagl iacnad l and healhthe, aaltnhd h, anod hw woe cw wan he caen hl eeal ech oacthh oer gtheer gt meot mvinogv.ing. fossifl orsescil orredcs otro dbs eto tter beuttner duerstndaerstnd athne d hthiste ohristy aonry d aenvod luevtiooln utoiof n huomf haun man ‚s a ‚ns aa tunraatl uhristal ohristy, otrhyis , tbhois ok bohoak s hfoaus r foaur rtas. r‚ts. fter ‚fatn er inan troindturcoduc physpihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tiveivty en evaen s wae s cwoe mcpaomre paorue rsoeulvrses elvwes ith woitth her othaer nimanalsim, als, tory tcohry acthera, tthere , fithrst e fithrst rete haree rtas rrotus grhouly gfholly lofw olltohw e ethvoe luevtioolnuatiroy nstaroy ry story espeescipalelcy iaoluly r oculor sest closaest pe arpee latrievles. ativ‚es. nd‚, nfidn, alfilyn, awllye , wwie ll winiltl eginratete grate of huof mhaun mahn ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivainty d ainnad citnivaictyti, vwitiyt, h weiath ch eacchh acther aster otsligohttlight theste hesdive ersdive ersline es linoes f evoif deenvicde enacbe ouat bopuet oppleeo’s plbei’os lobgioy loagny d abned habveihor avior ing a indg iffa erdienffert menyt thm. ythec. auesce auwse e cwane ncoat nunnot duerstndaerstnd anhd ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivity into inthto eir thpeiror pper ropeer coloegcoicloagl iacnal d acnud ltucuraltl ucroanl tceoxnts. texto s. coo mcpaomre pahroe w how withwouitt huount duerstndaerstndianng diitns g aibtss enabcseen, acer, t aƒ bret gƒ ibnes gwinits h wphysical ith physical inactivinactiv- - ‚mer‚micaern iccaon llecgoe llestgue dstenutdsen, ‚tsfr, i‚cafn richaun nhterun gaterth gaertersher, ersand , aƒned paƒleespae lese ity. „ityh. a„t ahrae t oaure r obuor dibes oddies oindg oiwnhg en whwen e twake e tait kee aist ye, ainsyc, luindcinlug diwnhg en when portpers ortwers alkw, arlukn, , rsuint, , asnitd , acnard rcy atrhriy ntgshi, nagsnd , ahnod w htohw este haescte ivaictites ivitaiffes ecat ffect we swit e asnid t asnled esl? e…ea? rt …† aret x† leoxres lorhes ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivittihes at trhea‡t urier‡e uspeed, ire speed, their thheiear lhthe, arltehq, urierqes uikrnes owkninog wsinomg seothminetg hainbg ouat btohueit r thdeiiffr erdienffert penhyt spih ysi strength,strength, and apowernd power suc h suacs h sas rinstirningt, inligft, inligft, inang, d afingd htfiignhgt. in…ga. rt …‰ art ‰ ologoies logaines d acnud ltucures. ltur„es. n sh„n orsth, too rtr, etao llry eualnly duerstndaerstnd aenxerd ecxisere, clisete’, s lstetu’s dsty udy survsueyrs veyhs ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictites ivittihes at thinavt oilnve voendurancelve endurance suc h suacs h waas lkwinalgk, ing, the nthae nturaatl huristal horisty oof hry ouf hmaun pmahn pysihcayl asiccatl aivicty ativinty ad innad ictnivaictyti.vity. runnruinngn, inangd , adnad ncdianngc, inas g, waes ll waes ll thaeis r theeiffr ecet ffoen ct aogn inagg. iŠnagst . Šbuast t bunot t not ‚cco‚rcdcionrgdlyin, gin ly, thin e cthhe apcthers aptters hat tfhoalt lofwol, lowwe , wwie ll wuisle l uevse oluevtioolnuatiroy nary leastl, eain sta, in rt a‹ rwt e ‹ wwie ll wcoilnl sciodner sihdoer w haonw tharnothorloogoicloagl iacnad l aenvod luevtioolnuatiroy nary and aannd tharnotphorloopgoicloagl ipcaersl ppersectpivees ctivto es etxo pleoxre ploarne d arned thrinetk hidnok €endos €enof s of araoacrhoes acchaes n chaen l hues l euxers ecxisere cbisee tter betin ter thin e mthoe dmeron dweron rlwd. oŒrldo. w Œcoaw n can mythms ytahbs ouat bopuht yspihcayl siicnaal citnivaictyti, vaitcyt, ivaictyti, vaitny, d aenxd erecxisere. cis‚er. e ‚wre e bwoe rn born we mwe orme eoffre ecetffiveeclty ivmely anmagae nato ge exto erecxisere, cisaned , ainn d wihn awt whaat ysw? aTyso ? wTho awt hat to exto erecxisere… cis„s e… si„ts tinsig ttitnhg e nthee w nsemw oskminogk… in„s g… it „bas id t bato d sltoo usclho… uc†ho … y†oo u you extenext, tenhot, wh, oawnd , awnhd y wdho y ddio fferdienffert entyt es tyaes nd adnod ses dosoes f exoerf ecxisere chisee l hel need neeiegd heit hgohut rs hoouf rs sloef epsl… e‚epr… e ‚hure mhaunms aconms cpaomrapativrealty ivseloly w slaonw d awned akw… eak… revenret ovenr tt orer tat trehae mt thae m or da isor deasises leasies lkely tikeo mly tao mke uaks se uics sk ainck ad knild kl usil?l us? „s w„as lkwinalg kiinng effiencetffivee ctfiove r lfoosr inlog siwneig gwheit… gh†to… es †ores unnruinng nirnug in ruyion ur your ut wue t hwae ve ha avloe na g lownag y wto ay go to bgefo obre efdorrae wdirnag wainng y aconny cclounsciolunss. ioŠnes. t’s Šet’s kneeskn… e„ess … it „ns oirt mnoarl mto ael xtero ecxisere clesise s laess s wae s awge e… a geh… a t is hatt his e bthest e bwest ay wto ay to begibn egwin ith wwithh awt hyoaut ’rye ou’rre obarbolbay dboly indg oirnigg hrt ignhot w naos w yaos u yroeu ad rethad este hese persupersuade apdee opplee otpo le exto erecxisere… cis„s e… th„ers te haern e oapn timopatl imkianl d kainnd d aanmd oaumnt ouof nt of wordwso—rd nso—t nmovot moving—in tgo —e txo leoxre lomre orme odree edley ethly e tbhie ggbest iggmest yth myotf h of exerecxisere… cis‡eo… w ‡mow ucmh udcoh es doees xerecxisere caisffe ecat ffoeuct r ovuur lnverulanberiliatby itlo ity cato nccer ancer them athem all’ thlal’ tt iht’as nt ito’s nrmoarl tmo eal txero ecxisere.cise. 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