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22 22 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 23 23 and aZnend Zo enof o Coitf iuCm itiupm reapcrheead chthed at ttho at litvo e ltihve e tbhest e bpest osspibolse silbifle e, loifnee , one manmy amnen y mwen ho wenho listeneld istoer d woerr e wderrae fdterd afftoer d Wfoor rWld oWrld ars WI ars anI d aInI d anII d and shouslhd ouexld erecxisere cnisoe t onnot ly oonnly e’os nme’is nmd ibund t abulst o aolsno e’os nbeo’s dyb. oTdhy. is Tihdis ea idis ea is by thbe y tpahe thpaetitc hesttiac te stoaf te fiotnf esfits naesms oanmg osncg hosoclhcohoilldchren ildraen t thae t tsthae rt stoaf rt of 28 28 not njuost t jWust estWerestn. erCno. nCfuocniufus caiuns d aontd her othper romprionmenit nenCht inCeshie nesphe ilopshoil-oso-the Cthoe ld CWold Nat iNonaatil omnaol vmemovenemts ento ts drto um druum p fiutp nesfits nfesor s tfhoe r sthake e sake phers phaers lso atlsauo gthat utghhat t tehxaert ecxisere cisae s eas uaelly uaesllsy enestsiaenl ftoiar l pfohr yspihcayl siacnad l and of thoe stf thae stte statie stll ocilcl our iccn Cur ihn Cina ahinna ad enlsd eewlsheerweh. ere. menmtaenl hteaal lhth eaaltnh d aennd coenurcaoguerd agreegd urleagr uglayr mgnyamstnicas staincs d amnd armtiaal ratiratl s. arts. he ohthe er othsoer urscoe uorcf e anof iaenty iheaty s hbaes en bethen e hthee alhth eacloth nsceonusenecues enoces f of n nn dian, dyoiaga , yoga as deavs edloepveeld opaend d apnod puploapruilead ritheod utshaonudss anodf s yeoaf rs yeaagrs o ago eereciserincg istiono g ltiotto lel. ittlea. ny apney opplee otphlie ntk htiondk atyo’s dapyh’s yspihcayl siicnaal citnivaicty tiveipty i epi 2626 to trtao tin braoin bth booth bdy aodny ad mnid mnd.ind.demdic emis ic a is noa venl ocvreisl iscr isbuis t buthis t tsthis ate stoaf te aloaf rm alahrm as hbaes en bemen oumntoiunng ting i­e sio ­e msao nmy apnuy rsupuitrsus, eitxser, ecxisere ciisn e thin e Wtheste Werestn eron rld otrolod ­ toa oba­ a c­ba-c­-ever esvier ncse inmcae cmhiances hinstes artsted artto ed retpo larece plhacue mhaun mpahn yspihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti. v­ityv. er ­ver seat steo aot ttho er other orldloy rladnly d asnpd iristpuiarl itcuoanl cceronncs eranfts er aftther e ftahle l ofaf l€l oof m€e oamne d and the ltahst e l€a‚st ƒ y€‚eƒ arsye awrso rrwieod rrpiehd yspihciyasnicsi apnosl itpicoilaitnicsi aannsd aendd uceadtuors cathoars ve have didnd’t idhna’t ve haa ve rena arisensaaniscse anucne tiul nthtie l t€hene €aisensaaniscsea. n‚ceu. t ‚purit mparrimily arfiolr y for regurleagruly larralisy erd aisceod ncceronncs erthnas t tthhae t ythoue tyh ouof th thoeif r thdeiay r darae y waroe efwuolefly uleslly s less the pthre iviplreigveid leguepd per uppcler assces. lassWes. hiWle hpiele aspaenatss astntis ll sttoiilll etd oiiln ed thin e fithee ldfis, elds, activaec tliesves lfiest s afintd athnud s thlesus s lheses alhthey altthhay n ththan e pthree vpioreuvs ioguens ergenatierona. tiony . y fiftefienftteh-entot-h-setoven-setveenentteh-en centh-t cuenry tuedry uceadtuors cataonrs d apnhd ilopshoiplohsers ophsuers ch suacs h as univuersnivitersy „itya r„vaarrdv ais rdn o is eno ceeptcioenp. ti…ont . th…e t ttuhe rn tuorf n thoe f ltahst e lcaenst tcuenryt ury „ohn „o hon c­ eo, c…­eer, …cuerricaulisri, aClisrist, Córbaistl ó…baénl …deén, d„eoh, n „oChon mCenomiuens, iaunsd , aˆnid t- ˆit-†ud†leuy d…lely len …l‡len arg‡enartg enwht o wfhouo nfdoued ndthed e tmhe odmeron derphn yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn ation torintoo ridna o ‰dea ltr‰e elatrde voacdavtoed cateexd erecxiseres cislies ­e lig­ye mgnyamstnicasst, ifcens, cfienngc, inagn, d and movmemovenemt ienn t …imn er…mica erˆiacna d ˆafonr d yfeoar rs yedairs recdtiered ctthee d gthye m gwym herwe hI erse omI seome horsheobarsce­ baricd­ inrig difnor g tfhoe r ethlie tes elitto es prto omproote mvoitge ovr, igtoear, ch teacchh arcahcater racatner d and times timwes ork woourk t‰ owuto‰r rwieod rrtihead t t“htaht er“te hneree ver newver as wa atis ma e tiimn e thin e hthiste ohristy oof ry of valuvesal, uaesn, d aennd riench rimch inmds. inTds. hen Thaen s thas e tmhe idmdle iddanle d aunpd per uppcer lassces lasses the wthoe rlwd owrlhd en whthen e gthree agt rmeaat sms oaf ss moaf nmkiannd kcinoud lcd omuled emt tehee t stihme psile meplie  ei expaenxdpaed ndraepd idraly pidduly ridnug rtinhe g Šnthe liŠnghtlenighmtenenmt aennd t atnhe d tnhde ustndruiastl r€ieavl o€-evo-gencgienes coif es lifoe f wlifie th wsio th listto le liettlpe enedpientudre itouf re tiomf e tiamne d aennd erengy erags y toads atyo ” day ” lutiolun,t io„ena,n „-e „aacn- „uaes cu€es ou€ssoeuasus, eTauh, oTmhaos m„eaffs ers„effoersn, oann, d aontd her othlier berlaibl eral and atnhd at th“wat it“hwouitt hosoult id soplihd yspihcayl siecdaul ceadtuiocn atiporn ogprraomgrsa mpeso pplee owploe uwld ould 29 29 lumliunmariines arenies thenustihaustsiicaastlliy caelxlty oellxetd oltlhee d nthae tunraatl uvraall uve aoluf e phoyf spihcayl siaccatl i-acti-becobmece omfate fdaeft odrmefoerdm aendd acnlud mclsuym.” sy.” … h u… nhdurend draend d atnwd entwty enyety ars years vity vainty d afintd nesfits nteso s grto ogirnog innug mnbuers mboers f thoe f tnhee nly eafflly uaenffltu. enŽht. ysŽihcayl sical laterl ata erc oa mcpormehpenreshienve ssuive rvsuey rovef y coolf lecgoe llestgue dstenutds enfrtos m fro„m ar„vaarrd vaarnd d and cultucure ltsuprre esapd rreaapd idraly pitdhlry otuhgrhoouugt hŠouurt oŠpuer, otphee , ‘thne it‘ed ni’tetad tes’t, aatesnd , aenlsd e-else-elsewelsheerwe hferoue nfd oulesnd s lteshas n thhaan lf healerf ecisered cisreegd urleagrulyl atrhlyu s thcuons tcroibuntrtiibung ting here hiern e thin e nthine enteinenetteh encenth tcuenryt, umryo, st mesost peescipalelcy iain lly scin hosocls hoaonls d aunnd i-uni-3030 to “pto “oor mpooenr mtaenl hteaal hlth aealnth ad inncd irenacsreed staserd stess.r”ess.” versvitersies. Šities. Šxercxisere acisne ad endd eucadtuiocn batioen bcamece iamnee ixtnriecxatbrliy lcabinly l­eidn.­ed.…nd …sno d wse o pwre omproote meote erecisere. cis’uest . ’aus st wae s pwue t pwuht ewels heien ls cian ges cagfoes r for “nd “ynet d fyoer t tfhoe r ltahst e flaest  fceen tcuenriestu, reiesxp, erextps erhatvs e havoe rrieod rriinecd esinscaesntsly antly mice min ice laibn s laobvser otvher e ctenhe tcuenries turwies e hwae ve hianvve enintveend a testd ua nstnuinng nvinarg ievtay rioef ty of that thae t are ena’t renex’ert ecxiserincg isienng ouengho. ug”ha. ti”onaatiloisnm alisis m onis e omne ajomr asjoor urscoe urce ways waanyd s amned amns efaonr s ofuor r foeullr ofw elhlouw mhaunms tao nus nto duerntdakere toapke tioonpatil opnhayl spihcayl sical of thois f tahnis xiaentyx. ie„utyst . „aus st aans ciaennct i’enpat r’tpaanrs taners e reree uriereud iraend d a€nod m€aonms ans activaicty tivfoitr y tfhoe r stahke e soaf ke heoaf lhth eaalnth d afintnd esfits. nes“ns. su“rnpsurisripnrgislyin eglyer ecisere chisae s has ere uerre geud rgto ed be to fibt e enfiot uengh outgo h fitgo ht figas ht soals dsiersold, iersflag, -fl aagv-i nag vilneag dlers eaders becobmece oimnce reinacsrineagsly inagdly veradtisvered tisaes d viars tuvoiruts uoauns d ahnad s hbaes en becen omcmomodmiodi and aendd uceadtuors cationrs creinacsrineagsly inegxlhy oerxthed oroterdd ionradriy ncairty icenitis teno pas to rtpaicirpaticte ipain te in fied ficeodm cmomermciaerlic”ieadli ”aendd ainndd uistndruiastlir”ieadli. ”eo du. so e tuhse e wtheie gwheit mghat cmhianceshi nes sporstps oarnts d aonthd er otfhoer rmfos romf s exoerf ecxisere caiss e praes paprreapatiorn atfioor n mfoir limtarily itsaerry vsicere. vice. treadtrmeaidllsm iellslli petlicliaplsti caalsnd aonthd er othcoer ntcroanpttiroanps tioin ns thin e gthye m gayrm ouanrd outnhd e the “n es“n peescipalelcy iainllfly uinenfltuiaenl ptiraol ppornoenpot noenf t thois f tmhis ovmemovenemt enat s ‰ars ie‰drriiech drich corncer ornfrer om frmom y hmoy ushe oucosste s cosstevs ensetvy endoty lladrs ollpaer rs mper onmtho. nWthh. en WhI en heaI d head „ahn„, ahthne , “th‰e at“h‰er athof er —oyf m—” ic‰s.o” llo‰olilnog i”nag p”olaepoonl’es ohnu’s mhiulimatiinlig ating out ofour t a for ma ormnionrg nirnug n ruI nw eI ar wesapr ecsipaleic”iead li”reud nnruinng nisnhg oessh ocesh afceh afe strinstg rionf g viocf tovriices toroies ver o—ver erm—eran maarn maies rmiin es thin e tehae rly eanrilny enteinenetteh encenth -cen-prevpenretvineng tisnhg orsths ora tss na a””sny a””moy istmuoristeu wrieck winicg kisnhg irst ha irtw aa shwaabslhe acbalpe cap turyt, u„rayh, n „aahrn guaerd gutehd at thedaut ceadtuors cathors ad ha ad resa proesnspiobnilsitiby iltio ty restto orreste othre e the and aann d ean penespienve swivae tcwh attchh at tchoant nceocntns etco ts sato telslaittes elliotes verohveerad heto ad trtao ck track physpihcayl siacnad l amnd ormal ostrarl enstgrtenh gotf h hois f nhais tionna’ts ioyno’s utyh outih th citah listcahlenistihcens, ics, my smpy eesd peaend d adnistd adnistcea. n­ces. ca­r sWcair ldWe ioldne ce onuce ippueidp p“eI da p“pI raopvpe roof ve anoy f any 2727 gymgnyamstnicasst, ihcis­, ihnig­, inrugn, nruinngn, inangd , amnd orme. ore.activaicty tivtihty at trheat urieres uitrhes e twhee arwineag rionf g spoef csipal eccilaol thcilontgh ” inbug ” t buI sut I spsuecst pect ater , atserim, isliamr ilaor rries orriin es in “mer“mica ericera e erspe ursrpeud rrbey d tbhy e temhe baemrrbaassrirnasg silnacg ­ laocf ­ fiotnf esfits nesams oanmg ong even evhen e whoe uwld obue ld sbhe ocskheod ckaet d thae t pthoe puploapruitly aroif ty “aotf h“leisuathleisure”—re w”—orko worutko ut Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 22Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 227/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 23Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 237/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM

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