20 20 exerecxIersedcIsed Are WAe Bre Wore Bn too Rrn teso Rt oer Rst ounr R? un? 21 21 ciallcy itahlle y gthroe wgtrh owof th desof k djesobk s jtohbas t tghlaut e gulus e to uos uto r cohuar icrs. haIin rs. 19In 6019, a60bo, uat bout you yreoau d rtehaad t tchoart recocrtlrye) chtloyp) pheod ppoend to otnhte o wthhe ewel haened l aennd joenyed joa yefd ew a fmew inm- in- 25 25 half hoaf lf alol f joabll s join bs thin e Uthne itUed niStetd ates Staitnes voilnvevd olvaet d leaat st least oderoadte erlaetve els levels utes outf res ounf rnuinng inin png ilan pce blaefce bore defoisre dappiseaaprpineag baring back inctk io tnhte no thige nht.ight. of ohf ysihcayl siaccatl ivaictyti, vbuity, t butodt aty odlesay s lesths an tha0 n er0 cenert cenof t joobf s jodbes daend and WerWe erthe este hesane imanals imeaxls erecxiserincgis, inpgla, ypinlagy, inogr , juor st jurust nnruinng nifnrg om from ore othre an thlaign ht liglehvt els levoef ls acotf ivaictyti, vaitn y, aavn eraavgere argede urcetdioun ctioof n at of leaat st lea ast a instiinncstt incto ono e oknne owkns, owansd , atnhd e tahne swaner swpaer rtpaly rdtely pendedps enodn s hoon w hwow e we 24 24 hunhdurend drcead lorciaes lories er der ay.day. definde efienxere ecxisere caisne d apnlad y. plaaym. uaeml uoehl nsoohn nsdoidn ndt idcnont sciodner sieider ther eitwher ord word ha t haot dest odaest oaunt ouonf t uonf suennst enenert engy ergy adds adud s to u twto entwtyen sit yt shio utshaonud safenwd er fewcaer lorciaes lorsies enst oenver t otvher e ctohue rscoe uorsf e of wortwhoy rtohf y an of enan treny itn ry hiis n cheis lebceraletebd radteid ctidoincatiroyn, abury, t busubt ssue busene t uendict - dic- a yeaa ry, eenaro, uengh outo gh ruto n raubn ouat btoen ut ten aratharoants. ho€nns. d €onud tsoidue tsoidue r ojoubr sj, owbe s, we tionatiroines argies energenallery adlely finde efinexe erecxisere” cisas e” a as pa lanpnleadn, nstedr, ustctruurcetd uprehd yspih- ysi- walk wlaeslk s, lesdrsi, ve drivoe re, oarned , aunsd e ucose unctoluesns tleness erengyer sagvyi n sag vidneg vidces evifcres o fro cal accatli a‚ictyti to‚it iym top irmo‚per ho‚eea hlthe,a filtthn, fiests,n oesrs, p ohry psihcayls sickaill sls,k”i alls,n”d a npdla yp” alasy ” as shoshiong cinarg ts cato rtes lteo vaetloers vattohrs at twhhat itwtlhe iattwle aya, wcaaylo, rciae lobry ie cably orciael, oart ieh, oaw t how an aacn ti‚aicty ti‚uinty duerntdakeren takfoen r nfo or snero iosuers iopuras cptircaacl tpicuarl ppousrep.” osƒes .” faƒr s afs ar wae s we uch uchh ysihcayl asiccatl aivicty wtivite dy woe d. o. knowkn, aolwl , malal mmmamals mpalls ay pwlahy en whthen ey tharee y yaorue nygou, hnegl, phineg lptinhem g thaem c uaicr e uire he hroe blerob, leof , coouf rscoeu, rsis et, his at thhat ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivhiety lhs esllos w slaogw inag ging sociasol cainad l apnhd yspihcayl ssickail lls. ski„lls. um„aunms aanre s oanre e oonf e thoe f ftehw e fsepw ecsipes ectihes at tahlsao t also and anrod rootes ofites tnesfits naesns d ahned alhthe. aSlto h. thSoo ste hoof se us of wuhs o wnho o lonno gler onenger gaenge gage somseotimmees timples ay pals ay adaus latsd, ualtnsd , aunnd i uuneil y uien ly thin e cthone tceoxnt toef xst poof rstps, oa rtds, isa - dis- in ihn ysihcayl silcaabl olr abto or suto rvsuive rvive ust unost w nwow eirwdleiy rcdhly oocshe ooto se ento gaenge gain ge in tincttii‚ne cthi‚ue mhaun mbaen hab‚eihor a‚cioomr cmomon mto on altl o caulll tucures. ltures. ot alol t saplol rstps, ohrtosw, h- ow- unnuecnesnescaesry sarhy ysihcayl siaccatl ivaicty tivfiotr y tfhoe r tshae ke saokf e hoef alhth eaaltnh d afintd nesfits. nesIn s. In e‚ere, ‚aerre , eaxrere ecxisere c…iscoe n…sciodner siddaer rtds aarnts d aanud to aruatco inragc). in†g)y . o†py inoipon inis ion this at that other wother wordso, erdser, ecisere.cise. whilwe hmilae nmy aanny imanals imaarls e darrie ‚en dri‚ben y dbey ep deinestp iinncstts intco ts mtoo ‚me, os‚oem, seotimmees times causcianug sipnlg eapsuleraesu, erxeer, ecxisere caiss e wae s dwee finde efiint—e dit—isc dreisticorneatiroyn, aprlya, npnlead nned physpihcayl siaccatl i‚aicty ti‚foitr y tfhoe r sthake e saokf e phof yspihcayl siicmal pirmo‚pemro‚enemt—en is t—a is una i uuneil y uely How EHoxw Eercixsee Brcisee Bcamece Wamee Wird eird humhaun mbaen hab‚eihora. ‚ˆion r. faˆcn t, faˆ ctth, iˆ ntk hiit nis k ift ais ir fto aimr tao kme tawke o tgweno ergenalier‰aatliio‰nas tions ƒodƒeron derbin obeiodiceadl ircesal eraesrceh arrceh lies releies tenestienvelsy ivoen ly on illionils lioonf s oif ce ice abouat bhouumt haun meaxn erecxisere. cŠisierst. Š, iwrsth, ilwe hyoilue nygstouners gsthers a‚e haal‚we aayls wpalyas yepd laayend d and that tshaent sd enthd e enthe tirenetty iroef ty thoeif r thbeirir ef brliivef es liivn es anin ianal ifaacl ilfiatices ilitwies herwe here sporstps oarrte s a arhe ua mhaun muann i‚uersni‚aersl, eaxler, ecxisere coisue tsoidue tstihde e cthoe ntceoxnt toef xt spoof rstps orts they thlievy e liin ve tiinn y, ticnlye, ar clealar stilc astcaigc es cagees atineg atinnog thniontg hibung t buot use ouchse ow chow was weaxs tremextreemly realy re raurne tiul nretill atrie‚lealty i‚reelcy enretclyen. tleyc. onedc, onas d, reacs enret centect ht-ech- and anned ver nesveer einseg eithne g ltihge ht liogf htt hoe f suthe n. su„nec. a„uesce authsese te huesne luucnkly uackny ianals ials nolongoicloagl iacnal d asnod ciasol cdiael ‚edloep‚emloenpmts enhtas ‚e had‚ie mdinimishineisd hiend duistndruiastlir‰iead li‰ed are narae tunraatluly rasloly ciasol, ctihale, y thaere y uarsue aulsuly ahloly usheod usin ed girn ougrs ouof s aboof uat bfiouvet , five, peoppleeos pnlees ed neto ed be to pbhe yspihcaylsliy caalclty i‚aec, ta i‚eg, roa wgirnog wcinhg orcuhs ooruf s exopf erextps erhats s has and abned cabuesce authsee y tharee y naare tunraatluly raalclty ivaec, tiit veis , istt is anstdaarnd darrd actircae cttio ce ltao ce la ace a ne‚er cne‚eer caseed taso red taiso re taishe ae thlae arm tlarhm tat whae at wrene at erenxert ecxiserincg enising enougho.ugh. little lirtotlde enrot dwenht ewel hien eel ain ch eaccah ge csao ge thseo y thcaen y craun n riun n enin dlenesds lcesirs clcesir, cnlesot , not ‹he ‹fihrst e figrst energenalier‰aatliio‰na, titohna, t tahdaut lat deuxlert ecxisere cis ise mis odmerond, eris nk, iis nd kionf d of unliuke nlhikue hauns aonn s a otn rea adtreaidll. €ilnl. d€, bnody, , bdoo y, thdeo y thruey n. ruyn. icyal ilcaabl olraab ora ob‚ioobu‚s. ioƒus. s wƒe s hwae ‚e haa‚lre eaadlry easdey ens, eeenar, ly eafralry mfaers rmhers ad hto ad totio l taos il haas rd hard tory troordy enrotds envotls uvnotlaurnilty aarinly d arned eraetedealy terduln y roun n thon eir thweihr ewels hefeols r ofnoer o t noe t o as if ans oif t hnaort dher artdher an thhaun nhteru-n gaterth- gaertersher, ersand , afnor d tfhoe r ltahst e lfaest w ftehw outshaonud sand two t woin utie nbuote utbso, ustos, seotiees titoes taltiontg alitnhg rete hree iles ia les nia ghnt. ig…hut. ri…ouurs ious years yefaars rmfaers rmpers rimparrimily aerxilery ecxiseredcis, oefdten , oftthen rotuhgrh ousgph orstps, otro tsp, rteo paprree paforr e for whewthher ethwer ild wriold denrotds enwtos uwld oudo ld tdho e tshae sea, thee , t†hue tc†h untceh urnoesucrienosctist ientist fightfiignhgt. iƒnng. cƒiennct itenext ts telxikts e lThe ike The Iliad,Iliad, pain patinings tinfrgs om frpohm arpahoanriac oŒgnic ypŒgt, ypt, ‡oha‡nonha anƒna eijƒer eijer laced lacoend e oonf e thoof ste horose denrot denwht ewels heien ls ain n oavn erogvrerowgn rown and a†nd es†opesotoapmotiaan mciaan r‚cinargs ‚intestgs itfesty tihfay t tshpaot rstps olrikts e lwikre estwlriestng, lisnpgr, inspt-rint- corncer ornof er her of hgaer rdgaen rdin en i0n 09 0w0i9 th wfiotoh d foaos d baas it, baseitt , us et a un iga hnt ivgishti ovn ision ing, ingand, ajan‚de linja‚ etlinhro twhingrow hingelp heedl pweodu wldo- bue ldw- bae rrwioars rrikoers ep kefiet p anfid t ahnod ne hone caceraa tero a retco orred cworhd awt hhaat henaeden, aendd , awnend wt teno bt eto d. bˆedh. en ˆhsen he svhiee wveid ewed comcbaomt sbakit lls. skiŽlls. ut Žnuot t nalol t eaxlerl ecxisere ciisn e thin e tahne ciaennct ienwot rlwd owrlad s wcoas mcbaomt bat the ttahe e ttahe e nthee t neot rnionrgn, isnhge , fsohue nfd outo nd her to dheer ligdhet litghhat t tdhoa‰t endos ‰enof s her of her relatreedla. tˆef dy. oˆu f ywoeru e wweree alwthey alenthy ouengh outgo h attto enad ttenond e oonf e thoe f gthree agt rƒeatht eƒ-the- gardgaenr’ds ens’s asll wailll d wdienld id‰enenis ‰enhas d hruad n rwuhn ilwe hsihle e sshlee ts. le€ftt. er €fnter ibbnliinbg bling nian nsiacn hosocls hooof ls phof ilopshoiplohsyo, pyhoyu , ywoou uwld ouhald ‚e hba‚ee en beaen d‚isaded ‚isto ed exto erecxisere cise on tohn e bathe it, bathite , ltohce all ocail ce, ircaet, s, rasthsr, eswhsr, ewfrso, gsfr, oagsnd , aenvd en evsen naisls na‹yils es, ‹yes, as paas rt paof rt yoouf r yoou‚r eroa‚ll ereadlul ceadtuiocna. tio‘nh. il‘oshoiplohsers ophlers ike l‘ikle ato‘, latoo, craotescr, ates, Copyrighted Material Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 20Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 20 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PMLieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 21Lieb_9781524746988_all_3p_r1.z.indd 21 7/8/20 7:01 PM7/8/20 7:01 PM
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