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3 x 13 November 2020 x 17 December 2020 x 18 December 2020 x 14 January 2021 x 16 April 2021 6. They did not specify to whom or in relation to which events those FPNs were issued, nor have they shared that information with me. They did confirm that a total of 83 ind ividuals received FPNs and that some people received more than one. In order to refer for an FPN, officers were required to have a reasonable belief that the individual had committed an offence under the regulations. 7. The Prime Minister and the Chancellor each confirmed that they had received an FPN in relation to the event on the 19th June 2020 . The Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service confirmed that he has not received an FPN. 8. Now that the police have concluded their e nquiries I am able to set out in more detail, and in line with my terms of reference, my findings with respect to the gatherings within the scope of my investigation. Methodology 9. My update set out the context and methodology of the investigation. I will not repeat that here oth er than to add some further detail relevant to the findings in this report. 10. In finalising this report I have continued to take advice, as appropriate from the Treasury Solicitor; Dan iel Stilitz QC ; and Christopher Knight of counsel . Scope 11. The original scope of the Cabinet Office investigation focused on three gatherings alleged to have taken place in No 10 Downing Street and the Department for Education in November and December 2020. The terms of reference also allowed for the investigation of credible allegations of other gatherings. That led to my team and I investigating a further 13 events reported to have taken place in No 10 and the Cabinet Office during the period of the pandemic. 12. Details of these additional events emer ged in a number of ways. In some instances information was proactively provided by the individuals we interviewed and throughout the process people were encouraged and reminded in line with the terms of reference, to provide any relevant information to the

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 5 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 4 Page 6