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2 x 17 December 2020: a gathering in Cabinet Office, 70 Whitehall on the departure of a senior Cabinet Office officia l and a No 10 official; x 17 December 2020: a gathering in No 10 Downing Street on the departure of two No 10 official s ; x 18 December 2020: a gathering in No 10 Downing Street ahead of the Christmas break; x 14 January 2021; a gathering in No 10 Downing Street on the departure of two No 10 officials; x 16 April 2021; A gathering in No 10 Downing Street on the departure of a senior No 10 official; x 16 April 2020; gathering in No 10 Downing Street on the departure of another No 10 official. The Me tropolitan Police assessed that the following gatherings did not reach the threshold for criminal investigation: x 15 May 2020: photograph showing a number of groups in the garden of No 10; x 27 November 2020: a gathering in No 10 on the departure of a spe cial adviser; x 10 December 2020: a gathering in the Department for Education ahead of the Christmas break; x 15 December 2020: a gathering in No 10 for an online Christmas Quiz. Outcome of the Metropolitan Police investigation 5. As I said in my 31 January update it was not for me to make a judgment on whether the criminal law had been broken : that is properly a matter for law enforcement bodies . Further to that on 19 May 2022 the Metropolitan Police announced that they had concluded their investigation. They confirmed that they had made 126 referrals for Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to the ACRO Criminal Records Office for breaches of Covid - 19 regulations in relation to events on the following eight dates: x 20 May 2020 x 18 June 2020 x 19 June 2 020

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 4 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 3 Page 5