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12 Lee Cain, the then No 10 Director of Communications (a special adviser), also received the invitation. In response, he emailed Martin Reynolds, No 10 official (1) , and Dominic Cummings at 14.35 on 20 May 2020 stating: μ I¶m sure it Zill be fine - and I applaud the gesture - but a 200 odd person invitation for drinks in the garden of no 10 is somewhat of a comms risk in the current environment. ¶ Lee Cain says he subsequently spoke to Martin Reynolds and advised him that the event should be cancelled. Martin Reynolds does not recall any such conversation. In addition, Dominic Cummings has also said that he too raised concerns, in writing. We have not found any documentary evidence of this. The event The event itself began shortly before 18.00 on 20 May 2020. It has been difficult to ascertain exact numbers in attendance, but it is likely that there were approximately 30 - 40 people in the garden. The Prime Minister attended at a pproximately 18.00 for around 30 minutes to thank staff before returning to his office with Martin Reynolds for a meeting at 18.30 . This meeting lasted 30 minutes after which Martin Reynolds returned to the garden for an un known period. The P rime M inister did not return to the garden. Lee Cain informed the investigation that he attended the event for a brief period to ascertain who was present in the garden. A No 10 official also informed the investigation that they had been out in the garden briefly at approximately 18.00 and had noted a small number of individuals gathered. The No 10 official spoke to a nother colleague who informed them that they were attending for the drinks and on hearing this the No 10 official left. The majority of people who attended the event were present early on in the evening with a number of individuals leaving Downing Street between 22.00 and 23.00. Drinks and pizza were provided and paid for by staff. On the following day, the 21 May 2020, a No 10 special adviser emailed Martin Reynolds saying: ³Hi Martin, Thank you so much for organising these drinks and for providing the wine! A very kind thing to do and I knoZ ever\one reall\ appreciated it. ́ Martin Reynolds replied: ³Thanks ± it was lots of fun and nice to chat Zith ever\one. ́ This event was also referenced in a subsequent Whatsapp message on an unknown date from Martin Reynolds to a special adviser :

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 14 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 13 Page 15