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13 [Martin Re\nolds] [19:36] ³Best of luck ± a complete non story but better than them focusing on our drinks (which we seem to have got away with). ́ 18 June 2020: a gathering in the Cabinet Office, 70 Whitehall on the departure of a No 10 official Extract of regulations and guidance On 1 June 2020, England moved to ³step 2 ́ of the Gover nment¶s roadmap in Zhich restrictions on leaving one¶s home Zere removed. Gatherings of tZo or more persons indoors and more than six outdoors were prohibited. An exception permitted gatherings that are ³reasonabl\ necessar\ «. for Zork purposes ́. At work, social distancing guidance continued to say ³ you must maintain social distancing in the Zork place Zherever possible. ́ Work places Zere required ³to maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible, including when arriving at and departing from work, Zhile in Zork, and Zhen travelling betZeen sites ́. On 13 June 2020 individual prayer in places of worship was allowed again and on 15 June 2020 non - essential retail businesses were permitted to re - open. Summary On the 18 June 2020 a gathering took place in No 10 and in the Cabinet Office at 70 Whitehall, to mark the departure of a No 10 official (³No 10 official (1) ́). The first part of the event took place in No 10 in the Cabinet Room involving formal leaving speeches and some alcohol. This lasted appro ximately for up to an hour . The second part took place in 70 Whitehall in the Cabinet Secretary¶s rooms with alcohol, food and music. Preparations On 11 June 2020, an email invitation was sent at 18.12 by No 10 official (1) to the Private Secretaries in No 10 inviting them to an event to mark their departure. The email was entitled μ No 10 official (1) leaving drinks ¶. These were scheduled to take pla ce on 18 June 2020, from 6 - 9pm, in a location that was μ TBC ¶. At 19.12 No 10 official (1) sent an identical invitation to a number of other individuals in No 10 including senior officials and special advisers which was called μ No 10 official (1) leaving d rinks ¶. A number of individuals accepted the invitation. There was some internal discussion about the event between Martin Reynolds, Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, and Lee Cain, the No 10 Director

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 15 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 14 Page 16