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14 of Communications. On 12 June there was an exchange of WhatsApp messages between the two that re ad: [Martin Re\nolds] [18:31] ³ No 10 official (1)¶s leaving drinks next week - can we discuss handling! ́ [Lee Cain] [18:32] ³Yes - not sure hoZ Ze do it but Zant to do something ́ [Martin Re\nolds] [19:01] ³Is it safer to do a larger event indoors but Zith some people carr\ing on outside afterZards? ́ [Lee Cain] [19:20] ³I¶m not sure it Zorks at all to be honest, Zhich Zould be a shame. I don¶t see hoZ Ze can have some kind of part\ though ́ [Martin Re\nolds] [19:23] ³So \ou are sa\ing nothing for [No 10 offi cial (1)] ? ́ [Lee Cain [18:32] ³I think it¶s \our decision m\ friend, not mind [sic]! But it obviousl\ comes Zith rather substantial comms risks ́ On 17 June 2020 there were email exchanges between No 10 official (1) and a second No 10 official ( No 10 official (2) ), (subject matter μ My Leaving ¶) regarding the logistics of the event . No 10 official (1) emailed No 10 official (2) and another No 10 official (No 10 official (3)) stating: ³ Hi It would be nice to do the speech bit either tomorrow or Friday with a zoom option so I can invite a wider No 10 audience (i.e. Questions, R&I, speechwriters DCs, PU, press, media spads, covid lot, political team etc)««« ́ No 10 official (2) replied to stating: ³ Hi Martin [Reynolds] and Stuart [Glassborow] would like to do speeches tomorrow Zhen Ze have \our drinks Zhich aren¶t drinks . What time are we planning on the drinks? I think we should aim to do speeches in the Cabinet Room via Zoom after 6.30 Zhen the PM has gone and Dom¶s evening meeting has finished. What shall I call the invite? I will get the Zoom details at some point tomo rroZ ́ . No 10 official (1) replied μWell if Ze¶re doing it in Cabinet Room Zith a gap then to the actual drinks, I think we can more explicitly call it [No 10 official (1)] goodbye or leaving speech, or something?¶. No 10 official (2) replied μ Is 6.30 o k for this? We could maybe squeeze it in at 1730 but might have to be a different room! Zoom details below. Topic: No 10 official (1) Goodbye Time: Jun 18, 2020 0630 pm London [Zoom meeting details] ¶

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 16 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 15 Page 17