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30 the office during the pandemic, in order to carry out their roles effectively , with some rota working for duty staff . On 27 November 2020, a message was sent at 15.31 by a No 10 official on a WhatsApp Group consisting of No 10 media special advisers and members of the No 10 Press Office and Private Office. The message read μ Hey team - do you want to participate in press office secret Santa? ¶ , f ollowed by a message saying μ Spending limit £10 ¶ and a further message which read μ We will do gift exchange and cheese and (lots of) wine on 18th Dec. ¶ A number of staff replied positively. On 3 December 2020, an email invitation was sent from the Press Office Mailbox to members of the No 10 Press Office, which included officials and special advisers, inviting them to a μ Wine & Cheese Evening ¶ , to be held from 17.00 - 21.00 on Friday 18 December 2020. On 7 December 2020, messages were sent via a second WhatsApp group organising who would provide which type of cheese for the event. On 12 December 2020, a number of messages were sent on a third WhatsApp group, discussing the purchase of a fridge for th e office (through individual contributions). One member of the group said μ £5 or so from everyone who wants to contribute would be fab ± thanks team¶ . Another member of the group replied μ Done, Looking forZard to a chilled WTF [Wine Time Frida\] ne[t Zeek¶ , while another commented μ... depending on hoZ full it gets Ze can put Frida\¶s cheese in there. ¶ On 18 December 2020 , a message was sent to a fourth WhatsApp g roup (whose membership consisted of Press Office officials, including senior civil servants), at 12.09 as follows: ³Our current plan is: 1630 people put out their cheese and Christmas treats 1700 [No 10 Official] kicks off Secret Santa (if \ou¶re alright Zith that [a No 10 official]? We can help give out the presents. [No 10 Offici al] then gives out the quiz and gives people some time to do it before going through the answers [No 10 Official] then does the weather game - we need to divide the office into two teams socially distanced along the long bank of desks for this we think Then James [Slack] and Jack [Doyle] do a bit of a jokey highlights and low - lights of the \ear speech ́

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 32 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 31 Page 33