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31 On the 18 December 2020 at 13.19, the email invitation of 3 December 2020 was reissued. Instead of μ Wine & Cheese Evening¶ it subsequently read μ End of Y ear Meeting with Wine & Cheese ¶. The event The 18 December 2020 was a Friday, when the weekly Press Office meeting and μWine Time Friday¶ would have normally taken place. It was also the last working Friday of 2020 and there was a desire to mark the occasion. Some work did take place in the Press Office and No 10 whilst this event was underway, in relation to the ongoing negotiations on a trade deal ahead of the UK¶s exit from the EU scheduled for 31 December 2020; and on the emergence of the Delt a variant of Covid 19, raising issues of what Covid restrictions would be necessary over the Christmas period with announcements being made the next day. A number of senior members of the Press Office attended or observed relevant meetings and discussed fo llow up action. The event started by about 18.00 which was later than scheduled. It took place in the same space as the leaving event on 27 November 2020, in the area just outside the No 10 Press Office. A Secret Santa gift exchange took place. There was also a quiz. An μ aZards ceremon\¶ took place, at around 19.45. A No 10 official sent a message to one of the WhatsApp groups at 19.49 stating μ prize giving now guys, return ¶. The investigation was informed that this was an extension of the type of award s ceremony which might take place on μWine Time Friday¶. Those present gathered together at the meeting table in the small area outside the main Press Office. Awards certificates were handed out to staff by Jack Doyle, a senior special adviser. There wer e about 30 certificates prepared , although not all those awarded certificates were present. The ceremony lasted between 10 - 25 minutes and between 15 and 45 people were in the room during that time. At approximately 19 . 45 that evening, a panic alarm butto n was accidentally triggered by a member of staff. The custodians on duty responded, as did one of the police officers on No 10 door duty. They observed a large number of people in the area outside of the main Press Office and one individual giving a speec h. Inside the Press Office a further 15 - 20 people were present. There was food and alcohol available which had been bought and brought in by staff. Some members of staff drank excessively. The event was crowded and noisy

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 33 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 32 Page 34