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32 such that some people working elsewhere in the No 10 building that evening heard significant levels of noise coming from what they characterised as a μparty¶ in the Press Office. A cleaner who attended the room the next morning noted that there had been red wine spilled on one wall and on a number of boxes of photocopier paper. The event lasted for several hours, with varying levels of attendance throughout, including because officials left to attend official meetings. Attendance peaked during the awards ceremony. No 10 exit logs show a number of members of staff remaining in the office until after midnight. 14 January 2021 ; a gathering in No 10 Downing Street on the departure of two No 10 officials Extract from regulations and guidance On 6 January 2021, all areas of England Zere moved into Tier 4¶s sta\ at home restrictions . This was the third national lockdown. The stay at home restrictions prohibited leaving one¶s home e[cept for permitted e[ceptions Zhich included Zhere it Zas ³reasonabl\ necess ar\«for the purposes of Zork ́ and Zhere it Zas not reasonably possible to work from home. Indoor gatherings of two or more people were not permitted subject to exceptions which included where a gathering Zas ³reasonabl\ necessar\«for Zork purposes ́. Socia l distancing remained the rule at Zork, Zith offices advised ³to maintain social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable), wherever possible, including while arriving at and departing from work, while in work and when t ravelling betZeen sites ́. Summary On 14 January 202 1 a leaving event took place for two No 10 officials (No 10 officials 1 and 2) in the Pillared Room in No 10. The Prime Minister attended for a short time to give a leaving speech. Alcohol was available. Preparations On 7 January 2021 Stuart Glassborow, the Prime Minister¶s Deputy Principal Private Secretary and line manager of the departing individuals, sent an email inviting staff to a μ Virtual Leaving Presentation ¶ , to be held on 14 January 2021 between 17 . 30 - 18 . 30 to mark the leaving of two No 10 officials . The email contained only a Microsoft Teams online link; no information was initially given to suggest an in - person event. This email was subsequently forwarded to

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 34 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 33 Page 35