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Measuring results Metrics in ads manager Get real-time results any time by visiting the Ads Manager. There you can explore metrics like total spend, results, cost per result, and result rate. Keep in mind an impression is any time your ad is shown on Twitter. Discover all the things you can do in our Ad Manager. Key metrics to track Measurement studies Cost per follower (CPF) Ad level: Additionally, you can run Average cost to gain a new What Tweets are performing measurement studies* follower. This can be calculated best? Are there any common depending on your goals. by dividing total spend by the themes around creative and/or Here are examples of deeper number of new followers. copy? If so, consider creating measurements we have run more Tweets like these to add to for Followers campaigns. Total impressions the campaign. Audience Verification helps you Total impressions your Promoted Account ads receive. What Tweets are understand the demographics underperforming? Consider of the audience you have Follow rate turning these off. reached. In these reports, you Average number of people who can access key metrics like Age who engage with and decide to Ad group level: and Gender. follow your brand for each Is there an ad group performing Brand Surveys help you thousand promoted account ad better than others? Why is that? understand if your campaign is impressions delivered. driving mass awareness by Audience level: understanding the brand lift Total audience reach What audiences are your between those who have seen Total number of people who Tweets resonating with your ad and those who have had the opportunity to see most? not. “be impressed” by your ad. *Study feasibility, minimum spend and Total spend availability of solutions and partners vary by market. Please chat with your Twitter Total amount your account team for more details. You can find campaign spent. all of Twitter’s measurement solutions here. 19

Followers Objective Playbook - Page 19 Followers Objective Playbook Page 18 Page 20