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– Behavioural changes: Such changes, or reached a new high, surpassing 8 billion tonnes the daily alterations that diminish wasteful or in a single year for the 昀椀rst time and eclipsed the excessive energy consumption, are important previous record set in 2013. The bright side is that to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. At the governments, banks, investors and mining 昀椀rms 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26), Indian continue to show a reluctance to invest in coal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled Mission particularly thermal coal. No clear indications exist of LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), a programme a reversal in investment trends outside of China and that aims to prioritize individual behaviour in the India, where domestic production has been raised global climate action discourse by shifting away 20 In addition, to decrease external dependence. from the current “use-and-dispose” economic the policy responses overall in many regions to the model towards a circular economy characterized global energy crisis, such as those taken in major 19 This economies (e.g. EU, United States and Japan), are by conscious and deliberate utilization. move should be welcome for a highly populous likely to accelerate clean energy developments further. country such as India, where behavioural changes can have a substantial effect. While global commitments and actions to advance the sustainable energy transition have increased Despite some of the progressive initiatives, the recently, they still fail to attain the required level to sustainable energy system remains vulnerable at limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C and large. In 2022, the Russia-Ukraine war led to a global avoid the more severe consequences of climate energy crisis with skyrocketing prices and supply change. Several sustainable indicators have been disruptions. As a result, countries resorted to coal to analysed to evaluate how far countries are from the ful昀椀l energy demands. The world’s coal consumption ideal targets (Figure 11). FIGURE 11 Country density based on the 2030 targets derived from the IEA Net Zero by 2050 scenarios 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Energy intensity of GDP, MJ/2017$ 32 countries hitting target, 11% of TES 86 countries behind target, 89% of TES 2 countries n/a,

Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 - Page 26 Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 Page 25 Page 27