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71 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE Unit of Topic Activity Metric Category Measure Code Data Reference Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors Product Discussion of Discussion N/A CG-MR-410a.3 In 2021, Gap Inc. joined a cross-brand working group initiated by The Fashion ESG Report: Circularity Sourcing, strategies to reduce and Analysis Pact to research and develop paper-based alternatives to polybags. and Waste p. 44 Packaging & the environmental After rolling out new polymailers that contain 50 percent recycled content Sustainability Marketing impact of packaging (compared to 35 percent in 2020), the team decided to commission a life cycle Webpages: Circularity assessment, assessing the impacts and performance of three alternatives and Waste to Gap Inc.’s current mailer: paper, bio-based, and reusable. This will ensure a data-backed strategy going forward. Activity Metrics Number of: (1) retail Quantitative Number CG-MR-000.A Data references end-of-year numbers FY21 10-K p. 30 locations and Retail Locations 2019 2020 2021 (2) distribution centers Company- 3,345 3,100 2,835 operated stores Franchises 574 615 564 Total area of: Quantitative Square CG-MR-000.B 2019 2020 2021 FY21 10-K p. 30 2 (1) retail space and meters (m ) Retail space FY20 10-K p. 30 (2) distribution centers (square footage) 37 million 34.6 million 33.3 million Distribution centers 3.4 million 3.2 million 3.1 million (square meters)

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