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70 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE Unit of Topic Activity Metric Category Measure Code Data Reference Product Total greenhouse gas Quantitative Metric tons CG-EC-410a.1 Upstream transportation and distribution: CDP Climate Disclosure Packaging & (GHG) footprint of (t) CO -e 2021 (C6.5) 2 2019 2020 2021 Distribution product shipments 527,081 Available later in 2022 Available in 2023 Emissions calculated using primary metric ton/km information at a haul level from Gap internal systems, multiplied by The U.K. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs product transportation emission factors. This represents emissions from our suppliers to our distribution centers. Downstream transportation and distribution: 2019 2020 2021 39,413 130,604 Available later in 2022 Emissions calculated using primary metric ton/km information at a haul level from Gap internal systems, multiplied by The U.K. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs product transportation emission factors. In 2020, we also began to receive additional emissions information from UPS, which represents emissions from online shipments from distribution centers to customers or from Ship-From-Store methods. The UPS data is verified by SGS. Discussion of Discussion N/A CG-EC-410a.2 Gap Inc. is a signatory of the Arctic Corporate Shipping Pledge, created in ESG Report: Climate strategies to reduce and Analysis partnership with the Ocean Conservancy; the pledge is a commitment to never Stewardship p. 27 the environmental intentionally send ships through the Arctic’s fragile ecosystem. impact of product Gap Inc. is also a member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) delivery SmartWay Transport Partnership, an initiative which empowers businesses to move goods in the cleanest, most energy-efficient way possible to protect public health and reduce emissions. Gap Inc. was recognized by the EPA with the 2020 SmartWay Freight Partner Excellence Award. Activity Metrics Entity-defined Quantitative Number CG-EC-000.A Total Global Online Orders (excluding Franchise) measure of user FY 2019 55,872,090 activity FY 2020 86,261,667 FY 2021 83,997,807 This data includes orders placed in the United States Specialty (web and app), U.S. Factory, Canada, Japan, European Union, and United Kingdom. It does not include franchises, cancellations, or returns. Number of shipments Quantitative Number CG-EC-000.C Total Packages FY 2019 77,625,502 FY 2020 145,512,653 FY 2021 124,463,015 This data includes packages transported in the United States, Canada, European Union, and Japan.

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