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34 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE Our environmental approach centers “ We believe water is a human right and it is a on addressing climate, waste and water critical natural resource for our business. Water issues by creating more sustainable is used to cultivate and process raw materials like products. These are the issues where cotton, it is consumed in the mills and laundries we see significant potential to positively that manufacture our products, and it is used by impact people’s lives and enrich the customers to wash their clothes. Water is also critical to the health and well-being of the people world’s communities. who make our products, the majority of whom are women. That is why Gap is taking steps to reduce our water use and ensure that we are contributing to a more sustainable future.” Mark Breitbard, President and CEO of Gap Brand HOW WE ENRICH COMMUNITIES Many of our initiatives, especially around Through our work to achieve our bold water, positively impact the lives of women goals, we take steps every day, including > Water Stewardship 35 by increasing the opportunities available incorporating more sustainable practices Women + Water 36 to them and recognizing the central role into product development and partnering > Resource Efficiency and Manufacturing 37 they play in every step of the production with businesses, nonprofits, governments, Mill Sustainability Program 37 of the garments we sell. Protecting our and community organizations, to do our Water Quality Program 37 planet is fundamental to our sustainable part in building a thriving planet. Washwell™ 37 business strategy and central to our > Chemicals Management 38 company’s future. > Climate Stewardship 39 > Raw Materials and Product 42 > Circularity and Waste 44

GAP ESG Report - Page 34 GAP ESG Report Page 33 Page 35