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35 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE WATER PARTNERSHIPS FOR ADVOCACY STEWARDSHIP AND INDUSTRY CHANGE We collaborate in several initiatives to In recognition of our address water scarcity, improve access efforts to manage the to water and sanitation, and support Water is essential for our business. However, the garment risks and opportunities water-saving innovation in manufacturing, industry often sources from locations where demand for related to water security, such as Water Resilience Coalition, water is high and water stress is often a major issue. we received an A- rating WASH4Work, and Ceres Connect the from CDP Water in 2021. Drops. Highlights of our additional engagements include: For this reason, much of our water Our programs and collaborations are stewardship work focuses on high-volume designed to tackle different water • World Water Day: In March 2021, Mark suppliers operating in areas of water challenges, mobilize broader business Breitbard, President and CEO of Gap risk, where we can partner to introduce action, and raise awareness of these brand, spoke at a UNGC CEO Water innovative local solutions. critical issues. We focus on three Mandate event to highlight the value interconnected areas: of water for business. By engaging with our suppliers, we can help them to implement industry 1. Women + Water (p. 36) • World Water Week: In August 2021, and Gap Inc. programs (such as our 2. Resource Efficiency and we participated in seven SIWI World Mill Sustainability and Water Quality Manufacturing (p. 37) Water Week panels. Among the areas programs) around water quality and 3. Raw Materials and Product (p. 37) covered were the business case for efficiency, so that they can meet our building community water resilience, water-savings targets. As a founding 2021 Progress how water strategy can drive strategic member of the Water Resilience Coalition, In 2021, we embarked on a water business value, partnerships to catalyze we support its ambitious 2050 goals: strategy-setting process with corporate that will serve as the foundation for innovation in water use in apparel water stewardship experts at the long-term science-based targets manufacturing, and how we’re tackling > Positive water impact in water-stressed Water Foundry. We also engaged more (SBTs) for water. the water and climate crises with more regions. than 20 leading stakeholders and water sustainable cotton sourcing. > Water-resilient value chains experts to gather feedback on our Looking forward, we plan to build > Global leadership to raise the ambition preliminary water strategy across raw upon these expert insights, our • Water Innovation Center for of water resilience materials, manufacturing, and customer strong foundation of community Apparel: Together with global textile communities through a roundtable water-resilience work from the USAID manufacturer Arvind Limited, we are We work strategically to use water more discussion facilitated by Ceres. Gap Inc. Women + Water Alliance, building an 18,000-square-foot Water efficiently in our products, especially and our water-saving practices in Innovation Center for Apparel in India. through raw material sourcing and To guide our future strategy, we are manufacturing as we pursue a path The center, due to open in 2022, will manufacturing. We aim to eliminate water working with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to building a more water-resilient showcase water-management best contamination from chemicals, improve to concentrate our water stewardship value chain. practices and recycling technologies. awareness and access to water and activities in water-stressed regions along sanitation (particularly among women), our value chain and develop a framework Find more about our approach to and invest in opportunities to build for community water resilience. WWF is working with suppliers, our industry community water resilience and catalyze also helping us assess our macro-level partnerships, and the tools we use water innovation. water risk across our supply chain and to enhance water stewardship on set new context-based water goals our website.

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