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27 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT THIS WAY ONWARD Old Navy believes that opportunity should be for all, not just the few. Through THIS WAY ONWARD TEACHES This Way ONward, Old Navy RICHARD GREENE ABOUT THE is continuing its journey to POWER OF RELATIONSHIPS become the world’s most A self-described optimist, high school inclusive brand. senior Richard Greene felt discouraged after being rejected for job after job. Old Navy has been expanding This Way He was applying for work so he could ONward since 2007 to create the next save money for college. The director generation of leaders. Through a growing of the Boys & Girls Club he attended network of partners, including Boys & encouraged him to apply for This Way Girls Clubs of America, the program ONward, and with support from his tackles systemic barriers to employment. parents, he was successful. This Way ONward provides young When Richard started work at Old people aged between 16 and 24 with Navy, he found himself surrounded by structured training and valuable a supportive team, including his store first-job experience. The program also leader, a job coach, and a “Big Sib” develops mentors’ leadership skills. coworker. Richard was in his element and enjoyed interacting with customers Research confirms that the program and sharpening his leadership skills. His works. Alumni stay with the company worries about college, and life began to twice as long as their peers, and store drop away. “Having a job you enjoy keeps managers say This Way ONward hires you present,” he said. “It helped me leave are top performers. Our latest evaluation the stress of the world behind. This Way 10 survey revealed that new hires also feel ONward really taught me not to look at a a sense of belonging at Old Navy, feel job as a job, but as an opportunity.” supported by their managers, and are excited about their work. Richard also began to see that the real “ It was satisfying to see the money in impact of work wasn’t the paycheck Find more about This Way ONward on but the people. “It was satisfying to see our website. my bank account continue to climb, the money in my bank account continue but eventually, it was more about the to climb,” he said, “but eventually, it relationships I developed with people.” was more about the relationships I developed with people.” 10. We have moved to a biennial cadence for the evaluation survey due to consistently positive results. The next evaluation is planned for 2022.

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