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HUMAN RIGHTS CONT. reporting and nonretaliation policies. Suppliers and business partners we contract with are expected to make commitments to human rights as well, including the ILO’s Core Conventions against forced labor, child labor, discrimination and harassment, and protecting freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Suppliers are also expected to comply with laws on safety and working conditions. GM’s zero-tolerance policy against the use of child labor, and all forms of modern slavery and forced labor, is stated in our Supplier Code of Conduct and Conflict Minerals Policy . Our Supplier Code of Conduct details our expectations for contacted suppliers and business partners to comply with all laws, including safety, data, freedom of association and collective bargaining laws. The Supplier Code of Conduct also states that suppliers and business partners we contract with will not harass or discriminate against employees, nor tolerate corrupt business practices. Suppliers are expected to cascade similar expectations through their own supply chains. Communicating Our Commitments Our goal is to have our entire global workforce understand our commitments, including awareness of our Human Rights Policy and how to access it. To that end, together with our Internal Communications Team, we’ve developed a global communications strategy for our Human Rights Policy that leverages our internal company site (Socrates), our internal announcement and discussion platform (Yammer), our employee resource groups, leadership at each of our global plant locations and location-specific private Facebook pages as channels to reach as much of our global workforce as possible. The Human Rights Policy is available in eight languages to promote ease of access and understanding. Identifying Potential Impacts In order to effectively prevent and mitigate potential impacts to people, the UNGPs identify what those potential impacts could be and prioritize them by determining which are the most severe and most likely, in a process known as a human rights saliency assessment. Salient human rights issues for a company are those that are most at risk of the most severe impacts through a company’s activities and business relationships. GM is engaged in a saliency assessment process. In 2021, as a part of this process, we conducted desktop research, reviewed industry analyses and began connecting with external stakeholders. We also held a series of interactive internal capacity building and exploratory workshops with leaders from across the enterprise and our geographic footprint in order to identify and prioritize potential human rights-related impacts. In the series of workshops with a cross- functional working group, we looked at our value chain, considered potential impacts to people throughout our value chain, and then considered the severity and likelihood of each impact. Through this process, the working group arrived at an initial set of potential impacts to consider. In 2022, GM will refine and validate the potentially salient human rights impacts with internal and external stakeholders. While we recognize that nearly all of the potential impacts identified are by nature systemic and not limited to GM or even the automotive industry, we take seriously our responsibility to work to identify, prevent, mitigate and remediate potential human rights impacts to which we may contribute, as detailed in our Human Rights Policy. The results from our initial saliency assessment workshops are an important jumping off point that we will build upon. We recognize that effective, regular stakeholder engagements are an important part of identifying and addressing potential human rights impacts. We view the saliency assessment process as an ongoing exercise with impacts and prioritizations that may, and likely will, change over time. Saliency Assessment Process E VA L UATE Consider, through a cross-functional workshop, severity and likelihood of potential impacts to people across our value chain. VA L I DATE Develop and refine potentially salient human rights impacts with internal and external stakeholders. COMMIT Act to prevent, mitigate and remediate potential human rights impacts to which we may contribute, as detailed in our Human Rights Policy. Skip Navigation Introduction Reducing Emissions Design for Environment Technology Customers Safety Diverse Workforce Human Rights Supply Chain Communities Governance 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 79

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