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Human Rights GM is committed to bring everyone along as our business, industry and world make the transition to a lower-carbon future. This includes respecting the human rights of all people. As described in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), governments have a responsibility to protect the human rights of their people, and businesses such as GM have a responsibility to respect the human rights of people. A key part of this is recognizing and addressing potential adverse impacts a business can have on people throughout its enterprise, and taking steps to prevent, mitigate and, where appropriate, remediate those impacts . At GM, we understand that long-term success starts with a company’s value system and a principled approach to doing business. In 2021, the Board’s Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee approved an updated and strengthened Human Rights Policy . The Board also formally added human rights oversight to the Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee’s annual responsibilities. It regularly reviews GM’s human rights-related policies and strategies and conducts an annual review of GM’s human rights practices and responsible sourcing practices. Other committees of the Board, including the Executive Compensation Committee, the Risk and Cybersecurity Committee and the Audit Committee, also engage with human rights-related matters as needed. For example, when relevant, the Executive Compensation Committee addresses certain human capital management matters, the Risk and Cybersecurity Committee addresses supply chain risks and the Audit Committee oversees GM’s ethics and compliance program. Human rights is an important issue addressed both by the Board and cross-functionally by senior leaders across the company. Our chief sustainability officer is responsible for GM’s Human Rights Policy and works cross- functionally with GM’s Human Resources; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Labor Relations; Ethics and Compliance; and Global Purchasing and Supply Chain Teams, among others, to understand and address potential human rights risks and impacts. Highlights from GM’s updated Human Rights Policy include: • A commitment to respect all internationally recognized human rights, including those described in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (the ILO Core Conventions), and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. • A commitment to respect the rights of human rights defenders, people who speak up on behalf of those whose rights may be threatened. The policy states that GM will “neither tolerate nor knowingly contribute to threats, intimidation or attacks against human rights defenders in relation to our operations” and encourages our suppliers to make the same commitment. • An underscored commitment to respect the rights of people who may be particularly vulnerable—Indigenous peoples, women, children, migrant workers and people with disabilities, among others, and our expectation that suppliers share in this commitment. The Policy applies to all of GM’s global operations, including joint ventures in which we have managerial control, and also contains obligations for suppliers and contractors. The Policy includes ethical recruitment practices, diversity, antiharassment, prohibition of unlawful discrimination, support of women’s rights and equal pay, individual privacy, GM is a member of the UNGC, which endorses a framework of principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anticorrup- tion. We are committed to these principles and are actively implementing them. Visit the 2021 Sustainability Supplement for more information. Skip Navigation Introduction Reducing Emissions Design for Environment Technology Customers Safety Diverse Workforce Human Rights Supply Chain Communities Governance 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 78

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