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Economy Profile Score Rank Page 2 of 2 Zimbabwe 0.746 45th Complementary Targets and Contextual Indicators 2023 General indicators Family and care Unit Unit Indicator Value Indicator Value GDPUS$ billions Public spending on family benefits % GPD 28.37 n. a. GDP per capita constant '17, intl. $ 1000 2.12 Unmet family planning % women 15-49 10.40 Population sex ratio female/male 1.12 Early marriage % 22.90 Population growth rate % Mean age of women at birth of first child years 2.05 n. a. Indicator Million people Female Male Value Indicator 0-1 (Equal rights) Value Total population 8.62 7.71 16.32 Right to divorce Near-equal rights Work participation and leadership Days Indicator Female Male Value Unit Indicator Value Length of parental leave 98.00 0 0 Gender pay gap % (OECD countries only) n. a. Education and skills Share of women's membership in boards % (OECD countries only) n. a. Attainment % Graduates Female Male Parity Firms with female majority ownership % firms 13.90 STEM Graduates 28.79 71.21 0.40 Firms with female top managers % firms 16.30 Share of workers in informal sector % workers 88.40 Agri., Forestry, Fisheries & Veterinary 50.86 49.14 1.03 1-7 (best) Indicator Value Arts & Humanities 46.20 53.80 0.86 Advancement of women to leadership roles 4.28 Indicator Unit Female Male Value Business, Admin. & Law 51.80 48.20 1.07 Unemployed adults % of labour force (15-64) 10.44 9.68 10.05 Education 40.41 59.59 0.68 Workers employed part-time % of employed people 70.94 52.75 61.65 Engineering, Manuf. & Construction 20.46 79.54 0.26 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic Health & Welfare 30.79 69.21 0.44 and care work % n. a. n. a. n. a. Information & Comm. Technologies n. a. n. a. n. a. Million people Indicator Female Male Value Labour-force 2.25 2.22 4.47 Natural Sci., Mathematics & Statistics 30.62 69.38 0.44 Access to finance 0-1 (Equal rights) Indicator Value Social Sci., Journalism & Information 45.66 54.34 0.84 Access to financial services Uneven rights Inheritance rights for widows and daughters Near-equal rights Vocational training n. a. n. a. n. a. Access to land assets Near-equal rights Access to non-land assets Near-equal rights PhD graduates 0.02 0.05 0.04 Civil and political freedom Unit Indicator Value Graduates % Female Male Value Year women received right to vote year 1957, 1980 Graduates from tertiary education 1.14 1.43 1.28 Number of female heads of state to date number 0 Seats held in upper house % total seats 44.20 Health Unit Indicator Value Indicator Yes/No Value Prevalence of gender violence in lifetime % women 35.40 Election list quotas for women, national Yes Party membership quotas, voluntary Yes Births attended by skilled personnel % live births 86.00 Maternal mortality deaths per 100,000 live births 458.00 0-1 (Equal rights) Indicator Value Total fertility rate births per woman 3.54 Access to justice Restricted rights 0-1 (Equal rights) Indicator Value Freedom of movement Equal rights Reproductive autonomy Uneven rights *Scores are on a 0 to 1 scale, where 1 represents the optimal situation or “parity”. Please see Appendix A and B for detailed methodology, definitions, sources and periods. **For all indicators, except the two health indicators, parity is benchmarked at 1. In the case of sex ratio at birth, the gender parity benchmark is set at 0.944 (see Klasen and Wink, 2003). In the case of healthy life expectancy the gender parity benchmark is set at 1.06, given women's longer life expectancy. Global Gender Gap Report 2023 372

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