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Economy Profile Score Rank Index Edition (imparity = 0, parity = 1) (out of 146 countries) United Arab Emirates 0.712 71st 2023 Global Gender Gap Index 2023 Edition Overview 2023 2022 United Arab Emirates score Index and Subindex Score Rank Score Rank average score Economy Global Gender Gap Index 0.712 71st 0.716 68th 0.536 Economic Participation and Opportunity 0.536 128th 0.503 132nd E d s u c c i Educational Attainment t a i 0.363 0.988 l t i o o P n 0.988 86th 0.997 49th Health and Survival 0.963 119th 0.963 122nd 0.963 Health Political Empowerment 0.363 35th 0.402 30th Global Gender Gap Index Indicators 2023 Compare with Difference Min Global average Indicator Rank Score* F-M Female vs Male Max 0 1 Min Max Economic Participation and Opportunity 128th 0.536 - - - 0-100 Labour-force participation rate % 122nd 0.582 -37.71 52.57 90.28 - Wage equality for similar work 1-7 (best) 8th 0.776 - - 0-150 Estimated earned income int'l $ 1,000 133rd 0.381 -53.25 32.80 86.05 0-100 Legislators, senior officials and managers % 113th 0.301 -53.74 23.13 76.87 0-100 Professional and technical workers % 127th 0.417 -41.11 29.44 70.56 Educational Attainment 86th 0.988 - - - - Literacy rate % 83rd 0.983 - - 0-100 Enrolment in primary education % 87th 0.990 -0.99 98.76 99.75 0-200 Enrolment in secondary education % 99th 0.982 -1.87 104.36 106.22 0-200 Enrolment in tertiary education % 1st 1.000 15.04 49.73 64.77 Health and Survival 119th 0.963 - - - - Sex ratio at birth** % 1st 0.944 - - - Healthy life expectancy** years 130th 1.005 - - Political Empowerment 35th 0.363 - - - 0-100 Women in parliament % 1st 1.000 0 50.00 50.00 0-100 Women in ministerial positions % 81st 0.214 -64.71 17.65 82.35 0-50 Years with female/male head of state (last 50) 80th 0.000 -50.00 0 50.00 Global Gender Gap Report 2023 357

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