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Parity in Political Empowerment sees a partial driven by the reduction in gender parity in healthy recovery of 0.7 percentage points to 14.1% since life expectancy by at least 1 percentage point in 23 the last edition. However, this is still below the 2018 out of 36 countries. On sex ratio at birth, 20 out of edition score of 17.1%. Seven countries – including 36 countries are at full parity and the other countries the populous countries such as China, Japan are close to parity. and Indonesia – have regressed on this subindex since 2017. Compared to the previous edition, 13 Gender parity in Political Empowerment had been countries have improved, led by Australia, New consistently increasing in the last decade until Zealand and Philippines. Australia and New Zealand last year; currently, it stands at 39.1%. Based on had a considerable increase in the share of women the constant sample of countries, there has been ministers. Fiji, Myanmar and Korea have regressed a decline of 0.5 percentage points since the last the most among the six other countries where edition. Overall, Iceland, Norway and Finland have progress on Political Empowerment has reversed. the highest score on the Political Empowerment subindex, while Romania, Cyprus and Hungary are at the bottom of the table. Led by Estonia, Slovenia Europe and Latvia, 15 out of 35 countries have had at least a 1 percentage-point improvement while 13 countries have seen at least 1 percentage-point Across all subindexes, Europe has the highest decline. gender parity of all regions at 76.3%, with one-third of countries in the region ranking in the top 20 and 20 out of 36 countries with at least 75% parity. Latin America and the Caribbean Iceland, Norway and Finland are the best-performing countries, both in the region and in the world, while Hungary, Czech Republic and Cyprus rank at the With incremental progress towards gender parity bottom of the region. Overall, there is a decline of since 2017, Latin America and the Caribbean has 0.2 percentage points in the regional score based bridged 74.3% of its overall gender gap. After on the constant sample of countries. Out of the 35 Europe and North America, the region has the third- countries covered in the previous and the current highest level of parity. Since the last edition, seven edition, 10 countries, led by Estonia, Norway and out of 21 countries (including relatively populous Slovenia, have made at least a 1 percentage-point countries like Colombia, Chile, Honduras and Brazil) improvement since the last edition. Ten countries have improved their gender parity scores by at show a decline of at least 1 percentage point, with least 0.5 percentage points, while 昀椀ve countries Austria, France and Bulgaria receding the most. At have seen a decline in their parity scores by at the current rate of progress, Europe is projected to least 0.5 percentage points. This has led to a 1.7 attain gender parity in 67 years. percentage-point increase in overall gender parity since last year. Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Jamaica At 69.7% parity in Economic Participation and register the highest parity scores in this region and Opportunity, Europe stands third behind North Belize, Paraguay and Guatemala the lowest. At America and East Asia and Paci昀椀c on this the current rate of progress, Latin America and the dimension. Gender parity has receded by 0.5 Caribbean will take 53 years to attain full gender percentage points compared to last year based parity. on the constant sample of 102 countries. Norway, Iceland and Sweden have the highest parity on Parity in Economic Participation and Opportunity in Economic Participation and Opportunity, while Italy, Latin America and the Caribbean is at 65.2%, the North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina third-lowest regional score, ahead of the Middle have the lowest. In comparison to the last edition, East and North Africa as well as Southern Asia. 13 countries (including populous France and Yet it marks an 0.7 percentage-point improvement Germany) have declined by at least 1% and eight since the last edition, with all countries except four countries have improved by at least 1 percentage improving their scores. Jamaica, Honduras and the point. The shares of senior of昀椀cer positions held Dominican Republic have seen the most progress by women have reduced in 17 out of 35 countries on this subindex since the last edition. These three that have data. Only 10 countries have at least countries, along with 14 others have improved their 60% parity in senior of昀椀cer positions, yet 28 out of parity scores in estimated earned income since 36 countries have full parity in women’s share of 2022. Further, eight countries have a 1 percentage- technical roles. point higher share of senior positions held by women compared with the last edition. On Educational Attainment, the region is almost at parity and all countries score more than 97%. There Latin America and the Caribbean has achieved is full parity in enrolment in tertiary education, while 99.2% parity on the Educational Attainment 20 out of 35 countries reach parity in secondary subindex: 14 out of 20 countries have more than education and 21 countries in primary education. 99% parity on their literacy rates. In addition, all of the 18 countries that have data on enrolment On Health and Survival, 97% parity is achieved. The in tertiary education have attained full parity on trend, however, is negative. There has been a 0.6 this indicator. Further, the number of countries percentage-point decline since the 2015 edition, with parity in enrolment in secondary education is Global Gender Gap Report 2023 22

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