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PRECISION, MEET FEELINGS. LET’S PLAY. The advent of “big data” has led businesses into As the leading network in B2B, we are putting every what seems like a new age of reason. We have the ounce of our global influence behind that message: technology now to quantify our world in a myriad of rational ways. We see more, we know more and we have B2B by numbers is not enough. the algorithms to reach people with more precision than ever before. Choose the channels, decide on the But we’ve gone further than just a message. To bring message and press send. Relevance is guaranteed; precision and feelings together as never before in success will surely follow. the B2B arena, we’ve fundamentally reshaped who we are and how we work. There’s just one flaw in this analysis: human nature. To be a global powerhouse that’s properly full service, Real people don’t behave as rationally or as we’ve become masters of both context and content. predictably as the data might suggest. We are tribal and emotional, and the reasons behind the choices we By context, we mean using all the precision tools make aren’t so easily measured. We go with our gut available – from the worlds of media, analytics instinct; we hear what we want to hear; we choose and technology – to get to the right place at the our own “facts.” right time. This is not an age of reason; it’s an age of feeling. By content, we mean creative ideas, experiences and Big data has a big role to play, but only if we use storytelling - anything that leads to feeling. It it as the inspiration to create ideas that work on a takes feeling to complete the journey and truly reach human scale. be not just relevant, but humanly relevant. And what’s true of the world in general is equally true of the world gyro knows best - B2B marketing. For us, precision is nothing without feelings, because BY BRINGING PRECISION feelings ignite business decisions just as powerfully as they fire any other aspect of human behaviour. AND FEELINGS TOGETHER, WE CREATE SPARKS. WHAT WHAT

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