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Gyro - Ignition

Issue #4


“Our mission is to create ideas that are humanly relevant” christoph becker ceo + cco

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      WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE The bright, new technologies are bringing humans These humanly relevant ideas and experiences can come together as never before. In just one click, we from anywhere and take any form, so we’ve swept away can share our innermost thoughts with a million “creative apartheid” to establish a global powerhouse other minds. with a unique working culture. We can swap pictures of kittens. We can bring down These times demand an agency with unconventional governments. DNA. We are hundreds of creative minds strong – influencers, curators, editors, thinkers, inventors We should feel like gods. and producers, spread across continents, acting as one. But somehow we don’t. Together, we can deliver communication for the world we live in now. To the power of data, we can add the Because mostly what we feel is numb. spark of human meaning. We can lead businesses out of the age of reason and into the age of feeling. It seems we’ve switched on something that can’t be switched off. The current of information is endless Feeling is there in every choice humans make, whether now; it knows where we work, and it follows us home. we’re buying laptops or signing million-dollar contracts. It bombards us with multichannel assaults on our time and attention, and the more it continues, the more Ideas that ignite feelings are ideas that ignite desensitised we become. business decisions. And our right to exist as a company depends on our ability to find those ideas – So the big question is this: In a world made numb by on every project we’re given, every day we come digital noise, what can any business or brand do to to work. make itself relevant again? We will never be afraid to do whatever it takes to It is the question gyro was born to answer. We have make businesses and brands matter to people again. the data-driven power to reach people with ever more precision, but we’ve always known that getting to the WE ARE GYRO. right place at the right time is just half the journey. A WORLD ALIVE WITH The only way to truly reach people is with work that CONNECTIVITY IS BECOMING NUMB adds feeling to precision. TO BUSINESSES AND BRANDS. WHY WHY

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      WE ARE A FULL- SERVICE GLOBAL CREATIVE B2B POWERHOUSE WITH UNCONVENTIONAL DNA We are hundreds of creative minds strong, spread across continents, acting as one. We draw strength from the fastest growing advertising network in the world, the Dentsu Aegis Network, to ignite ideas with a power and a reach unprecedented in the business-to-people world. DIVERSITY + INCLUSIVITY = HUMAN POWER WHO WHO

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      PRECISION, MEET FEELINGS. LET’S PLAY. The advent of “big data” has led businesses into As the leading network in B2B, we are putting every what seems like a new age of reason. We have the ounce of our global influence behind that message: technology now to quantify our world in a myriad of rational ways. We see more, we know more and we have B2B by numbers is not enough. the algorithms to reach people with more precision than ever before. Choose the channels, decide on the But we’ve gone further than just a message. To bring message and press send. Relevance is guaranteed; precision and feelings together as never before in success will surely follow. the B2B arena, we’ve fundamentally reshaped who we are and how we work. There’s just one flaw in this analysis: human nature. To be a global powerhouse that’s properly full service, Real people don’t behave as rationally or as we’ve become masters of both context and content. predictably as the data might suggest. We are tribal and emotional, and the reasons behind the choices we By context, we mean using all the precision tools make aren’t so easily measured. We go with our gut available – from the worlds of media, analytics instinct; we hear what we want to hear; we choose and technology – to get to the right place at the our own “facts.” right time. This is not an age of reason; it’s an age of feeling. By content, we mean creative ideas, experiences and Big data has a big role to play, but only if we use storytelling - anything that leads to feeling. It it as the inspiration to create ideas that work on a takes feeling to complete the journey and truly reach human scale. be not just relevant, but humanly relevant. And what’s true of the world in general is equally true of the world gyro knows best - B2B marketing. For us, precision is nothing without feelings, because BY BRINGING PRECISION feelings ignite business decisions just as powerfully as they fire any other aspect of human behaviour. AND FEELINGS TOGETHER, WE CREATE SPARKS. WHAT WHAT

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      The Singapore office has its own dragons. Doesn’t everyone? Early trials for a company uniform have been shelved. Look, Mom, it’s me! I finally got my picture in the paper. New York staff respond to the citywide pixel shortage by agreeing to share selfies. The answer is ‘We Can Do It!’ Now, what’s the question? A rare glimpse of the inside of a planner’s brain. The classic eight people in a teepee pose. A caption writer’s dream.

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      UNO. YOU KNOW IT WHEN YOU FEEL IT. There’s a different spirit and a different way of doing things at gyro. This didn’t happen by accident. Our working culture was born as a deliberate response to the changes we’re seeing around us – and the need to spark hundreds of diverse talents across the world to think and create as one. WE CALL IT UNO. UNO is made of collaboration and openness and big hearts. It is what happens when a global company takes away borders and silos and internal politics. Above all, UNO is how we ensure nothing comes between our clients and ideas that could transform their business. And the best way to understand it is through the feelings it creates. It’s not just one emotion; it’s many different feelings woven into one sense of purpose that drives this company and makes us who we are: humans at work, creating humanly relevant ideas. It’s only possible because of UNO.

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      NO CREATIVE APARTHEID HERE The culture we’re creating at gyro is designed for one purpose: to bring creative minds together and set them free. We know ideas can take any form – that’s why our company has to be a magnet for all the creative diversity it can get. To ignite human feelings in this hyperconnected world, where communications bombard people constantly, we have to step away from the conventions of integrated campaigning. We need to be curators as much as we are creators, because innovation doesn’t only come from pure imagination; it’s also about seeing new opportunities to bring things together. So the more kinds of talent and experience we can bring to the challenge, irrespective of job title and department, the more kinds of creative opportunity we’ll discover. Above all, we must find ideas that are relevant to people. And any idea that can help our clients shine has to be nurtured and given life. Everyone’s included, because at gyro, it’s everyone’s job to make it happen. HOW HOW

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      DD AA IIGG NN II AA TT LL AA MM LL EE DD YY II AA TT EE II VV EE NN TT SS CC CC PPRROOGGRRAAMMMMAATTIICC SS RR EE MMAANNDD GGEENNEERRAATTIIOONN AA DDEE TT SS II NN OO II TT AA LL EE RR VV CC II LL BB UU PP EE SS LL OO OO TT ++ SS EE MM AA GG IGIGNINITTIONION POINTPOINT OOBB SSTT AAMM EEKKRR GGNNIITT TTUUAA IITTAAMMOO EE NNOO WE HAVE IGNITION LL TM The gyro Ignition Process is gyro’s unique global strategic process. It is about building II EETTNNII strategy around human relevance. BB LLAANNRR OO MM MMOOCC First, we frame the challenge. How can we make the product or service matter to people in CC//SSMM MM RR UUTTLLUU ways that change behaviour? CC RR EERR Next, we investigate. We look for the place where the product truth and deep customer AA// GGNN NNAAHHCC insight collide. RR IITT LLEENN VV EEKK VVIITTCCAA RRAAMM NNOOIITTAA The leap forward happens when we translate our thinking into a humanly relevant idea, something capable of reaching people, involving them, making them feel something. TTNNEETTNNOOCC THAT’S THE IGNITION POINT This is the very first spark in a chain reaction of creative thinking. What follows involves every corner of our company. We orchestrate by using the full power of analytics through gyro:precision to identify and optimise each possible touchpoint within the ecosystem. This process allows us to ignite change in ways that are specifically geared to business-to- business. It’s how we navigate and amplify all the communication channels at our disposal to help our clients build deeper, stronger relationships with their customers. HOW

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      THE AWESOME, STRANGE, HILARIOUS, HEARTBREAKING, DELIGHTFUL MEANING OF CREATIVITY Within gyro we have world-class data capabilities. We can say exactly where the decision-makers are. We know how they buy. We can track their interactions. We can paint customer profiles one-by-one with hundreds of data points. It’s powerful stuff and we use it, creatively and inventively, every day to help bring our clients’ brands together with the right people at the right time. But proximity is not the same thing as closeness. There has to be a spark of connection – some kind of meaning in the moment. This is the last 1% of the journey – and it’s more important than all the rest, because it’s the part that translates the power of our data into the magic of persuasion. It is the part for which there is no algorithm. Because feelings cannot be conjured out of numbers. They are born in stories. They live in shared experiences. They are ignited by invention and surprise, empathy and delight. That’s why the source material for what we do at gyro will always be as large as life itself. And our pool of talent will extend ever further beyond the boundaries of a conventional creative department. Our quest is to find the most wonderful ideas on the planet: humanly relevant ideas. What we’re looking for can come from anywhere – and be anything. But ultimately, everything we do for our clients must pass the same test: Either you feel it or you don’t. That’s what we mean when we use the word creativity. WHAT WHAT

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      GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN GOOD THINGS HAPPEN Our stated mission is to create ideas that are humanly relevant. And that spirit extends beyond the paid work we do for our clients. We are forever curious about how we can use our talents and our time to help the people around us in the communities where we ply our trade and beyond. For us, corporate social responsibility is not an obligation. It’s an opportunity. It enriches our understanding of human nature and makes the work we do far more meaningful. We created the G foundation on the principle that everyone – inner-city schoolchildren, local charities, aspiring athletes, families displaced by war or natural disaster – deserves a chance. the G foundation

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      STUART GIDDINGS global president CHRISTOPH BECKER global ceo + cco WHO WHO

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      DAVID BELL chairman WHO WHO

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      IT’S WHAT WE DO; IT’S WHO WE ARE Our mission to create humanly relevant ideas is more than an aspiration; it’s a daily reality; it’s written into our list of capabilities; it’s who we are. We’ve brought data precision and boundless creativity together to make one full-service global creative B2B powerhouse. Working with us, you can market to a segment of one on a worldwide scale. And you can market in the most powerful way possible: by igniting feelings that ignite business decisions. gyro: Ready to ignite with us? [email protected] CREATIVE gyro:precision yro:human g STRATEGY MEDIA PLANNING AND BUYING Our award-winning, DIGITAL DEMAND GENERATION full-service healthcare offering MOBILE SEO/SEM delivers gyro’s unique human relevancy to healthcare. BRAND CREATION CHANNEL ACTIVATION/SALES ENABLEMENT INTERNAL COMMS/CULTURE PROGRAMMATIC gyro is powered by the EVENTS CRM Dentsu Aegis Network SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AUTOMATION PUBLIC RELATIONS LOYALTY MARKETING VR/AR ANALYTICS – DATA VISUALISATION, ATTRIBUTION MODELLING AND SUSTAINABILITY MARKETING ECONOMETRICS GAMES + TOOLS RESEARCH AND INSIGHTS DESIGN CAMPAIGN MEASUREMENT AND TRACKING gyro:fuel CONTENT MARKETING WHAT

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      gyro: the global creative B2B powerhouse CINCINNATI PARIS CHICAGO e u r 7755 Montgomery 8 Road Suite MUNICH de l’Hôtel de Ville Cincinnati, 300 OH 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine 45236 France 410 N Michigan Avenue USA +331 78 14 37 10 8 +1 513 671 3811 t h F l o o r Chicago, IL 60611 USA Lindwurmstr. 76/RG +1 312 595 0203 MADRID NEW YORK 80337 Munich Germany +49 (0)89 7677 340 DENVER 115 Broadway 14th Floor New York, NY 10006 Cristóbal Bordiú 22 USA DUBAI 28003 Madrid 1500 Wynkoop +1 212 915 2490 Spain Suite 300 +34 914 323 224 Denver, CO 80202 Office 2601 USA WASHINGTON, DC +1 303 656 4900 26th Floor R e e f T o w e r SINGAPORE Jumeirah Lakes Tower PO Box 53189 1100 Wilson Blvd. Dubai, UAE SAN FRANCISCO +971 (0)4 399 0505 10 Raeburn Park Suite 950 #02-10 Arlington, VA 22209 e r o p a g n i USA S +1 703 284 9810 SYDNEY 088702 1025 Sansome St. +65 6225 4850 A C , o c s i c n a r F n a S 94111 USA TOKYO +1 415 445 9111 LONDON Level 2 26 Hickson Road Walsh Bay, NSW 2000 Australia Tsukiji Shochiku WOOLLEY PAU GYRO +61 (0)2 8094 7266 Building 15 Macklin Street 1-13-1 Tsukiji London Chuo-ku WC2B 5NG UK Tokyo 104-0045 +44 (0)20 7351 1550 Japan HONG KONG +81 9055852289 17 Macklin Street London MANCHESTER ASSOCIATE PARTNERS WC2B 5NG UK 25/F +44 (0)20 7836 6060 625 King’s Road North Point Hong Kong 117-119 Portland St. +852 2102 3894 Mumbai, India M a n Delhi, India c h e s t e r +65 6225 4850 M1 6ED UK +44 (0)161 696 0245 WHERE WHERE

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      ignite something gyro. All rights reserved. Printed on 100% recycled paper. Only the ideas are new. © Contact Contact [email protected] to ignite your brand or business [email protected] to join us

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