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Harley-Davidson Brand Book

Harley-Davidson, Inc. is an American motorcycle manufacturer headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States.

Harley Davidson Brand Guidelines

Harley-Davidson Visual Identity andTrademark Guidelines

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 PROTECTING OUR BRANDS 4 HARLEY-DAVIDSON VISUAL IDENTITY Bar & Shield Logo “MotorClothesAmerican Legend”Logo Genuine Motor Parts and Accessories Logos Screamin’ Eagle® Logo Harley Owners Group® Logos Color Typography 10 PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO GUIDELINES 11 TRADEMARK USAGE How to Use Our Trademarks Authorized Dealer Rights 13 GENERAL INTERNET GUIDELINES Internet Guidelines Internet Promotion CONTACT INFORMATION Should you have any questions about using Harley- Davidson logos and trademarks—or just need some clarification—please refer to or contact the following offices: H-D Michigan, Trademark Inquiries 734.665.9243 H-D Marketing Communications, General Brand or Visual Identity Guidelines Inquiries 414.343.7252 Information herein regarding the use of Federal Trademark Symbols relates to the U.S. and Canada only, and should not be applied to other markets.

PROTECTING OUR BRANDS Harley-Davidson logos and trademarks symbolize more than just the quality and heritage of our products. They stand for some- thing important enough that people tattoo them on their skin. It’s something that can’t easily be expressed with words, but is felt in the soul. For many, “Harley-Davidson” isn’t a name or a brand. 3 It’s a way of life. Although it may be more difficult to capture the Harley-Davidson experience on paper, all members of the H-D family—corporate employees, distributors, dealers, licensees, suppliers, and marketing partners alike—must use words and symbols to communicate with each other and our customers. Our “visual identity” encompasses all of the ways our brand is communicated graphically—from logos and trademarks to color and typeface. It gives us a direct line to people’s emotions, instantly triggering all the thoughts and feelings people associate with Harley-Davidson.So all elements of our visual identity must reflect the strength and tradition that Harley-Davidson represents. All the time. Our logos and trademarks are some of our most valuable assets, so authorization to use them can only be given by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company.To preserve and protect the power of those marks, it is essential that everyone with the right to use them does so correctly. The material that follows is designed to provide clear guidelines on how to do that. And it also sets standards that allow us to maintain a consistent and strong presence in the marketplace. If you are about to use the Harley-Davidson name, trademarks, or logos you should confirm with your Harley-Davidson Motor Company contact that you are an authorized user. You are in the unique position to protect and build the Harley-Davidson brand, and to ensure its legacy lives on. So embrace this opportunity. Take pride in it. And uphold what Harley-Davidson is all about.

STAGING To protect design integrity, Harley-Davidson has established standards for a clear space around logos. This area of isolation, based on the height of the “H” in “Harley-Davidson” allows the logo to command visual atten- tion. No typography or design element may be placed within this area. FEDERAL TRADEMARK SYMBOL DISPLAY (U.S.ONLY) The primary placement of the ® is outside the Bar & Shield, and centered below the “N” so that it is legible and noticeable. When the design is self-contained, as on metal pins, embroi- dered designs, or in small applications (width of 5mm or less), incorporate the ® within the logo. AUTHORIZATION As an authorized user, you have access to Harley-Davidson artwork pro- vided on the Dealer Ad Planner CD-Rom and h-dnet. You can obtain these materials through your contact at the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. COLORS ON DARK BACKGROUNDS IMPROPER USAGE Do not alter the dimensions or change the proportions of the Bar & Shield. This can be ensured by locking the dimensions when you are resizing artwork. The two official versions of the Bar & Shield Special artwork, consisting of the Bar & Shield logo—one in color and the other in black framed in white, is used whenever the logo is and white—are shown above. The color version placed on a dark background. must use Pantone® 165 Orange and Black. Do not make alterations to,or substitutions for the words and/or colors contained within the Bar & Shield logo. Use the artwork and colors as provided in these guidelines. SMALL APPLICATIONS Do not use unframed artwork when reproducing the Bar & Shield on a black background. Use In self-contained and small applications, or the special logo that includes a white frame. when the width of the Bar & Shield is 5 Never apply the Bar & Shield to visually millimeters or less, this contained ® version competitive backgrounds and avoid confining is also used. it within a shape.

STAGING An area of isolation, based on 2x the height of the “H” in “Harley-Davidson” allows the logo to command visual attention. No design element or typography may be placed within this area. FEDERAL TRADEMARK SYMBOL DISPLAY (U.S. ONLY) The primary placement of the ® is within the “MotorClothes American Legend” logo, and centered below the “O” in “Harley-Davidson,” so that it is legible and noticeable. AUTHORIZATION Asanauthorizeduser,youhave accesstoHarley-Davidson artwork provided on the Dealer Ad Planner CD-Rom and h-dnet. You can obtain these materials through your contact at the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. 5 COLORS ON DARK BACKGROUNDS IMPROPER USAGE Do not alter the dimensions or change the proportions of the MotorClothes™ logo. This can be ensured by locking the dimen- sions when you are resizing artwork. Do not make alterations to, or substitutions for the words and/or colors contained within the logo. Use the artwork and colors as pro- vided in these guidelines. Three versions of the MotorClothes™ logo All three versions of the “MotorClothes are available: 4-color (cmyk), grayscale, and American Legend” logo were created for 1-color line art. use on both light and dark backgrounds. Never apply the logo to visually competitive backgrounds and avoid confining it within a shape.

STAGING An area of isolation, based on 3x the height of the “H” in “Harley-Davidson” allows the logo to command visual attention. No typography or design element may be placed within this area. This staging also applies to the Screamin’ Eagle® logo. FEDERAL TRADEMARK SYMBOL DISPLAY (U.S.ONLY) The primary placement of the ™ for the Genuine Motor Accessories logo is outside of the logo, and centered below the “R” in “Accessories,” so that it is legible and noticeable. The primary placement of the ™ for the Genuine Motor Parts logo is outside of the logo, and centered below the “T” in “Parts,” so that it is legible and noticeable. AUTHORIZATION As an authorized user, you have access to Harley-Davidson artwork provided on the Dealer Ad Planner CD-Rom and h-dnet. You can obtain these materials through your contact at the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. COLORS ON DARK BACKGROUNDS IMPROPER USAGE Do not make alterations to, or substitutions for the words and/or colors contained within the Genuine Motor Accessories or Genuine Motor Parts logos. Use the artwork and colors provided in these guidelines. The Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Special artwork, consisting of the logo Accessories logo colors are Black, Pantone® framed in white, is used whenever the logo ® 877 Silver, and Pantone 159 (Motor Orange). is placed on a dark background. When necessary, a tint of 50% Black (as shown ® above) may be used instead of Pantone 877. Never apply the Parts and Accessories logo to visually competitive backgrounds and avoid confining them within a shape. ® The color version of the Screamin’ Eagle It is important that the correct artwork ® logo uses Pantone 165 Orange and Black. is used for light and dark backgrounds to ensure visibility. ® When the size of the Screamin’ Eagle logo is reduced to the point where the type in the Bar & Shield is illegible, the version with the Bar & Shield outline should be used.

STAGING An area of isolation, based on the height of the “H” in H.O.G., or Harley Owners Group, as indicated, allows the logo to command visual attention. No typography or design element may be placed within this area. FEDERAL TRADEMARK SYMBOL DISPLAY (U.S.ONLY) The primary placement of the ® is outside the logo, and centered below the right wing so that it is legible and noticeable. When the design is self-contained, as on metal pins and embroidered designs, or in small applications (width of 5mm or less), incorporate the ® within the logo. AUTHORIZATION As an authorized user, you have access to Harley-Davidson artwork pro- vided on the Dealer Ad Planner CD-Rom and h-dnet or H.O.G. materials. You can obtain these materials through your contact at the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. 7 COLORS ON DARK BACKGROUNDS IMPROPER USAGE ABC CHAPTER Do not make alterations to, or substitutions for the words and/or colors contained within the Harley Owners Group logo. Use the artwork and colors provided in these guidelines. Never apply the Harley Owners Group logo to visually competitive backgrounds and avoid confining them within a shape. PROPER USAGE E HILLS CHAPTE BLU CHICAGO R The Harley Owners Group logo colors are These examples show the logos on dark ® ® Black, Pantone 464 Brown, and Pantone backgrounds. Colors of script and wheel 130 Yellow. artwork must be reversed as shown to preserve legibility. Dealers may localize the logo for the chapters they sponsor by adding the official chapter name above it.

COLOR Color is as much a part of the Harley-Davidson brand “HARLEY ORANGE”—Must be specified as as the logos it graces. It’s a powerful visual cue that Pantone® 165, or as 60% Magenta, 100% Yellow instantly conveys mood and emotion. Color is not only in 4-color process printing. how people see us, but how we choose to be seen. That’s why we have to ensure that we’re seen the right “MOTOR ORANGE”—Must be specified as way. Every time. Reproducing the colors that speak for Pantone® 159, or 65% Magenta, 100% Yellow, our Company requires precision and uniformity across 9% Black in 4-color process printing. ® the board. And the Pantone color-matching system exists to make that process as accurate as possible. “H.O.G.BROWN”—Must be specified as Pantone® 464, or as 47% Cyan, 65% Magenta, “Harley Orange” is used in the color versions of the 100% Yellow in 4-color process printing. Bar & Shield, the “MotorClothes American Legend,” ® “H.O.G.YELLOW”—Must be specified as and the Screamin’ Eagle logos. “Motor Orange” is used in the color versions of the Genuine Motor Pantone® 130, or as 27% Magenta, 100% Yellow Accessories and Genuine Motor Parts logos. in 4-color process printing. Harley Orange Process Build: 60M, 100Y Process Black Process Cyan Process Magenta Process Yellow Process Black Motor Orange Process Build: Process Build: 65M, 100Y, 9K 50K Process Black Harley Orange Process Build: 60M, 100Y Process Black H.O.G. Brown H.O.G. Yellow Process Build: Process Build: 47C, 65M, 100Y 27M, 100Y Process Black

TYPOGRAPHY The appearance and effectiveness of printed commu- Americana Regular—The official Harley-Davidson nications relies greatly on typeface. Harley-Davidson corporate typeface and the typeface of the wordmark. has five suggested options that provide versatility while Bodoni—A highly legible typeface, with many useful maintaining visual consistency. It is recommended that variations, including bold, roman and italic. Works well you incorporate no more than two different typefaces for headlines and text. per document or written execution to minimize visual Helvetica—An extremely versatile typeface that can be or graphic clutter. used in any variation, from light to bold, roman or italic. Serifa—Has bold, light, roman and italic variations. Optima—A typeface with an historic feel. Americana Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 9 Bodoni ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Serifa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Optima ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO GUIDELINES SPECIFIC GUIDELINES FOR STILL OR VIDEO FOOTAGE USING RIDERS The Harley-Davidson® motorcycle is one of the most recognizable products in the world. It conveys uncluttered • All riders must wear appropriate motorcycle riding simplicity, and an underlying sense of quality and attention ™ attire—preferably MotorClothes apparel—when to detail. Photography of the motorcycle should do no less. seated on or riding the motorcycle. This includes: jeans (preferably with chaps), motorcycle boots, gloves, leather The following photography guidelines are based on one jacket and full or half-face DOT-approved helmets. central theme: to capture the essence of a Harley-Davidson • If the motorcycle is at rest but riders are leaning on motorcycle, photography must show the motorcycle the or positioned near it, each rider must have a helmet, or way a rider loves to see it. a helmet for each rider must appear in the photo. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR ALL STILL AND • Avoid using subjects whose size is disproportionate to VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY the motorcycle featured. • Motorcycles should be stock. This means no aftermarket • The headlamp of the motorcycle must be on if the vehicle parts or accessories are permitted. Genuine Motor is running or in motion. Accessories and Genuine Motor Parts can be used only • Riders seated on the motorcycle must face forward. with prior approval from Harley-Davidson. • The preferred side of the motorcycle for profiles is the ALWAYS BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING: right side. • No illegal or unsafe parts can be shown on the motorcycle. • When the motorcycle is parked on its kickstand, it should • No identifiable competitive clothing or accessories can rest to the left as it would naturally. Do not break the wheel be shown on riders. of the motorcycle to the right. • No motorcycle gang implications should be made. • When the motorcycle is shot directly from the side and • No gang-related “activities” should be made or implied. propped up (not leaning on its kickstand), the handlebars should be adjusted to follow the line of the front forks. • No stunts such as wheelies, burnouts or doughnuts The mirrors should be adjusted so that they are vertical are allowed. and directly in line with each other. • No alcoholic beverages may appear in photos. • Avoid drastic camera angles or camera angles below air cleaner level. COPYRIGHT IN PRINTED MATERIALS AND • The camera’s point-of-view should stay centered, focusing VISUAL IMAGES on the styling and balance of the whole motorcycle, rather The Motor Company has made images of motorcycle than on parts that would detract from it. product to which it owns unlimited copyrights, available on • Never photograph the bike from below, or show the the Dealer Ad Planner CD-ROM and h-dnet. Photographs underside of any part of the bike. The underside of the and other illustrations from Company promotional materials fenders, air cleaner cover, gas tank and chassis were ™ (including motorcycle, Genuine MotorClothes Apparel and not designed to be seen by riders. Collectibles, and Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories catalogs; • Motorcycles should have actual license plates in their service manuals; and the Harley-Davidson® Web site) may not plate holders when shown in operation. be reproduced (either through downloading or scanning) without the prior written consent of the Motor Company. Harley-Davidson reserves the right to withhold such consent with regard to any copyrighted imagery. It is sometimes the case that the Company does not own all of the copyrights, or owns only limited copyrights, for the images contained in its marketing materials. Please contact the H-D Marketing Communications department at 414.343.7252 to inquire about requesting copyrighted materials.

PROPER AND IMPROPER TRADEMARK USAGE Harley-Davidson logos and wordmarks—FAT BOY and 3. When we use our brands/trademarks as nouns, we risk ROAD KING, for example—are perhaps our most valuable making them generic, which means anyone can use them to assets. Our brand is who we are. It’s what we work for. describe their products. You should be able to remove our And it’s what has established Harley-Davidson as one of brands from a sentence and have it still make sense. If the the most well-known brands in the world. If we properly use sentence becomes meaningless, chances are good you’re and display our assets, we strengthen them and increase misusing our brands. their value. If we misuse our logos and trademarks, we run CORRECT: the danger of diluting and weakening them. The TWIN CAM 88B engine is counterbalanced. Earlier we gave you some rules for properly displaying our The engine is counterbalanced. logos. But there are also important rules of trademark gram- INCORRECT: mar that we should follow when using our wordmarks in any All our big twin bikes are now powered by the TWIN CAM 88. public manner, either written or electronic. We’ve All our big twin bikes are now powered by the… put together a short list of trademark “do’s” and “don’ts.” These rules, combined with a healthy dose of common 4. It is never appropriate to use a brand and/or trademark sense, will help ensure that we strengthen and protect the in the possessive form. names that identify our products and our company. CORRECT: The saddlebags on my HARLEY motorcycle are leather. 11 The ® signifies that the mark is registered in the U.S. Patent INCORRECT: and Trademark office. The ™ is used with trademarks of My HARLEY’s saddlebags are leather. the Company that are not registered. Only use the federal registration symbol ® when you are 5. Our trademarks/brands should not be used in a plural form. certain that a brand name or trademark has been registered CORRECT: with the federal government. If you are uncertain, you can They rode Harley-Davidson ROAD KING motorcycles to use the common law designation ™ next to it. the game. You do not have to place the ® or ™ on a trademark every INCORRECT: time it appears in the same marketing piece. Place it on They rode Harley-Davidson ROAD KINGs to the game. the most prominent mention of each mark, and in all titles, 6. Don’t use the ® symbol when referring to our Company. subtitles, captions and the first time it’s used within a Use it only when it’s employed as a brand to identify motor- section. As a general rule, we recommend that you use the cycles and other products or services. ® wherever possible. CORRECT: ® ® HOW TO USE OUR TRADEMARKS The Harley-Davidson Road Glide model is my favorite bagger. 1. Always include the generic name of the product that our INCORRECT: brand or trademark identifies. ® Harley-Davidson will be one hundred years old in 2003. ® CORRECT: At Harley, we never forget our past. ™ H-D® is an informal way to say Harley-Davidson Motor I am wearing a MotorClothes jacket. INCORRECT: Company. I wear MotorClothes™all the time. 7. “Harley-Davidson” is the full proper name of our brand and 2. Always use our brands and trademarks in a manner that “Harley-Davidson Motor Company” is the full proper name distinguishes them from the text in which they are situated of our corporate company. Both may be shortened to by using all capital letters, initial capital letters, bold face “Harley” or “H-D”only after it’s been used properly at the first italics or quotation marks. Never portray our wordmarks mention in the copy. without at least initial caps, even for styling purposes. Using 8. ALWAYS put a hyphen in “Harley-Davidson.” all caps eliminates the need for use of the TM or ® symbol. CORRECT: He rides a FAT BOY motorcycle. (capital letters). What’s the Willie G shirt for Daytona look like? (bold italics). It’s powered by our “Twin Cam 88B” engine. (quotation marks) INCORRECT: I added a chrome derby cover to my twin cam 88 engine.

AUTHORIZED DEALER RIGHTS Harley-Davidson trademarks are a potent weapon in the • Dealers must contact and obtain approval from the Harley- dealers’ sales arsenal. But having the right to use them car- Davidson Marketing Department before they begin ries with it a certain responsibility. While you may be tempt- any marketing effort that implies a relationship between ed to use them at every opportunity, there are very strict Harley-Davidson and any other brand or entity. guidelines on how Harley-Davidson trademarks can be used • All new dealer logos and any revisions to existing dealer by authorized dealers. So please familiarize yourself with logos must be approved by the Dealer Development Group these guidelines and adhere to them at all times. and Trademark Enforcement. Dealers’logos and/or graphics • To the extent that a dealership name/logo includes “Harley- intended for use on licensed or imprinted merchandise Davidson” and/or the Bar & Shield or other Harley-Davidson must be reviewed and approved by General Merchandise. utilized trademarks, that dealership name and logo is the • Dealers do not have the right to use the Motor Company property of Harley-Davidson and may be used only as version of the Bar & Shield logo. Use of this logo is for specified by Harley-Davidson. All uses thereof must con- internal corporate communications only, never in conjunc- form to trademark law, the Dealer Contract and the General tion with actual products or by dealers. Terms and Conditions of Sale, and Harley-Davidson poli- cy as communicated from time to time. • Dealers do not have the authority to grant permission for the use of ANY Harley-Davidson trademarks or copyrighted materials to any third party for any purpose, and should not share the Dealer Ad Planner CD with anyone other than the dealer’s advertising agency. • Dealership names and logos may be used only in associ- ation with events of which they are actually a sponsor. Only if the dealership is the sole or main sponsor may the dealership name/logo be given greater prominence than any other sponsor. All sponsorships intended for co-op consideration must be pre-approved by the Marketing Communications Department. • The Bar and Shield by itself should never be used in connection with dealer sponsored events. It is preferable that the dealer’s logo be used in connection with such events. At minimum, however the dealer’s name must appear immediately above or below the Bar & Shield in all applications (signs, banners, ads, merchandise and fliers). • Dealers may not create or have produced any merchandise bearing dealership names and logos other than through authorized licensees and approved channels without Harley-Davidson’s approval. If a dealer is participating in a multi-sponsor event in which someone other than the dealer (e.g. the promoter) is creating merchandise in connection with the event, dealership names/logos may not be applied to the non-licensed merchandise unless all sponsors are represented equally. • Dealers must notify their District Manager (DM) of all planned sponsorship events. Harley-Davidson has certain national alliances which may preclude the dealer from linking our brand to those in competition with our national allies (i.e., beer and automotive).

INTERNET GUIDELINES FOR DEALERS We understand that the Internet is a powerful marketing tool, NON-COMPANY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES allowing you to communicate with current and potential ON DEALER WEB SITES customers quickly and easily. It is essential, however, that Advertising or promotion of products and services on deal- the information communicated comply with our dealer and er/distributor Web sites displaying Harley-Davidson Motor distribution sales and services agreements. It must ensure Company trademarks is limited to products and services customer satisfaction and safety, and must also be consis- marketed by the Company and may not include competitive tent with our rights and obligations, copyrights, trademarks, brands or references to competitive-brand Web sites. applicable law and other business agreements worldwide. To make sure this happens, Harley-Davidson has developed INTERNET PROMOTIONS the Web Site Development and Maintenance Policy. Harley-Davidson dealers participating in a Web-based promotion (or any other promotion) should follow the guide- The complete guidelines for dealer Web sites, including the lines as stated in the Authorized Dealer Rights and outlined Web Site Development and Maintenance Policy, linking below: instructions, and the Web site review request form can be found in the Marketing section of • Dealers participating with a regional or a national brand, company, or organization must clearly identify their deal- For more information on creating a Web site or having a ership name and location. Web site linked to, please contact the • A Harley-Davidson Motor Company disclaimer must be Interactive Communications Department at 414.343.8300. included in related content on the promotional Web site. 13 This disclaimer should read, “This promotion / campaign / At this time, Harley-Davidson Motor Company does not sweepstakes / other is not sponsored by Harley-Davidson require Harley-Davidson dealers or distributors to operate Motor Company.” dealer/distributor public Web sites. If a dealer or distributor chooses to develop and maintain an authorized public Web site, the site must follow the Web Site Development and Maintenance Policy, which contains important information on proper use of the following Web site components: DEALER DOMAIN NAMES Dealer domain names should conform as closely as possi- ble to the dealer’s store name. “Harley-Davidson,” if it is included in the dealer domain name, may be used without hyphenation, or abbreviated as “HD”, “H-D”, or “Harley”. Domain names that refer generally to the Company or any of its specific products (e.g.,; harley-; are reserved for use by Harley-Davidson and may not be reserved by any one deal- ership for its exclusive use. Domain names should be regis- tered in the dealer’s name. PROPER DEALER USE OF HARLEY-DAVIDSON TRADEMARKS ON THE INTERNET Dealers are responsible for all Web site content, including any advertising space sold to third parties. All provisions of the Dealer Agreement with respect to use of the Company’s trademarks are in full force and effect on the Internet. The Company’s guidelines (regulating proportions, spacing, colors, type styles, etc.) are in full force and effect on the Internet. All trademarks owned by the Company should be appropri- ately marked with ® or TM. A list of trademarks and their proper markings is available on and should be passed on to the Web site administrator.

For more information, please Harley-Davidson Motor Company refer to or contact: 3700 W.Juneau Ave., P.O.Box 653 Harley-Davidson Marketing Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201 Communications 414.343.7252 99106-01V ©2001, H-D Printed in U.S.A.

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